Archive for November, 2018

week2 assg,2

Write and submit a paper (not less than 1000 words, not including any front matter or references) discussing all of the following:


Overview of physical activity environments

Methods of measuring the built environment, implications of frequently assessed variables, and relevance to populations of assessing the built environment

Methods used to promote physical activities in communities and the impact on communities of such policies

Issues in measuring the food environment among underserved populations

Papers totaling less than 1000 words (not including any front matter or references), will receive an automatic 5-point deduction from the assignment grade.


Your paper must include five citations (references) in APA format, not including citations of the four target articles. Papers with less than five citations in APA format will receive an automatic 5-point deduction from the assignment grade.


The international legal regime against drugs has enabled drug trafficking organisations to flourish

This essay should include Introduction, Table of Content, Conclusion, Critical Approach, Bibliography. And OSCOLA Referencing style must be used. Essays should be typed, double or 1½ line spaced and fully referenced. Essays must state the actual word count.

Students are requiredto submit one essay of up to 5,000 words (including footnotes and quotations, but excluding the bibliography) for this module.


It is assumed that your essay will be typed and spell-checked and that it will use the usual conventions (e.g., OSCOLA) regarding footnoting (which is preferred over end noting)and bibliographies. Please use a line-spacing setting of 1.5. There is nothing that gets an examiner in a “grumpier” frame of mind than reading a sloppily-presented essay that is filled with spelling and typographical errors. On the first page of the essay, you must state the word length. 


SWOT Analysis

Complete a one-page chart examining how your chosen company is currently positioned for future sales success. In other words, analyze what you find to be the company’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats in relation to how they are currently poised to compete for sales. **This is not a general SWOT analysis for the firm as a whole; this SWOT is specific to the sales point of view. A template of this SWOT is shown in Exhibit 1.


Exhibit 1. SWOT Template


Sale-Specific SWOT Template: 


Internal Strengths – examples of questions that would be answered:


– Advantages of this proposition?


– Capabilities to accomplish it?


– Competitive advantages?


– USPs (unique selling points)?


– Resources, Assets, People?


– Experience, knowledge, data?


– Financial reserves, likely returns?


– Marketing – reach, distribution, awareness?


– Innovative aspects?


– Location and geographical?


– Price, value, quality?


– Accreditations, qualifications, certifications?


– Processes, systems, IT, communications?


– Cultural, attitudinal, behavioral?


– Management cover, succession?



Weaknesses – examples of questions that would be answered:


– Disadvantages of this proposition?


– Gaps in capabilities to accomplish it?


– Lack of competitive strength?


– Reputation, presence, and reach?


– Financials?


– Own known vulnerabilities?


– Timescales deadlines and pressures?


– Cash flow, start-up cash-drain?


– Continuity, supply chain robustness?


– Effects on core activities, distraction?


– Reliability of data, plan predictability?


– Morale, commitment, leadership?


– Accreditations, etc.?


– Processes and systems, etc.?


– Management cover, succession?



External Opportunities – examples of questions that would be answered:


– Market developments?


– Competitors’ vulnerabilities?


– Industry or lifestyle trends?


– Technology development and innovation?


– Global influences?


– New markets, vertical, horizontal?


– Niche target markets?


– Geographical, export, import?


– New USPs?


– Tactics – surprise, major contracts, etc.?


– Business and product development?


– Information and research?


– Partnerships, agencies, distribution?


– Volumes, production, economies?


– Seasonal, weather, fashion influences?



Threats – examples of questions that would be answered:


– Political effects?


– Legislative effects?


– Environmental effects?


– IT developments?


– Competitor intentions – various?


– M arket demand?


– New technologies, services, ideas?


– Vital contracts and partners?


– Sustaining internal capabilities?


– Obstacles faced?


– Insurmountable weaknesses?


– Loss of key staff?


– Sustainable financial backing?


– Economy – home, abroad?


– Seasonality, weather effects?


This analysis should be depicted in chart form, and should demonstrate that you have fully analyzed many aspects of the company’s sales operation, strategy, and results. Bullet points should be specific and have enough verbiage to be understandable on their own


Deliverable 3 – Revenue Generation Online

Describe techniques, types, and distribution methods of content marketing and how they fit into ecommerce.




