Archive for June 26th, 2019

create a basic presidential campaign plan.

In this activity you are going to apply what you have learned this week about policy as well as apply what you have learned in this course so far to create a basic presidential campaign plan.

Imagine that you have been serving the past few years as the governor of your home state or a U.S. Senator representing your home state. You have done great work and face no challenge in winning the nomination of your party to run in the General Election. In your campaign plan, please address the following:

Part 1: Campaign Details

·  What is your home state?

·  What is your political party?

·  What is your campaign tagline or slogan? Almost all recent presidential campaigns have had a theme song. For example, in 1992, Bill Clinton used the song,” Don’t Stop,” by Fleetwood Mac. In 2012, Republican nominee Mitt Romney used the song, “Born Free,” by Kid Rock. What is your campaign theme song? Why did you select that song.

·  Select someone to be your Vice Presidential Running Mate. You can pick anyone that would eligible, per the Constitution, to serve as President. Why did you select this person to be your vice presidential running mate? How do they help improve your chances on winning the General Election?

Part 2: Your Issues

·  Select and describe two (2) domestic policy issues your campaign is advocating.

·  Why did you select these domestic policy issues to focus on? Use polling data from a reputable polling source such as pew research to support your decision.

·  For each domestic policy issue write a simple one sentence “elevator pitch” that you would use to easily communicate your position to the masses.

·  Select and describe two (2) economic policy issues your campaign is advocating.

·  Why did you select these economic policy issues to focus on? Use polling data from a reputable polling source such as pew research to support your decision.

·  For each economic policy issue write a simple one sentence “elevator pitch” that you would use to easily communicate your position to the masses.

·  Select and describe two (2) foreign policy issues your campaign is advocating.

·  Why did you select these foreign issues to focus on? Use polling data from a reputable polling source such as pew research to support your decision.

·  For each foreign policy issue write a simple one sentence “elevator pitch” that you would use to easily communicate your position to the masses.

Part 3: Your Strategy

Considering the Electoral College vote, which specific states would you campaign in? Keep in mind you have limited resources and that you can’t campaign in every state. Think about what states you would need to win in order to win the general election. Based on historical data, do you actually have a chance to win? Would you be able secure enough electoral votes to win the general election by these states.

To help you think about this part of the assignment you may want to find online and play with an “Interactive Electoral College Map.” Here are some website that you could use to help:

270 To Win

U.S. Election Atlas

Electoral College Interactive Map

2016: Make Your Prediction

Be sure to include a reference list of all sources that you used to complete your paper.

Please note: APA formatting and citations rules apply to this and all essays in this course.


Identify five specific business requirements that relate to the design and implementation of the network.

FractalApps is a software development start-up. It was founded by three friends who went to undergrad school together. They founded their startup recently and set up headquarters at the condo of the two founders in Washington, DC. They have focused their attention on mobile app development and have developed and successfully marketed a popular app for job seekers. Now they are expanding their company into a full-fledged software development house.


They have recently received a cash infusion from an angel investor in Silicon Valley and are ready to build out their business. Their plan is to have three locations: a small headquarters in DC where the founders and senior staff reside, a sales office based in NYC (Brooklyn), and a development house in San Francisco where the bulk of the developers live and work.


They are looking for you to develop a network design for their business. They are seeking a standardized LAN design (using consistent hardware/software) for the three offices, and a cost-effective WAN design that allows all of their staff to communicate and collaborate quickly, efficiently, without a lot of network delay. The network should support both their voice and data needs.


Further, they require a secure way for mobile workers to remote in to the network and participate as if they were in the office. Many of the sales staff are in the field, as well as the development staff who want to be able to work practically anywhere. A VPN solution is what they are seeking but need guidance on what the hardware/software requirements are. 




