Archive for November 22nd, 2018

Final Self-Reflection

Final Self-Reflection


This assignment include a detailed self-reflection, and review of the activities and assignments completed over the entire fall 2018 semester. You must create a PowerPoint slide or other use other media to present your findings for assignment. 

1. List at least 3 things you learned about yourself in this class. This could be anything, such as, “I gained a better understanding of resources available to me…” Or “I learned that I need to rearrange the way I spend my time…” 

2. You will need to provide a description of your ideal job/Major. This description needs to be more detailed than “a businessman.” State the title of the occupation; what type of company you might work for; what types of things you would be responsible for; and any other details important to you. 

3. Incorporate the information gained from the assignments: 16Personality/O*Net assignment, scavenger hunt, guest speakers and informational interview to share information you learned about the job. 

4. Consider how your interests, values, skills, personality traits, and strengths shape the type of student you are.

5. Provide a description of at least one major that would either help prepare for future career or that would be necessary to achieve your personal goals. Again, be specific; don’t state that you need to major in business administration. Explain what you will learn by completing this major (and/or why you will need to learn this information). 

6. Also, consider whether you will need graduate study and/or additional training. If so, explain what type and how you can increase your chances of being accepted to graduate school. 

7. List two or more of at least three general education courses you can take that are related to your field. Explain how these courses are related to your field. 

8. Description of at least one activity (such as volunteer work, survival job, internship, etc.) not related to school coursework that could help you to get your ideal with your college and future goals. 

9. Reflect on how your families’ educational experiences/career choices or circumstances that influenced you in your choice to pursue a higher degree. 

10. Your conclusion should sum up what you have learned in this class and what you plan to do with this information. For instance, you might find that you are now even more interested in your major ; you might discover that you want to change your mind about your major or career; or you might discover that you need to complete more research. 

Niche Marketing for Events and Leisure

Identify, discuss and critically analyse a product/ event / organisation / company or subculture which has not yet been exploited. How would you take this from a small entity to a larger, perhaps profitable business? How could you join different segments to create a more cohesive commodity? Again, keep in mind that the module concerns the events and leisure industries – talk to your tutor if you are unsure of the topic. 


When writing your assignment please make sure you include: 


• Historical perspective of the brand or subculture – Where did it come from? 

• How did it (option 1) or will it (option 2) go from a niche product or cultural movement to a reputable commercial entity? 

• What is the future for this product or culture? 

• Is there room for further expansion? 

• Who were and who would be the consumers for this product? 

• How would you grow the brand / culture without alienating those who were there ‘at the beginning’? 

• If you use an example that has been used in class, you need to address a different angle than what we have discussed in the module. 

• If you choose option 2, extra consideration will be given for creativity and uniqueness, since you are actually thinking of how you could bring your plan to market in the crowded field with a unique selling point (USP).

What if schools banned rewarding systems?

You are to write an individual essay of 2,500 words that documents your developing ‘research attitude’ while also addressing your group’s What If…? question in greater depth.

In the first section of the essay, you should discuss your group’s What If…? question by focusing on one academic paper, backing up the main points in the paper with evidence from other academic sources. You should provide a detailed critical evaluation of its content, approach and findings in relation to your topic. To support your individual stance, you can also refer to theories in sociology and any wider reading that is relevant. 

In the second section of the essay, you are to provide a rationale for your group’s selected mode of presentation and a description of its potential use in the classroom along with a consideration of any limitations. You should reflect on your experience of learning online and in a group, throughout this course. Again, this discussion should be supported with references to relevant literature on both collaborative pedagogies, learning technologies, developing a critical perspective and anything else you consider relevant.

Finally, you should draw on your own experiences as a learner on the What If…? course to discuss any implications or connections for your role as a future teacher.

