Archive for September, 2017

Your city-Then focus on one or two aspects of your chosen city

Cities get divided by war, religion, politics, national boundaries–or by all of the above. Often a smaller city may be nested within a larger city as in the case of Sun City within Phoenix, or Old Delhi in Delhi, India. While some divisions are peaceful, others are conflicted. For example, are there divides in culture and lifestyles? Do the two sides WANT a wall or not? How do people move across boundaries? How does the economy work? Maybe the poor on one side work for the rich on the other (as in South African cities, even today).
For this paper, choose your city. Then focus on one or two aspects of your chosen city. Economy? Logisticshow do people travel? Is one side or the other in control?

For your final paper for this class, please write 4-5 pages (1.5 spaced) on your chosen divided city.

References in addition to your page count. Provide a minimum of four references. While you will draw online for much of your information, please consult at least ONE journal article–this will point to areas of discussion.

NURS 3315 Final Exam

Respond to each of the following short answer items. Your responses should be thorough and written in complete sentences. Use APA format with a title page and reference page. Provide citations for all sources used. Points will be deducted if title page, references and citations are not provided. You are encouraged to use sources other than notes when writing your responses, but responses should reflect the information in the required course textbook. You are expected to work individually on this exam. The exam should be submitted in Moodle by the date and time on your course calendar.
1. Explain the difference between primary and secondary brain injury. Describe how the factors involved in secondary brain injury impact autoregulation and intracranial pressure. (30 points)

Describe the role of an organizations IRB

Assignment Instructions
For this assignment you will write 1-2 pages describing governance principles, standards, and practices in the IT environment. Using the media presentation as a case study:

-Describe the role of an organizations IRB.
-Describe the role of an organizations technology PMO.
-List and describe the components of an IT code of conduct.
-Use references to legislation and governing edicts as applicable.

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs: Students’ needs

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs indicates that we all have 5 levels of need that must be met: Physiological, Safety, Love / Belonging, Esteem and Self-Actualization. As the teacher you interview the following questions.
In your professional opinion:
1. How important it is for students to have their basic needs met in order to be successful in School? Why do you think so?
2. Which needs are most important to have satisfied so students can thrive in school? Why?
3. Who is responsible for ensuring that students have their needs met? Why do you think so?
4. What is one thing a teacher might do for a student who has physiological or safety needs? Why would this be useful?
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SPD604 Week Three Assignment

Required Text:
Slavin, R. (2015). Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice, (11th ed.). Pearson ISBN-10: 0133824616 ISBN-13: 9780133824612
Students Ready to Learn: Ensuring Basic Needs Are Meet
Field Work Notes and Reflection
Make an appointment to visit a public school teacher to learn more about student needs. The teacher you select can be either a general education teacher or a special education teacher.
Copy the questions below into a Word document and save it. Print out the questions and bring them with you to the interview. Interview the teacher using the questions. Carefully write down the teachers responses as he or she talks with you.
Re-type the teachers responses onto the Word Document, using a different color and submit with your summary and reflection.
The last question asks you to reflect on the teachers answers and your learning from this interview. This reflection is in addition to the summary.
The Fieldwork Assignment must be completed in a comprehensive public school. It cannot be completed with a teacher from a non-public school, a private school or a school for one type of student. This is a CTC requirement.
There is great value to completing this assignment in the teachers classroom. It is not acceptable to e-mail the questions and submit the assignment based on their e-mailed responses. As a credential candidate, you will find that you learn SO much from being in different classrooms.
Teacher Interview
School ___________________________________________________________________________
Teachers Name _______________________________________ Date ________

General Education Special Education Designation / Grade Level(s) ________

Choose one ethical dilemma from each group

Group A: A newspaper columnist signs a contract with a newspaper chain. Several months later she is offered a position with another newspaper chain at a higher salary. Because she would prefer making more money, she notifies the first chain that she is breaking her contract. The courts will decide the legality of her action. But what of the morality? Did the columnist behave ethically?
An airline pilot goes for his regular medical checkup. The doctor discovers that he has developed a heart murmur. The pilot only has a month to go before he is eligible for retirement. The doctor know this and wonders whether, under these unusual circumstances, she is justified in withholding the information about the pilots condition.
Group B: An office worker had a record of frequent absence. He used all his vacation and sick leave days and frequently requested additional leave without pay. His supervisor and co-workers expressed great frustration because his absenteeism caused bottlenecks in paperwork, created low morale in the office, and required others to do his work in addition to their own. On the other hand, he felt he was entitled to take his earned time and additional time off without pay. Was he right?
Rhonda enjoys socializing with fellow employees at work, but their discussion usually consists of gossiping about other people, including several of her friends. At first Rhonda feels uncomfortable talking in this way about people she is close to, but then she decided it does no real harm and she feels no remorse for joining in.
Please wait until at least Thursday to begin working on this assignment so you can include the information we are learning in the threads and in our readings in your thought processes.
Parameters for writing this paper:
1. Answer the questions raised in the problems above. You will have two separate sections to your paper, one on each separate question in your chosen group. You do not have to write an “English class” style paper this week. Answer each problem separately.
2. While writing your answers, incorporate the ideas of “good vs. evil,” “wrong vs. right,” and “ought/should be vs. what is.”
3. Explain in your answer to each problem how Augustine and Aquinas would have solved the problem based on what we learned about each here in the materials and course, and if they differ, why?
4. Your two sets of answers should be about two pages, double spaced.