Having an online presence can be a tremendous expense for organizations. From a strictly accounting perspective, the costs associated with the IT requirements and the personnel needed to manage the various outlets can appear to be a huge drain on the marketing budget. With this in mind, it is essential to be able to identify the sources of revenue with the most profit potential.


The Vice President of Marketing for the organization has asked for a report on digital revenue. This report is going to be presented to the CEO and VPs. Specifically, they have asked you to review the potential revenue streams and compare them to the competition. They have asked for an “easy to understand” report that details at least 4 potential methods to generate revenue.


They also want you to briefly explain what might be some of the downsides of the revenue streams. You are asked to give your preference for 1 of the 4 options. They also ask for some basic information about what a competitor is doing to generate revenue online. This report is going to be presented to the CEO and departmental VPs next week.




For the organization you selected, create a PowerPoint presentation for the VP of Marketing about the different types of revenue that can be generated online. Be sure that your presentation includes the following:


A cover slide with the name of the company in the title and purpose of the presentation as a subtitle.


An Introduction slide listing the topics of the presentation.


The pros of at least four (4) digital revenue stream options should be considered with specific examples given for each. (One to two slides)


The cons of at least four (4) digital revenue stream options should be considered with specific examples given for each. (One to two slides)


Make a recommendation for why one option is preferred based on the target customer and their potential experience on the site. (One slide)


Evaluate the online presence of at least one competitor. Based on what you observe, identify at least one (1) digital revenue stream and include this information for comparison purposes. (One to two slides)


A Summary slide


A Reference slide (if needed) in APA format.

Deliverable 6 – Consumer Expectations Online



Apply principles of organizational learning, innovation, and change in healthcare organizations.




When considering search engine optimization, organizations tend to consider their content on the web. Content does make a difference but, as you have learned in this class, it is essential to have content that is linked to other sites. Equally important is that it establishes the organization as a trusted source for information. Basically, quality is more important than quantity when developing this relationship with a target audience.


The company has been considering the list post you suggested and now you are considering developing a blog. Ideally, this blog will provide additional links and traffic to the site. Not to mention it should create a loyal group of people interested in the company.




For this assignment, you will consider the impact of content from a target audience perspective. In a 7 – 10 slide presentation, written with professional language and using proper spelling/grammar, include the following:


A cover slide with the name of the company in the title and purpose of the presentation as a subtitle.


An introduction slide listing the topics of the presentation. (one slide)


For the organization you have been working with, describe a possible blog focus for company. Detail at least 3 possible topics to create content for the blog. If the organization already maintains a blog, then review what they have been selecting to blog about and offer at least 2 suggested topics to add to the blog. (One to two slides)


Identify two (2) competitor blogs with a brief description of their services; provide links to their blog pages. (one slide)


Analyze the two competitors (2) blogs over the past 12 months. (One to two slides)

Consider how potential target markets would respond to these blogs.


Note what you like about the content on the competitor blogs and why.


Develop a recommendation that you would suggest to the VP of Marketing at the organization you chose. Explain what you would create or change in order to improve the quality of their information relative to their competitors. (One to two slides)


A Summary slide (one slide)


A Reference slide (if needed) in APA format. (One to two slides)


Thorough speaking notes for each slide.


Your presentation should be 7-10 slides in length (not including the cover slide), written with professional language, and use proper spelling/grammar.


Deliverable 7 – Online Digital Strategy


Evaluate strategies behind website pages ranking in organic search results and their impact on ecommerce.


Critique the technical search engine optimization elements of a web page.


Describe techniques, types, and distribution methods of content marketing and how they fit into ecommerce.


Select keyword targets via a keyword research tool.


Create a long form “list post” focused on keyword research.


Appraise effective search engine optimization and content using analytics.


Assignment 2 Challenges In The Global Business Environment

According to the textbook, ongoing challenges in the global business environment are mostly attributed to unethical business practices, failure to embrace technology advancements, and stiff competition among businesses. Use the Internet to research the code of ethical conduct of one (1) of the following organizations:



Hershey Company



Next, use the Internet to research the code of ethical conduct of two (2) similar companies in the same industry as the company you have chosen.


Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:


Specify, in brief, the nature, structure, types of products or service of the business you selected. Examine the information within the company’s code of ethical conduct, and choose three (3) key issues from within the document that you believe are critical for success. Provide a rationale for the response.

