Claim of fact about Tattooing- Social Aspect

Claim of fact about Tattooing- Social Aspect

  • Style: MLA
  • Number of pages: 4 pages/double spaced (1100 words)
  • PowerPoint slides: 0
  • Additional:
  • Number of source/references: 4

Order instructions:

<p>see attatched file for complete instructions. Basically, you are arguing and supporting a claim of fact argument. Don't write claims of value or claims of policy. Claims of fact, are claims that can be proven, for everyone, with evidence. <br /> Write an essay in which you argue a claim of fact about tattoos. I prefer for the argument to try and persuade the reader to be in favor of tattoos. The essay should persuade readers to view tattoos in a positive light. So the argument/claim can be about the social aspects of tattooing, the increasing popularity of tattoos causing a decrease in negative attitudes towards tattoos, tattoos in the workplace, ect. as long as the claim has support (data, evidence, stats., etc). Ask if you have any questions about this.</p>

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