Whos Next in Line? Develop Tomorrow's Leaders Today
Type of assignment
Article critique
Pages / words
9 / 2475
Language style
US English
Type of service
Academic paper writing
Academic level
Junior (College 3rd year)
Paper format
Line spacing
Number of sources
Masters level Research and prepare Written analysis of the article. (Attached) 5 FULL PAGES SINGLE SPACED. 12 pt font. 1.25 inch side margins. 1 inch margins top and bottom. Use at least 4 references in addition to the article. Cite references in the text. Include a reference page. Use no more than two direct quotes and each should be no longer than 2 sentences in length. Identify and analyse the central issues mentioned in the article, your evaluation of the alternative perspectives, if any mentioned. Give your current stance on the issue raised in the article.