Archive for June 9th, 2019

Worldview Analysis Essay GOVT200

Worldview Analysis Essay

For this assignment, you will write a 2–3-page essay (double-spaced, 1-inch margins) providing examples of how some facet of “process philosophy” has impacted American government and/or society. You may focus on just 1 example, or you may discuss 2–3 examples.


Options include the following topics:

• A specific piece of legislation.

• The “party platform” of either the Republican Party or the Democratic Party (or both).

• Family and marriage.

• Economics.

• Civil rights.

• Education.


In discussing one of these topics, the goal is to relate how a particular political perspective derives from process philosophy (such as socialism). In making the connection, incorporate clear references from the required reading. Include at least 2 references which may include the textbook, scholarly resources, and provided readings. Be sure to adhere to the format specified in the Course Style Guidelines document.

SEJPME Post-Test Searcheable

National Strategic GuidanceMilitary Command Structure

The document approved by the Secretary of Defense for applying the Armed Forces of the United States in
coordination with Department of Defense agencies and other instruments of national power to achieve national
security strategy objectives is known as the ____.
A. National Military Strategy
B. National Security Strategy
C. National Defense Strategy

D.Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan

Question 4 of 50
Select the best answer:Military Command Structure

Organization for National Security
The operational chain of command runs directly from the President to the Secretary of Defense and then to
A. the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and then to the Combatant Commanders
B. the Combatant Commanders
C. the Service Chiefs

D.the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Question 11 of 50
Select the best answer:
OverviewInteragency Coordination

The _________________ is responsible for mediating and brokering disagreements among cabinet heads with
the objective of achieving a single viewpoint that can be presented to the President for decision.
A. Political Advisor (POLAD)
B. Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS)
C. Secretary of Defense (SECDEF)

D.National Security Advisor

Question 13 of 50
Select the best answer:
IntroductionMultinational Operations

Multinational Operations is the same as:
A. Military actions conducted by forces of two or more nations, typically organized within the
structure of a coalition or alliance
B. Actions conducted by two or more military elements
C. Actions conducted by two or more nations
D. Actions conducted by two or more non-military organizations from two or different nations
Question 15 of 50

Select the best answer:
OverviewMultinational Operations

Factors that inhibit interoperability are:

A.Refusal to cooperate with partners; restricted access to national proprietary defense information.

B. Multinational training exercises.
C. Constant efforts to eliminate sources of confusion.
D. Visits to assess multinational capabilities.
Question 18 of 50

Select the best answer:
Military ConsiderationsMultinational Operations

The need for effective liaison is vital in any multinational force because:

A.Similar economic and social affiliations with supported partners.

B. National law suggests a robust liaison structure.
C. Liaisons facilitate the ability to integrate and synchronize operations.
D. The U.S. has limited trained personnel.
Question 20 of 50

Select the best answer:
OverviewRange of Military Operations

The purpose of this principle of joint operation is to prepare clear, uncomplicated plans and concise orders to
ensure thorough understanding.
A. simplicity
B. clarity
C. security


Question 28 of 50
Select the best answer:
IntroductionDeliberate Planning

Contingency planning encompasses the activities associated with the development of operation plans for the
deployment, employment, and sustainment of apportioned forces and resources in response to a
____________________________identified in joint strategic planning documents.
A. hypothetical situation
B. crisis
C. actual incident
D. confrontation
Question 29 of 50

Select the best answer:
Joint Operation PlanningDeliberate Planning

The means by which Department of Defense encourages and enables countries and organizations to work with
us to achieve strategic objectives.
A. Multinational agreements
B. Security Cooperation Planning
C. Diplomatic channels
D. International Treaties and Organizations
Question 32 of 50

Select the best answer:
CAP ProceduresCrisis Action Planning

Crisis action planning procedures are employed when a contingency response is anticipated to be executed,
usually in less than _____ months.
A. 6
B. 12
C. 18
D. 24
Question 39 of 50

Select the best answer:
Navy CustomsRoles, Missions, History, Customs and Courtesies of the U.S. Armed Forces

