Archive for November 15th, 2018

The relationship between Oroonoko and Bhen, Goriot and Rastignac, or compare and contrast essay about pairs

Both Oroonoko and Pere Goriot feature a doomed man and a character who bears witness to his life and death. As we have explored in class, the relations between these two characters are compex. Aphra Behn and Eugene de Rastignac are more than just witnesses, though; they have lives of their own, they are actively involved in the fates of their lives, hearts, and minds.

For your midterm essay, you must write a five-page essay about compare -and-contrast essay about both pairs.

Drama Paper

Include a biography on the playwright, a brief summary of the drama, along with the setting, main characters, symbolism, irony, and historical context. 

How is the Story told? Analyzing News Coverage of the Scandal

For this essay, you will be analyzing two newspaper articles about the scandal. The articles should be taken from one or two of the following mainstream newspapers: The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, or comparable newspapers in circulation and prestige outside North America.The articles you pick need to be substantive news reports of at least 1,000 words long. Do not pick editorials, op-ed pieces, or personal blogs hosted by the websites of these publications.


The objective of the essay is to examine how the scandal is reported in selected mainstream media. When analyzing the news stories, ask yourself the following questions: Is the scandal given a name? I.e. is it referred to as XX-gate? Or an allegation? An accident? Which individuals or what companies/government agencies are said to be involved in the scandal? Who are the villains and who are the victims? How are the villains and victims represented? How is blame attributed? Is the scandal portrayed as a person’s moral failure or an institutional problem? Whose opinions are sought for this news report? Are the specific word choices that reflect an underlying attitude or ideology? What aspects of the scandal are highlighted? Are there significant omissions? Depending on your close reading of the articles, you are most likely to come up with some other questions. These questions should guide your analysis and writing.


The sources must be properly cited using APA style.

Earthling Movie Paper

Download the entire EARTHLINGS movie from google/YouTube parts 1 to 5 with director comments. All reports must be typed in normal format, double spaced with normal margins. Please write at least a page on each of the 5 topics covered. The reports need to cover your perceptions of the material presented. This means your immediate sensation of the media. The next part is your cognition of the perceptions. This means what your thoughts were after reflection of the material presented. Sometimes there is an immediate cognition that later can change upon reflection. The final part of the each section’s report should be what are your beliefs and behaviors that have been affected by the movie. This means what are some of your lifestyle that might have an effect. At the end of all 5 sections there should be a final one page conclusion regarding the activity. This should include your beliefs regarding the larger situation affecting the world and all of our parts in it as well as reflection upon the report activity itself. This documentary movie is somewhat disturbing but ends on a positive note.

Do you agree that television is a medium in its own right?

ASSIGNMENT 1: ESSAY (2,500 words) (50%)

Assessment Criteria:

The essay will be assessed according to the following criteria:

• Your ability to demonstrate a clear understanding of the key academic discourses and other debates on the topic of your essay.

• A clear indication that you have made use of the key readings associated with the essay topic.

• Your ability to construct, maintain and develop an academic argument effectively.

• Clear presentation and writing style.

Answer question 1:

1. Do you agree that television is a medium in its own right? With reference to a programme of your choice, explain what its major characteristics are and how it differs from other media.

ADA: Assessment Brief

You are expected to produce a Professional Development Portfolio in which you must reflect your learning throughout your course and the module. In the Portfolio, you are required to write 5500 words addressing the two tasks noted below. In the Portfolio, you are encouraged to write about the topics under each task separately. (Learning outcomes A-I) (100%)



Task 1 – Learning Outcomes (A, B, C, D, E, H, I) 


• Explore the most critical contemporary issues and challenges in built environment development and management (5 points), and in light of those critical contemporary issues, propose a personal development plan, identifying your strengths and weaknesses as a construction project manager or surveyor (10 points). (15 points) 

• Explore the main elements of strategic management theory (2 points) and consider their relevance to the contemporary business practices in construction (3 points). (5 points) 

• Discuss the accounting practices in the construction industry. (5 points)

• Explore how to develop a proactive approach to the management of key organisational resources that are essential to attain organisational objectives (5 points). (5 points) 

• Identify the steps towards improving performance in construction projects in order to support employees work as effectively as possible in line with the needs of the organisation. (5 points) 