In summary,

the individual essay (2,500 words) must:

• articulate and present a critical, personal stance towards an educational issue that is supported

with a detailed discussion of ONE academic paper (LO 1,2)

• include a rationale for your selected mode of presentation for the group project that is supported

with links to literature; (LO 3,4)

• consider the potential of educational technology tools for communication and presentation in

the classroom (LO 4)

• make connections to your future teaching practice, including the experience of group work, from

the ideas you have explored on the course. (LO 1,2,3)


ethical dilemmas in mental health COUNSELING

Ethical dilemmas in mental health COUNSELING

Students will research a topic concerning an ethical issue in counseling of their choosing, and write a paper to discuss their findings. The paper will include a case study illustrating the ethical dilemma, and the case study will be used to frame the specific ethical issue. The paper is should be 12-15 pages in length, a cover page and reference page are required, along with a Header at the top of each page. Footers are not required. A minimum of 10 references is required. You are required to use an ethical decision making model. There are models in your book (Ch.1), on the ACA website, and in your resources on D2L. You may also choose any other appropriate and credible decision making model you find in the counseling literature. All papers for this class are to completed in the APA style, and points will be taken off for errors in formatting. Please use appropriate APA headings

The impact of enterprise social media on employee outcomes

The Management Research Project – M.Sc. Level – Management Consultancy and Organisational Change 


The MRP consists of 2 elements: 


1 The Research Proposal with Literature Review (25% of total marks)

2 The Research Report with a Progressive Learning Review (75% of total marks)



Students to identify, analyse and investigate a work-based problem or issue preferably within their own organisation, using techniques and knowledge from the MSc programme they have enrolled in.

My Choice Organisations:

• A University Alumni Association (in a developing country PREFERABLY or developed country; Pseudonymised?) OR

• London Underground Limited

Choice Topic:

Topic: The impact of enterprise social media on employee outcomes: a case of London Underground or The impact of enterprise social media on University Alumni Association in a developing country or developed country)


Aim: Companies are increasingly investing in so-called enterprise social networking services (ESNS) that are reported to facilitate more effective private communication within organisations. This study attempts to explore the impact of Yammer on knowledge sharing, employee connectivity and decision-making in the context of London Underground. This aim is attained through qualitative and quantitative investigation.


Source: Pee, L. (2018) “Affordances for sharing domain-specific and complex knowledge on enterprise social media”, International Journal of Information Management, 43 (1), pp. 25-37.


The above will ensure a practical focus on a real business issue of importance in either organisations for which I will need to develop suitable recommendations. It will then provide an opportunity to demonstrate value from this M.Sc. course to these organisations, as well as an opportunity to practice and develop my consulting skills.

Frege analysis

Does Frege’s argument for “Objectivism about sense” succeed, in light of one or more objections to this argument?


Discuss the SCP role within the NHS and pathway of surgical patient

An essay that critically discuss the SCP role within the NHS and pathway of surgical patient. Every step of the process has to be discussed, but focussing on two surgical assisting skills.

Global Poverty and International Distributive Justice

Write a paper, approx. 15,000 characters [w/spaces], 12pt Times New Roman, 1,5-spaced, pagenumbered), on the topic listed below. it is expected that your own assessment of claims and arguments is made explicit and justified. Important: You have to give the paper a substantial twist: not merely explaining what the text is about but rather arguing for and/or against certain views on that particular topic, raising objections, or defending it against possible objections. It must be visible what your perspective on the topic is. Compare and – critically – contrast similarities and differences between: Singer and Wenar’s views on global poverty and international distributive justice (attached as a pdf). 


Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States

Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States

Black Population in the United StatesPreview the documentView in a new window

Write a three-page essay that addresses the following questions:


Has poverty changed in recent years? In what ways?

How is poverty related to sub-group membership?

For which group has poverty changed the most?

Why do you think these changes have occurred?

In what ways has Civil Rights legislation affected these?

Discussion Question: Disability and chronic Illness

Discussions shall be taken in the Discussion Board forum as assigned by the professor. Students should read, analyze, and respond to questions and comments from the course professor and classmates. Discussion board responses count to the final grade. Participation is very important as it contributes to the overall learning and enjoyment of the class. You are required to respond to the initial discussion board question. 


Please make sure to use APA formatting when posting and citing information. Also, make sure to use a reference source in your initial response.


Discussion Question: 


The issue of disability and chronic illness is a growing concern in community health. Discuss factors affecting the well-being of individuals with disabilities and chronic illness. 


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