Archive for November 19th, 2018

Wk4: Revising Your Business Problem Statement

To prepare for this Assignment, review the draft business Problem Statement attached as well as the reference materials provided in the attachments labled “1.3 Problem Statement Rubric, Using Evidence_Synthesis, ProblemStatement_powerpoint, rubric_Business Problem”. Be sure to examine the differences between quantitative and qualitative Problem Statements. Consider the impact of a well-crafted Problem Statement on developing an effective for Study Prospectus. Articles Attached, Annotated Bibliography previously created, research problem literature labeled “Research Problem_lite”, and research problem draft labeled “potential problem statement”. 

Submit the following:

• One quantitative Problem Statement, based on draft Problem Statement below= 1page.

• One qualitative Problem Statement, based on draft Problem Statement below = 1page

• A total of 3-page description and rationale for changes made to both quantitative and qualitative Problem Statements, including supportive references to the pdf 1.3 Problem Statement Rubric. 


Problem Statement/ Topic.

• What strategies are businesses/employer sponsor insurance plans taking to mediate cost and respond to the ever-changing regulatory environment and its cost? ” < preference topic create business problem around this topic is possible. And preferred method will be quantitative 



• “Some leaders in the healthcare industry need strategies to respond to the ever changing regulatory environment 

• What strategies are leaders in the healthcare industry using to respond to the ever changing regulatory environment 

• What strategies are employers taking to respond to the ever-changing regulatory environment and its cost? ” 

• In what ways have the healthcare cost and its ever-changing regulatory polices impacted employers office healthcare insurance. 

• What strategies are businesses/employer sponsor insurance plans taking to mediate cost and respond to the ever-changing regulatory environment and its cost? ” < preference topic create business problem around this topic is possible. 

• Or something similar in nature.

Helpful key words to help in search or aid in completing problem 

*ObamaCare or Affordable Care Act 

* Employer Sponsored Insurance 

*Health Care Coverage and Costs 

*strategic changes in the health care industry 

*sustainability for an evolving healthcare arena 

*managing changes in healthcare industry 

Deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest

What are the causes of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest and how successful are the initiatives being taken to prevent the impact on the endangered Sloths?’ 


The research project has three parts the folio, the outcome and the evaluation. 

Case Study Classroom Management

Case Study Classroom Management

Review the uploaded completed essay/assignment and use it as the teacher, student, students, and the requirements of the uploaded CASE STUDY instructions. Using that information develop the case study as required by the pages of uploaded assignment instructions.

Archaeology: Isotope Analysis

Archaeology: Isotope Analysis

Write a 1-page response (single-spaced, 12-point font) to the following prompt. Direct quotes and paraphrasing of the article or textbook should be cited using the following format (authors year:page# or Pearson et al. 2015: 72, it’s ok to abbreviate textbook citations to RB 2012:485). A separate reference sheet is not needed. 


Analytical techniques from material science have revolutionized many types of archaeological research, but we are often still dependent on traditional archaeological concepts and methods to make sense of material science data.

Read the linked paper on isotope analysis of animal and human remains at the Neolithic site of Çatalhöyük. In your paper, very briefly state the authors’ conclusions and then answer the following questions:

1. What sort of baseline research is required for the authors’ to make sense of the patterns in the isotope data derived from skeletal remains? Does the baseline data required differ for humans and animals? Why or why not? 


2. How is an understanding of formation processes and the concept of archaeological context used to make sense of the results the isotope studies?


Do not get bogged down in explaining how the isotopic studies work. We’re most interested in how the authors use an understanding of the Çatalhöyük archaeological record to interpret the results.

Planning, critiquing and evaluating an aspect of TEFL

Planning, critiquing and evaluating an aspect of TEFL. Submit a proposal for a practical, small-scale investigation of a TEFL issue or issues raised by the module.

