Mastering the Strategic Plan….Priceless

Mastering the Strategic Plan….Priceless

  • Style: MLA
  • Number of pages: 8 pages/double spaced (2200 words)
  • PowerPoint slides: 0
  • Additional:
  • Number of source/references: 8

Order instructions:

<p>1-Demonstrate a systematic understating and critical evaluation of the key aspects of the strategic management process;<br /> 2- Demonstrate the ability to compere different theories and perspectives of strategic management and use and appraise them appropriately.<br /> 3- Critically evaluate theories and concepts of strategic management. Analyse and apply appropriate problem solving techniques plus knowledge learned to solving complex business problems;<br /> 4- Demonstrate the ability to communicate complex issues. <br /> The guidelines:-<br /> *Introduction (200-220 words)<br /> Should include the following:<br /> -Write a short theoretical/conceptual background of strategic management that is closely related and concretely applicable to the case.<br /> -A brief background of the case of Master Card.<br /> – Objectives of the assignment (refer to the assignment tasks required in the case).<br /> * Analysis and content (1,600-1,800 words)<br /> should include the following:<br /> 1-Evaluation of the company's strategic management process,should include;<br /> -discussion of the key process of strategic management; and <br /> -Evaluation of the key process of strategic management applied by MasterCard.<br /> 2- Analysis and appraisal of corporate strategies<br /> – Presentation of theories and perspectives of corporate strategies and;<br /> Application and appraisal of the appropriate corporate strategies for the industry's anticipated growth.<br /> 3- Explanation of strategic plan<br /> – Discussion of the important theory of strategic plan; and<br /> – Justification on how the plans were applied as appropriate techniques in solving problems.<br /> *Conclusion (200 words) <br /> summary of the important points of the discussion . should be drown according to the objectives of the assignment mentioned in the introduction <br /> * References (minimum of 8 varies sources)</p>

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