Which core value does the following tenet represent: exhibit the highest degree of moral character, technical
excellence, quality and competence in what we have been trained to do.
A. Honor
B. Commitment
C. Courage
Question 43 of 50
True / False: Reserve Component
The primary responsibilities of the Air Force Reserve Components, the Air Force Reserve and the Air National
Guard, include airlift and air refueling.
A. True
B. False
Question 47 of 50
True / False: Psychological Health Awareness
Some individuals that are exposed to stressful situations, trauma, and combat develop new skills, display
previously hidden strengths, and grow in character.
A. True


Question 49 of 50
Select the best answer:Psychological Health Awareness

Typical signs of ________ include headaches, memory gaps, confusion, attention problems, irritability, ringing
in the ears, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, slowed reaction time, sleep difficulty, and performance difficulties.
A. post-traumatic stress disorder
B. psychiatric disorder syndrome
C. psychological trauma dysfunction
D. traumatic brain injury
Question 1 of 50
Select the best answer: Military Command Structure
National Strategic Guidance
The ___________________, signed by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, provides guidance for
distributing and applying military power to attain national strategic objectives. It describes the Armed Forces’
plan to achieve military objectives in the near term and provides the vision for ensuring they remain decisive in
the future.
A. Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan
B. National Security Strategy
C. National Defense Strategy
D. National Military Strategy
Question 2 of 50
Select the best answer: Military Command Structure
National Strategic Guidance
____________________ presents fundamental principles that guide the employment of U.S. military forces in
coordinated and integrated action toward a common objective. It represents what is taught, believed, and
advocated as what is right (i.e., what works best).
A. Joint doctrine
B. Law of warfare
C. Strategic direction
D. Operational design
Question 3 of 50
Select the best answer: Military Command Structure
National Strategic Guidance
The document, approved by the President, which delineates the general geographical area of responsibility for
geographic combatant commanders and specifies functional responsibilities for functional combatant
commanders, is called the _____________.
A. Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan
B. National Security Strategy
C. Unified Command Plan
D. Guidance for Employment of the Force
Question 4 of 50
Select the best answer: Military Command Structure
Organization for National Security
The __________________ outranks all other officers of the Armed Forces, but may not exercise military
command over any of the Armed Forces. He is the principal military advisor to the President, the National
Security Council, and the SECDEF.
A. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
B. Supreme Allied Commander
C. Combatant Commander
D. War Czar
Question 5 of 50
Select the best answer: Military Command Structure
Combatant Commands
These commands are established by combatant commanders when authorized by the SECDEF through the
CJCS to conduct operations on a continuing basis in accordance with the criteria set forth for unified commands.
They may be established on a geographic area basis such as United States Forces Japan or on a functional basis
such as Special Operations Command, Pacific.
A. combatant commands
B. subordinate unified commands
C. joint task forces
D. functional component commands
Question 6 of 50
Select the best answer: Military Command Structure
Joint Command and Control
Command authority over assigned or attached forces or commands, or military capability or forces made
available for tasking, that is limited to the detailed direction and control of movements or maneuvers within the
operational area necessary to accomplish missions or tasks assigned is known as ____________________.
A. Administrative Control (ADCON)
B. Operational Control (OPCON)
C. Tactical Control (TACON)
D. Combatant Command (COCOM)
Question 7 of 50
True / False: Interagency Coordination
Strategic (National) Level
The use of the military to conduct combat operations should be a last resort when the other instruments of
national power have failed to achieve our nation’s objectives.
A. True
B. False
Question 8 of 50
True / False: Interagency Coordination
Tactical (Country) Level
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are usually willing to quickly align themselves with intervening
military forces in order to ensure their ability to achieve their objectives and for their physical security.
A. True
B. False
Question 9 of 50
Select the best answer: Interagency Coordination
Which of the following terms best describes the interaction that occurs between agencies of the US Government
for the purpose of accomplishing an objective?
A. Interagency coordination
B. Government accountability
C. Federal management
D. National security cooperation
Question 10 of 50
Select the best answer: Interagency Coordination
During joint operation planning, joint force commanders (JFCs) should begin to coordinate their activities with
other agencies:
A. after the ambassador reviews the operation plan
B. after the operation plan has been finalized
C. when the combatant commander authorizes the plan
D. as early as possible
Question 11 of 50
Select the best answer: Interagency Coordination
The Commander Joint Task Force (CJTF), within the context of unified action, may function at both the
______________________ levels in coordinating the application of all instruments of national power with the
actions of other military forces, United States Government (USG) agencies, nongovernmental organizations
(NGOs), regional organizations, intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), and corporations toward theater
strategic objectives.
A. operational and tactical
B. operational and administrative
C. strategic and operational
D. strategic and tactical
Question 12 of 50
Select the best answer: Interagency Coordination
Successful interagency, IGO, and NGO coordination helps enable the USG to build international support,
conserve resources, and:
A. conduct coherent operations that efficiently achieve shared goals
B. maintain control over the operation
C. establish comprehensive governmental agency legitimacy
D. conduct coherent operations that capably achieve US military interests
Question 13 of 50
Select the best answer: Multinational Operations
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is an example of a(n):
A. Multinational Force
B. Alliance
C. Unified Command
D. Coalition
Question 14 of 50
Select the best answer: Multinational Operations
Key considerations involved in planning and conducting multinational operations are affected by:
A. Financial Resource Constraints
B. Motives and values of the organization’s members
C. Media influence
D. Non-military organizations
Question 15 of 50
Select the best answer: Multinational Operations
To promote their mutual national interests and ensure mutual security against real and perceived threats, nations
that form partnerships must understand the impacts of:
A. Internally displaced personnel (IDPs)
B. Non-governmental agencies
C. Techniques, tactics, and procedures (TTPs)
D. Culture and economics

