- For your case study, read the sections titled "Visionary" through "Affiliative Summary" of the following article from the required reading assignment:
- Preston, G., Moon, J., Simon, R., Allen, S., & Kossi, E. (2015). The relevance of emotional intelligence in project leadership. Journal of Information Technology and Economic Development, 6(1), 16-40.
- In your case study, be sure to address the following items:
- Include a brief statement as to which of the leadership styles (visionary, coaching, affiliative, democratic, pacesetting, and commanding) presented in the article that you are most comfortable employing, in general.
- Select and analyze one of the scenarios below. Be sure to provide the number of the scenario you chose.
- Scenario 1: As a manager, you have two employees who have a difficult time working together. While nothing specifically unprofessional has been done by either one of them, other team members have expressed concern that the differences between them are causing tension, and some other team members are having difficulty performing their work. Some have even gone so far as to say that the situation is causing a hostile work environment.
- Based on your understanding of the discussed leadership styles in the article, which would you choose to handle this situation?
- What elements of that style do you feel will be most helpful in resolving the problems faced?
- How would you proceed with handling the scenario?
- How does the role of leadership in the decision-making process serve to establish an organizational climate oriented to meet business goals?
- Utilize the CSU Online Library to locate one journal article to use as a reference that supports your case study. Your case study should be three pages in length.
- Be sure to include the rubric elements from the guidelines below:
- The analysis should present an insightful and thorough discussion with strong arguments and evidence.
- The content should be highly relevant and informative while remaining on topic.
- Accuracy and close attention to detail should be clearly evident in all parts of the assignment.
- The writing should be clear and concise with proper sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation, and it should be free from spelling errors.
- The number of sources should meet or exceed assignment requirements, and all sources should be academically credible, and properly cited using APA formatting with in tex citations
Archive for December 20th, 2017
Case Study-Leadership
Literature review
Critical literature review – MBA.
Main research question:
Does parenting roles in women influence leadership in business management?
Additional questions:
• What is the relationship between parenting in women and implementation of leadership styles and techniques in business management?
• Are leadership styles and techniques in management transferrable and translate into parenting styles or vice versa?
• What are prejudices against young female leaders in management while exercising parenting roles, how can these biases be mitigated?
Use only peer review articles and books.
MBA level.
Toxicology Unit 8
What is your opinion of the course? Did it meet your expectations? What suggestions can you offer for improvements of this course for future students?
Optional: What are some of the steps that should be taken in managing acute poisoning? What advice would you give an individual who is not a medical professional on what to do if he or she comes across someone experiencing acute poisoning?
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary
1. Identify the six toxicological principles that are applied in evaluating a poisoned individual. Give an example of two of these principles.
Your response should be at least 300 words in length.
2. Identify the four categories of street drugs, and provide an example of each. Discuss symptoms of the use of each drug.
Your response should be at least 300 words in length
3. "G" is the street name of the commonly abused street drug GHB. Like many drugs, the risk of toxicity is increased when mixed with other drugs. Identify another commonly used drug that can be toxic when mixed with GHB. Discuss the progression of effects leading to toxicity and death from the combination of the two drugs.
Your response should be at least 300 words in length.
4. How can toxicant absorption be reduced after exposure to the skin? How can absorption be reduced for orally consumed chemicals?
Your response should be at least 300 words in length.
Week 2 – Assignment
Week 2 – Assignment
Resources for the Integrative Literature ReviewPrior to beginning work on this written assignment, be sure to carefully review the instructions for the Final Assignment, which is due at the end of Week Six. In preparation for that assignment, you will list the four required content domains you have chosen for the Integrative Literature Review and provide a minimum list of six resources you intend to use for each domain. For assistance with researching your resources, please view the Psychology Subject Guide (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. in the Ashford University Library. For the group of resources in each domain, evaluate the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the research findings and provide a rationale for including the group within the domain. These rationales should include descriptions of how the research findings will function together in the Integrative Literature Review.Please use the format below for each of the four domains.Name of the Domain: (e.g., Psychopharmacology)
List the complete references for each of the six resources. Format your reference list in alphabetical order according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..Rationale:
One to two paragraphs including the required information noted above. The Resources for the Integrative Literature Review Must include a separate title page with the following: Title of paper Student name Course name and numberInstructor’s name Date submitted Must use at least 24 scholarly sources, including a minimum of 20 from the Ashford University Library. Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Research Report
Research Report Task: Your boss/stakeholder in your project has asked you to write an informative, interesting, analytical, recommendations research report on one of the topics below (see list of topics or choose a topic of your own and ask me to approve it). Following the report format (Week 6 and 7 Content) you will investigate this topic/issue, provide researched information about various aspects on the topic and conclude with a list of recommendations (based on your research findings). A sample report will be discussed in Week 7. Research Component:
• Include at least five sources from places such as the Internet, newspapers, magazines, books, interviews, etc.
