Archive for September 15th, 2017

Healthcare Cost And Utilization Project (HCUP)

Compare and contrast two databases of your choice:

1. Kid's Inpatient Database (KID)

2. State Inpatient Database (SID)

Order a similar paper and get high quality at a discount

Understanding the effects of pricing on revenues, costs and pricing

Introduction: It is April and you have recently been hired as the manager of Springvale Seaside Caramel Company in Springvale, Maine. You have been asked to improve profitability. The company got its name from a propriety caramel truffle first sold in a coffee shop also owned by the Prescott family. Note: Please use Excel for all calculations.

Analysis of Pricing: You manage The Springvale Seaside Caramel Company which makes a chocolate – caramel truffle for sale to gift shops from Cape Cod to Mount Desert Island near Bar Harbor Maine. The company sells individually wrapped candies in boxes of 50 for $81.00 each. The candies retail for $3.99 for an individual piece and sales have been strong. The owners of the Seaside would like to increase its sales and profits. They know that, if price is lowered, they will generate more sales. Sales are typically steady at 35,000 boxes per month from May through October. Last year they sold 35,000 boxes in May. So they run an experiment. Price is lowered to $73.00 per box in May of this year and the number of deliveries increases to 37,000.
What is the Price Elasticity of Demand?
Is elasticity elastic, inelastic or neither?
What does this mean and why does it matter?
Will Revenues increase or decrease as a result of the price cut? By How much?
You calculate that the fixed costs for the Springvale Seaside Caramel are $25,000 per month and each box costs $48 for the labor, candy, packaging and shipping. Will profits go up or down as a result of the price cut? By How much? (Profits are revenue minus all costs. )
Shaun Prescott, the 19 year old son of the owner, says that there wasn’t enough time in the experiment. He estimates that in the second month, June, Seaside Caramel will sell 40,000 boxes at $73.00 per box. Please answer the following assuming that Shaun is correct. You want to get an idea of what will happen to profits before you commit to an action and make a projection. If profits are projected to go up assuming that Shaun is correct, then you will keep the current price of $73.00 during June. If the profits are projected to go down, you plan to return to $81 per box.
What would be the Price Elasticity of Demand compared to a month ago if Shaun is correct?
Is elasticity elastic, inelastic or neither?
What does this mean and why does it matter?
Will Revenues increase or decrease as a result of the price cut to $73.00 at 40,000 boxes? By How much?
You calculate that the fixed costs for the Seaside Caramel are still $25,000 per month and each box costs $48.00. Make a projection of revenues, costs and profits for June. Will profits go up or down as a result of the price cut if Springvale Seaside Caramel sells 40,000 boxes? By How much?
The Springvale Seaside owners see the change in profits from the price decrease in May and the projection for June. They decide to go back to a price of $81.00 and have sales of 35,000 boxes in June. The May production required staff to work 2 weekends and there were many complaints. No one wanted to work weekends during vacation season in Maine and there was no room to expand production. The owners were willing to add a second location that would permit greater production if profits justified. They decide that they are only willing to manage enough production to support 35,000 deliveries at a price of $81.00. However, if they raised price to $90.00 per box for July, they would be willing to hire additional staff, lease more space across town and produce 58,000 boxes.
Calculate the Elasticity of Supply. Is it elastic or inelastic?
How many deliveries will Seaside have at a price of $90.00? Hint: since the product is perishable, you will only want to produce what customers will buy. Use the original the elasticity of demand calculated in #1 above.
What will be the Revenue?
What will be the Profit?
Should Springvale Seaside raise the price to $90.00? Why or why not?

