Archive for January 16th, 2018

Assessing A Product Based On CCHIT Standards

For this assignment, you will assume the role of the HIM director who is serving on the facility's committee to choose our next EHR which will be used across the health system – including hospital, physician offices, ER and outpatient services. The EHR Selection Committee is composed of the following members: 

•(You, the student) –Director of HIM 

•Teresa – Manager of Systems Integration 

•Dave – Director of Information Systems 

•Tim- Information systems analyst 

•Rogene – Manager of data security 

•Elaine – HIPAA privacy officer 

•Linda- VP nursing 

•Maria – Director of nursing operations 

•Sharik – Director of medical imaging 

•Steve – Director of laboratory services 

•Rhonda – VP of Information Systems Facilitation 

•LaQuana – VP of Financial Systems 

•Hiba – Director of Patient Accounts 

•Trinette – Director of Patient Access 

•Taylor – Director of Pharmacy 

•Charmaine – Manager of Emergency Department  

Four vendors have provided written material on their products and are offering to provide live EHR demonstrations to the committee and our staff. They all have good reputations with other providers. We know that the vendors will focus on the "strengths" of their particular system, so to ensure our staff is prepared to obtain the most information at the upcoming vendor demonstrations, the committee is preparing the EHR Inquiry Tool which is being stored in the table below for convenience.   To guide completion of the EHR Inquiry Tool, the committee reviews the ONC standards for EHR Products first. Review the ONC (U. S. Office of the National Coordinator) standards for inpatient EHR products. [Please refer specifically to the 2011 General Criteria (170.302) for analysis of the ONC standards.]   

Your assignment is to 1) choose six different committee members for the first column and then 2) identify and record a relevant standard(s) from the ONC Standards for EHR Products resource (above) for that committee member in column two and finally, 3) for each committee member record three specific questions or inquiries that could be asked at the Vendor Demonstrations to facilitate the selection of an EHR that will meet the facility needs. Use the template below and save it as a Word document to submit to the dropbox. Please be sure to use a citation for the ONC Standards for EHR Products resource.

Week 2. Discussion

Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use examples from resources to reinforce your ideas.

Review the following articles and video:

Answer the following questions regarding what you just read and watched:

  • Explain why Aaron Feuerstein felt his decisions were necessary for his company and for his employees.
  • Discuss the pros and cons of Aaron Feuerstein's decision making, and explain if or how you would have handled his situation differently if you were in his shoes.
  • Apply virtue ethics and corporate social responsibility to his situation.

A minimum of 1 reference should be used to reinforce your thoughts. Be sure to include it both as an in-text citation and on your reference list at the end of your discussion post.

Peer Responses: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a 100-word reply consider the following questions:

  • Are there additional pros or cons that you would add? If so, what are they?
  • What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates' postings?


KarmaTube: Videos That Inspire. (2009, May 21). Aaron Feuerstein's malden mills [Video file]. Retrieved from


Gill, D. W. (2011, June 25). Was Aaron Feuerstein wrong? Retrieved from


Sledzik, B. (n.d.). Putting people before profits: Classic PR case study, but without the fairytale ending. Retrieved from



the references include the links to the articles and video needed be reviewed in order to do assignment


ECON 205 Microeconomics

Assignment 1

Name _______________________________________


Essay Questions – 25 points each



1. Use the following production possibilities curve (also known as the production possibilities frontier) for a country to answer the questions below:





a. Which point(s) are unattainable? Briefly explain why.


b. Which point(s) are efficient? Briefly explain why.


c. Which point(s) are inefficient? Briefly explain why.


d. At which point, B, C, or D, is the country's future growth rate likely to be the highest? Briefly explain why.



2. In our current economic climate many people are advocating that the United States should only import those products that could not be produced here. Would be a good policy? Evaluate that position based on the concept of comparative advantage (also known as Ricardo’s Law of Comparative Advantage). Explain in your own words. Min of 100 or more and citations are required to be considered for full 25 points.

3. Suppose you win free tickets to a movie plus all you can eat at the snack bar for free. What would be the cost to you to attend the movie? Explain in your own words. Min of 100 or more words are required to be considered for full credit.

4. What is your understanding of the economic definition of scarcity?

a. Provide some examples of anything that is not scarce according to the economic definition?

Explain in your own words. Min of 100 or more words are needed for consideration for full credit.

Principles Of Economics

  1. What is the opportunity cost to you of taking this class this semester?
  2. Scholars and others have raised the issue of the opportunity costs (to society) of pervasive Internet use (Facebook etc.). What do you think some of those costs are? (Costs in this sense don't necessarily have to be in dollars.)

include citations to support your responses.



Principles of Economics v3.0

Authors: Libby Rittenberg, Timothy Tregarthen

Micro Db 3

This assignment has 6 parts.


Please draw on your experiences and what you have observed to address the following questions and topics.


Choose a market for a good in your area that seems to be a perfectly competitive market. Answer the following questions to describe the market and the competitive environment in the market:


What good or service is provided in this market?

Who are the buyers and who are the sellers in the market?

Are there many sellers in the market?

Are there very many substitutes for the good or service?

If the store where you usually buy this item raised its prices, would you go to another store or switch products? Explain.

Do you think that this a competitive market? Explain

Discussion Assignment 2

Market Failures 


Use the readings and videos from this unit (see attachment), as well as your own research to support your responses to the following questions: 


• What do you consider to be the biggest, or most significant, market failure in the U.S. economy of the last five years? Explain why you think this. 

• How should the failure be addressed? Use proper APA format for citations and references. 




• Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.  

• Externalities | Transcript.

Module 2 Discussion

Module 2 Discussion 


After the reading the Issues & Applications in your etext: Interpreting Employment Data as the Gig Economy Grows and researching online how Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment insurance are more specifically funded, please answer the following questions:

Why might the U.S. government, which funds Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment insurance programs by taxing wages, desire to find a way to reduce self-employment and inhibit the growth of the gig economy?

Do you see the growth of the gig economy as a positive or negative trend in the economy?  Explain.

Discussion 1: “Savings and Economic Growth.”

Discussion 1: “Savings and Economic Growth.” Please respond to the following:


· Distinguish clearly between a household’s initial asset position and the change in that position. If a household has negative savings, is that household necessarily a borrower in the sense of having a negative position in bonds?

Discussion 2: “Growth and Convergence.”

Discussion 2: “Growth and Convergence.” Please respond to the following:


· A country’s economic growth rate appears to vary inversely with the real GDP per person in that country. Describe, analyze, and compare reasons for this relationship.

· Based on the results of your research in the e-Activity, describe the concepts of diffusion theory as they affect economic growth, and analyze the effects of diffusion of technology on developing countries’ economic growth rates and per- capita GDP.

Elements Of Social Regulation

Describe the Four (4) Elements of Social Regulation



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