Archive for November 26th, 2018

Publication support service

– Students have performed a systematic review, where they searched literature, identified articles of interest, and extracted relevant data of interest. We are looking to have this written for a publication in the journal “PlosOne”.

– There is no standardization or guidelines on how systematic reviews of pharmacoeconomics studies are conducted. Different researchers perform this differently. The current study is to perform a systematic review of the pharmacoeconomics systematic reviews in the area of cancer as an example of one practice area where cost is particularly important. 

– The objective is to analyze the trends and patterns of how the pharmacoeconomics systematic reviews are conducted in literature in relation to designs and methodological aspects, and how data are aggregated and conclusions are made. What things are done similarly and what things are done differently? What are the observed limitations in such systematic reviews that affect the validity, quality of interpretation and generalizability of results? How future systematic reviews can be enhanced? Also, a quality assessment is performed.

– No evidence or practice recommendations are generated from this study.

– While there is no specific quality assessment tool for the pharmacoeconomics systematic reviews, the quality of included systematic reviews was assessed using the AMSTAR tool for systematic reviews.

Diversity in the Workplace

Diversity in the Workplace

Part 3 (Final report)

This part of the project is due in this module, Module 6. 

In this part, you will report on the results of your research project. The report will be submitted as a PowerPoint presentation. The PowerPoint presentation will explain your research and your results. The presentation should include key points of your research that include:

• An organization that made an effort to improve its diversity and inclusion within their workforce. 

• Identified diversity issue within the organization and the solution the organization chose, identified leaders of this change and how they approached the issue and solution.

• Description of the solution and its impact on the diversity within that organization, defined problems encountered and adjustments that were made.

• Recommendations for future efforts to solidify the change and continue the forward progress. Or, if applicable, make recommendations on how to improve the effectiveness of current diversity efforts.

The Presentation

The presentation should be a minimum of 8-10 content slides including key points of your research AND 1-2 Works Cited slides. 

In your final report, you will not be asked to actually present your findings, but each slide of your PowerPoint presentation must be described. The text narrative/description of each slide should be written as if you were presenting it to the class – it should basically be a transcript of the presentation you would deliver if you were asked to present it to your peers. Before you submit your final report, please review the Presentation evaluation rubric (docx), your presentation will be evaluated based on it.

The narrative must be provided using the Notes function of Power Point. To access the Notes space that usually appears below PowerPoint presentation slides, click on View while your presentation is open, then select Notes. Another way of accessing the Notes space is by clicking Notes in the bottom navigation bar of the PowerPoint. You can find more detailed description of this process on Add speaker notes to your slides website.

An effective presentation has several components:

• it is simple in design (too many colors, images, transitions, animations, and special effects distract your audience from your message)

• it is not text-heavy (the powerpoint presentation is there to assist you, not to replace you. If your audience are reading what is on your slide, they are not listening to you)

• it uses large enough fonts and text-to-background color contrast that your audience can read the text from a distance

• it uses good quality images that convey the meaning (avoid using too many and too small images).


The law of international Business Transaction

The law of international Business Transaction

Essay Question : Critically examine the contribution of the European Union to harmonizing commercial law and evaluate whether that has led to a ‘race to the bottom’. 

Corporate governance

Corporate governance

Essay Question: Critically discuss the implications of the Parker Review (2017) for ethnic diversity on boards. 

Business Administration Presentation

Slides must include speakers notes. 


Consider the corporation you have selected to use. Identify one of the firm’s major competitors that you would consider working for.

Research the corporation on its own Website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR database (, in the University’s online databases, and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often provide insights that can help address some of these questions.

You will do a 15 minutes presentation to the Board of Directors of the corporation. Develop a 10 slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes. You may choose to compare your chosen corporation to a major competitor with whom you would like to work. You will make recommendations to the Board of Directors based upon your analysis and decision on why the corporation remains or is not a good fit for you.

Determine the impact of the company’s mission, vision, and primary stakeholders on its overall success as a competitive employer in the industry.

Create a SWOT analysis for the company to determine its major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Based on the SWOT analysis, outline a strategy for the company to capitalize on its strengths and opportunities, and minimize its weaknesses and threats.

Discuss the various levels and types of strategies the firm may use to maximize its competitiveness and profitability.

Outline a communications plan the company could use to make the strategies you recommend above known to all stakeholders.

Develop an executive level Power Point presentation with10 slides with speaker notes and appropriate graphics.

Assess efforts by this corporation to be a responsible (ethical) corporate citizen and determine the impact these efforts (or lack thereof) have on the company’s bottom line. Provide specific examples to support your response.

Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

References must be submitted on a Works Cited page using APA format.

