Archive for January 23rd, 2018

Current Cases

Current Cases

Research current media-related stories to healthcare contract breach violations, through newspapers, radio, T.V., Internet search, etc. -Provide a brief summary paragraph of your research. Consider the case of National Renal Alliance LLC software vendor described in the pdf from the Nashville Post September 20, 2013 or choose one of your own.

Summarize your reviews onto a single Word document, and ensure you've taken the time to format your document carefully and in an organized way. Check spelling and grammar, and ensure that this assignment, as any other assignment throughout this course, is an example of your best work.


HA510 Organizational Development For Healthcare Unit 3 Assignment

HA510 Organizational Development For Healthcare Unit 3 Assignment

submit a report based on the article: Interview with Ronald G. Spaeth, FACHE, president, Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Foundation, Northbrook, Illinois, which can be found online at:

Your project should include thorough responses to the questions below, but you are not limited to these questions only.

  • Summarize Spaeth’s work and educational background and the award highlighted in this article.
  • What philosophies or strategies did Spaeth utilize and what are your opinions on his approaches?
  • What school of management from Chapter 2 do you think Spaethe most uses and why?
  • What are the biggest obstacles facing today’s health care administrator, according to Spaethe?
  • For you, the graduate student in health care administration, what lessons can be learned from this interview?

These questions will be submitted in an APA-formatted. (Visit the Writing Center found in Course Documents, for guidance on APA formatting. You may also read more information at to guide you in composing your paper.) Please note that simply writing your paper in Q & A format will not be acceptable. Your submission must be written in a scholarly, well-flowing piece that reflects Master’s level work. You need a title page, a double-spaced paper, and a reference page.


HA515 Leadership In Healthcare Unit 3 Discussion

HA515 Leadership In Healthcare Unit 3 Discussion

 How can planning, decision making, and training aid in developing organizational culture in health organizations? What are potential consequences if a health organization does not have proper planning, does not utilize effective decision making models, and does not provide necessary training?  200 words

    Human Resource Management

    • Organizational Defense Mechanisms

      1.  Describe the Six facets of Crisis Management and how each facet impacts on the organization. 

      2.  After reading the article; what are the major implications for the development of future leaders as it pertains to crisis leadership?

    Unit 3 Journal

    Unit 3 Journal


    Team Building

    Jack Elliott heads a key department at your hospital. Robert Corning heads another key department. Jack and Robert truly despise each other. Robert had an affair with Jack’s wife, resulting in a divorce from Jack, and Robert’s marriage to Jack’s former wife. During the course of the ending marriage, separation with attempts to reconcile, and eventual divorce, Robert and Jack even got into two fistfights—one at the home of Jack and his (then) wife, and one at work.

    This history becomes important because you must address a major problem confronting your hospital, and it is essential that the departments headed by Jack and Robert be key parts of the matrix team that you are developing. It is obviously vital that all of the requisite components work well together. Representation on the leadership team is supposed to be at the department head level.

    What problems are presented here? How do you propose to deal with those problems? Present a checklist for building your team.

    Be sure to address the following:

    • Any legal issues
    • Institutional policy issues
    • Documentation

    Describe your answer in detail, write in a response to each case scenario. Your Journal entry should be at least 500 words.




    Assessment Instructions


    • Choose an organization to use for this assessment. It can be where you are currently employed or a company with which you are familiar. It must be an organization that is researchable, as you will need to gather and analyze information in order to complete the assessment. You may use the same organization for the other assessments in this course.
    • If you choose the organization where you are currently employed, please keep in mind that the analyses you make must be based on facts that can be documented rather than your personal opinion as an employee.
    • Research the compensation and benefits of your selected organization. These topics are fluid and ever-changing, and a very good resource of information for these topics is the Capella library. Please search for sources published within the last 1–2 years for your assessment as you describe the compensation and benefits programs your chosen organization offers.


