Assignment 2: Working Portfolio (reflection, critique and cv) Word limit is 2000 words in total which consists of: Reflective report (1000 words); critique of personality test (500 words); curriculum vitae (500 words)
Archive for January 7th, 2018
zero tolerance
zero tolerance
Mrs. Garrison writes End-of-the –year comments in each students’ Cumulative (CUM) Records Folder. A CUM folder is a file of general school information that typically contains grades, attendance, discipline, standardized assessment reports and other information from a student's educational career (Logsdon, 2017). She shares information that she feels is important about the student to give insight to next year’s teacher. Juan is a student in her second grade classroom who arrived from Mexico three months ago. He is struggling to acquire the English language and has difficulty following simple directions. His parents are working with him but due to their limited English, they are unable to help with some of his homework. He seems withdrawn and does not participate in class discussions. Here is what she writes:
Juan is not able to independently complete classroom assignments. He requires a great deal of assistance and in my opinion, should be tested for a learning disability. He may be undocumented and illegal in this county. I have asked the parents but they refuse to share any information about their home life. They seem to live in poverty because he only has one pair of shoes and one coat. I don’t think that he will succeed academically and will eventually become a behavior issue. I believe that he stole money from a student and he used that money to pay for a snack during lunch but he never admitted to it. The parents work long hours so they are not available for conferences so you will not receive any support from home. Best of luck with him, I’m happy I only had him for 3 months.
The following year, Juan’s mother notices that the new teacher does not reach out to them. She was extremely withdrawn during Open House and she noticed that she treated them differently than the other parents. Juan’s mother wants to gather information about Juan’s progress to share with his new tutor so the tutor suggest that she ask to see his school file to see if there is any information that she can use from there. She is given access to his folder, where she discovers last year’s comments. Due to her limited English, she takes photographs of the documents so that a family member can translate them. Her niece, who is a lawyer, shares what she finds and they immediately contact the school to request a conference. What do you believe can/will happen next? Will the teacher be held liable? What will the principal be expected to do with this information that was passed on from one teacher to another? What will happen to the records?
Logsdon, A. (2017, December 11). What Does a Child's Cumulative File Mean? Retrieved from
case breif
case breif
Briefing Cases
In general, it should not take you more than 20 minutes to brief a case after you have read it carefully. The brief should be no longer than two typed pages and should include the students name, the assignment, and the date at the top of the first page.
Every brief should contain the following elements:
Identification of Case
1. Name of Case: The title of the decision contains the name of the litigants.
2. Citation (for possible later reference to complete official text): A judicial citation contains the volume number and page number of the reporter system in which the decision appears as well as the year in which the decision was issued.
3. Date decided (at the highest court level) and the highest court: The level or type of court is important because it indicated the federal or state jurisdiction immediately affected by the decision.
Analysis of Case
4. Background and Facts: Include previous court rulings here: Facts include the actual circumstances, events or occurrences involved in the case.
5. Issues (no more than two or three issues per case in one line each: include “yes” or “no” answers after each): An issue is a disputed point or question of law on which a legal action is based. Issues are of two types, procedural and substantive.
a. Procedural: Involves specific disputed questions of law and these issue are the basis of an appeal to a higher court.
b. Substantive: involve broader questions of legal rights and principals, such as liberty and property interests.
6. Decision of the Highest Court
7. Majority opinion or reasons for the decision (about three to six lines)
8. Any dissenting or concurring opinions (two or three lines each)
9. Comments from you and/or your sources
Please cite all sources at the end of the brief. It is not necessary to create a separate reference page.
A Focus on Customer Service
In no fewer than 15 pages (not counting title section and reference list) complying with the academic standards for written assignment found in the course ‘Guidelines’ (compliance contributes 20% to the assignment grade), describe in detail (using your own perceptions and experience) how you would respond to the following scenario: You have been asked to develop a proposal for a comprehensive Training Program for the organization to present to senior management. Justify the value of this program by including the following elements – New employee orientation, (include organization mission, vision and a summary of the strategic plan) Consider these elements as well – Company policies, performance expectations, Detailed position requirements, Training, Confidentiality of employee information and compliance with HIPAA for patient information, code of conduct; including constructive discipline procedures Identify benchmarks or ‘best practices’ that a manager or supervisor utilize to try to ensure employee satisfaction and retention; and What procedures would a manager or supervisor utilize to try to ensure employee satisfaction and retention? Legal compliance training for all employees (and at specific levels, such as ‘workers’ and ‘managers’) pertaining to applicable employment laws, (reference state and federal employment and labor laws). Safety training for all employees (and at specific levels, such as ‘workers’, ‘safety team and unit emergency response teams’ and ‘managers’) including a Disaster Plan (including actions and assignment of responsibilities), How you would determine effective staffing levels and what benchmarks you would use for productivity, Employee training and development to anticipate and meet current and futures needs of the organization; and Quality improvement and customer satisfaction. Include an implementation timetable and action plan.