You need to develop your project proposal:
• Identifying key questions or issues you wish to investigate;
• Finding ideas in the module material that will underpin the project;
• Deciding which method or methods will best enable you to collect and analyse appropriate evidence;
• Mapping out the practical detail and timescale for the project.

Bear in mind that you will need to choose a topic that links to the content of the module and narrow down from a number of potentially interesting topics to one that is manageable.

Included is a list of suggestions for your project, to give you a sense of the scope you should aim for. If you wish you may choose one of the following sample.

1. The impact of information technology in the language syllabus of a TEFL course.

Leadership Changes at Alcoa

Leadership Changes at Alcoa

Write a summary over the “Leadership Changes at Alcoa” case study.


The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:


Write between 700 – 1,000 words using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.

Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.

Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.

References must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as, The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.

The impact of enterprise social media on employee outcomes

The Management Research Project – M.Sc. Level – Management Consultancy and Organisational Change 


The MRP consists of 2 elements: 


1 The Research Proposal with Literature Review (25% of total marks)

2 The Research Report with a Progressive Learning Review (75% of total marks)



Students to identify, analyse and investigate a work-based problem or issue preferably within their own organisation, using techniques and knowledge from the MSc programme they have enrolled in.

My Choice Organisations:

• A University Alumni Association (in a developing country PREFERABLY or developed country; Pseudonymised?) OR

• London Underground Limited

Choice Topic:

Topic: The impact of enterprise social media on employee outcomes: a case of London Underground or The impact of enterprise social media on University Alumni Association in a developing country or developed country)


Aim: Companies are increasingly investing in so-called enterprise social networking services (ESNS) that are reported to facilitate more effective private communication within organisations. This study attempts to explore the impact of Yammer on knowledge sharing, employee connectivity and decision-making in the context of London Underground. This aim is attained through qualitative and quantitative investigation.


Source: Pee, L. (2018) “Affordances for sharing domain-specific and complex knowledge on enterprise social media”, International Journal of Information Management, 43 (1), pp. 25-37.


The above will ensure a practical focus on a real business issue of importance in either organisations for which I will need to develop suitable recommendations. It will then provide an opportunity to demonstrate value from this M.Sc. course to these organisations, as well as an opportunity to practice and develop my consulting skills.

Role Of Monsters Paper

An argumentative research essay (approx over 8

pages) exploring the “Role of Monsters.” This research can focus on the historical or

cultural influence of monstrosity, one specific monster, genre-specific monsters, or some

combination thereof. The paper should be organized around a thesis statement that

specifically addresses the role of monsters.

Choose an organisation or business which is either an automotive company (manufacturing industry) or a hospital (service sector).

Choose an organisation or business which is either an automotive company (manufacturing industry) or a hospital (service sector). You need to produce an essay elaborating on the key operation, logistics and supply chain management issues faced by the operations and supply chain manager(s) in this particular organisation / business.

You can collect data from resources like websites, books, journal articles and grey reports. Some case studies are available to help you collect required data.

By focusing on the operational and supply chain issues, you should seek to identify and clarify how the operation functions and supports the market that it serves. What service delivery system (s) or manufacturing process (es) does it use? What infrastructure does it use to manage these delivery systems? And how, together, do these support the market (s) that it serves? A critical, detailed and relevant analysis should be made of the various components.

Based on your analysis, you are expected to make recommendations about how the business can improve its performance. Consider triple bottom line – described as the incorporation of economic, environmental and social factors as the three dimensions of sustainability in business practice – in your analysis.

As it might be impossible to analyse all the areas of operations, logistics and supply chain management, you should also decide which area (s) to cover in your discussion. Therefore, choose two of the following list in

managing operations, logistics and supply chain.

• New product/ service development and process

• Managing quality

• Location and Layout

• Managing people in operation and supply chains

• Logistics mix: Channels, networks, transportation, managing inventory and capacity

• Managing business relationships in supply chains

HIPAA Issues in Radiology Departments

HIPAA Issues in Radiology Departments

Describe the different issues that arise in a radiology department that have to do with HIPAA.


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