    Based on your research into the compensation and benefits of the organization you selected, write a research paper in which you complete the following:

    • Describe the formal pay structure within the organization.
    • Describe any benchmarking activities the organization undertakes, including information on whether the organization offers a competitive compensation structure or incentives.
    • Describe any profit sharing or stock ownership programs that are available.
    • Explain which benefits offered by the organization are legally mandated and which are voluntary.
    • Analyze the cost of the benefits to the organization.
    • Explain how benefits are communicated to employees.
    • Analyze the environmental factors that have influenced the compensation and benefits of the organization.
    • Describe any problems associated with the compensation policies of the organization.
    • Analyze any current issues related to compensation and benefits faced by the organization.

    Please note: You must address all the required elements of this assessment. If details for any of the bulleted points are unavailable, research the topic and present recommendations you believe would be best for the organization, along with your supporting rationale.

    Additional Requirements

    • Your submitted assessment should include a title page, introduction, body, conclusion, and reference page.
    • Be sure you support your analyses with references to at least two resources.
    • You should format this assessment as a research paper following APA 6th edition guidelines for both style and citing sources, making sure that you also use correct grammar and mechanics.
    • There is no required minimum or maximum page length; however, you should strive to be as detailed as possible in addressing each bullet point, while also being as clear and concise as possible.




    General Information and
Confidential Information for Service Station Owner

    Texoil, a large petroleum refining company, owns some service stations outright. For the most part, however, it contracts with individual service station owners to provide them with all their requirements of gasoline, oil, tires, batteries and accessories. One of the independent service station owners, who has been under contract with Texoil for 12 years, has recently put the station up for sale. In addition to notifying Texoil that the station was for sale, the owners put ads in the local newspapers, as well as in a national professional journal of service station owners. The ads said that they were selling for family reasons.

    The service station is located on one of the main routes leading to the Port of Los Angeles. This port area is growing because of the consolidation that is occurring among west coast ports. The port is now

    operating 24 hours per day, and all expectations are that it will continue to do so. There are several small shopping centers in this area and numerous warehouses. There are, however, only two other service stations in the vicinity, and neither is run by an owner-operator.

    The station owners are a husband and wife, both of whom work at the station. They keep the station open 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., 6 days a week. The station is closed on Sundays. Their annual income has been approximately $75,000 (before taxes).

    The service station owner and a Texoil representative are scheduled to meet to discuss Texoil’s possible purchase of the service station.


    Role of Service Station Owner

    It is imperative that you complete this sale promptly. You and your spouse have been working 18-hour days for the last five years in order to save enough money to realize your life's dream, which is to sail around the world. You are close to realizing that dream. Y ou have made a down payment on a beautiful, old boat and have begun to fit it out for a two-year around the world cruise. In order to pay the first $50,000 installment on the boat, you sold your condo. You put your furniture in long-term storage and you and your spouse are now living in a small rental apartment near the service station. It is not very pleasant there and you are anxious to leave and begin your trip as soon as possible. In addition, you are both nearly 50 years old and you want to take this trip while you are still young enough to enjoy it.

    You estimate your expenses for the trip as follows. First, you owe another $230,000 on the boat, which must be paid in full before you leave. To get the boat ready to sail will cost another $68,000. You anticipate that your personal living expenses, food, clothing, insurance, etc., will come to approximately $75,000 over the two years and that you must set aside at least $40,000 for boat maintenance and repairs. These are really minimum estimates.

    Additionally, you are convinced that you must have at least $75,000 in the bank for your return. You’ll need a car, a place to live, and ultimately a job. You are not at all sure what you will do on your return. Your spouse is on the edge of a nervous exhaustion (which is why he/she will not be attending this meeting with Texoil) and the doctor has told you that he/she cannot in the future work 18-hour days. Although you have held up under the long hours, the life of the independent service station owner is becoming more and more difficult, and less and less appealing. Your competition is now open 24 hours a day. You cannot do that without hiring more help, whom you won’t be able to supervise properly. In addition, you have concerns for the safety of any staff working alone late at night. A mini mart would give you a jump on your competition, but you have neither the capital nor the motivation to make such an addition. You want out, now. For all these reasons, you think it is crucial that you have $75,000 in reserve for your return so that you can explore various possibilities of earning a living.

    In sum, then, you must receive at least $488,000 for this sale after taxes. (It is possible that you could sell the boat on your return, but you cannot count on being able to do so quickly enough to have cash to live on. Besides the equity in the boat is the equity you had in your condo and the station; if you sell the boat for living expenses, you will lose that equity.)