Create an interactive display in your setting appropriate to the age range and curriculum objectives/topic currently being taught.

As a school training teacher write an essay about Creating your interactive display. Present your display for assessment as a series of annotated photographs with explanations.


Write an essay which explores theories relating to learning environment and display and how your understanding of this has impacted on your practice (max. 1500 words).

Childhood Obesity Paper

Childhood Obesity Paper

The Solution Research Paper


The Solution Paper is one in which you choose a problem to research.


The Sections:


1-Introduction (50-100 words) — State why your topic is an issue (purpose statement), ask a question, and provide the thesis. Don’t explain your topic. That’s the job of the next section. 


2-The Problem (300-500 words) — Define and explain the issue. You’re required to use two sources in this section, but most of the text should be your own explanation (as you understand the problem) and in your own voice.


*The sources for this section: 


Anderson, Patricia M., and Kristin Butcher. “Childhood Obesity: Trends and Potential Causes.” The Future of Children, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 19-45, 2006, JSTOR. 


“Child Obesity.” Harvard T.H CHAN School of Public Health, 2016, 



3-Solution Analysis (600-900 words) — Examine three possible solutions to the problem by analyzing the pros and cons of each. Obviously, three sources must be used to explain the solution. The pro-and-con analysis should be your own. 


*The sources for this section: 


Dietz, William H., and Thomas Robinson. “What Can We Do to Control Childhood Obesity?” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,Vol. 615, No. 1, pp. 222-224, 2008, JSTOR. 


Viner et al. “When does childhood obesity become a child protection issue?” BMJ: British Medical Journal, Vol. 341, No. 7769, pp. 375-377, 2010, JSTOR. 


Wieting, Michael J. “Cause and Effect in Childhood Obesity: Solutions for a National Epidemic.” The Journal American Osteopathic Association, 2008, 



4-Solution Argument (600-900 words) — Argue for the solution you feel will work the best and why. Sources must be used, but the number is up to you. Your voice must be dominant here. 


*sources from your choice in the argument section.


5-Conclusion (50-100 words) — Extrapolate about the impact of your solution on the future.

Afman 24-204 Chapter 3 Tactical, Contingency our Emergency Airlift

Academic research not business research. Need both paper topic (which should not contain question) and a full paragraph statement, that statement must contain a research question to be answered or a hypothesis to be to be tested. 


Topic : Identify procedural exceptions for movement of hazardous materials under tactical, contingency or emergency conditions under Chapter 3 Afman 24-204. 


APA formatting, verified by turnitin

Analysis, Interpretation and Reporting Portfolio

Analysis, Interpretation and Reporting Portfolio

Assessment overview


Analysis, Interpretation and Reporting Portfolio

This assessment takes the form of a portfolio submission on the analysis, interpretation and presentation of 3 differently designed research projects.  Your task will be to demonstrate an ability to carry out an analysis of the project data using SPSS, the interpretation of the findings and to present your knowledge of the project outcomes.

Each design analysis will “presented” by combining a powerpoint/prezi/keynote presentation on each of the three studies and your explanation of it recorded using Touchcast software ( or PowePoint recording software.  

Key outcomes for the Assessment 

1. Correct Analysis of the data using SPSS

2. Interpretation of the Descriptive Statistics 

3. APA write up of the interpretion of the inferential analysis

The final stage is to construct a narrative that explains the your knowledge of the analysis and its impact on the Hypotheses.  Therefore, you have been given an overview of three research projects that have increasingly complex designs.     

You Must Include 

3 slides (in powerpoint) for each analysis so in total 9 slides.   Each set of three slides have the same tasks to complete for the different analysis.   

Additionally the slides will be linked with a touchcast narrative and some click out links that evidence of your knowledge. 

You have to produce content for three slides which contains:  

1. Evidence of the data input and analysis in SPSS 

2. A set of descriptive statistics and a graph of the means

3. A full APA formatted write up of the inferential analyses of the data

In the presentation narrative (story) you will describe how the content powerpoint slide. 





Guide to the content of the Slides 

Slide 1. 

1. What design is the project and how do you input that into SPSS (click out to the evidence, such as the textbook web page or a Moodle page; additionally you can click out to the data sheet if you wished). 

2. What analysis did you carry out? (click out to the evidence of how you made that decision)

Slide 2. 

1. What are the descriptive statistics for each condition and how do they vary?

2. What does the data pattern in the graph tell us?

Slide 3.  

1. Read the APA formatting out the reader and report if the tests are significant (click out to a guide to APA formatting to evidence your knowledge).  

2. What impact has your findings had on the hypothesis?


Project outlines follow below, remember to check back on the example touchcast on the moodle page.   




