Archive for November, 2019

Identify issues, which have historically and currently contributed significant influence on the field of Early Childhood Development as a professional field of study.

Discussion 1


CE401-1: Identify issues, which have historically and currently contributed significant influence on the field of Early Childhood Development as a professional field of study.

CE401-3: Identify policy and legislation that has impacted Early Childhood.

For this Assignment you will create a presentation intended to be used to educate family members on early childhood educational policy and legislation. The presentation will be based on your learning from the multiple resources throughout the first three units of this course. In addition, you may use: Department of Education (2015). A Matter of Equity: Preschool in America retrieved from

Your Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation should be a minimum of 14 slides, in addition to a title slide and a reference slide. As with all writing, be sure to include citations to avoid plagiarism. It is always necessary to give the author credit. In addition, please make sure to include a reference slide. Last, be sure to include speaker notes on each of your PowerPoint slides.

Title Slide

Slide 1: Importance of Early Education

Slide 2, 3, 4: Research Supporting Early Education

Slide 5, 6, 7: Issues Affecting Delivery of Early Education

Slide 8: Example of an Effective Early Education Program

Slide 9, 10, 11: Policies and Legislation Affecting Early Childhood Education

Slide 12, 13, 14: Future Steps to Improve Early Education


Discussion 2


Respond to Meghan post in do one of the following:


The APA format is readily used in academic writing for its format and use in the fields of social sciences. As mentioned in the Capella APA iGuide, it is also “readily recognizable” and by using APA educators are “ensuring consistency across degrees, programs, and school” around the country.(n.d., p.1)  In this way, it becomes easier to find and read citations, because all educators are on the same page.  APA format also, “has a foundation in academic honesty and integrity.” (n.d., p.1) Students are required to produce citations to identify where the basis of their ideas and thoughts are coming from. These citations not only help the educator, but also help to give credit to those who produced the studies. 

    Capella’s Academic Writer, helps students to better understand the APA format. According to the Capella web page, Academic Writer provides students with ways to” learn, reference, and write.” (n.d.,p.1) Students can learn more about the basics of the APA format. Students can identify ways to build up references and to better use search engines. Finally, students can find resources to check their academic work and sample papers to use as examples for their own writing. Academic Writer is a valuable resource for us to use while conducting research during our Master’s program.

What significant challenges do correctional officials face in housing juveniles who have been tried and convicted as adults? Explain.

Our nation’s focus on crime has made a gradual shift away from drugs to what many perceive to be the major problem facing our criminal justice system today: juvenile crime, especially violent crime. Terms such as “superpredator” have been used to describe a class of violent juvenile offenders who prey on society. Depending on the severity of the crime and the age of the juvenile, many states allow prosecutors the flexibility of transferring juveniles to the adult court system. Respond to the following questions, and support your positions using credible research:

Assignment Guidelines

  • Research 3 state- or federal-level court cases regarding the transfer of juveniles to the adult court system.
  • Address the following in 1,250–1,750 words:
    • For each case, briefly describe the details of the case and the court’s decision.
      • Generally speaking, how do courts and their decisions impact criminal justice policy decisions? Explain. 
      • How have your selected court cases (and similar cases) and their rulings impacted public policy decisions regarding juveniles in the criminal justice system? Explain in detail.
    • What significant challenges do correctional officials face in housing juveniles who have been tried and convicted as adults? Explain.
    • What selection criteria are used in making a determination as to whether to transfer a juvenile case to the criminal court? Explain.
    • Do you believe that waiver of 13- and 14-year-olds from juvenile to adult court, in general, is a good idea? Why or why not? Explain.
  • Be sure to reference all of your sources using APA style.


 DISCUSSION :1 In a 250-300 word response, analyze how communication in groups differs from individual communication. Are there unique challenges to communicating with groups? Provide examples. Use at least one resource to support your key points 




DISCUSSION : 2  In a 250-300 word response, describe how you would build rapport with your audience in a business presentation. What motivational strategies have you used in the past that were successful or what strategies have you seen speakers use that were effective? Use at least one resource to support your key points 

Describe what interview format your preceptor uses for the initial interview of a client.

Discussion: Interview Format

Despite what you may believe (or may have been told), there is no such thing as one “right” way to do an interview. In fact, there are numerous books written about the various ways of conducting the clinical interview. In actual clinical practice, you will find the format that “works” best for you and addresses your unique strengths and the needs of the client.

In this Discussion, you will practice finding the interview format that works for you and share those ideas with your colleagues for feedback.


To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review the Learning Resources.
  • Develop an interview format you would use for an initial interview of a client.



  • Attach the interview format document you would use for an initial interview of a client.
  • Describe what interview format your preceptor uses for the initial interview of a client.
  • Describe which element of your interview format is most helpful in your practice.

Who is the “Client” in Human Services?

The word “client” can be interpreted differently across fields. In a business setting clients are those for whom you are performing services requested. In counseling, clients might be individuals to whom counselors provide clinical services. In human and social services, clients are those for whom professionals in the field provide support by helping individuals, families, organizations, and communities to solve problems in a non-clinical way. Understanding who your clients are is essential for your success as a professional.

To Prepare

Think about the various roles of human and social services professionals. Consider possible “clients” that you might encounter in your field.


Post two “clients” whom you anticipate working with as a human and social services professional. Explain how your roles differ when working with each of the clients. Finally, explain how you can practice the skills taught in this course in such a way that you can apply them to a variety of human and social services “clients.”

Explain why research is important and useful to you as a current or future human and social services professional.