    The tax situation depends on the selling price. You built the station over 12 years ago for a price of $100,000. You have put in $20,000 worth of equipment that has been fully depreciated. You estimate the equipment will be valued at no more than $20,000 upon sale (it’s getting old) so you will owe no tax on it. You must anticipate paying 15% on the capital gains on the property. Exhibit 1 illustrates the taxes due if you sell for $553,000.


    You think you can easily justify a $553,000 selling price. Given the property values in the area, which have been soaring due to the activity at the Port, you estimate it would cost Texoil at least $650,000 to buy land and build a comparable station. Both of the other two stations in the area are owned by oil companies and neither is for sale. Your equipment, although not state-of-the-art, meets all environmental requirements. Your station has never had any difficulty in passing its annual environmental inspection. You have a loyal customer base who like the Texoil products, and who are unlikely to switch to another station if Texoil buys this one. Texoil could easily increase the profits from the station by keeping it open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, Texoil could add a mini mart. The night shift from the port is an untapped source of customers and the mini mart should appeal to them.

    Your ads to sell the service station have been running for about two months, without leading to any really attractive proposition. There have been some offers from individuals who would like to operate a service station, but there have been problems with each of these. Either they had insufficient funds and little likelihood of receiving a bank loan, or they had absolutely no experience as service station operators and would therefore be unable to get a contract with a

    major oil company. You have devoted twelve years of your life to building up this station, and you do not want to sell it to somebody who may well make a failure of it.

    Most of the big oil companies have also looked at your service station, but the best offer you have received so far is $400,000 from British Petroleum, which would very much like to have a station in this area. The talks with them are continuing, but the likelihood that they are going to increase the offer is very slim in light of the firmness that they indicated at your last meeting. You have also been contacted by FINA, but after the last meeting they have not contacted you again, nor have they made any offer.

    All things considered, it appears that Texoil provides your only real opportunity to complete the sale at a price that will enable you to fulfill your life's dream. They know the property, they appear interested, and they have often said that they thought sales could be increased with a more aggressive marketing approach. You hope that will lead them to make a substantial offer. If it does not, that's an end to your dreams.



















    What issues are most important to you? (list in order of importance)

    1. ______________________________________________________________

    2. ______________________________________________________________

    3. ______________________________________________________________

    4. ______________________________________________________________

    5. ______________________________________________________________


    What is your BATNA? Reservation Price? Target?












    What are your sources of power?









    Other important things to note:


















    What issues are most important to your negotiation partner? (list in order of importance)

    1. ______________________________________________________________

    2. ______________________________________________________________

    3. ______________________________________________________________

    4. ______________________________________________________________

    5. ______________________________________________________________


    What do you think your negotiation partner’s BATNA is? Reservation Price? Target?










    What are your negotiation partner’s sources of power?









    What is your opening move/first strategy?









    Other important things to note:



    Understanding Global Health Policy

    Understanding Global Health Policy

    Research a current global health policy for which you could recommend improvements. Discuss the issues you identify. Use the health policy triangle on page 24 of your textbook to help you describe the context, content, process, and actors involved in this policy, include a discussion of your recommended policy changes. (picture attached).

    Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument, citing any sources referenced. 


    HA510 Unit 3 Discussion

    HA510 Unit 3 Discussion

    Find a hospital website that has a mission statement. In one post of 150 words or more, include the following:


    • Post the name, location, and website link of the facility.
    • Based on the textbook information on pp. 131–134, develop two objectives for the facility. Explain why these objectives are essential to the success of the facility.


    Discussion 2: Depression and Suicide Intervention

    Discussion 2: 
    Depression and Suicide Intervention

    When working with adolescents you will likely be faced with issues of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation and even attempts. For youth between the ages of 10 and 24, suicide is the third leading cause of death in the United States (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). It is essential to understand the risks associated with teen suicide and intervention strategies to address this issue.


    · Post a review of the literature on adolescent depression and suicide and identify an evidence-based intervention that addresses these issues. 

    · Then, apply that intervention to either the Brady or Tiffani case. 

    · Describe the possible risk factors the client presents that would make him or her at risk for depression and suicide. 

    · Then, plan an intervention for that client to address these issues.


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