Archive for November 27th, 2018

Alzheimer’s disease

Write an essay on your choice of the following topics:

• Alzheimer’s disease

• Explain the pathophysiology of the disease

• Discuss common clinical manifestations

• List differential diagnoses

• Determine which lab tests would confirm the diagnosis and expected results

• Analyze a current protocol for treatment and discuss how the treatment works from the pathophysiological perspective

In addition:

• Categorize several (at least three) types of dementia 

• Explain the relationship between strep throat and glomerulonephritis 

• Perform a literature search on urinary incontinence. How do the pathophysiologic characteristics and management of stress, urge, overflow, and mixed incontinence differ? Please cite at least two scholarly articles in addition to your textbook 

Inter-Agency Collaboration

You are working in the research unit of a foundation that awards grants to criminal justice agencies. The foundation is interested in promoting inter-agency collaboration to address specific issues in criminal justice. As part of the announcement of the availability of grant funds for this initiative you have been asked to provide a review of an recent (within the past 10 years) case depicting inter-agency collaboration and cooperation as factors in a criminal justice-related case outcome. Your supervisor has outlined your work assignment as follows:


1.Search for a criminal justice website that is a repository for scholarly research to include case studies about collaborative efforts to resolve crime issues in a community. Choose from one of listed websites:


Collaborative Justice (


The Center for Effective Public Policy (


National Institute of Corrections (


Crime Solutions (


Center for Court Innovation (


Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy (


2.Find a detailed overview of a case study that utilized collaborative community and criminal justice resources to deal with a crime issue in that community.


3. Respond to the following questions:

1.Describe the collaborative initiative- location, date, what are the issues, who was involved with the solution?

2.What solutions were proposed? Be detailed-

3.What were the results? Be detailed-

4.What partner do you feel was most impactful to the solution?

5.What partner do you feel was least impactful to the solution?

6.How could the outcome of the collaboration been improved?


Describe your company

Describe your company

Write a 6-page paper in which you address the following topics: 

1.Describe your company “BMW” and its major products or services from economic perspectives using terms and concepts learned in this course. Include such aspects as: 

a. Market sector and industry 

b. Market structure—pure competition, monopoly, monopsony, or oligopoly 

c. Major products and/or services 

d. Elasticity and the factors that affect their supply and demand 

e. Other economic characteristics, such as utility, type of good, etc.

f. Noneconomic forces that impact sales and profitability, such as weather, business cycles, technology releases, or regulations.

2.Analyze your industry using Porter’s “Five Forces” framework. 

a. Classify each force as weak, strong, or neutral? 

b. Why did you choose that classification?

c. How can your company best leverage this information? 

3.Present information on pricing practices—basic and discriminatory. 

a. What are the more common pricing practices utilized by your company and/or within its industry? 

b. What types of discrimination options are not being used, but could be implemented?

4.Evaluate your company’s short-term and long-term economic outlooks. 

a. Macroeconomic drivers—Using GUIDES, choose one indicator that poses the greatest external concern and one indicator that poses a reassurance. Explain why. 

b. Given the above investigation into your company and its industry, what type of outlook (favorable/unfavorable) can your investors expect over the short-term (5- 7 years) horizon? 

c. What type of outlook (favorable/unfavorable) can investors expect over the long-term (8+ years) horizon? 


The relationship between the United States and Gulf State from the perspective of liberal theory as a case study

The relationship between the United States and Gulf State from the perspective of liberal theory as a case study

What are your objective(s)? What do you want to show/prove with this essay?

Research question(s)

Analytical framework: How are you going to prove what you want to prove?

The U.S. obesity epidemic does / does not necessitate federal action in the form of laws or sanctions

A mini-essay in MLA format arguing both sides of an issue.

1. Research your topic. Find at least three sources using the college Online Library. (See instructions in this week’s Module.) You may use Google to find the rest of your sources.

2. Write an introductory paragraph (6-10 sentences) giving an overview of the two topics. Open with a hook; provide background; finish with a thesis sentence stating the purpose of this mini-essay: to investigate two opposing sides of an issue.

3. Write two body paragraphs (6-10 sentences each) advocating one side of the dissoi logoi. Be sure to incorporate evidence and citations from your sources.

4. Write two more body paragraphs (6-10 sentences each) advocating the opposite side of the dissoi logoi. Again, incorporate evidence and citations from your sources in MLA style. Up to this point, a reader should not be able to recognize whether you prefer one side over the other.

o Each body paragraph must incorporate two sources (two brief quotations or paraphrases + citations in MLA style). Remember that you must set up or lead into a quotation with a signal phrase, and you must provide an MLA citation after the quotation: (author page#).

o Paragraphs should be organized in the usual fashion: topic sentence stating main idea, major and minor supporting details (include exactly two brief quotations + citations), concluding sentence.