• At least one of these sources must be peer reviewed. You must include at least one citation or paraphrase from each source, using the APA style of documentation.
• Please ensure you consult the CRAAP/COCOA for reliability of sources (Week 4 Content). • There must be a References page at the end of your report that should be linked to your
in-‐text references. *Note: Wikipedia is not an acceptable source and will not count towards your research component. Requirements:
• Format: formal report addressed to me OR to your boss/stakeholder • Length: approx. 15 pages long, including graphics and References page • Components: title page, table of contents, list of figures, executive summary,
introduction, body, conclusions & recommendations, appendix (if applicable), References • Pattern: direct or the indirect, depending on your audience • Correct APA format throughout, including in-‐text citations and References page (for
information regarding APA format, consult the Purdue University Online Writing Lab: APA Formatting and Style Guide)
• Organization: sections with effective headings and subheadings • Full block format; single-‐spaced, 1 blank line between paragraphs; main sections start on
a new page • Font: Times New Roman 12-‐point for text. You can use larger font for headings. • Style and Grammar: Apply all of the principles of effective business communication,
including correct punctuation, grammar, and spelling *Note: this should be a recommendations report-‐ not an informational report. Overall you are providing the reader with information (in the beginning) about your topic to eventually convince them of your recommendations (at the end).
This list of possible topics may form the basis of your research reports (depending on breadth and scope of material available). You may also submit a topic for approval outside of this list via email.
• Developing a marketing partnership with HR to support corporate brand • A marketing response to changing customer requirements: the drive towards wellness • Identifying internal/external customers and meeting their needs • Development marketing platforms within the recruitment cycle • Developing long-‐term customer/employee relationships • Identifying and creating new markets – new strategies for Marketing • Developing competitive marketing strategies internationally • How a brand promise drives change in a multinational organization • Brand repositioning and communications • Corporate versus product branding • Developing a marketing partnership with other departments to support corporate brand • Identifying internal/external customers and meeting their needs • Developing long-‐term customer/employee relationships
Late Penalty: Late assignments will be penalized at a rate of 10% per day (including weekends). After 3 days, the Dropbox will close and assignments will no longer be accepted. Academic Integrity: All papers will be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin. Please make sure you reference your sources correctly and view your % of copied text. It is acceptable for this report to have approximately 15-‐20% of matching text to your references and or in-‐text quotations. If you are concerned please check the Turnitin score before the due date. Submissions cannot be altered after the due date has passed.
Evaluation Criteria:
RESEARCH REPORT GRADE Report structure/ sections: 1. Title page, table of contents, list of figures, executive summary /10 2. Introduction
• Topic chosen is specific, focused, and appropriate • Report addresses important questions related to topic • Introduction explains importance of this research, provides background about
business situation or problem to be solved • Intro mentions solution/ proposal (for direct pattern reports)
3. Findings, Analysis, and Recommendations • Specific and pertinent facts are provided about topic • Facts and ideas are presented clearly • Recommendations, if applicable, are based on findings • Summary, if applicable, is an appropriate recap of main points
Use of Sources • At least 5 appropriate, high-‐quality sources used effectively to support findings
and/or recommendations • Source material integrated well, with appropriate signal phrases, in-‐text
citations, parenthetical references, etc. • APA format used without error
Formatting, readability, and usability of document • Correct report format • Sufficient, consistently written, and formatted headings to guide reader • Some information presented graphically via charts, diagrams, tables, etc. (taken
from sources or created by student) • Long paragraphs avoided in favour of manageable paragraphs and/or
bulleted/numbered points, where appropriate • Appropriate tone (objective, formal)
Free of all grammatical, spelling, and stylistic errors /20 TOTAL /100
Finish Script: Page 3-4. WGA Format
Continue Script from the attached script below, pgs 1-2 below completed. complete pages 3 & 4.