The Deliverable




Using this case study, you are to identify a minimum of five (5) requirements, analyze them, and offer a proposal that provides FractalApps with a converged network solution and explains how the components of the solution, and the solution as a whole, meet the identified requirements. The proposed solution must address each of the requirements identified. At least one network diagram must be incorporated to illustrate your proposed solution. You should do some research to address the cost issues and defend the proposed solution from a cost-benefit perspective. This is to be a general analysis of the benefits versus the cost of a converged network, not a full cost-benefit analysis with cost data.


1. Identify five specific business requirements that relate to the design and implementation of the network.


2. Define the cabling for the local area network(s); define the network components in the local area network and explain your reasoning for selecting each of these.


3. Define the wide area network infrastructure (technology); define the network components in the wide area network and explain your reasoning for selecting each of these.


4. Define the VPN components (hardware/software) for the organization. Explain what components go where, and what is required on the mobile devices. Justify your recommendation.


Your deliverable will be a 4 – 5-page Microsoft Word document. The page count includes the diagram(s), but does not count the cover page and references page.  

write a report that describes your interview experiences, summarizes your findings, and analyzes your interviewees’ personal characteristics as they align with effective leadership.

Based on the interviews you completed in Assessment 2, write a report that describes your interview experiences, summarizes your findings, and analyzes your interviewees’ personal characteristics as they align with effective leadership.


The purpose of this assessment is to consolidate your experience interviewing two leaders and to incorporate what you have learned thus far about the personal characteristics of effective leaders. Your assessment will reflect your insights about integrity, purpose, change, interpersonal skills, and keeping balance (resilience), and will embody a meaningful leadership story at different levels of an organization’s leadership.

In Assessment 2, you prepared to interview two leaders in organizations of your choice. You will need to complete the interviews before you begin this assessment. You will use the findings from your interviews in this assessment as well as Assessment 4.


Using your notes from your completed interviews, write a report that addresses the following elements:


  • Thoroughly describe your interview experiences. Write the story of what happened from beginning to middle to end. Integrate into the story the names of the people you interviewed, their leadership level, and the focus of your interviews.
  • Recap your interview questions.
  • Summarize your findings from each question including the best stories and quotes in each interviewee’s words and some themes that seemed to pervade both interviews.
  • Analyze your interviewees’ personal characteristics and describe their alignment to effective leadership.
  • Explain the significance of the leadership characteristics you identified and how they apply to your own career progression.


Remember to edit and spell check your work before submitting it.

Self-assess your experience as an interviewer. What seemed to work?

Create a 7–9-page leadership analysis using the narrative and summary of the leadership interviews you conducted.




This assessment gives you the opportunity to synthesize and demonstrate your understanding and experience interviewing leaders and how the leadership characteristics you analyzed relate to leadership theories, the New Business Realities, and the Thinking Habits.






This is the last assessment that is related to your leadership interviews. For this assessment, use the narrative and summary of your interviews to complete the following analysis:


  1. Leadership theory: Summarize the leadership theory that you used to develop your interview questions. Analyze how the questions you asked and the data you collected during the interview support your chosen leadership theory. You might have used servant leadership, Kevin Cashman, Margaret Wheatley, articles from the Center for Creative Leadership, leadership stage theory, or other sources. Demonstrate your understanding of your chosen mastery (personal, purpose, change, interpersonal/being, balance, or action). Use examples from your interviews to demonstrate your mastery topic.
  2. Common Learning Themes: Reread the New Business Realities and the Thinking Habits of Mind, Heart, and Imagination, linked in the Resources. Select one topic from each and discuss its relevance to your experience interviewing leaders. The following are two examples:
    • New Business Realities: Did the interview reflect the dynamics of transformational change in complex systems in the change mastery questions?
    • Thinking Habits: Did the interview encourage professional self-development through conversational reflection in the questions on personal mastery?
  3. Self-Reflection: Self-assess your experience as an interviewer. What seemed to work? What did not work? What would you do differently next time? How would you change your explanation of your leadership topic, the medium you chose, or your behavior during the interview, to enhance the quality of your data? What did you learn about interviewing? What did you learn about your topic and its potential for helping leaders examine their leadership skills and characteristics?
  4. Summary Statement: Think about your experience interviewing leaders at this level. Describe the primary lessons you gained from this experience, the value of interviewing leaders, and the impact this approach has on leadership development. Include your recommendations to your current organization or an organization with which you are familiar about the development of leaders at this level and on your mastery topic and the use of interviews to propel personal development.