5. Write a conclusion paragraph (6-10 sentences) stating what you personally think and why.

6. Provide a Works Cited list in MLA style showing your web / electronic sources. 



Postsecondary Course Assessment Plan

For this assignment, you will provide a description of the evaluation or assessment plan for the adult instructional activity you described in the Unit 3 assignment.(attached) Your paper should contain the following detailed information:


1.Brief description of the instructional activity: instructional setting, course title and description, overall objectives of the instructional activity, student characteristics, instructor characteristics, and so forth.

2.An evaluation or assessment plan for each unit, to include the following:

Goals and learning outcomes for each unit.

Type of evaluation or assessment component(s) selected.

Rationale for selecting these component(s).

How the component(s) will be utilized or administered.

Issues or problems that might be encountered and potential solutions to these problems.

3.Data collection and analysis: What data will be collected, how will it be analyzed, who should data be shared with and how, et cetera.

e-Marketing Plan

The emarketing plan should represent both “the science and art” of marketing by presenting measurable facts and numerical projections throughout your whole plan as well as being creative and engaging.
E-marketing plans, due to complexity and length, will be graded within 1-2 weeks after the due date for on-time submissions.
Your plan should be at least ten (10) pages long and not more than twelve (12) pages long, which does not include your title page, table of contents, executive summary, bibliography, or endnotes. Conform to acceptable the APA for college-level writing.
Your plan must:
• be typed, double spaced, and in 12-point Times New Roman font, with margins no wider than one inch
• Post your full name on the first page as part of a title page
• Contain an Executive Summary section at the beginning of your plan covering key points to takeaway from plan details and be no more than 1 page. This includes your business, marketing and emarketing key points from each section of your plan with logical numerics and brief supporting text. 
• list the Executive Summary and each specific section of the 7 step emarketing plan found in your course text on page 478 of Chapter 19 as part of a table of contents plus as a headline within the body of your paper
• have APA References with correct in-text citations
• have a References page of at least six (6) references from 2015 to present
• include, for each entry in the references, the author, title, city and state of publication, the publisher’s name, year of publication, and page numbers used as required by APA.
• be prepared with word-processing software (Microsoft Word preferred) and name your file name as follows (MRKT457PlanYourLastNameYourFirstName)
• follow the grading rubric

Write a complete literary analysis over your poem

Write a complete literary analysis over your poem. Use the focus statement from Step 5 as your thesis statement. Use the following organizational structure:

Body Paragraph #1: Analysis of first quatrain

Body Paragraph #2: Analysis of second quatrain

Body Paragraph #3: Analysis of third quatrain

Body Paragraph #4: Analysis of rhyming couplet

In your analysis, be sure to comment on and analyze a) literary devices/elements that you noticed in your annotations AND b) the characteristics of Courtly Love that appear in your poem. You should consider their purpose and support each with text evidence from the poem. You should also address how these elements contribute to an overall thematic idea. This essay will be similar to a Poetry Timed Write, but much more thorough as you are not constrained by time. This should be on the same GoogleDoc as your poem; start with a fresh page and create an academic title for your essay.


STEP 8- On the next page of your GoogleDoc, copy and paste a piece of art from the Renaissance Era (include title and artist) and write a one paragraph explication of the piece that addresses at least one of the following ideas:

How the piece mirrors the same characteristic(s) of Courtly Love as your poem

How the piece is based on the same subject matter as your poem

How the piece can be interpreted with the same theme as your poem


Google Arts & Culture has an entire page devoted to Renaissance art: 


STEP 9 – On the final page of your GoogleDoc, include a Works Cited page that provides properly formatted MLA citations for sources used in your research on Courtly Love tropes as well as your image for Renaissance art.

Portrayal of women in British literature

Describe the way authors portrayed women of the Renaissance, Romantic, and the Victorian eras. What were their roles? How did people see them? What was their purpose? Compare and contrast the views/roles during each era. Quote resources to add depth and “proof” to the paper.


Research Methods and Analysis in Psychology

Research Methods and Analysis in Psychology. Please see attached assignment brief, Braun and Clarke (2016) TA article, Analysis section of a TA Checklist, Lousie Transcript for section1, Louise transcript word doc, MF examples 1 and 2, RMA Qualitative Louise Full transcript, Study 1ECI data 1, Study 1 OE data, study 2 RLS data, and study 2 Sex Data


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