Archive for December 19th, 2017

Property Rights, Cybercrime, and Cyberpiracy’s

Scenario:  Your company's board of directors is exploring expansion of your business and is looking to you to prepare an analysis (Part I) and presentation (Part II) regarding whether that expansion should be domestic or international. 

Part I

Prepare an analysis of the property rights, risks, and benefits of each in a minimum of 1,050 words, excluding the title and reference page, including the following: 

  • Decide what actions a manager in your business should take to identify and protect the tangible property rights of your domestic and international business.
  • Summarize the actions a manager in your business should take to identify and protect the intellectual property rights of your domestic and international business.
  • Explain what actions a manager in your business should take to identify and protect the organization from violating the intellectual property (IP) rights of others.
  • Analyze what special problems arise regarding property rights when your business decides to do business outside the United States.
  • Evaluate the legal risks associated with all property rights, domestically and internationally, for your business.
  • Apply the risk management process to mitigate the legal risks for your business.
  • Evaluate contract formation in your business as it relates to its Intellectual Property and recommend one contract method of contract dispute resolution for use in your business. 

Cite a minimum of THREE scholarly references. One scholarly reference must be from the University Library.  

Part II

Create a 5- to 7-slide (excluding title and reference page) Microsoft® PowerPoint®presentation summary to the company's board of directors addressing the following:

  • List two reasons for domestic expansion.
  • List two reasons for international expansion.
  • Compare and contrast both domestic and international expansion.
  • Make your recommendation to the board of directors.

Cite a minimum of TWO scholarly references. 

Immigration, and Discrimination

Create a 2 – slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, including detailed speaker notes

  • Explain what businesses must do to protect employees against gender discrimination and sexual harassment.

Agency and Employment Law

Scenario: As employment costs continue to escalate, it is incumbent upon organizations to continually monitor its internal operations to ensure best practices are being followed. To that end, your CEO has asked you to prepare a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis. 

Prepare a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) in ONE of the following formats: 

A maximum 1,050-word written analysis in Microsoft® Word. 
Examine the following: 

Consider the impact a principal and agent creates on the business and its employees.
Compare how express, implied, and apparent authority created by the principal and agent impacts equal opportunities for employees.
Identify the laws protecting workers against discriminatory practices.
Evaluate how the legal protections present in the workplace differ for employee and independent contractors.
Cite a minimum of TWO references for the FOUR content areas taken from a business or legal resource.

Format your paper or presentation consistent with APA guidelines

Effective Leadership Essay

Choose an individual who you consider to be an effective leader to study. This person may be someone you have worked for or with, or you may choose a prominent figure you admire. Write an essay identifying their leadership style and approaches, and explain how the leader's effectiveness is determined by the following:

  • Communication competencies.
  • Predispositions for leadership communication.
  • Use of strategic communication objectives.
  • Use of power bases.
  • Contributing behavioral factors.
  • Refer directly to the information in Figure 7.1,"The Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid" ; the Hersey and Blanchard concept of situational leadership ; Figure 7.2, "Communication Tactics for Leadership" ; and Figure 7.3, "Principled Leadership"

Moral absolutism

Moral absolutism refers to the ethical belief that actions are either right or wrong, without respect to context or circumstances. In other words, if something is wrong, it is always wrong, regardless of the situation.


  • Do you believe there are moral absolutes? Why or why not?

  • Is lying always unethical? Are there situations in which it is ethical to lie? Give examples to support your reasoning.

Case study

To demonstrate what you have learned this week, you will write and submit a 2–3 page paper designed to give you experience with formulating and writing down your thoughts in a problem-solving, ethical-choice context. Consider again the “Betrayal” hypothetical: Your client Jane is accused of her husband’s murder. An eye-witness who will not be shaken on cross-examination mistakenly identifies Jane as the killer. Jane was at a hotel out of town at the time of the murder but paid in cash, did not sign the hotel register, and the clerk does not remember seeing her. Your state has the death penalty. Jane will be acquitted if you forge her signature on the register. Putting forged documents into evidence is a felony. But it is the only way to save her. You do it. Assignment:Write a 2–3 page paper that in simple language translates and applies the major philosophical and ethical concepts identified in this unit, including: 
In your paper, you are expected to:
Address each of the major concepts.
For each concept, explain what would result by its application to the facts. 
Consider the questions: Was it right for you to forge your client’s signature on the register? Would your answer be the same if the client was your child, spouse, or parent?
Articulate both the positive and negative outcomes of each solution. What is gained in the real world? What is lost? Does any solution satisfy all competing interests? 
Apply the arguments advanced in the video “To Defend a Killer” to justify one solution or another.
Paper Format: 
Your essay should be typed, double-spaced on standard sized paper with 1" margins on all sides
Use 10-12 point Times New Roman or similar font.
Include a page header in the upper right-hand of every page. To create a page header , click on "Insert" in Microsoft Word and then "Header." Your header should contain the first 2–3 words of the title of the paper, insert five spaces, then give the page number, e.g., Ethics – Client Representation 1. 
Your title page should already include the page header(described above). In the upper half of the title page, type your full title, your byline (names[s] and affiliation(university, etc.) centered on separate lines. 
When using APA format, follow the author-date method of in-text citation. This means that the author's last name and the year of publication for the source should appear in the text, e.g., (Jones, 1998), and a complete reference should appear in the reference list at the end of the paper.

Week 11 DQ1

  1. Given the Supreme Court and NLRB rulings, what is the scope and finality associated with rights arbitration proceedings in the private sector?

Week 11 DQ2

  1. Forecast what you see as the future of labor arbitration in terms of the expansion or contraction of issues within its jurisdictions and the finality of its decisions.

Is it stealing

For this week's Discussion, first watch the video: Is it Stealing?Discuss the “Stealing” hypothetical with your classmates. Using the basic ethical, moral, and philosophical concepts of Teleology, Deontology, Relativism, Virtue, and Justice:
State whether or not you believe the man’s actions, in whole or in part, are ethically defensible.
Be sure to address the following questions: Was it right for the man to steal the bread and milk? How about the jacket? If the man finds money in the jacket pocket, and he’s weak with hunger, can he buy food for himself with the money?
Support your beliefs using one or more of the concepts.
Identify the positive aspects in the real world resulting from adopting your beliefs as a moral guide.
Identify any unavoidable negative aspects in the real world that would follow from adopting your beliefs as a moral guide.


Read the attached as a basis for discussing a decision or problem you have experienced in your workplace or other organization in which you are involved. Describe the issue and discuss:

  • The influences present.
  • The skills required.
  • Any barriers present.
  • Which methods and processes were used and the quality of the outcome.
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