Archive for November 9th, 2018


There are several standardized training events in large organizations that are required annually or biannually. One of these is often sexual harassment. For this assignment, write a training plan for all employees in your firm to educate and develop their awareness of sexual harassment and understanding of legal and organizational policies. Be sure to include training aspects of planning, design, implementation, and evaluation. 


This plan should be in narrative form with a minimum requirement of 500 words. Discuss the following guidelines to complete your plan.

◾Planning: Should all employees be trained at once? If not,who should be trained first? What are the anticipated outcomes orterminal learning objectives of the training? 

◾ Design: In what format should the training be given, andwhy? What modalities will be used for employees on multipleshifts or in multiple locations? What are the core elements of thetraining that will align with the learning objectives?

◾ Implementation: Who will lead the training, and how willit be implemented? Will you be training for knowledge or behaviorchange? How will you conduct the actual training to account forknowledge and/or behavioral change?

◾ Evaluation: How will you know if the training wassuccessful? What measures will you use to know if employees 1) learnedfrom the training, 2) behaved differently after the training, and3) the training has a bottom line impact to the firm?

Students’ Rights Case Analysis

Complete a Case Analysis Framework and address each step of the decision-making model to render a decision for Case 38 from A Casebook for School Leaders: Linking the ISLLC Standards to Effective Practice.
Complete the case analysis by answering:
1. What are the highlights of the case.
2. What information do you know.
3. What information do you need to make a decision.
4. Who are the major players.
5. What are the possible solutions.
Create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint or Prezi presentation to present to staff. Include the following:
1. Background information on IDEA.
2. Your case analysis.
3. Your rationale for your possible solutions explaining the decisions you made and how those decisions support the school’s vision and mission and promote social justice.

Contemporary Issues Analysis

In this assignment, you will identify a contemporary issue relevant to the week’s topic and write a paper that includes the following:

1.Identification of the issue…

2.Examination of the issue as it relates to a psychological theory (cognitive, psychodynamic, behavioral, cultural, humanistic, etc.) …

3.Explanation of the challenges presented by the issue to the field of psychology and society… 


The paper should be 4 to 5 pages with a minimum of four SCHOLARLY resources…


Potential topics for this assignment:




Crisis Intervention,


Competency to Practice, or


Informed Consent.

FIN 405- Trade-Off Theory

According to the trade-off theory, how is the capital structure determined? Firms have an incentive to add leverage to the capital structure. 


Briefly describe an incentive to add leverage.  Then, refer to Equation 16.10 in the material this week and explain how indirect costs of financial distress affect firms in different ways. 

Do companies really need traditional qualifications-based job descriptions in the recruiting process?

1.Do  companies really need traditional qualifications-based job descriptions  in the recruiting process? Why? Should job postings be highly detailed  about the nature of the job and the skills expected to perform the job  functions, or should they only be broad descriptions? Why?


Some  commentators in the HRM field have argued that such job descriptions are  unnecessary and are, in fact, a leading cause of the inability to hire  top candidates, and that they lead to a variety of hiring mistakes.  Others argue that they are the foundation of a well-designed recruiting  and selection process. What do you think?


Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning. AT 250 WORDS




Job analysis is generally  the first step in recruiting and selection, job evaluation, and  performance management. Over the years, several different methods have  been developed and evolved into those commonly used today. These methods  include interviews, questionnaires, and observations, with many  variations within each type.


Give your opinion on the pros and cons of each of the three major types of job analysis.


Discuss the situations  in which each might be preferable. Consider the purposes for which  organizations use job analysis and the potential benefits in using them  and the consequences if they don’t use job analysis.ATLEAST 250 WORDS


Module 11 Discussion


In your own words, what is the relationship between risk and reward, and why is the principle of diversification so important?

Select A Large Multi-National Company

As you learned from our readings this week, corporate strategies are key to organizational success and important to the long-term health of the company. 


For this assignment, you will explore corporate strategies of multi-national companies. 


Select a large multi-national company that you haven’t used (NOT Coca-Cola).  Using the list below, research, identify and evaluate on the following strategies for your chosen company. Not all strategies may be utilized, but in most cases they will be used.  If you do not see a specific one used by your chosen company, note why you believe it isn’t used and if it should be.


Identify your chosen company and include a brief company summary before reporting on the strategies.


Growth strategies

Internal growth


External growth


Horizontal related integration


Horizontal related diversification


Conglomerate unrelated diversification


Vertical integration



Choose one type of Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS) and explain the purpose of it

.  Choose one type of Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS) and explain the purpose of it.  Also, include a brief summary of the claims reimbursement process for the Medicare PPS you choose.


Business Policy 4

Business Policy 4

Choose a company from Fortune 500 list and perform a comprehensive analysis of the company’s external environment. Make sure you address the following questions when conducting the analysis: 


1. What is/ are the company’s industry/ industries? 


2. Which companies are immediate competitors of the firm? base your selection on the market capitalization and market share comparisons. 


3. Who are the company’s suppliers? Do they have much bargaining power? does the company have other available alternatives to switch to? are there any associated costs if the company decides to switch? how about the quality of the incumbent suppliers’ materials compared to possible or potential alternative suppliers? Would there be any disruption and other inconveniences caused if suppliers decides to cause trouble for the firm and put pressure on it to bargain on prices? simply be comprehensive, through, and accurate. 


4. Repeat step 3 but for customers. (what is the segment/segments, audience, audiences that the firm serves) and so on. 


5. Describe the regulatory environment of the firm. 


6. Describe the general environment of the firm


7. Explain how socio-economic factors and political factors might have affected, or would affect the firm and how the effect takes place? 


8. Explain any demographic issues related to the firm’s business practices, employment, strategic objectives, products, services, etc. 


9. Thoroughly describe and evaluate the firm’s dependence on technology, it’s technological tools and equipment, and the extent to which it depends on technology now, and how will that change in the future, and why? 


10. How many companies operate in the same sphere? is rivalry intensive? what does that mean? 


11. Are there any substitutes for the firm’s products and services? are they of the same quality and prices? Can these substitutes be actual threats for the company in the future, how? and what can the company do or should do? 


12. Are there any political events that effected or would affect the way the firm conducts business? elaborate. 

Hiring For Diversity And/Or Qualifications

Choose whether you believe a company should hire for diversity or the best qualified individual. Explain your rationale. 


Determine how your current (or future) place of work could benefit from a diverse workforce.

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