washingtons Farewell Address Analysis GOVT 200


Washington’s Farewell Address Analysis Instructions

For this assignment, you will analyze the major points of George Washington’s “Farewell Address” and write a 3-page analysis, considering contemporary government and including differing points of view. Be sure to adhere to the format specified in the Course Style Guidelines document.


Your analysis must adhere to the following specifications:

• No more than 3 double-spaced pages (12-point font with 1-inch margins).

• Must include a title page (not counted in total page number) that contains:

o A title,

o Your name,

o Your section (GOVT 200-S02),

o Your instructor’s name, and

o The date the assignment is due (all single-spaced in the footer of the cover page).

• No page number is necessary for the cover page or for the first page in the body of the paper.

• Pay particular attention to the grading rubric for how your paper will be graded.

PSYC 255 B-07

1.      The general form of a regression equation is _____. – Y = a + bX

2.      Which of the following statements is true about effect size? –  It is a statistic that describes how strongly variables are related to one another. –

Which of the following is a measure of central tendency? – Median

Myers-Briggs Personality Test online


Project 1 Instructions

This project requires that you complete the Myers-Briggs Personality Test online, and then complete Steps 1 and 2 (see below). Read all of the instructions for this assignment before beginning any of your work.

Step 1

  1. Open the following website to complete the assessment: Jung Typology Test.
  2. Once complete, click on “Score it” to retrieve your four-letter type.
  3. Next, go to The Four Temperaments and investigate the various buttons for descriptions of your Type and data on relationships, careers, etc.
  4. Using The Four Temperaments link, explore Keirsey’s Temperaments as well. Go back to the Jung Typology test site to explore the Sixteen Personality Types using the tabs at the top to locate the description of your type. You may also research beyond these suggested links as long as you cite them properly.
  5. Once there, click on links for The Four Preferences, Keirsey’s Temperaments, and Overview of the Sixteen Personality Types to locate the description of your type.
  6. This personality test will reveal your 4-letter type and your 2-letter temperament. Discuss the validity of each letter of your type and temperament. Provide your statistical/percentage results for comparison of letters within your discussion. Any adverse personal opinions on the assessment tools must be respectful and scholarly with supportive research.
  7. Include a separate section for each letter of your personality type, as well as a section for discussing how the different aspects of your personality (represented by the letters) work together. For example, if you scored with the letter “I,” then that letter with your type will be a heading: I-Introverted.