Using the three (3) key issues you selected as a benchmark, compare and contrast the codes of conduct of two (2) similar companies within the same industry as your chosen company. 

Examine the extent to which the two (2) similar companies you researched have addressed the key issues you selected. Hypothesize two (2) potential positive outcomes for each company if each addresses the key issues in question and two (2) potential adverse effects if each company fails to address these issues.

Propose two (2) techniques that the original company you selected could use in order to ensure that its code of conduct will remain relevant through years of changing economic, political, social, cultural, and technological forces on business and society. Next, evaluate the effectiveness of two (2) methods that the company currently adopts in order to manage environment issues. 

Examine two (2) approaches that the original company you selected has taken in order to embrace technological advancements for innovation and thus improve business offerings. Anticipate three (3) potential technological challenges the company could face, and recommend one (1) strategy that the company could use in order to eliminate or minimize each of these anticipated challenges.

Specify at least one (1) one lobbying strategy that the original company you selected has used in an effort to influence national or local government decisions in its favor. Summarize the issue in question, and ascertain whether or not the lobbying effort was appropriate. Justify the response.

Analyze two (2) global corporate citizenship efforts of the original company you selected, and assess the extent to which these efforts are effective in accomplishing the company’s goals.  Examine the manner in which the two (2) global citizenship efforts could contribute significantly to the company’s sustainable development goals.

Use at least four (4) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

International Market Expansion Analysis

Research on Li – Ning’s UK Expansion, answer all question below.


1. Discuss a target consumer group in the country and provide an overview of 


consumer preferences for fashion in your country of choice. 


2. Would your target consumers be able to afford your company’s products? 


3. What are some of the psychographic and behavioral characteristics of the local consumers? 


4. Based on your research, is the target consumer in your country of choice likely to be interested in your company’s products?


2 pages double spaces. Use APA format for all sources. 


Healthcare Marketing

Healthcare Marketing

Overview:  Your third assignment will be an analysis of the place and price decisions of a health services organization as covered in Week 5 and 6.   You may use the same organization that was your focus on Written Assignment 2, or pick another health services organization with which you are familiar.  Be sure you understand the marketing concepts discussed during Weeks 5 and 6 and can apply them to your organization.  


You might have to seek out some information on the organization by visiting its website, or if it is an employer interviewing someone who has knowledge of the pricing and distribution decisions.  After you have completed your research, answer each of the following questions in turn following all the general guidelines or written assignments posted in the syllabus.  


Brief overview of the organizations service/products and a description of their target market.  This is important to ensure that your analysis considers the needs of the target market in evaluating their pricing and channel decisions.


How do you think the organization arrives at its price?  Refer to the Week 6 Overview for a framework of some of the pricing considerations and discuss those that appear relevant to your organization. 


Do you think the pricing strategy is appropriate?  Can it be improved to better meet its customer’s needs?


Is the organization hindered or helped in their pricing decisions by government or payer restrictions.  If so, how do these restrictions impact their pricing strategy?


What kind of value delivery network does the organization employ, e.g. horizontal or vertical, and what is their distribution strategy, e.g. exclusive, intensive or intensive? What factors influence the distribution strategies of this organization?  Are they customer-focused?   If possible, outline all of the channel members and what function they perform to serve the customer?


Can you recommend any changes to the value delivery network that would serve customer needs better?  


Animal Rights

Singer argues that animals deserve moral consideration and do have moral rights somewhat comparable to humans because they are sentient (i.e., have the capacity to experience pain and pleasure).  By contrast, Cohen argues that animals do not have moral rights comparable to humans because they do not belong to the moral community (Note: pay careful attention to the characteristics Cohen lists as requirements to belong to the moral community).  In this essay, I ask you to discuss ONE of the topics listed below:


(A)  First, develop a criterion other than Singer’s or Cohen’s that will determine whether animals do or do not deserve moral consideration.  Secondly, determine if animals do or do not have (at least some) moral rights comparable to humans.  Make sure you defend your position with cogent arguments.  Then, compare your position to either Singer’s or Cohen’s.


Or, if you cannot develop your own criterion:


(B) State whether you agree with Singer’s position or Cohen’s position, expressing the reasons for your choice.  Then, defend your position with cogent arguments. 

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