You will be required to choose a specific idea and write two, 2-page scripts, and a rewritten scene in Writers Guild of America (WGA) properly formatted page form. Each one of the 3 writing assignments will have a dedicated purpose.
Write down the first 2 pages in proper WGA screenplay format for your film idea. It should include an opening image and the theme of your film clearly stated.
Your "Script: Pages 1–2" must be submitted in Discussion Board Forum 4 by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday and in a Word document by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 6.
Choose one of your classmates' scripts (posted in Discussion Board Forum 4) and rewrite the script based on changing 3 of the 5 following elements:
Changing the location from a public space to a private space or vice versa.
Note that this change should be reflected in dialogue and a character's actions, because characters speak differently using their internal voice and private spaces whereas in a more public space they may be reluctant to express themselves is freely.
Changing the gender of the lead character and in so doing the dialogue.
should be changed to reflect the voice of an opposing gender.
Changing the time period.
Note that this change affects the technology that surrounds the characters as well as the cultural norms of the day.
Change the genre of the movie.
Rewrite the script from the supporting character's point of view so that he/she become the lead in the movie.
Looking back at feedback provided by your fellow students regarding your first 2 pages (image and theme) as well as a rewrite (or rewrites) provided by your fellow students, make changes in your first 2 pages and continue to write the next 2 pages which will now include the setup and the catalyst, or “knock at the door” for your character.
Reflection Paper On Team Members Satisfaction
The employment of different types of power might influence a team member's satisfaction, and thus, his or her motivation to continue. In regards to your current industry and/or the culture of your current organization, write a reflection paper that addresses the following requirements: Describe which motivational theory, as described in Harell and Daim in the required readings for this unit, would be the most appropriate for your industry/organization. Why? Describe which of the original power types from the French and Raven power taxonomy, as described by Elias (2008) in this unit's required readings, would fit best with the selected motivational theory.
Your reflection paper should be three pages in length. APA format in text citations.
Be sure to include the rubric elements from the guidelines below: The response reflects in-depth consideration and personalization of theories, concepts, and/or strategies. The writing should be clear and concise with proper sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation, and it should be free from spelling errors. The response includes all major components: accurate accounts of the topic area, critical analysis of the topic area, and scholarly or professional application of the topic area. The response demonstrates synthesis of ideas presented, and the implications of these insights for the learner's future learning are noted.
Be thorough and a good rule of thumb is to ask and address the "who, what, where, when, why, and how" questions when doing the paper and include a clear thesis as well as your conclusions and points.
Research Report
COMM 6019-‐75 Value: 25%, Due: November 24, 2017, before 10pm Submission: FOL Dropbox
Research Report Task: Your boss/stakeholder in your project has asked you to write an informative, interesting, analytical, recommendations research report on one of the topics below (see list of topics or choose a topic of your own and ask me to approve it). Following the report format (Week 6 and 7 Content) you will investigate this topic/issue, provide researched information about various aspects on the topic and conclude with a list of recommendations (based on your research findings). A sample report will be discussed in Week 7. Research Component:
• Include at least five sources from places such as the Internet, newspapers, magazines, books, interviews, etc.
• At least one of these sources must be peer reviewed. You must include at least one citation or paraphrase from each source, using the APA style of documentation.
• Please ensure you consult the CRAAP/COCOA for reliability of sources (Week 4 Content). • There must be a References page at the end of your report that should be linked to your
in-‐text references. *Note: Wikipedia is not an acceptable source and will not count towards your research component. Requirements:
• Format: formal report addressed to me OR to your boss/stakeholder • Length: approx. 15 pages long, including graphics and References page • Components: title page, table of contents, list of figures, executive summary,
introduction, body, conclusions & recommendations, appendix (if applicable), References • Pattern: direct or the indirect, depending on your audience • Correct APA format throughout, including in-‐text citations and References page (for
information regarding APA format, consult the Purdue University Online Writing Lab: APA Formatting and Style Guide)
• Organization: sections with effective headings and subheadings • Full block format; single-‐spaced, 1 blank line between paragraphs; main sections start on
a new page • Font: Times New Roman 12-‐point for text. You can use larger font for headings. • Style and Grammar: Apply all of the principles of effective business communication,
including correct punctuation, grammar, and spelling *Note: this should be a recommendations report-‐ not an informational report. Overall you are providing the reader with information (in the beginning) about your topic to eventually convince them of your recommendations (at the end).