ChAD 164: Contemporary Parenting

Term Paper Preparation Requirements:
For this paper preparation you will need to submit a typed description of your term paper, 10 APA formatted
references, and 2 annotated references. The full one-page description will need to tell me what your parenting
topic is (how it relates to parents and/or parenting and why the topic is important) and describe what you plan to
do within the paper. You should discuss theory behind your topics, links to a specific community
service/intervention as well as some of the preliminary research you have done (like the introduction section to
the paper). In this description you will need to discuss subtopics (in paragraph format) and a general plan of the
paper. The second page should be a typed reference list of 10 references that you plan to use in your paper (in
APA format). These references should be peer-reviewed. No other types of references/sources will be
accepted. On the third page you will need to summarize at least 2 references (from the 10 on your reference
page) in your own words and describe how each individual reference fits into the topic of your paper. You will
need to attach the 2 full reference articles that you summarized to your paper preparation. For this assignment
you can go over 3 pages, but should not go over 5 pages. Grammar and spelling count and there will be a total
of 2 points deducted for these errors. Also include an APA title page.
Some suggestions for topics: Step-parenting, Parental bereavement (loss), Parental drug use and abuse,
Parenting gifted children (or other exceptionalities like autism, hearing impairments), Parental differential
treatment, Comparison of heterosexual and homosexual parenting, Parenting your own parents, Grandparenting,
Foster parenting, Effects of domestic violence on parenting, Incarcerated parents, Effects of parenting on
marriage, Impact of miscarriage/infertility on parents, Impact of preparation on parenting, Impact of
intervention on parenting (parent improvement, drug intervention)
Remember the focus of your paper should be on parents and parenting- not on children!
Please note that you will need to save this graded assignment to attach to your final paper.
Be sure to turn in the grading protocol below with your paper preparation on the due date. Use a title and
reference page.
** This assignment will need to be submitted to Canvas by class time on the due date.
First Page:
Full one-page description will need to tell me what your parenting topic is and describe what you plan to do
within the paper.
Discuss theory behind your topics, links to a specific community service/intervention as well as some of the
preliminary research you have done
Discuss subtopics (in paragraph format) and a general plan of the paper.
Second Page:
Typed reference list of 10 peer-reviewed references that you plan to use in your paper (in APA format).
Third Page:
Summarize at least 2 references (from the 10 on your reference page) in your own words and describe how each
individual reference fits into the topic of your paper.
Attach the 2 full reference articles that you summarized to your paper preparation.