• Analyse the similarities (4 points) and differences (4 points) between ethics and compliance, and corporate social responsibility. (8 points) 

• List the main legal requirements for health and safety (3 points), briefly explain their content (3 points) and also explore in detail regulations under Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2002 (3 points). (9 points)  

• Analyse how entrepreneurial behaviour is distinguishable from managerial behaviour (3 points), identify the nature of innovation (3 points) and examine its role in entrepreneurial activity (3 points). (9 points)  


Task 2 (Learning Outcome F, G) 


• Choose a professional body suitable for your field. Investigate the routes (pathways) to become a Chartered Construction Manager or a Chartered Surveyor. (5 points) 

• Identify in detail the competencies required by the chosen professional body in your field. (8 points) 

• Analyse the knowledge that you have already gained throughout your course (4 points) and map them and discuss them against the competencies expected from the chosen professional body (4 points). (8 points) 

• Explore the competencies you are still to gain to become a Chartered Construction Manager or Chartered Surveyor and demonstrate your action planning to gain those competencies within the next five years. (8 points) 

Clarity and professionalism of content, style, visuals and communication skills. Sources must be referenced in accordance with the University’s preferred choice of referencing system (APA 6th edition) (10 points).


Anonymous marking is not available for this module.

Work is available for tutor re-assessment.


Running Multi-national corporation (MNC)

Research Term Paper (Run Your Own Multinational Corporation (MNC)), as detailed below: – Think of an idea for your own MNC to conduct international business. Your idea should be simplified to the degree that you could possibly implement it someday. Your idea should focus on one country and one foreign currency, since many MNCs are focused in this manner when they are first created. 

Topic: Running your own multi-national corporation (MNC) 

– (MNC) company name: D.B Wheels 

Please address topics and questions below. Also please use textbook, International Financial Management 13th Edition By Jeff Madura and any other necessary resources. 

1. What is the product that you plan to sell? 

-Made in USA Automotive Forged Wheels

2. What foreign country do you plan to target? 


3. How will you sell the product in that country? (i.e., Through a distributor? By mail?)


4. Is there some evidence that consumers in that country would buy this type of product?

-Automotive industry is popular their.

5. Do you need to purchase supplies or to hire labor? 


6. Will any expenses you incur from producing the product be in dollars or some other currency? 



Using the Foreign Exchange Market

1. Explain how you will use the spot market for your business.

2. What bank do you plan to use to exchange the foreign currency received for dollars? What is the bid/ask spread on a recent quotation by that bank? (Call the bank to obtain quotations.)

3. Will you possibly need the forward market? Explain.


Hospitality Organisation and Management

1.1.1 Assessment Task

For the case study attached produce a written report (3000 words) to be presented to the management of the Caenshill Hotel.


1.1.2 Assignment Instructions

For this report you will need to demonstrate an understanding of theories and models related to hospitality management, operations and service. 


Taking on the role of a consultant, identify the opportunities, threats and strategies that Caenshill Hotel may have based on the trends and developments of the industry, management of the ‘service encounter’ and customer relationship management. Also consider how they may build on their strengths to improve their performance. 


For this assignment you will need to conduct a case study analysis of Caenshill Hotel. You will need to conduct relevant research and apply this to the case study. The assignment needs to follow the standard report format.

Ethics in Social Work

A person must be assumed to have capacity unless it is established that he lacks capacity

Principle 3: A person is not to be treated as unable to make a decision merely because he makes an unwise decision

Discuss the ethical challenges to social workers that may arise as a result of these principles in a particular field of practice constrained by austerity policies, and how professional ethics can be used to negotiate a path through them.

Critically discuss the significance of the Snowden leaks

Edward Snowden-

What does the information revealed via the Snowden leaks tells us about the nature of contemporary intelligence collection.

how important the revelation?

what happened as a result of the leaks?

Has government passed legislation to make these things legal?

Exposed demographic deficit?

-public discussion and law and how they kept in pace


Edward Snowden-traitor or hero??

Also. on this essay i have to include these 3 sources : 

Intelligence in an insecure world-Peter Gill, Mark Phythian 2018

No place to hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA and the surveillance state: Glenn Greenwald 2015

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