·         You must have separate sub-headings for each section.

·         Give specific examples from your life—especially your work life—and discuss the weaknesses of your personality type as well. Refer to the Presentation: “Lesson 1–A Worldview Perspective on Organizational Behavior,” found in the Module/Week 1 Reading & Study folder.

Step 2

  1. Apply the Type Talk at Work textbook, which focuses on how various personality types relate at work. The book must be evident within the discussion, not simply cited, with specific, applied topics.
  2. Using the Type Talk at Work textbook as your guide, discuss the things you have learned about yourself that will help you understand your organization and your role within it. In a new section in your paper (labeled Step 2), answer the following questions with specific correlation to the book:

·         In general, what have you learned from these personality tests about organizational behavior that will help you be a better employee, coworker, and/or manager?

·         In particular, what have you learned about yourself from this personality test that will help you be a better employee, coworker, and/or manager? Provide specific examples.


1.      Use current APA format for every element of the paper. Be sure to include the current APA-formatted cover page, abstract, and reference page. Refer to your APA manual for help or this site for assistance:

2.      Write in first person—this is allowed due to the personal nature of the assignment.

3.      To facilitate the instructor’s grading of these assignments, you must have major headings for Steps 1 and 2. Additionally, under the major heading of Step 1, you must have subheadings for each separate letter of your Meyers-Briggs type. There must also be a subheading describing your entire Meyers-Briggs personality to round out the discussion with your Temperament. You will need a total of 5 subheadings for Step 1.

4.      The exact number of paragraphs that you include in each section is your decision; your instructor will not be grading you on how many paragraphs you used per section, but rather the extent to which you specifically addressed each of the areas above.

5.      The minimum of 6 required pages of content does not include the title page, abstract page, or reference page. Those must be counted as additional pages. You will likely find that it will be difficult to address all of these things in only 6 pages, but that constraint is part of the exercise itself. Learning to write succinctly and efficiently will improve your communication skills, regardless of the setting. Because you only have 6 pages to discuss all these components, be concise.

6.      Be sure to double-space, using Times New Roman 12-point font only; use 1-inch margins, and avoid bold font (except for headlines, per current APA format), underlining, and contractions.

7.      The reference page must include a minimum of the 5 following references in current APA format (all sources must be evident within the paper and less than 5 years old):

Myers-Briggs Personality Test online

Unit 3: Public Argument
You will practice communicating in the world beyond academia by transforming your
controversy analysis paper into a public argument. You will also create multiple drafts and
respond to the work of other writers.
Drawing on our discussions of rhetorical situation and analysis from Unit 1 and the
original research you performed in the Controversy analysis for Unit 2, create a specific
rhetorical situation (purpose, audience, and context) and create a rhetorically effective public
argument (either a TED talk with slides, video, infographic, or a website) to communicate in
that situation. You will present your public argument to the class in a 4-6 minute time slot. An
accompanying verbal speech is required for TED Talks, infographics, and websites, but not for
videos (other than recorded speech within the video).
Explicitly reference a minimum of 3 sources from your controversy research paper (use
“quote” and “end quote” or language such as “according to” and a signal phrase- See Rules for
Writers 58b). All images/audio/sources other than those in Paper 2 should be documented in a
final Works Cited slide.
Detailed description, examples, sound, music, color, props, and/or conversational
language are tools that you can use to convey ideas effectively. If you choose the TED talk,
video, or infographic, use alphabetic-based writing minimally, in accordance with the
conventions for these mediums. Images and short phrases are much stronger choices. Visual
elements should strengthen the piece and be clearly seen by the audience.
• The cover letter and the presentation should both communicate the specific rhetorical
situation (this counts as part of the time).
• For videos, consider recording audio using a headset or a USB microphone instead of
through your laptop’s speakers for clarity (see Resources section below).
• Your public argument will be evaluated in part for delivery pace, conversational style
(avoid merely reading information), timing, volume, eye contact, and credibility
(preparation and back ups).
• Your own audience for this assignment is an educated, college audience. The audience
members may not be familiar with your sources or your ideas. Communicate your main
claim in the introduction section, and make this especially clear to audience members.
Utilize verbal/visual transitions between points, and provide the significance of your
argument at the end.
• Multimedia Zone –1st floor of the main library1-on-1 technology help
o There are other labs such as the Multimedia Learning Lab (Music) and the
Multimedia Classroom in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, but they have
classes in them during the day (see staff schedules here).
• Rent equipment (such as headsets or microphone USBs for recording) at the main library
Information Commons desk (1st floor) or at OSCR Gear to Go in the UITS Computer
Center. You can check out headsets/ microphone USB for 6 hours. Consider scheduling
an individual study room to record, or record from home. The MLL Sound Room is also
an option.
• Consider bringing your draft to the Writing Center in the Bear Down Gym—it’s free!
Make sure to bring this sheet. Appointments are best.