ChAD 164: Contemporary Parenting

Term Paper Requirements:
This requirement will allow students to explore an issue regarding parenting that is especially interesting to them. When preparing their term paper, students will also face the challenge of reviewing the literature independently and linking their independent work to the reading and discussion done by the entire class. Since this is a research paper, personal examples or narrative should not be included in the paper.
For this paper you will need review the theories and research on a topic in parenting (e.g., parents and childcare, cultural differences in parenting, parental influence on peer relationships). You will also include a research section on community services/interventions linked to this parenting issue. This paper should be like reviews in major journals (e.g., Child Development), although much shorter. You should outline the major theories, discuss important methodological issues in the research area, review research findings, discuss community connections, draw conclusions, and suggest directions for future research. Grading will be based on several criteria:
(a) Are the most important theories described?
(b) Are the strongest studies on the topic cited (i.e., recent studies- 2000s to the present- as well as the most important)?
(c) Are the research findings integrated (or do you simply describe one study after another)?
(d) Did you discuss research involving community resources/services/interventions linked to your parenting topic?
(e) Have you cited problems with the methods (how the researchers studied the topic or collected their information) involved with the theories and research you discuss?
(f) Do the conclusions of the paper offer original and valuable insights about the topic?
You must integrate what you learn from your independent reading for the paper with what you have learned in other components of this course. This integration must be shown in two ways. First, you must refer at least once in your paper to statements in the textbook (or article from the course readings) that relate to your topic. The textbook/reading must then be included in the reference list (not included in your ten references). This is the only textbook that can be used for the paper. The other sources must be journal or primary research sources (peer-reviewed). Second, you must refer to at least one comment related to your topic that the instructor or other students made during class sessions. Such comments should be considered personal communication and cited using the format specified in the APA publication manual (and in your Brief Guide to APA format posted to the course website). Remember, the focus of the paper should be on parents/parenting- not on children. You should assume that the reader is a naïve reader- do not make assumptions about common knowledge, so cite your sources appropriately.
The paper is to be 8 – 10 pages in length (it must be at least 8 full pages of text and no more than 10 pages). You are to double-space, use 12 point Times or Times New Roman font, and you must have one-inch margins on all sides of each page. Page numbers are to be included on the upper right hand corner of each page along with the running head title on the upper left corner of each page. A minimum of 10 peer-reviewed references is required. Any additional sources must also be peer-reviewed. The paper is to be clearly written so it is easy to read. Ideas are to be presented in a way that they flow together. I should not be left wondering where sentences fit into the paper. Grammar and spelling are very important and points are deducted for any errors. Overall, you will be graded on how well you write.
The title page and reference page should be in APA format (see APA guide and sample APA pages). Specifically, any references you may use should be put on a separate page at the end of your paper in APA format (title and reference pages are NOT counted in the 8 pages required for this paper). You may
choose to write an abstract, but it is not required and not counted in the page requirements. A total of 3 points will be deducted for grammar and spelling errors and the paper is worth 40 points with the bulk of the points assigned to whether you have met the criteria specified. Late papers will be penalized 3 points for each day that they are late (including Saturday and Sunday). Early papers are always accepted!!
Be sure to review the grading protocol when writing and revising your paper. In the past students put a lot of effort writing papers- but lose significant points because they do not meet the paper criteria.
I. Introduction
 Introduce your paper and present some background information (what and how you plan to discuss the issues in the rest of your paper).
 Discuss why this paper is important and describe the focus on parents and/or parenting.
 End this section by discussing the plan of the paper (e.g., First I will discuss…, Next, I will discuss…).
II. Body
 Longest section of the paper, bulk of points are assigned here.
 Discuss the major issues involved with your paper (using lecture materials, outside research articles, and your text/course reading).
 Present research-based evidence to support the issues as you discuss them.
 Must describe a research theory or explanation for the findings presented on your topic.
 Include research on community services/resources linked to this parenting issue (e.g., community interventions that have worked or not worked).
 Be as specific as possible. Provide details and examples of what you are discussing in your paper and make sure your ideas flow from one idea to the next.
 Critique the studies (methodological issues) – provide criticisms of the way the data was collected or limitations of the research you found (e.g., did not use a diverse sample, research focuses on only mothers).
 Keep the focus on parents and parenting (not children).
III. Summary and Conclusions
 Summarize the major points in your paper.
 Make some conclusions about your assignment and discuss how you came to these conclusions.
 Summarize the findings of your paper and discuss whether or not your views coincide with the data or information that you have presented.
 Suggest areas for future research (these suggestions should be carefully thought out- not “more research needs to be done”).
Using References and Citing Sources in the Paper:
An important portion of the paper is learning how to find and appropriately cite research sources.
 Spend some significant time searching for a solid set of sources and be sure to ask for help in this essential first step if you need it (check out the library tutorial- Finding Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed Articles:
 You must always cite information that is not known to either you or the general public. That is, any statement that you make as fact or information must be cited in APA format. For example, the statement, “mothers do most of the care of young children” or “most individuals choose to become parents” would need research citations in your paper.
 You also should make sure your statements fit together and are not just listed (i.e., must integrate your statements and ideas).
 There is a .5 point deduction for every unsupported statement and un-integrated statements made in your paper. These half points add up- so be sure to carefully cite your sources, statements, and research information.
 Note: these deductions may result in you earning “0” points in that section of your paper.
General Writing Suggestions:
PROOFREAD. You will improve your paper dramatically if you proofread. Look for spelling and grammatical errors. Make sure you run the spell check program on your computer. But remember, computer programs do not know the difference between “their” and “there”. So make sure that you do! Also make sure the paper is understandable and clear. It often helps to have a friend, parent, partner, etc., read your paper to see if they understand it or can find errors.
PLAGIARISM. If you are using someone else’s words use quotations and cite the source. Using someone else’s ideas without giving them credit is also considered plagiarism, even if you put it in your own words. So remember to cite the sources where you get your ideas. In addition, if you turn in a paper or project that is similar to another student’s (i.e., in writing style and word choice) or that you have used in another class that is also considered plagiarism! You will not receive ANY points for the assignment and will be failed in the course if you plagiarize! Check your syllabus or course catalog for the definitions of academic integrity at SJSU.
Be sure to include your paper preparation, peer-edited draft and the grading protocol below with your hard copy of the final paper!
** This term paper will need to be submitted to Canvas by class on the due date

BL – Initial Post

Negligence or damage caused is an important element in Tort law. There are three key aspects which can result in a breach, or negligence: cause damage to the claimant, the defendant owes a duty of care and a breach of duty of care made by defendant. One of the original cases where the question of foreseeable harm or damage was a breach of duty can be seen where ‘the most famous case in the common law of negligence was born’ (Chamberlain, 2010:92), when a drinks manufacturer had not reasonably foreseen that someone may consume a contaminated product.

The ‘Donoghue v Stevenson [932] UKHL 100’ (bailii, nd) became known as the ‘snail in a bottle’ case and went on to ensure manufacturers were obliged to observe a duty of care and take steps to reasonably foresee a possible injury or harm. This case gave significance to the ‘parable’ of ‘love thy neighbour’ (Chamberlain, 2010:113). This case and others that follow have helped to assess reasonableness and develop laws on the duty of care and given ‘power to the modern consumer’ (Coleman, 2009). However, the question is how big is the level of risk to others to balance any costs involved in avoiding the chances of it happening? Or is this just an erroneous question; the level of risk should always be considered?

