Archive for November 15th, 2018

The Earth In Peril: A Literary And Scientific Analysis

This term we have covered numerous environmental consequences of man’s interactions with nature. One such example is the movie Safe. Perform an eco-critical analysis of the movie Safe (1995). In 4 well written paragraphs and using examples from the film present a thorough analysis of the environment’s representation and effect on the main character. 

“Identifying Truth or Fiction”

“Identifying Truth or Fiction”


The video clip, “The Baloney Detection Kit,” this week discusses the ways an effective critical thinker assesses claims made by others.


Examine some key reasons why people might seem attracted to pseudoscience-type claims.


Write Answer Here


Describe at least two (2) such claims that you have heard people make and analyze the main reasons why such claims do or do not meet rigorous scientific methodology standards.


Write Answer Here


Determine at least two (2) ways in which the material discussed this week has changed your own thinking.


Write Answer Here

Colonization And The Puritans

1.)  Compare the attitude toward the Native Americans revealed by at least three of the following authors: Mary Rowlandson, John Smith, Cotton Mather and St. John de Crevecoeur. You might consider the concept of the good Indian, the bad Indian, and the noble savage as part of your answer. Refer to specific native people to illustrate your response. Of these authors, who do you believe expresses the truest description of the native peoples? Contrast how these writings would be received today.(200+ words) 


2.) Part II:  Readers have been interested in de Crevecoeur’s writings as a documentation of life in America at that time and as an idea of what being an American is all about. More recently, readers have also considered his work an examination of the whole human experience. Discuss your thoughts and reactions to de Crevecoeur’s “Letters from an American Farmer” on any element that speaks to you and, also, specifically in terms of what it meant, and means today, to be an American. (200+ words) 

Cover Blackboard Childrens Lit Class


The assignment requires reading Chapters, posting on Blackboard and responding to two classmates. You must have access to my blackboard so that you can read the assignments in full. You must be able to understand, comprehend and keep up. The assignments are past due



October 21st- Discussion Board  



October 11th- 500 p.m.- Reading Quiz  



October 21st Noon. Children’s Literature Essay Three    


November 1st- Reading Quiz  


November 11th Discussion Board Due  


November 11th Noon- Children’s Literature Essay Four Due 


December will be due soon. You would basically need to navigate blackboard and complete all work necessary. We can negotiate cost. 

Ethical dilemma(Sexual Harassment)

Ethical dilemma(Sexual Harassment) that arises in a profession related to your major or career plans. Feel free to be creative! In the paper, you will present background information concerning the dilemma, apply two ethical theories and a professional code of ethics to it, and defend your own proposed solution to the dilemma.   


Choose two ethical theories covered in the course—(a) Benedict’s cultural relativism, (b) Kant’s categorical imperative (either form), (c) Regan’s modified categorical imperative, (d) Mill’s utilitarianism, or (e) Noddings’ care ethics. For each of the two you choose, take a paragraph to summarize the view and explain what it might recommend regarding your dilemma. Cite details from the relevant course reading for each theory.  You can focus on theories that fit with your own eventual solution. For example, if you will give broadly utilitarian arguments later in the paper, then start here by describing what Mill would say about your topic. Alternatively, you may want to bring in a theory that you will ultimately reject. For example, if you will later argue that cultural relativism is inappropriate for resolving your dilemma, you could preview its response here, while noting that you will ultimately reject the theory.  (15 pages minimum)

Reading Response: The Republic

Socrates defines justice in a city as each person doing his or her own proper task, and that those tasks are allotted to the citizens by nature herself. 


How does this definition of justice work when applied, as Socrates later does apply it, to the human soul?


Critiquing article

In this assignment, you are required to address questions based on a published research article. You will select this article on your own from a reputable journal in the healthcare field (specifically patient safety) The article must have been peer-reviewed before being published. You also are required to post the summary of your responses to share it with your peers. You will need to:


Your research article summary should contain all your responses to the questions asked.


1. Initial Post: Create a post using the Discuss tool by responding to the topic “Critiquing a Research Article.” Your research article summary should contain all your responses to the questions asked.