Additional Requirements


  • Length: Your assessment should be 7–9 pages, double-spaced.
  • Font and size: Use a standard font—either Times New Roman or Arial. The font size must be 12 point.
  • Margins: The paper margins should be 1 inch on each side.
  • Components: Include a title page, table of contents, and reference page. These do not count toward the paper length.
  • Formatting: APA format is required for all aspects of your analysis, including citations and references. Your writing should be well organized and clear. Writing structure, spelling, and grammar should be correct as well.

Write a leader guidebook of best practices for new supervisors in your current organization or an organization with which you are familiar, based on the new science realities.

Write a leader guidebook of best practices for new supervisors in your current organization or an organization with which you are familiar, based on the new science realities.


This assessment provides you the opportunity to demonstrate a solid theory of leadership in a practical application that you can use in your organization.


Imagine it is your job to write a leader guidebook for new supervisors in your current organization or an organization with which you are familiar, based on the new science realities. Your guide should include the following:

  • Descriptions of effective best practices and day-to-day behaviors that leaders should follow for planning, measuring, motivating people, managing change and information, designing jobs, and encouraging relationships.
  • Descriptions of ineffective practices that leaders should avoid in order to be successful.
  • Explanation of the importance and implications of these new science guidelines to the success of the enterprise.
  • Examples and explanations for the positions you take.


Additional Requirements


  • Length: Your leader guidebook should be double-spaced and long enough to meet the expectations of the assessment and scoring guide criteria.
  • Font and size: Use a standard font—either Times New Roman or Arial. The font size must be 12 point.
  • Margins: The paper margins should be 1 inch on each side.
  • Components: Include a title page, table of contents, and reference page.
  • Formatting: APA format is required for all aspects of your guidebook, including citations and references. Your writing should be well organized and clear. Writing structure, spelling, and grammar should be correct as well.

How do humans impact the environment?

1) How do humans impact the environment?


2) Can humans improve their environment? If so How?


3) Explain the Green Revolution


please answer link to the ppt and video


  Answers must be 250 word min. to 500 word max., submitted by following material/readings covered.



Choose one political ad video (there are lots on Youtube) and examine how the author/directorattempts to persuade the audience.

 Assignment Description:Choose one political ad video (there are lots on Youtube) and examine how the author/directorattempts to persuade the audience. In other words, analyze the rhetorical effectiveness ofadvertisement. Your analysis needs to examine 1) the target audience for the ad 2) the writer’suse of the three rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, and logos) and 3) any visual elements thatcontribute to the persuasiveness.
your essay should include:●a minimum of 3 FULL double-spaced pages (not 2 and ½, or even 2 and ¾. Everyavailable line should be used) Do not include a cover page.●12-point Times New Roman font and 1” margins. See sample student paper used forpeer review training.●an introduction that sets up your argument about the ad●a thesis that evaluates the effectiveness of the ad based on the author’s use of rhetoricalappeals (ethos, pathos, logos)●effectively organized paragraphs with strong topic sentences and transitions●Examples from the article (summaries and paraphrases in your own words and sentencestructure, as well as some brief, correctly integrated direct quotations)●Proper MLA page headers.  a conclusion that does not merely restate your thesis but that leaves the reader withfurther ‘food for thought.’  


The work cited page, only the video


you should give me the video you pick. one of obama’s

Discuss how the interview information will help you with your research paper. What do you think you will be able to apply and how?

Last week we conducted primary research to prepare an annotated bibliography for the sources we will use as a major part of our research.  This week you will enhance your research project by collecting additional information conducting ONE of the two following activities. You have a choice! 


