Archive for January 26th, 2018

Hist 125

Hist 125

  1. Discuss the impact of technology on Medieval society and culture and the impact of society and culture on the development of Medieval technology.
  2. Choose any of the questions asked by Hans Peter Broedel in the section of "The Medieval Period" chapter, and answer it, tying your response to other areas of The Medieval Period chapter.
  3. The concept of the Middle Ages or the medieval period comes from the Renaissance. The Renaissance saw a reaching back to the classical past of Greece and Rome, a rebirth of classical ideals. The Middle Ages were seen as dark and sterile, an age of ignorance and superstition when little to nothing new or of value was produced. Do you agree with this? Why or why not?  
  4. Discuss the nature of the Medieval university and the ways in which its structure influenced the reception of Aristotelianism in the Latin West.
  5. The intellectual history of the later Middle Ages has traditionally been described as decadent, autumnal, waning. Yet recently a few scholars have asserted that the period between 1250-1450 was one of innovation, change, possibility. Which view is more accurate and why? Medievalists tend to dismiss this argument out of hand. Take a fresh look at this argument and consider the extent to which the Middle Ages was an sterile age, merely passing on diluted versions of the heritage of antiquity, and the extent to which it contributed new and vital elements to the European tradition. 


Industrialization After The Civil War Final Paper

Industrialization After The Civil War Final Paper

After the Civil War, the United States became a much more industrialized society. Between 1865 and 1920, industrialization improved American life in many ways. However, industrialization also created problems for American society. Consider events that took place after the Civil War and discuss ways that industrialization affected the U.S. between 1865 and 1920. 


You have already developed a thesis statement and developed an outline in which you identify three main points relevant to your topic. Now you will develop the final paper in which you explore your main points in detail. 


Prompt: Discuss three (3) major aspects of industrialization between 1865 and 1920. Identify three (3) specific groups that were affected by industrialization and provide two examples for each group describing how the group was affected. 


Key Themes:


United States industrialization improving and creating problems for American society

Society, the economy, and politics

Issues such as race, ethnicity, gender, and child labor

How industrialization affected the life of the average working American during this period

Events that took place after the Civil War

Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:


Introduce your paper with your previously crafted thesis statement.

Discuss three (3) major aspects of industrialization between 1865 and 1920.  In your response, consider society, the economy, and politics.

Identify three (3) specific groups that were affected by industrialization and provide two examples for each group describing how the group was affected. (Consider issues such as race, ethnicity, gender, child labor, etc.)

Summarize how industrialization affected the life of the average working American during this period. Use specific examples and details.

Write using relevant explanations, examples, and evidence that logically support ideas.

Demonstrate correct spelling, grammar, and writing mechanics.

Rise & Fall Of The Roman Empire History

Rise & Fall Of The Roman Empire History

College level dialogue  on the content in  the  book regarding Italy, Romans and their world? In 5-7 paragraphs discuss and analyze the events that impacted this  time in history, following the instructions completely. Seeking relevant content, well written and plagiarism free.

Project Research

Project Research

 1 Select three artifacts from the “pool” of available artifacts. ( 1946 Vespa Motor Scooter, 1950 Kodak Brownie Camera, 1950 Porsche 356)

2 Analyze each artifact using three different methods of analysis found in 3., 4. and 5., below. In all, you will have nine analyses, three for each of the three artifacts.

3 The Designing Triad: Situate the artifact in the Triad; identify, define and describe the Designer, User and Maker of each of the three artifacts. Your analysis should be factual and thorough; it should provide the reader with concise and precise information. Credible and Reputable reference sources are important (Note: Wikipedia is not acceptable.) 

4 200-250 words per artifact.

5 Simon's Definition of Design: Using Simon's definition, clearly identify and explicate for each of the three artifacts with specific attention to: 

6 200-250 words per artifact.

7 what was the existing situation before the artifact was designed;

8 what changed with the preferred situation; and

9 what was the course or courses of action taken to get from one to the other.

10 Context: Explore the micro-contextual and macro-contextual nature of each object: 

11 200-250 words per artifact.



1 Find and include images of the artifacts so that your project may be understood better.

2 Spend some time carefully studying layouts of magazines such as I.D., Wallpaper, Eye, Innovation, Wired, etc.

3 Each artifact with its three analyses should occupy one page, for a total of three pages. References should appear in small type at the bottom of each page. 


Social Effect Of Bullying In Adulthood.