Comparing Factors that Lead to Underdevelopment

This assignment calls for you to select two Less Developed Countries (LDCs) and assess if there are any factors that are common to both as far as their development is concerned. Your two countries must come from the following list:







Central African Republic

North Korea











Equatorial Guinea














El Salvador







Sri Lanka



















South Africa











Source: United Nations, 2014

It may help you to be familiar with the concept of poor governance, because this often plays a significant part in why a country is underdeveloped. According to the World Bank, governance is defined as how power is exercised in the management of a country’s economic and social resources for development. Therefore, if good governance is synonymous with sound development management, then poor governance means a government has failed to deliver desirable outcomes for its people. This could mean that officials are corrupt, not transparent with their decisions, unqualified to make decisions in the first place, or prone to make decisions based on racism, tribalism or ethnicity — all of which are very common practices in LCDs.

The most common factor used to decide whether countries are underdeveloped nations is through the Human Development Index. Countries that are underdeveloped in nature offer poor health care, few educational opportunities, a low average life expectancy, a low number of job opportunities, few recreational facilities, poor economic growth, a low standard of living and a poverty-stricken life.


Write at least a six-page paper, in which you:

  1.  Identify the two LDCs (from the list above), which you will compare and assess. Explain why you chose these two countries. 
  2. Analyze the features that the LDCs have in common using at least five of the following nine factors (clearly label the five factors using headings):
    1.  geography 
    2. extractive institutions 
    3. governmental corruption 
    4. internal or external conflicts 
    5. shaky financial systems 
    6. unfair judicial systems 
    7. ethnic, racial or tribal disparities 
    8. lack or misuse of natural resources 
    9. closed (statist) economies 
  3. Use at least seven credible sources. Wikipedia, encyclopedias, dictionaries, blogs and other material that does not qualify as reputable academic source work at the college level. Do not use sources that are older than seven years.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double-spaced (no extra spacing between paragraphs), using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. 
  • Citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date (do not include an abstract).
  • The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. Graphs, tables and photographs are not counted toward the length of the paper; only what you have written as text itself.

What is the story of social mobility in your family?

What is the story of social mobility in your family? To what extent have there been shifts both across and within generations? What factors, such as family connections or historical events, contributed to the occurrence of your social mobility? Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.


220 words

Programs to counter teen age smoking

What are the various programs conducted by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and Media Campaign Resource Centers to prevent teenage cigarette smoking

Creating an Agenda

Create an agenda for a virtual team meeting on a topic of your choice.

Draw from your own experience working within a group with the goal of achieving a specific task. You may use your experience as a student working in a group, or develop a plan for a future learning team. Your agenda should include specific items requiring group discussion and


In addition to the agenda, write a 200- to 350-word summary of the following:

• In a virtual meeting, how can you ensure a group is communicating effectively?

• How can you ensure that each team member understands what the next steps are required to achieve the meeting’s goals?

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your agenda and summary.

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