BL – Initial Post – Sultan Al Junabi

A breach of duty occurs in an event where an individual or an entity possess a duty of care towards another person or company but fails to meet the prerequisite standards. This means that a person can be liable for negligence in the event of a personal injury case where the breach of duty elicited another person injuries. It is worth noting that remoteness refers to a legal test of causation adopted in an event there is a need for making a determination of the forms of loss elicited by a breach of contrite or duty. As Sands (1986) noted, this should be compensated by a damages reward. Therefore, to determine the extent in which a damage caused by a breach of duty has to be foreseeable, several issues must be prioritized. One issue is whether a defendant had any duty to fulfill towards a plaintiff and if that is the case whether it was a duty of reasonable care or hedged on professional liability, premises liabilities or other forms of the relationship existing between the plaintiff and the defendant. Second is whether the accused had foreseen the risk of harm to the plaintiff or if they should have reasonably have anticipated it. The rationale of this is that the issue of alternatives availability is critical in products liability cases.

Do you depend mainly on your risk assessment to identify such breaches?

SHRM – Initial Post

Employee relationship management (ERM) is defined as the process used to support the relationship between an organisation and its workforce; “balancing the interests of individuals, employers and society in order to deliver performance, engagement and fairness”(Overell,2010:5).

Whilst the process can take the form of either a unitary approach, in which the workforce is viewed as entity unified by one aim, or a pluralistic approach, whereby inequalities are identified, primary areas of focus are likely to include:

Dispute management.
Measuring and monitoring results.
Goal setting.
Determining employee needs.

Highlighting the benefits of this process, research has identified a link between ERM and the achievement of business goals; with the maintenance of a positive workplace climate and high levels of employee engagement aiding this process (Overell,2010;6). In support of this theory, CIPD argue in favour of the significance of good employee relations contributing to “enhanced business outcomes as well as better health and well-being for employees”(CIPD,2017).

However, providing contrasting, the complex nature of this process is identifiable in response to the number of variables impacting upon the direction of these techniques. To expand, whilst communication is said to be the glue that supports the policies, making them redundant if ineffective, “many organisations perform badly in this area, failing to give employee communication the priority it deserves”(CIPD,2017). Similarly, the influence of management financial bias, currently estimated to make up 95% of decision making motives, (Larson,2017) can also be accredited to ineffective ERM; thus highlighting the importance of appropriate internal control mechanisms.

For example, the conduction of environmental scanning, whereby internal strengths and weaknesses are identified and their implications assessed, will provide support.

What other variables will contribute to the effectiveness of ERM?

SHRM – Initial Post

The employee and employer relationship dynamic differs depending on what the organisation’s strategic goals are and also, to some extent, in what type of industry they operate in. It seems that the modern approach to employee relationships leans heavily on Unitarism, which Truss et al (2012: 15) describe as having a common purpose among employees and employers, with emphasis on employee commitment and loyalty. This ideology sees ‘the employment relationship based on management prerogative, valuing labour individually’ (Beardwell and Claydon (2010: 689).

In a company that uses a unitary approach, HR may use individualistic options such as a reward strategy and performance management in order to achieve specific organisational goals. For example, an electrical company I once worked for saw a change in the market and decided to diversify into solar powered technology. To gain a greater market share, sales bonuses on solar products were placed at a premium to encourage staff to find new customers. The company also sent sales staff and technicians on courses so that they could learn about the new products. For this organisation, the entire team understood the need for diversification and were happy to work hard. Training and reward were the key to getting staff motivated and committed to achieving.

The pluralistic approach is defined by Beardwell and Claydon (2010: 687) as ‘recognising inequality between capital and labour where each of the interest groups has some conflicting and some common aims’. This approach can be seen commonly these days in the public sector, where many employees are at the mercy of cost-saving organisational strategies, leaving them with no pay increases, training opportunities or career paths. Employee engagement is fraught with conflict as unpopular choices are deployed to align with strategy.

Do you have any examples of how a pluralistic approach is helping to achieve organisational strategy in the private sector?

SHRM – Initial Post

There are two main perspectives when approaching employee relationships within organisations: the unitary perspective and the pluralist perspective. The pluralistic perspective fosters the belief that organisational, employee and employer goals cannot be fully aligned as stakeholders possess “diverse sets of beliefs, values, attitudes, and behaviours” (Giles 1989: 131) and therefore, conflict will arise and solutions will be found. In the pluralistic perspective, there is a clearer division within organisational hierarchy and clearly defined departments, roles, responsibilities and boundaries with continued negotiation needed between stakeholders to ensure that employees needs are fulfilled while the employer is not giving more than they feel they should.