A Focus on Customer Service
In no fewer than 15 pages (not counting title section and reference list) complying with the academic standards for written assignment found in the course ‘Guidelines’ (compliance contributes 20% to the assignment grade), describe in detail (using your own perceptions and experience) how you would respond to the following scenario: You have been asked to develop a proposal for a comprehensive Training Program for the organization to present to senior management. Justify the value of this program by including the following elements – New employee orientation, (include organization mission, vision and a summary of the strategic plan) Consider these elements as well – Company policies, performance expectations, Detailed position requirements, Training, Confidentiality of employee information and compliance with HIPAA for patient information, code of conduct; including constructive discipline procedures Identify benchmarks or ‘best practices’ that a manager or supervisor utilize to try to ensure employee satisfaction and retention; and What procedures would a manager or supervisor utilize to try to ensure employee satisfaction and retention? Legal compliance training for all employees (and at specific levels, such as ‘workers’ and ‘managers’) pertaining to applicable employment laws, (reference state and federal employment and labor laws). Safety training for all employees (and at specific levels, such as ‘workers’, ‘safety team and unit emergency response teams’ and ‘managers’) including a Disaster Plan (including actions and assignment of responsibilities), How you would determine effective staffing levels and what benchmarks you would use for productivity, Employee training and development to anticipate and meet current and futures needs of the organization; and Quality improvement and customer satisfaction. Include an implementation timetable and action plan.
Applying the Sociological Perspectives
Refer to Ch. 1 to review the three major sociological perspectives. Use all three perspectives (functionalism, conflict and interactionism) to analyze one of the following issues: fraternities and sororities, social networking sites, or employer/employee relations. Write a 700- to 1,050-word essay in which you complete the following: Give a brief introduction that identifies the issue you have chosen and why. Describe in three separate paragraphs how each perspective would view or explain the issue. Include elements of culture and how humans learn, develop, and become integrated into society. Provide a conclusion that discusses which perspective you think is most applicable to the issue or how the three perspectives complement one another in understanding the issue. Format your assignment according to appropriate course level APA guidelines.
Macbeth conclusion of the moral story
just write a conclusion about how macbeth is a moral play and there is a message behind it
Who would be able to complete this in a timely manner?
Who would be able to complete this in a timely manner?
Due by 5PM
1 Page minimum
APA format
Data Analysis Practice
Mills (2014) shares in Chapter 6, “the interpretation of qualitative data is the researcher’s attempt to find meaning, to answer the ‘So what?’ in terms of the implications of the study’s findings” (p. 133). He adds that data analysis and interpretation is “. . . a process of digesting the contents of your qualitative data and finding related threads in it” (133).
Analyze the middle school scenario, Flipped Math Class. Explain your process for coding and categorizing the qualitative data. What patterns and/or themes did you discover? Answer the “So What” for your team of teacher-researchers based on your findings. What steps does your team need to take to address these issues before implementing the innovation of a flipped classroom?
Module 02 Project – Analysis
Module 02 Project – Analysis
This is a continuation of the attached paper.
Barbara receives an email from her manager asking about the progress of the strategic plan. The manager informs Barbara that UCCO is wanting to implement a new electronic health record (EHR), to improve the overall process of providing quality patient care; and organizational challenges. After her discussion, Barbara realizes that she would need to complete a situational analysis. By performing a situational analysis, planners can help anticipate and manage change. Understanding the internal and external environment is also critical to an effective strategic plan. For the external environment, planners look at opportunities and threats. For the internal environment, planners look at strengths and weaknesses. For this project assignment on UCCO, complete a minimum of a 2 page report and two SWOT tables to describe key opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses in selecting an electronic record system.
Your written report should address the following concepts: Visit the Rasmussen online Library and search for a minimum of 2 articles covering the topics of electronic health record implementation. Conduct academic research using the library's databases, like: ◦CINAHL ◦Discovery ◦Business Source Complete via EBSCO ◦Business via ProQuest
•What is the current economic situation for UCCO? What suggestions can Barbara make to help mitigate financial issues? Use the financial review provided in the UCCO case.
•What type of electronic record system should Barbara recommend for the company? What is her best option? What are the financial implications? Explain the choice based on what the system can provide in comparison to the organizational challenges?
Visit the Internet and search for a minimum of 2 electronic health record systems. Search for types of EHR systems.
To complete this assignment, construct two situational/SWOT analysis tables – one for each electronic record system being considered – that contains the following:
•External influences – opportunities and threats.
•Internal influences – strengths and weaknesses.
•Trends that can impact clinic performance, market and financial position
•EHR System functions and capabilities
•EHR End-user requirements and ease of use
Remember to integrate citations accurately and appropriately for all resource types; use attribution (credit) as a method to avoid plagiarism. Use NoodleBib to document your sources and to complete your APA formatted reference page (2-3 references) and in-text citations (at least 1-2).
Module 02 Discussion – Financial Considerations
Module 02 Discussion – Financial Considerations
Financial considerations are critical to any successful strategic plan, and healthcare plans are no different. It is recommended that all organizations include a financial analysis in their strategic plan. A number of financial tools are available to assist in this analysis. Select one that you learned about and post a brief description of it. Include your analysis of why it would be helpful in conducting a financial analysis for a strategic plan.
Only needs to be 150 words and 1 reference