I expect your paper to be written in the form of a well-structured essayhaving an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
The most weight is given to the relevance of the content, and the critical reasoning exhibited in the paper. A high-quality, well-reasoned essay will have a compelling argument. Merely stating your opinion is not an argument. Convince the reader that your opinion is correct. (This is the same point as regards high-quality posts in the discussions.) This is the area where I would like to see you grow over the term.
The required content will also be graded in terms of logical reasoning, and philosophical insight.
Consider the ethical dilemma given below. Write an ethics paper about it, including all the following information and analysis:
1. Solve the dilemma using any two of the following Three Primary Schools of Ethics we discuss this week from our assigned reading. (Ends based, Rules based, or Care based).
2. Explain the similarities and differences in your two solutions to the same dilemma.
3. State (and justify) whether you feel the two schools of ethics are worthy of use in “real life” dilemmas.
4. Do you feel that Aristotle would have approved of either of your solutions? Why or why not?
Please note that your ethics papers this term will be a great practice for you in doing the Final Exam. Your final exam is an essay exam which will follow a very similar format to the homework assignments…so please be sure to spend some time doing your readings and applying them to your written assignments.
Your papers should be about two typed pages, double spaced. Use the DeVry standard format for the paper (the title page and citation pages do not count among the two pages). Please organize your thoughts, use headings, and create readable documents with grammar and spelling checked.
The Dilemma will be your choice from either of the two following:
Choice 1: Over the past few decades, a sizable industry has arisen to serve the demand for ready-made and even customized compositions and term papers. Many students presumably believe there is nothing morally wrong with the practice of buying one of these papers and turning it in to fulfill a course requirement. Review what you read about plagiarism in this chapter. Then write a several-paragraph explanation of its message for a friend who doesnt get it. (Be sure to follow the approach explained in that section so you avoid committing plagiarism yourself).
Choice 2: A married couple, both addicted to drugs, are unable to care for their infant daughter. She is taken from them by court order and placed in a foster home. The years pass. She comes to regard her foster parents as her real parents. They love her as they would their own daughter. When the child is 9 years old, the natural parents, rehabilitated from drugs, begin court action to regain custody. The case is decided in their favor. The child is returned to them, against her will. Does ethics support the law in this case? Discuss

Describe the two technologies you selected and explain how each relates to supply chain management

Address each of the following:

1. Describe the two technologies you selected and explain how each relates to supply chain management. Provide at least one example of an actual organization that uses each of the two technologies you selected.

2. Using various combinations of the keywords legal, law, regulation, ethical, ethics, as well as keywords associated with one of the technologies you selected, find and discuss a connection between your selected technology and ethics or law


Assignment Overview
Betty Smith was recently hired as the Director of HR at Company XYZ. On her third day at work, the CEO called her in his office. He asked her to review the following terrifying timeline:


September 25, 2014
A man fired from an Oklahoma food processing plant beheaded a woman with a knife and was attacking another worker when he was shot and wounded by a company official.
January 29, 2013
A gunman, 70-year old Arthur Douglas Harmon, allegedly shot and killed 48-year-old Steve Singer, CEO of the Scottsdale-based Fusion Contact Centers LLC, a call center company.
December 14, 2012
Adam Lanza killed 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.
December 11, 2012
Jacob Tyler Roberts, a masked gunman opened fire at Clackamas Town Center, a mall in suburban Portland, Oregon, killing two people, injuring one, and then killing himself.
July 20, 2012
James Eagan Holmes, dressed in tactical clothing, set off tear gas grenades and shot into the audience with multiple firearms, killing 12 people and injuring 58 others in Aurora, Colorado, during a midnight screening of the film The Dark Knight Rises.
April 2, 2012
Seven people were killed and three others wounded in a shooting rampage by 43-year-old One Goh at an Asian religious vocational school in east Oakland, California; police later detained the suspected gunman.
January 8, 2011
Jared Lee Loughner killed six people and injured more than a dozen others, including a congressional lawmaker, outside of a supermarket in Arizona.
February 12, 2010
Amy Bishop went on a shooting rampage during a faculty meeting at an Alabama university, killing three colleagues and wounding three others as a result of being denied tenure.
November 5, 2009
U.S. Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan is alleged to have killed 13 people after he went on a shooting spree at the busy U.S. military base in Texas.
April 16, 2007
Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 people and himself on Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg, Virginia.
April 20, 1999
Students Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17, opened fire at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, killing 12 classmates and a teacher and wounding 26 others before killing themselves in the school’s library.
June 18, 1990
James Edward Pough shot people at random in a General Motors Acceptance Corp. office in Jacksonville, Florida, killing 10 and wounding four, before killing himself.
August 20, 1986
Pat Sherrill, 44, a postal worker who was about to be fired, shot 14 people at a post office in Edmond, Oklahoma.
July 18, 1984
James Oliver Huberty, an out-of-work security guard, killed 21 people in a McDonald’s restaurant in San Ysidro, California.

