Archive for September, 2017


For this assignment, you will interview a coach of any youth sport – this could be a coach you have worked with previously, a coach you currently play for, or a coach you have never played for.

Prior to the interview, you will generate a set of questions (in addition to several questions I will provide you) that will guide you in interviewing the coach of your choice. The interview will include items about the role of coach influence on youth development, coaching practices that align with the literature on positive youth development, and challenges of working with youth in sports.

In addition to the interview, you will write a 2-3 page paper in which you describe the coach, his/her background, and the general topics discussed in your interview. You should also spend time reflecting on ways in which topics mentioned in the interview relate back to concepts being discussed in the course (via discussion board posts, readings, synchronous meetings, etc.). While this is not a “research paper,” you are expected to cite any sources used in your reflection (textbook, additional readings, etc). I expect you will have 2-3 references for this paper.



reflect on topics of interview to the following reading  we read in class 

Cold War

The essay for this lesson is required to be 750-1,000-words and clearly demonstrate your understanding of the prompt. Essays should be 5 or more paragraphs with a clear introduction, thesis statement and conclusion, written in APA format ( Once completed, submit your work to the Essay Dropbox. You may select from one of the following prompts: •Discuss the origins of the Cold War. Do you believe it could have been prevented? Be specific in your response.   •Do you think high levels of military spending on the American side was the reason that the Cold War ended? Explain your reasoning.   •How did Dwight D. Eisenhower embody the 1950s era in which he was president? What lesson can today’s leaders take from him?   •What new direction did the foreign policy of the United States take during the early days of the Cold War? Discuss two effects of this new policy, then and now.   •Write an essay in which you argue that, in hindsight, the Cold War could have been prevented or at least minimized and why.   •Some people consider Joseph McCarthy to have been a ruthless demagogue while others see him as a tragic figure from the 1950s. In an essay, discuss which way you see him.   •Alternative prompts may be proposed, but require lesson faculty approval

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CIS 3342 Project 1 – Sandwich Builder Form

The goal of this assignment is to give you some experience creating a web application that includes a simple HTML page with a form that is processed by an ASPX server-side page.



1.       Create a simple HTML page (sandwich_builder.html) and design the user interface, which will contain the HTML input form.

a.       Add simple HTML form controls (HFCs) for the user to enter their name and phone number.

b.      Add an HTML form control drop-down box (select/option list) or radio button group to allow the customer to select the size of the sandwich.

c.       Add HTML form controls that allows the customer to make selections and customize their sandwich.

                                                               i.      Toaster or not toasted

                                                             ii.      Spreads or sauces

                                                            iii.      Checkboxes for lettuce, tomato, onions, pickles, etc… The checkboxes will allow the customer to choose as many as they like.

                                                           iv.      Checkboxes premium additions like bacon, extra cheese, extra meat, etc… The checkboxes will allow the customer to choose as many as they like.

                                                             v.      Meal option that includes a drink and some side of their choice (chips, fruit, cookie).

                                                           vi.      Option to tip the sandwich build artist. The tip will get added to the total cost of the order during server-side processing. Use a textbox to allow the customer to enter a numerical value for the tip. A blank textbox would signify the customer is not including a tip.

                                                          vii.      Provide at least 5 choices for each of the above categories.

                                                        viii.      You must use a mixture of drop-down boxes, radio button groups, and checkboxes to allow the user to build their customized sandwich. This means you cannot use a drop-down box for everything.


2.       Server-side processing

a.       The ASPX page only needs to contain a simple ASPX label or labels (WFC) to display the necessary output to the customer.

b.      Retrieve the values for all form controls using the Request object.

c.       Display the user’s order with all their selections.

d.      Calculate and display the cost for the order including tax and tip.

                                                               i.      You should assign prices for each option.

                                                             ii.      Display the breakdown for the order (cost of each item / choice, tax amount, tip amount, and grand total.)






3.       Good Design:

a.       Make your presentation clear to the user, providing on-screen instructions wherever needed both for data entry and output.

b.      You need to use a proper naming convention for all controls and in your code. I expect you to properly name your classes, variables, methods, etc…

c.       You must use component-based software design. This means writing as much code in classes and functions of classes instead of in the GUI.


4.       Hint: you will need the HTML Form tag to be setup properly for this to work. The method and action attributes are the most important. The method attribute indicates the type of HTTP Request and how the form’s data will be sent. The POST method sends the form’s data in the body of the HTTP Request and the GET method sends the form’s data in the URL of the HTTP Request. The action attribute indicates the page that will process the form.

<FORM  id=”frmSandwichBuilder”  method=”post”  action=”SomePage.aspx” > 



You need to publish your web application project to the cis-iis2 web server, upload your code to Blackboard, and provide the URL to your web application’s start page (Home Page / Table of Contents Page). Make sure a current version of your solution is located in your G:\cis3342 folder. Projects that are not submitted properly will not be graded.

