Archive for November 13th, 2018

US Foreign Policy Regarding N. Korea’s Nuclear Program

Your task will be to prepare a formal research paper regarding the selected policy. The assignment is to be around 5-6 pages with in-text citations for your research. The minimum writing requirement is a 1000 of your own words or around 3 pages of a word document (excluding the cited information). The essay is to discuss each of the following prompts:


An introduction and brief overview of the policy relationship.


What are the major issues facing each country involved?


What are the reasons for initiating changes to the policy?



What are the options to be considered (discuss several)?



What are the pros and cons of each potential reform (costs v. benefits)?



Which is the best option moving forward (pick one)?



A summary and conclusion


Strategic Partnerships Between HR Specialists And Senior Management Teams

Working  in teams of 3-4 students, present a Voice Recorded Power Point  presentation (6 – 8 slides) including “notes” on the three topics taken  from the end of chapter readings.


The papers should analyze the reading and its connections to the  concepts covered in the text in the previous weeks. Provide additional  analysis that connects the reading to concepts (pro or con) from your  own current organization (as chosen by one team member) or one in which a  member was previously associated.


Week Three Topic: Strategic Partnerships between HR Specialists and Senior Management Teams.


Text Reading 3.2 “Are You Sure You Have A Strategy” (Reading 3.1 can serve as an additional resource if desired)

C05 Business Communication

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the “Assignment Format” page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.


Respond to the items below.


1. Define the following: a right, a legal right, a moral right, a human right. How are they related?


2. What three (3) features define a moral right?


3. How do we know that people have rights? What is the basis of the moral rights according to a utilitarian view? According to Immanuel Kant?


4. Fully discuss the idea that human beings have a “natural right” to liberty and a “natural right” to private property, as claimed by John Locke (1632-1704).


1. What is traditional utilitarianism? With traditional utilitarianism, how do you determine what the moral thing to do on any particular occasion might be? Include mention of the four (4) considerations to determine what the moral thing to do on any particular occasion might be.


2. Why is utilitarianism attractive to many? Discuss three (3) reasons.


3. What is the ecological ethic?


4. How does utilitarianism support the ecological ethic?


MKT 3750- International Marketing


Written critiques are an essential part of any online course, and particularly important for this course in International Marketing.  Almost half of all possible points to be earned this fall session are devoted to the preparation of these critiques- a total of 1000 possible points for the four Harvard Business Review Multimedia cases assigned.  It is essential that you carefully read the requirements needed for acceptance of grading, and the format to be used in the preparation of these written critiques.  The cases to be used for these critiques are purchased from Harvard Business Review and purchase instructions will be listed under Content on Blackboard.  Each written critique submission can earn up to 250 points each, and extra bonus points can be awarded for exceptional submissions.


You are to label each of the four sections of your written submission as follows:


(1) Statement of Purpose- 10% of your total submission.

                       A detailed statement of why you are writing this critique, what you will specifically 

                       demonstrate in your submission.  It is in effect a snap-shop of what will follow in the 

                       next three sections of your submission.


(2) Summary of the Case-  30% of your total submission

                          This section details the author’s(s) viewpoints; it is a summary.  It must be complete 

                           and capture all the major points of the case.  Do not mingle your own opinions or

                           personal views in this section.


(3) Analysis/Opinions – 50% of your total submission

               This section is your own opinions, analysis, recommendations, etc.  In this section you

                comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the case. You may bring personal 

                experiences into this section.  You are never graded down for expressing a negative

                opinion of a case; instead opinions are judged based upon how well you defend 



(4) Retrospective Commentary-  10% of your submission

                 This section requires you to Google the company portrayed in the case, and the 

                  author(s) of the case to provide up-to-date information on the status of what the 

                  company is doing at present, as well as the current status of the author(s) of the 



CHAD: Creating A Measurement Strategy

Evaluators need to collect data using measures (also referred to as data sources, indicators, instruments) that adequately capture the information needed to determine if a program is working well. Often, evaluators use a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative measures to draw conclusions about a program’s processes or impacts. Each measure provides some information to the evaluators, and together, multiple measures can provide useful insights into a program.