When you think of scientific research, you might think of labs filled with microscopes or computer screens running mathematical formulas. Social science research is different in some ways, but some things are the same. For example, the major aspects of the overall scientific enterprise remain the same: research, theory, data collection, and data analysis. The difference is that social scientists apply these aspects to social research, like aiming to find aggregate patterns in social life. It is important, however, not to think of social science as “less scientific” than other forms of scientific research. For example, social science is based on evidence-based theory, and social scientists conduct complex experimental studies. While this sounds definitive, scholars are divided on what social science research should contain and what it should not. Some scholars believe social science research should be more conservative, adhering to traditional scientific principles used in chemical or biological studies. Others believe social science should be more liberal, utilizing new, nontraditional, and innovative forms of research to advance research findings and aid human and social services practices.

In this Discussion, you consider your own definition of social science research, supported by this week’s readings, scholarly literature, and your own research. Then, you explain how social science research is used in human and social services.

To Prepare

Consider how you might define social science research and what it means to you as a human and social services professional.


Post your own definition of social science research, based on this week’s readings. Explain why research is important and useful to you as a current or future human and social services professional.

What does it do? Provide a brief description of the article’s main argument. Explain the main point and the supporting evidence of the argument.

Create a thorough Annotated Bibliography on Frederick Douglass, “Narrative of the life of Frederic Douglass, An American Slave, Written by Himself”. You must include 5 scholarly, peer reviewed articles found through Onesearch or in the books in the library, and 2 online sources, for a total of 7 sources. Each entry should consist of an accurate MLA citation for the source and an approximately 250 words annotation and 5 page which doesn’t include the letter page


Each annotation should answer Goethe’s three questions:

1) What does it do? Provide a brief description of the article’s main argument. Explain the main point and the supporting evidence of the argument.


2.) How well does it do it? Asses the argument. Consider how effective it is, does the author provide good, persuasive evidence? Does the author provide good sources? Why should we believe this person?


3) Is it worth doing? In this case, who would best be able to use this source? It is helpful for a serious scholar, or better for someone with no literary background? Is it a good example of the literary scholarship, or does it mostly summarize? 

(When you look for your online sources, look carefully, and remember the general guidelines. Look for actual scholarly sources online. They do exist, and they usually have .edu domains. 


Write a letter: The letter is one-page letter to the instructor. This should include in the single Microsoft word document that contain your paper, but not included in the paper’s page length. In the letter, please discuss your paper-writing process. Why did you choose your subject? What aspect of your paper are you especially pleased with/concerned about? What were you trying to accomplish with your argument? Are there particular aspects of your writing that you would particularly like feedback on?   


Write a brief analysis of the connection between EBP and the Quadruple Aim.

Write a brief analysis of the connection between EBP and the Quadruple Aim.


Your analysis should address how EBP might (or might not) help reach the Quadruple Aim, including each of the four measures of: half page APA format

Who are the stakeholders both in support of and in opposition to medicinal cannabis use?

Trace the history of cannabis use in medicine for the treatment and management of illness via nursing scholarly journal articles. Examine your sources for the following information below and describe the following:


 Who are the stakeholders both in support of and in opposition to medicinal cannabis use?


Identify a sector and the role of ICT for policy development?

Enterprise Risk Management

Read Chapter 27 scenario, and address the following question, “What were some of the risk sources that emerged repeatedly in evaluating the risks? How is this helpful?”

(I need about 400 words and 3 paragraphs, references excluded)

Instructions for Initial Posts:

After reading the scenario, start a new discussion thread. Points are deducted if your submission: 

· Does not adhere to the University’s academic dishonesty and plagiarism policies.

· Does not answer the question(s) thoroughly meaning with more than 3 paragraphs

· Contains contractual phrases, as an example “shouldn’t” “couldn’t” or “didn’t,” or similar

· Uses vague words such as “proper,” “appropriate,” “adequate,” or similar to describe a process, function, or a procedure.

o As an example, “proper incident response plan,” “appropriate IT professional,” “adequate security,” or similar. These words are subjective because they have a different meaning to different individuals.

Instructions for Responses:

Respond to ONE peer posting. (100 words). Evaluate the pros and cons of the student’s proposed strategy. Points are deducted if your response: 

· Does not adhere to the University’s academic dishonesty and plagiarism policies.

· Does not address the pros and cons of the student’s proposed strategy.

· Is not a substantive comment that extends the conversation. Meaning about a paragraph – not just “I agree” statements.

· Contains contractual phrases, as an example “shouldn’t” “couldn’t” or “didn’t,” or similar

· Uses vague words such as “proper,” “appropriate,” “adequate,” or similar to describe a process, function, or a procedure.

o As an example, “proper incident response plan,” “appropriate IT professional,” “adequate security,” or similar. These words are subjective because they have a different meaning to different individuals.




Global Economy

  1. Locate a source      on the contribution of e-government to energy efficiency in view of      climate change and provide a broad range of focus on how IT may      contribute to support urban development, governance, and      policy.  You may use our library to locate scholarly      articles, select a topic from the appendix of chapter 18 of      your textbook or use external sources to locate an      article. Support your thoughts and assessment using minimum four references.


Address the following:
•             Identify a sector and the role of ICT for policy development?
•             Reflect on the key characteristics of the initiative?
•             Assess the policy implications.

Your submission should be approximately 1000 words and demonstrate proper APA formatting and style. Include a cover page and an abstract.  

  1. By submitting this      paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and      stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard      Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in      accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of      SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its      affiliates.
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