After reviewing the timeline, the CEO asks Betty what their organization can do to prevent such tragedies. After a brief conversation, the CEO mentions that the organization will be laying-off 10 employees in the next two weeks. The CEO asked her to think of some safety measures to be considered at their upcoming meeting with the entire management team.

Later that day, she receives an email from the CEO asking if it would be a good idea to bring his personal gun to work (for protection) and have it locked up in a safe. She is troubled and calls her friend who is a “Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR)” to help analyze this situation.

Case Study Questions

What questions would her SPHR friend ask Betty Smith?
Do you think it is a good idea for the CEO to bring a gun to work? Justify your response. Consider the Second Amendment.
Should there be covert “armed” employees at each organization that are carefully selected (after a thorough background check) by HR managers? Explain why or why not.
What are some issues with the traditional way of having an unarmed security guard sitting at the front desk?
What rules and regulations must be taken into consideration when making the decision? Interesting enough, Indiana is one of 13 states that signed into law a measure that bans employers from telling workers that they can’t have guns in their cars. Should all states consider such laws? Justify your response.

Review of Information Sources

The purpose of this assignment is to draft a preliminary review of information sources for your applied research study. This assignment will be used to help you develop a draft prospectus. The review of information sources provides a summary of the history of your topic, recent research in the field, and other pertinent information sources relevant to the topic which may not be based on prior research (e.g., past handbooks or manuals, review of competitors manuals, other relevant documents, etc.). It should include information about theories, theorists, and a detailed explanation about why this area of research is important, as well as include information that is important or relevant to the specific organization and study. A review of information sources should read like a coherent essay instead of a list of article summaries (annotated bibliography).


Your information source review should include the following:

Select publications that were published in the past 10 years.
Major theorists in the area that have shaped your discipline and/or applied research topic.
Identify a minimum of ten publications, including at least one applied research article.
Select documents from the organization that provide information on past policies or practices relevant to the topic.
Select documents from similar organizations within the field, such as competitors, that provide information on similar policies and practices relevant to the topic.
Draft a clear paper describing the background and recent research about your topic.
Explain why your research project is important to your field.
Note: You may refine the literature review started in W7000 and revised in earlier research courses.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources. Your final paper will be a 3- to 8-page Microsoft Word document (excluding title and reference pages) written in APA 6th edition format and utilizing at least seven scholarly sources.

Part 3 Marketing Plan (Due in Week 6, 30 points)

In this final piece of the Course Paper, you will develop a brief marketing plan for your product or service. In this section, you should do the following.

Identify the overall marketing goals.
Identify three to five specific marketing objectives (these should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and have a time element).
Identify specific marketing strategies for achieving these objectives and goals, including
product strategies (what your product will look like);
distribution strategies (how you will distribute the product or service to your target market);
promotion strategies (how you will promote your product or service); and
pricing strategies (how you will price your product or service).
You should clearly articulate how your intended strategies satisfy the needs of your target market.
The length of the marketing plan component should be 800-1600 words. You should cite all sources in APA style, both in text and at the end of the document. You are required to have at least three sources to support this component of the paper.
***Please see attached supporting documents

create a prospectus of your applied research study

The purpose of this assignment is to create a prospectus of your applied research study. A prospectus outlines your proposed research plan. You will revise the assignments you completed throughout this course to develop a clear and concise prospectus.

Your prospectus must include the following components:

Identification of the problem background and situating the context
Description of the purpose of the study
Research questions, hypotheses, and/or problem statements
Selection of appropriate literature (review of literature or information sources) to scope and support prospectus
Choice of methodology for applied research (specific quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods paradigm) and justification for such choice
Study design and implementationidentification of participants and their roles in the design and implementation of the study
Tools needed for data gathering (e.g., instruments) and data analysis
Reporting and dissemination
Your final product will be a 10- to 15-page Microsoft Word document (excluding the title and reference pages) utilizing at least ten scholarly sources. Your paper should be formatted following current APA standards; should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; should demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and should display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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