This activity provides an opportunity to consider measures that address real-world outcome evaluation questions. For this assignment, you will identify one implementation question and one outcome question (based on your logic model from the previous assignment) and identify a measurement strategy for each question.  You will draw on existing measures as well as consider options using existing data or developing your own questions. 

Start-Up of Blissful Gardens

“Start-Up of Blissful Gardens”  Please respond to the following:


Review the Case Study: Start-Up of Blissful Gardens, located on page 510 of your text. Next, suggest two (2) marketing goals for the facility that Ms. Remedios could implement.


Take a position on which of the three (3) types of market targeting strategies (single-offer, mass-market coverage, single-segment concentration, or selective specialization) would work best for this start-up. Provide a rationale for your position.

Strategic Personal Development Plan

You are being interviewed for an executive business analyst position with a prestigious international consulting firm. Before the official interview, you need to prepare a strategic personal development plan as an example of how you would set goals for yourself and, indirectly, your potential clients. 


Develop a strategic personal development plan. Include enough information that will convince your interviewer that you are the best candidate for the job.


Identify personal mission, SWOT analysis,  and clarification of values. [2000 word]


Identify the resources you will need to accomplish your plan and the benchmarks that will point to successful results or flags for intervention.  [2000 word]

Code Of Ethics

 Companies use a code of ethics to preserve a certain level of ethics within their organization. Think about a company that you believe constantly displays ethical behavior. If you had to pull from their code of ethics to improve a different company’s code, what types of items would you want to replicate and why? 


What benefit can Monte Carlo simulation add to Joe and Mick’s understanding of the eco- nomic benefits of the Little Judson Prospect?

1. Based on the base case scenario and the two alternative downside possibilities, is this invest- ment economically attractive?


2. What benefit can Monte Carlo simulation add to Joe and Mick’s understanding of the eco- nomic benefits of the Little Judson Prospect?


3. Incorporate uncertainties into the spreadsheet using Crystal Ball. What do the Monte Carlo results reveal? What is the probability that the NPV will be greater than zero? How sensitive is the NPV to the different inputs?


4. Think about the proper discount rate—should it be adjusted now that much of the risk has been modeled explicitly with Crystal Ball? Should Mick invest?


Finance Research Paper

The links to APA citation methodology are posted in Content – Course Resources – Writing Resources.

Format of the Research Project (As it is stated in the Syllabus):

Both parts of the Research Project report should be about 6-8 pages double-spaced typewritten pages (without tables and graphs). The assignments for both parts include suitable comparative, quantitative and qualitative analyses and conclude with a specific and supported recommendation and reflection.

The Research Project (Parts 1 and 2) must be posted to the LEO Student Assignments as Attachments. Attachments are limited to a maximum two files in doc, docx., xls. xlsx., or rtf. formats. OTHER FORMATS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE, will not be reviewed or graded.

Please note that hand-written and scanned works, pdf. files, jpg. files, as well as files posted in google drive, will not be accepted or graded.

Please note that Use of APA Citation Methodology is required for the assignment.

All works must be Word processed. Handwritten and scanned work will not be accepted and graded.

In accordance with the UMUC Academic Policy, notes taken for papers and research projects should accurately record sources of material to be cited, appropriately quoted, paraphrased or summarized, and papers and research projects should acknowledge these sources in the appropriate places in the text of the paper as well as in a reference list at the end of the paper, in accordance with accepted citation practices. No more than 20% of the text of the project should be made up of quotes.

The resubmission of research projects from previous classes (whether or not taken at UMUC), partially or in its entirety, is unacceptable, and will result in a grade of zero for the graded exercise.

Written projects must be:

1. typed, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, with margins no wider than one inch

2. have footnotes or endnotes, with correct citations

3. have a bibliography of sources used

4. include, for each entry, the author, title, city and state of publisher, publisher’s name, year, and page numbers

5. prepared using word processing software (Microsoft Word preferred), in a manner similar to the preparation of a written assignment for classroom submission


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