Social Effect Of Bullying In Adulthood.

The topic is social effect of bullying in adulthood.

The instructions are:

A  written paper on the chosen topic will be completed (7-10 pages) with 6  references (professional peer reviewed journal articles and/or up to 2  books) written in APA format. You may use the same references for your  power-point. Topics will require professor approval. Please make sure  you have enough research to support your topic before you choose a  topic. This paper should be a total of 7-10 pages and should be written  in APA format 6th edition. You should include a cover page and a  reference page as well (Not included in the 7 pages). This is a research  paper; therefore you should not add your opinions or personal  experience. For example, you should not use the words "I think", "I  feel" or "My…" etc…

Few pointers: 

-Be mindful of grammar. Look over your paper for any errors before you submit it. 

-Be  on time. You have the entire semester to complete this paper. I will  not accept any late papers for any reason. If you turn the paper in  early, it will not be graded until after the due date. 

-Double check your APA format

African American History

African American History

Compare and contrast early African slavery (prior to European arrival) to African slavery in the New World. Make sure to discuss if slavery is a permanent condition, slavery role in society, how slaves reacted to their condition, did they rebel, etc. Then discuss what the Middle Passage was and how this horrific experience shaped the lives of Africans once they arrived in the New World. (Make sure to use the primary and visual documents at the end of the chapter as examples to support your findings when writing this short essay. This assignment should be at least 2 ½ (Two and a half)  pages long via a Word Document.  Pls i want someone who has read freedom on my mind by  Deborah Gray White. The class is african american history.

    World View Chart Assignments

    World View Chart Assignments

    A  world view is a fundamental or basic orientation of thinking – like a  mindset – which guides a culture and / or a person’s life. Like a point  of view, it can be built of concepts, ideas, values, emotions, and  ethics. Weltanschauung is the German word for this idea. Your  goal for this course is to understand the world views of these various  religions. In order to prepare you for your final assignment, you will  outline the world views of various religions in the chart below 





    Cosmogony – Origin of the Universe


    Nature of God


    View of Human Nature


    View of Good and Evil


    View of “Salvation”


    View of After Life


    Practices and Rituals


    Celebrations and Festivals   


    This is to be done in a chart form.


    Lecture Summary

    Lecture Summary

    Answer 4 questions (attachment) in 1 page length. (do not repeat the questions itself, just label #1-4 )Please use "images pdf" and "Taiwan literature and history" as reference to answer the 4 questions.

    History 147

    History 147

    For each chapter of OB, you should read the entire chapter and take notes (which you will likely use on the respective assignment, as well as in your Midterm/Final Exam studying and other course work).  Once you have finished reading the Chapter, you should look at the “Post-Reading Questions” at the end of the Chapter and CHOOSE ONE of the Post-Reading Questions answer. Alternatively, you can choose the "Journal Option" (Option 3 below). For each question set, you should write a 1-2 page typewritten response, being sure to use information directly from the documents themselves.  Each answer should also include at least one direct quotation from at least three of the sources referenced in the question (for a total of at least three quotes).  Each question set’s answer is worth a possible 2 points.  Late Assignments will NOT be accepted.

    The questions (you should CHOOSE ONE to answer) for Chapter 4 are:

    1. Pretend you are an abolitionist and write a speech decrying the evils of slavery. Your speech should bring in specific examples and quotes from the primary source documents in this chapter.
    2. Pretend you are a pro-slavery advocate and write a speech defending slavery. Your speech should bring in specific examples and quotes from the primary source documents in this chapter.
    3. JOURNAL OPTION: Write 1-2 pages of notes on all of the documents you read in this chapter and, at the end, write down 5 questions (i.e. phrases you don't understand, "aha!" moments you had, contemporary things that you are comparing the reading to).  Please see the Journal Notes/Questions Guide (under "Files" for more guidance).  Notes/Questions should be typewritten and single-spaced.


    What Was The Number One Reason That Spain Was Unable To Keep The English And French From Settling And Claiming Parts Of La Florida As Their Own

    What Was The Number One Reason That Spain Was Unable To Keep The English And French From Settling And Claiming Parts Of La Florida As Their Own

     Spain confronted many difficulties in keeping other countries from overthrowing Spain’s claim to Florida. English and French conquest of the Americas began to encroach on Spanish lands to the north and west of Florida. What was the number one reason that Spain was unable to keep the English and French from settling and claiming parts of La Florida as their own? 

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