This list of possible topics may form the basis of your research reports (depending on breadth and scope of material available). You may also submit a topic for approval outside of this list via email.
• Developing a marketing partnership with HR to support corporate brand • A marketing response to changing customer requirements: the drive towards wellness • Identifying internal/external customers and meeting their needs • Development marketing platforms within the recruitment cycle • Developing long-‐term customer/employee relationships • Identifying and creating new markets – new strategies for Marketing • Developing competitive marketing strategies internationally • How a brand promise drives change in a multinational organization • Brand repositioning and communications • Corporate versus product branding • Developing a marketing partnership with other departments to support corporate brand • Identifying internal/external customers and meeting their needs • Developing long-‐term customer/employee relationships
Late Penalty: Late assignments will be penalized at a rate of 10% per day (including weekends). After 3 days, the Dropbox will close and assignments will no longer be accepted. Academic Integrity: All papers will be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin. Please make sure you reference your sources correctly and view your % of copied text. It is acceptable for this report to have approximately 15-‐20% of matching text to your references and or in-‐text quotations. If you are concerned please check the Turnitin score before the due date. Submissions cannot be altered after the due date has passed.
Evaluation Criteria:
RESEARCH REPORT GRADE Report structure/ sections: 1. Title page, table of contents, list of figures, executive summary /10 2. Introduction
• Topic chosen is specific, focused, and appropriate • Report addresses important questions related to topic • Introduction explains importance of this research, provides background about
business situation or problem to be solved • Intro mentions solution/ proposal (for direct pattern reports)
3. Findings, Analysis, and Recommendations • Specific and pertinent facts are provided about topic • Facts and ideas are presented clearly • Recommendations, if applicable, are based on findings • Summary, if applicable, is an appropriate recap of main points
Use of Sources • At least 5 appropriate, high-‐quality sources used effectively to support findings
and/or recommendations • Source material integrated well, with appropriate signal phrases, in-‐text
citations, parenthetical references, etc. • APA format used without error
Formatting, readability, and usability of document • Correct report format • Sufficient, consistently written, and formatted headings to guide reader • Some information presented graphically via charts, diagrams, tables, etc. (taken
from sources or created by student) • Long paragraphs avoided in favour of manageable paragraphs and/or
bulleted/numbered points, where appropriate • Appropriate tone (objective, formal)
Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis
Assignment: Introduction to Quantitative Analysis: Confidence Intervals
In your Week 2 Assignment, you displayed data based on a categorical variable and continuous variable from a specific dataset. In Week 3, you used the same variables as in Week 2 to perform a descriptive analysis of the data. For this Assignment, you will calculate a confidence interval in SPSS for one of the variables from your Week 2 and Week 3 Assignments.
To prepare for this Assignment:
· Review the Learning Resources related to probability, sampling distributions, and confidence intervals.
· For additional support, review the Skill Builder: Confidence Intervals and the Skill Builder: Sampling Distributions, which you can find by navigating back to your Blackboard Course Home Page. From there, locate the Skill Builder link in the left navigation pane.
· Using the SPSS software, open the Afrobarometer dataset or the High School Longitudinal Study dataset (whichever you chose) from Week 2.
· Choose an appropriate variable from Weeks 2 and 3 and calculate a confidence interval in SPSS.
· Once you perform your confidence interval, review Chapter 5 and 11 of the Wagner text to understand how to copy and paste your output into your Word document.
For this Assignment:
Write a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis of your results and include a copy and paste of the appropriate visual display of the data into your document.
Based on the results of your data in this confidence interval Assignment, provide a brief explanation of what the implications for social change might be.
Community Teaching Experience
In 1,500-2,000 words, describe the teaching experience and discuss your observations. The written portion of this assignment should include:
- Summary of teaching plan
- Epidemiological rationale for topic
- Evaluation of teaching experience
- Community response to teaching
- Areas of strengths and areas of improvement
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.