Based on your selected published article from a reputable journal in your field or area of interest (for example, articles in the Academy of Management Journal, American Educational Research Journal, and other such journals), review the article focusing on issues related to content covered thus far in the course. Write a summary essay of your review. In particular, address the following:


a. What is the research problem or research question addressed by the study?


b. What type of research design was used, e.g. experimental, observational?


c. What are the variables, and which ones are dependent and independent, or continuous or discrete?


d. Describe the population of the study or sampling frame, the sampling technique, and sample size.


e. Describe the data collection methods, including procedures, instruments, and unit of analysis.


f. What descriptive statistics were used in the study to summarize the data (graphs, summary tables, etc.)?

g. Describe the statistical techniques used to analyze the data. Are these techniques adequate? Why or why not?


h. What do the results of the study mean?


Note: Be sure to attach or provide a link to your selected article when posting the summary of your responses to the discussion board.


Citation: Utilize proper APA citations in the body of the paper and in all your references. 

Unit 9 Marketing

Winer (2011) suggests an important feature of services is that because they are often distributed by people, their quality may be inconsistent at different points in time. Many services companies are seeking new methods to distinguish themselves from the competition. The Internet and information technology have provided robust, tangible opportunities for such differentiation.


Using the Horn Nord, Paliszkiewicz and Koohang article in the readings and one additional source from the Library, write a persuasive essay on how organizations in the tax services industry can rethink their social media strategy to gain competitive advantage.


Your essay should make use of explanation to demonstrate that one proposal is more reasonable than another idea. A persuasive essay tries to convince a reader to accept a definite point of view. Your paper should range between 2–3 pages of content and include in-text citations for references.

your APA formatted and citation styled paper to the Unit 9 Assignment Dropbox.

Analyze marketing strategies in reaching markets with their products or services

Analyze marketing strategies in reaching markets with their products or services. 


Continue with a detailed description of marketing management strategies used in the implementation of the marketing plan. 


Conclude with the integrative strategies used in today’s global environments to reach targeted markets and maximize marketing dollars spent. 


Consider how you would proceed when marketing a product or service and compare/contrast why certain strategies would be best for the target market.

Case Study: Paul Revere-A Man in the Know

Case Study: Paul Revere-A Man in the Know



A fabled story of American history is that of Paul Revere’s ride through the countryside surrounding Boston, warning towns that the British were coming so local militia could be ready to meet them. As a result, when the British did march toward Lexington on the following day, they faced unexpectedly fierce resistance. At Concord, the British were beaten by a ragtag group of locals, and so began the Revolutionary War.



It has been taken for granted by generations of Americans that the success of Paul Revere’s ride lay in his heroism and in the self-evident importance of the news itself. A little-known fact, however, is that Paul Revere was not the only rider that night. A fellow revolutionary by the name of William Dawes had the same mission: to ride simultaneously through a separate set of towns surrounding Boston to want them that the British were coming. He did so, carrying the news through just as many towns as Revere did. But his ride was not as successful; those local militia leaders weren’t aroused and did not rise up to confront the British. If they had been, Dawes would be just as famous as Paul Revere.



Why was Revere’s ride successful when Dawes ride was not? Paul Revere started a word of mouth epidemic, and Dawes did not, because of differing kinds of relationships the two men had with others. If wasn’t after all, the nature of the news itself that proved ultimately important as the nature of the men who carried it. Paul Revere was a gregarious and social person-what Malcom Gladwell calls a connector. Gladwell writes that Revere was “a fisherman and a hunter, a card player and a theater lover, a frequenter of pubs and a successful businessman. He was active in the local Masonic Lodge and was a member of many social clubs.” He was a man with a knack for always being at the center of things. So, when he began his ride that night, it was Revere’s nature to stop and share the news with anyone he saw on the road, and he would have known who the key players were in each town to notify.



Dawes was not by nature so gregarious as Revere, and he did not have Revere’s extended social network. It’s likely he wouldn’t have known whom to share the news with in each town and whose doors to knock on. Dawes did notify some people, but not enough to create the kind of impact that Revere did. Another way of saying this is simply to note that the people Dawes notified didn’t know him the way that Revere was known by those he notified.



When it comes to making an impression, it isn’t just reliant on your past experiences or accomplishments. It’s also whom you know and how many you know-and what they know about you.



Respond to the following in a minimum of 350 words:



Paul Revere is one of many examples throughout history of someone that knew the right people at the right time and was able to make a difference. Give another example of someone who used their social standing and connections to impact those around them successfully. How can we take this story and bring it into perspective for our daily lives?

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