Archive for September, 2017

Can Some Blame For This Deceit Be Directed Towards The Company’s Governance Structure?

Topic: "Why should I care about the shareholders, who I see eleven a year at the general meeting." – Attributed to the CEO of Volkswagen in 1983. In 2015, it became apparent that the car maker, Volkswagen, had been using illegal software in 11 million of its worldwide. agencies. When news of this broke, the company faced a global backlash.every day." – Attributed to the CEO of Volkswagen in 1983. In 2015, it became apparent that the car maker, Volkswagen, had for years been using illegal software installed in 11 million of its cares worldwide to help the company satisfy emissions standards required by US state testing agencies. When news of this broke, the company faced a global backlash.

Computer Science

In the distributed books library application, each client on registering itself with the server can serve its books, download books, and browse available books. If a client is registered to serve one or more books, then it acts as a server with a listening port.  Based on your research and week's readings, continue with the Microsoft Word document from W2 Assignment 2 and add a 3- to 4-page report to complete the following tasks: •Discuss how you will design the server in the given situation to handle multiple clients arbitrarily entering and leaving the system? Describe your server design in detail.  •Justify your design selection.  •Include a simple block diagram to describe the components of your design.  •Perl is the language selected for doing this assignment. If you are asked to pick a different language,  which language would you choose for implementing your design? How is compared to Perl? •When it comes to implementing your suggested design, describe what the most challenging task is. Why do you think so?


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Introduction To Criminalistics

You have been selected by your crime lab supervisor to develop a paper on the health risks associated with processing a crime scene for his presentation to a group of fellow crime lab administrators and personnel their yearly symposium.

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Risks To Data Security

Need Introduction and methodology- 5 page


Topic: Risks to Data Security


 The purpose of the research paper is to identify the risks and threats to Data Security. The paper will involve research and analysis on why data security is important, what are the risks to data security and how to mitigate them. 


Please answer these questions while writing the paper



Please answer these questions in the introduction.

1. Introduction of the topic

2. What are you researching and / or what are you doing?

3. The problem statement. A discussion about why the research needs to be accomplished clearly describing the technological problem or technical issue that you plan to solve, improve, or change including a discussion about why solving, improving, or changing the situation is important. Be sure to use appropriate, supporting literature.

4. Solution to the problem

5. Research questions


Please answer these questions in the methodology section.

1. Selected methodology and its application to the project

2. A discussion about the origin, evolution, and current status of published research literature and how this methodology is appropriate for technological research

3. Its usefulness in academic or organizational context, etc.

4. A discussion of the anticipated field research method or methods that you may use during your research

5. A discussion, at the end of the section, describing why your selected methodology is more appropriate than, at least, one other methodology for researching your topic

Capstone – Topic 2 DQ 1

During your practicum, determine what clinical problem or issue the   organization is facing. Discuss two implications for nursing.


The biggest problem or issue is staffing. The turn-over rate is incredibly high and there is never enough staff to provide satisfactory patient care.


The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity to creatively combine (synthesize) your personal values and personal moral philosophy in a very different way than the usual cognitive (cerebral) approach.  Write a story in which you demonstrate one of your top ten values or live according to your moral philosophy. Make sure the story is vivid and memorable. Think of a clever title for the story that captures your reader's attention and helps your reader to remember it. The story should be no shorter than one page and no longer than two pages double spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font.  Here is an instruction you may not often receive: Relax, have fun, enjoy writing your story, turn your authentic self free and write from the heart. Wait a day or two and then reread your story. You will be surprised by two things. First, you are more creative than you thought you were. Second, you will develop at least one important insight about your own values. 

My priority list is the following:

1) Approachability

2) Confidence

3) Family

4) Honesty

5) Empathy

6) Diversity

7) Flexibility

8) Spirituality

9) Friendliness

10) Making a difference

Business & Finance

Their are two different assignments that I will put together on here (cut cost). They are completely separate papers( documents).   These papers are actually due 9-19-17


First paper:  

"Multi-Party Negotiation"

The essay will explore the complexities that occur with multi

-party negotiations and groupthink.Your essay will address the following points.


*Describe two-party, coalitions, and multi-party negotiations.–Within your description, include a real-life example of how these types of negotiation 

are used in the business world.

*Describe the social complexities of the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion. Please start by reviewing Figure 13.1 located on page 409 of your course textbook for background information on the event.

*What is “groupthink,” and how did it affect the Challenger?–Make sure you include your source used for this portion of your research.

*What do you think you would have done if you were in that Challenger meeting?


Essay must be a minimum of three pages in length, not including

the title page and reference page.You are required to use your textbook as a reference and one additional source for your paper. Follow proper APA format, including citing and referencing all outside sources used. 

(Book) Lewicki, R. J., Saunders, D. M., & Barry, B. (2015).Negotiation(7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education




Second paper:Just individual questions


 1.Identify six types of departmentalization. Evaluate one type within a professional scenario or real-life experience (200 word count)



2. Define leadership and shared leadership, and describe authentic  leadership. Share a personal or professional experience representative  of one of these. (200 word count)



3. Discuss cultural and gender similarities and differences in leadership.  Share a personal or professional experience representative of one of  these (200 word count)


4. Describe the four elements of transformational leadership.  Transformational leadership is the most popular perspective of leadership; however, it is far from perfect. Discuss the limitations of transformational leadership (200 word count)


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Human Resource Management: How to Kill creativity

please read the case named :     

Creativity under the Gun at Litmus Corporation  and the reading named: How to Kill creativity. 

and answer the following questions based on case itself and the related reading.

the deadline will be 09/22  12pm EST. You need to answer all questions very detailed. at least 2 pages




Case Note 5: Creativity under the Gun at Litmus Corporation

1. Apply the three-component model (Amabile) to the case. How does this help explain the problems that the team is encountering?

2. Discuss the type of motivation needed by Stanley’s team. How can this type of motivation be created?

3. What is the role of time pressure in the case? How can creativity be catalyzed under pressure?  Discuss the role of goal setting in the case. How could Stanley have been more effective with this aspect of project management?

4. What do Grady’s logs reveal? How can Stanley use the information in the logs to more effectively support creativity in his team?

Sharing Economy

Sharing Economy ist ein Sammelbegriff für Firmen, Geschäftsmodelle, Plattformen, Online- und Offline-Communitys und Praktiken, die eine gemeinsame Nutzung mehrerer Kunden von ganz oder teilweise ungenutzten Ressourcen ermöglichen. Wie lässt sich das zunehmende Interest an diesem Konzept erklären? Inwiefern ist die Kritik an diesem Ansatz gerechtfertigt?

The context of how content analysis of stereotypical gender roles have changed over the years in television and film

In this initial writing assignment, you are to propose a text that you would like to read closely. The proposal should include a) background information and description of the b) why are you interested in this text, and c) an argument for why this text is significant for rhetorical analysis. This should be in Chicago style format with two sources and should touch on the theory and method you can apply to your paper and artifact. My artifact is the film "Salt" with Angelina Jolie. So that is what will be applied to my descriptive analysis.artifact. My artifact is the film "Salt" with Angelina Jolie. So that is what will be applied to my descriptive analysis.

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