Choose an activity that is appropriate for your research topic and adds relevance to your previously collected information.  Click each activity to understand the assignment criteria before you choose.  








Conduct an Interview


STEP 1 – Conduct a single interview with a field expert in one of your chosen disciplines (e.g., communications, government, psychology, etc.)






DO ask your expert about procedures, processes, or rules.


DON’T ask your expert about their personal experience in their position.


DO ask your expert two or three concise questions relevant to your research.


DON’T ask your expert more than five questions.


DO conduct your interview in person, through email, or over the phone with permission.


DON’T conduct your interview without your expert’s permission to use their information in your research. 


DO collect information from your expert to answer factual questions.


DON’T collect personal data from your expert (e.g. opinions, ideas, or feelings).


STEP 2 – Write and submit a 2-3-page APA formatted paper to include the following headings: 




Introduce the subject of your interview in-text, describing his or her qualifications, background and why he or she is qualified to answer your questions.




 Describe how you contacted, got permission, and conducted the interview with the field expert. List the questions you asked?



Summarize the interview in paragraph form.  What were the answers to your questions?  Be sure to quote, paraphrase, and summarize your source (see examples below).




Discuss how the interview information will help you with your research paper. What do you think you will be able to apply and how?



Note: APA does not require a reference for personal interviews, but you must provide an in-text citation for the source in your paper when you use their information.


Paraphrase Example


Captain Smith stated in a phone interview March 4, 2014 that the procedures in the juvenile law enforcement change frequently.


Quote Example: 


“Procedures are reviewed and revised every six months in the juvenile criminal justice department” (J. Smith, personal communication, March 4, 2014).

How does state intervention in the economy benefit capitalists and help to maintain capitalism?

General Instructions:  Answer the following questions in full sentences (either handwritten or typed is fine). Your answers should be 2-6 sentences, depending on the question. Include page numbers in your responses so that you can refer back to the reading during the discussion or when asking questions. 




Questions for Miliband (1969), The State in Capitalist Society, pp. 49-73, 75-83 and 146-171:


1. According to Miliband (1969), what is the state? What is the state elite?


2. According to Miliband (1969), what are the social classes that occupy the majority of positions within the state elite? In contrast, what social classes hold relatively few of the elite positions in the state?


3. Miliband (1969, p. 69) argued that “What is really striking about these political leaders and political office-holders, in relation to each other, is not their many differences, but the extent of their agreement on truly fundamental issues”. What are the “fundamental issues” that political leaders agree on?


4. How does state intervention in the economy benefit capitalists and help to maintain capitalism?


5. What are some of the reasons that capitalists/businesses are able to put more pressure on the state, and get it to act in their interests, than the working class/labor unions?


6. Summarize Miliband’s (1969) overall argument. Go into more detail that what was said in lecture.


7. Based on your own knowledge, do you think Miliband’s (1969) theory of the capitalist state applies to American society today? What is an example that might support or challenge his argument? (If you cannot think of any examples, look at the “politics” section of major newspapers or news magazines.)

Independent Capstone Research Project

This project will give you an opportunity to further explore your intended career direction.  You will research a topic of interest related to your emphasis that will provide you with a solid understanding about an important topic of your choice.  You will include an interdisciplinary perspective for this paper.

After conducting your initial research, and becoming more knowledgeable about your topic, prepare a brief statement summarizing your topic, along with a standard outline that details the topic that you will be putting forward for the final project.  Keep in mind that the goal of the final project and your topic selection is personal growth and development on a specific topic that will serve you in your career.  

Once you have completed your Topic Summary and Outline, you will further research the topic and complete one comprehensive paper. 

You will be graded on the overall interdisciplinary research and ideas that you present and support.  Your final paper should be 7-10 pages with standard 1 inch margins, double-spaced, using Times New Roman 12 point font.  You should use a consistent citation style appropriate to your emphasis such as APA, Chicago Manual Style or MLA.  

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