The grade for the required elements is based on the published version of your web application. This means the elements must work from the published web application, not just the solution submitted through Blackboard. It’s important to make sure your published web application is the current version and that everything works. You shouldn’t publish to the Project folder after the project has been submitted. Otherwise, it will be considered late or may not be accepted if it’s after the deadline. If you make changes to your project, you will need to republish and resubmit the project. Generally, you shouldn’t publish or make changes until after you receive a grade.

You need to zip the root folder for your solution into a single zip file and submit the assignment in Blackboard. To submit the assignment, you need to click the Assignment’s Title “Project 1” to view the submission form and upload the file.

Make sure you properly submit your assignment and that it works. Programs that don’t run or don’t contain all the necessary files will not be graded and marked late.

Please be sure to save your work periodically as you proceed and also back it up.  You may want to store it on your flash drive.  If you are going to zip an application in order to store it, BE SURE TO FIRST CLOSE Visual Studio. If you do store information on your flash drive be sure to copy it to a hard drive on your computer before working with the project.

Assignment 2: Environment And Biology

Assignment must be at least two pages



Every human trait is influenced by genes. Epigenetics refers to the series of complex exchanges between heredity and the environment. Researchers have discovered that human characteristics are epigenetic, meaning certain environmental influences can impact the way genes are expressed.


Create at least a 2 page Microsoft Word document responding to the following:

  • Compare and contrast the role of environment and biology regarding individuals with phenylketonuria (PKU) and Down syndrome.
  • Include a discussion on learning and personality development and cite evidence to support your analysis regarding these individuals.

Your document should be written in APA format. Your document should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

The Relationship Between Education And Extremist Ideology

I need to do a resarch about the relationship between Education and Extremist ideology .


Must include ( Introduction , 4-5 main points , references for each point, conclusion )


360 degree feedback

Start by researching best practices for 360-degree feedback, and research how leaders/organizations implement it. Then,begin to consider how you would like to handle feedback with your own subordinates.

Your research paper should meet the following criteria:

Include an introduction.

Explain 360-degree best practices and implementation plans.

Include examples of organizations’ use of feedback and your evaluation of its effectiveness.

Explain how you will use feedback with your own employees in your future career.

Evaluate how you will use 360-degree feedback to increase employee motivation and morale.

Your research paper should be a minimum of three pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. You are required to use at least three outside sources to support your ideas. All

sources used must be cited and referenced according to APA style.

Leadership Imperative

Research how healthcare is evolving in Saudi Arabia. Present a discussion of the common barriers to healthcare innovation and the leadership challenges you see in building an effective healthcare team as well as the communication challenges they face.

Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument, citing any sources referenced. ( 1.5 – 2 pages)

The Differences Between Diversity And Multiculturalism

The subject of your research paper is to discuss the differences between diversity and multiculturalism as well as to discuss the pros and cons of diversity in the workplace.  This is not an opinion piece but a scholarly work supported with credible references and sources from your research. Topics of discussion may include recruiting, selection, pay and benefits, retention, affirmative action, and any other areas that pertain to strategic HRM in the workplace.

Your paper should be a minimum of eight (8) full pages of double spaced content in 12 point font. In addition, include an abstract, a properly formatted APA cover page, and a minimum of 5 references to support your ideas, arguments, and opinions.


The paper should adhere to APA formatting requirements (APA style cover page, in-text citations for each listed reference, and a reference page are required). It is very important that your critical analysis relates the course content to real-world applications from your work experiences or current events affecting HRM practices.

Field: Human Resource Management

Analyze the deep, underlying assumptions of your organization. You may analyze either your current or past employer, a volunteer organization, or any group in which you have participated. If you have never formally worked for an organization, feel free to analyze a club, team, or any other organization you have been a part of. Feel free to use pseudonyms for your organization, leaders, and any other individuals mentioned in your essay.      1. Incorporate elements from the unit lesson and readings, specifically analyzing the following categories of deep, underlying assumptions within your organization: a. deep assumptions about reality and truth, b. deep assumptions about the nature of time and space, and c. deep assumptions about human nature, activity, and relationships. (Your essay should especially focus on this category of deep assumptions.) 2. How are these deep, underlying assumptions shared throughout all levels of the organization, including the executive level; division, department, and/or team levels; and the individual level? How are these assumptions perpetuated at each level? 3. Have you observed any of these deep assumptions being challenged? If so, explain the scenario and the outcome. If not, why do you think the organization’s deep, underlying assumptions are typically not challenged in your organization?      Your Essay must be a minimum of two pages and be in APA style. As with all your work at Waldorf University, be sure to cite all your sources and follow Waldorf’s Academic Integrity Policy.      Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.


HIV is spread in several ways, including sexual contact and exposure to contaninated blood via sharing needles. How can prison officials minimize the possibility of these high-risk behaviors?

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