Project One Vignette which utilises a one way between subjects design.  

A Psychologist was interested in the use of identification techniques and their impact on the performance of Police Officers.  The “Eyewitness” literature predicts that “task specific memory techniques” should improve performance.  Officers were randomly split into one of three groups; one group used general mnemonic imagery (GMI) another used situation perspective (SP) and the third using Task Specific Rehearsal (TSR).  The following day the participants completed a set of realistic simulated suspect identifications. The cumulative person identification scores for all the participants were evaluated via a questionnaire.

This is the data collected by the researcher 

Table 1: Recall scores for individuals in the 3 memory groups.


65 22 86

58 28 81

59 25 92

58 34 67

49 33 88

59 32 89

52 36 87

53 38 81

59 48 92

61 37 83

58 36 81

48 39 76


The studies hypothesis was that there will be a significant difference in the identification score of those in the Task specific rehearsal group when compared to the other techniques.   

Study Two


A study was designed to test the belief that the credibility of a witness to a crime interacted with the accuracy of that witness’s statement resulting in greater inaccuracies in recall of experimental participants.  Participants watched a 2 minute video of a reconstructed crime. They were then asked to read an eyewitness statement that either contained an accurate (ACC) description of the video content or an inaccurate (INACC) description of the events shown in the video.  

Participants were also given a statement from a second co-witness which contained information that created the belief that the first eyewitness had either: high, neutral or low social credibility.  Each participant read ONE of the potential 6 combinations of the 3 co-witness statements by the 2 accuracy conditions.

A day later the participants were given a quiz on the event they had seen in the video. The test responses were scores on the percentage of event errors they recalled.


Table 2: Error percentage for participants in the 6 experimental conditions.

High Credibility 

ACC       INACC Low Credibility

ACC       INACC Neutral Credibility


98            55 85            62 55            53

85            56 78            58 56             52

86            33 68           48 54             54

92            42 72           51 52             55

90            52 76           47 53             58

91            48 72           45 57             60

85             37 68            54 59             55

86              38 70            41 56            51

87              42 72            42 57            50

88              56 73            41 58            48


The Hypotheses are 

1. There will be a significant main effect of the credibility of the type of witness on the amount of misinformation recalled  

2. There will a significant main effect for the type of witness statement on the amount of misinformation recalled. 

3. There will be a significant interaction between the credibility of the witness and the statement accuracy on the amount of misinformation recalled. 

Study three 

A Psychologist was interested in impression formation within Social Media sites. Her hypothesis is that the personality trait extroversion is liked to age and predicts the amount of self-related social media content posted on SM sites.  She looked at the link between age, extroversion and number of “selfies” posted in a 6 week period on Instagram.  

Age Extroversion Score Amount of Selfies posted on Instagram

55 40 46

43 45 79

57 52 33

26 62 63

22 31 20

32 28 18

26 0 11

29 83 97

40 55 63

30 32 46

34 47 21

44 45 71

49 60 59

22 13 44

34 17 30

47 85 80

48 38 45

48 61 26

22 26 33

24 133 177

50 29 50

49 60 54

49 47 73

48 18 19

29 16 36

58 36 31

24 24 71

21 12 15

29 32 40

45 46 61

28 26 45

37 40 42

44 46 57

22 44 34

38 13 26

24 25 47

34 43 42

26 41 44

26 42 59

25 36 27



Final Paper: Genre Study on Film Noir

Final Paper: Genre Study on Film Noir

In this course, we have discussed the role of Hollywood genre in shaping audience expectations of a film, focusing both the film and the audience. Kiss Me Deadly exemplified “film noir,”, you must compare and contrast this film to a modern (post-1980) example of the genre. 


Compare Kiss Me Deadly(1955) to LA Confidential(1997) or Body Heat(1981)


Focus the comparison on a series of questions, including but 

Not limited to the following. What were the narrative and cultural intentions of the respective filmmakers – IE, what kinds of stories did they want to tell? How did they design their films and use their genre to achieve their goals? How did they innovate or alter the older generic tradition? Additionally, compare and contrast the specific technical and narrative techniques employed by each film to create meaning, using accurate technical terminology. 


You must also use accurate timecodes when referring to the movie scene.

Your paper must be 7-10 pages, typed, double-spaced. Be clear and concise. Support your thesis with specific examples of narrative and stylistic techniques and their effects. In addition to any internet sources, you must cite at least three NON-INTERNET WORKS in support of your argument. These works can be films we saw, films or media you have seen outside of class, articles, contemporary newspaper reviews of a film, et cetera. Proofread your work — grammatical and spelling errors will count against your grade. All sources must be from the United States and English.

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