The unitary perspective differs in that it combines the goals of both the employee and the employer in order to encourage loyalty to the organisation and foster a partnership between these two key stakeholders. A unitary organisation may support employees in various goals whether that is personal by providing flexible working, financial through offering competitive rates of pay, or professional by providing employees with the opportunity to advance. This approach is beneficial in fostering a cooperative and communicative environment where stakeholders at all levels feel they have an investment in the organisation and, therefore, should contribute towards organisational success.

I feel that my experience of employer relationships leans more towards the unitary perspective as I feel the balance of power has always leaned more towards the employer than the employee in organisations I have worked within. However, I do not feel this necessarily creates a negative environment as I do not believe that it is possible to fully avoid conflict in the workplace.

Is it possible to ever have a fully unitary approach to an organisation while still maintaining a structural hierarchy within an organisation? Is a structural hierarchy necessary in a fully cooperative unitary organisation?

Understanding the effects of pricing on revenues, costs and pricing

Introduction: It is April and you have recently been hired as the manager of Springvale Seaside Caramel Company in Springvale, Maine. You have been asked to improve profitability. The company got its name from a propriety caramel truffle first sold in a coffee shop also owned by the Prescott family. Note: Please use Excel for all calculations.

Analysis of Pricing: You manage The Springvale Seaside Caramel Company which makes a chocolate – caramel truffle for sale to gift shops from Cape Cod to Mount Desert Island near Bar Harbor Maine. The company sells individually wrapped candies in boxes of 50 for $81.00 each. The candies retail for $3.99 for an individual piece and sales have been strong. The owners of the Seaside would like to increase its sales and profits. They know that, if price is lowered, they will generate more sales. Sales are typically steady at 35,000 boxes per month from May through October. Last year they sold 35,000 boxes in May. So they run an experiment. Price is lowered to $73.00 per box in May of this year and the number of deliveries increases to 37,000.
What is the Price Elasticity of Demand?
Is elasticity elastic, inelastic or neither?
What does this mean and why does it matter?
Will Revenues increase or decrease as a result of the price cut? By How much?
You calculate that the fixed costs for the Springvale Seaside Caramel are $25,000 per month and each box costs $48 for the labor, candy, packaging and shipping. Will profits go up or down as a result of the price cut? By How much? (Profits are revenue minus all costs. )
Shaun Prescott, the 19 year old son of the owner, says that there wasn’t enough time in the experiment. He estimates that in the second month, June, Seaside Caramel will sell 40,000 boxes at $73.00 per box. Please answer the following assuming that Shaun is correct. You want to get an idea of what will happen to profits before you commit to an action and make a projection. If profits are projected to go up assuming that Shaun is correct, then you will keep the current price of $73.00 during June. If the profits are projected to go down, you plan to return to $81 per box.
What would be the Price Elasticity of Demand compared to a month ago if Shaun is correct?
Is elasticity elastic, inelastic or neither?
What does this mean and why does it matter?
Will Revenues increase or decrease as a result of the price cut to $73.00 at 40,000 boxes? By How much?
You calculate that the fixed costs for the Seaside Caramel are still $25,000 per month and each box costs $48.00. Make a projection of revenues, costs and profits for June. Will profits go up or down as a result of the price cut if Springvale Seaside Caramel sells 40,000 boxes? By How much?
The Springvale Seaside owners see the change in profits from the price decrease in May and the projection for June. They decide to go back to a price of $81.00 and have sales of 35,000 boxes in June. The May production required staff to work 2 weekends and there were many complaints. No one wanted to work weekends during vacation season in Maine and there was no room to expand production. The owners were willing to add a second location that would permit greater production if profits justified. They decide that they are only willing to manage enough production to support 35,000 deliveries at a price of $81.00. However, if they raised price to $90.00 per box for July, they would be willing to hire additional staff, lease more space across town and produce 58,000 boxes.
Calculate the Elasticity of Supply. Is it elastic or inelastic?
How many deliveries will Seaside have at a price of $90.00? Hint: since the product is perishable, you will only want to produce what customers will buy. Use the original the elasticity of demand calculated in #1 above.
What will be the Revenue?
What will be the Profit?
Should Springvale Seaside raise the price to $90.00? Why or why not?

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