Archive for June, 2019

BIBL 104-D46

 Question 1
1 out of 1 points
    John views the soldiers’ division of Jesus’ clothes is viewed as a prophetic fulfillment.            

•    Question 2
1 out of 1 points
    John addresses his Gospel to Theophilus who may have been a Roman official or a nobleman who recently became a Christian.            

•    Question 3
1 out of 1 points
    The Gospel of John can be divided into two sections. The first section is the _____________ and the second section is the Book of Glory.            

•    Question 4
1 out of 1 points
    Which of the following is not a parable of Jesus?            
    Selected Answer:    The Parable of the Wine Bottles
•    Question 5
1 out of 1 points
    The book of Jude belongs to the section of the New Testament known as            

•    Question 6
1 out of 1 points
    According to our textbook, the book of Revelation is written in apocalyptic symbolism and makes use of numbers, animals, and colors as graphic symbols of prophetic realties.            

•    Question 7
1 out of 1 points
    The book of Mark belongs to the section of the New Testament known as            

•    Question 8
1 out of 1 points
    John wants Theophilus and other readers to “know the certainty of the things about which you have been instructed.”            

•    Question 9
1 out of 1 points
    Luke’s portrait of Christ is that of            

•    Question 10
1 out of 1 points
    The passion week of Jesus life took place in the city of Nazareth since he was known as Jesus of Nazareth.            

•    Question 11
1 out of 1 points
    John uses this central “I am” declaration to affirm the deity of Christ. One of these “I Am” declarations is:            

•    Question 12
1 out of 1 points
    Matthew’s Gospel describes five extended teaching sessions, which are arranged in five major discourses. This was done so that readers could better follow what Jesus said about specific subjects.            

•    Question 13
1 out of 1 points
    Which of the following is not a parable of Jesus?            

•    Question 14
1 out of 1 points
    The Acts of the Apostles covers the time from Pentecost to Paul’s imprisonment.            

•    Question 15
1 out of 1 points
    In order to speed up Jesus’ death so that it did not conflict with the Sabbath, the Jesus legs were broken at the request of the religious leaders.            

•    Question 16
1 out of 1 points
    The Gospel of Matthew provides some of Jesus’ most prominent sermons, parables, and miracles, plus a record of important messages such as the Sermon on the Mount, the parables of the kingdom, and the Olivet Discourse.            

•    Question 17
1 out of 1 points
    The New Testament begins with the first coming of Christ and ends with the promise of His Second Coming.            

•    Question 18
1 out of 1 points
    John uses this central “I am” declaration to affirm the deity of Christ. One of these “I Am” declarations is:            

•    Question 19
1 out of 1 points
    In the Gospels, __________, Paul’s physician-missionary, writes with the Greek mentality in view.            

•    Question 20
1 out of 1 points
    All the authors of the New Testament were Jews, with the possible exception of the Roman citizen Paul.            

•    Question 21
1 out of 1 points
    The content of the New Testament Letters is doctrinal and personal.            

•    Question 22
1 out of 1 points
    The book of Philemon belongs to the section of the New Testament known as            

•    Question 23
1 out of 1 points
    John uses this central “I am” declaration to affirm the deity of Christ. One of these “I Am” declarations is:            

•    Question 24
1 out of 1 points
    According to early church tradition, Mark was a close disciple of James, the brother of Jesus. So, he heard James tell and retell the stories about Jesus everywhere they went.            

•    Question 25
1 out of 1 points
    Which of the following is not a miracle that Jesus performed?            

•    Question 26
1 out of 1 points
    The Gospel of _____________ is the only Gospel to mention that Jesus was a carpenter during His early adulthood.            

•    Question 27
1 out of 1 points
    Jesus was buried in a new tomb by Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea.            

•    Question 28
1 out of 1 points
    The book of Revelation was written by John on the island of            

•    Question 29
1 out of 1 points
    Because Luke was a physician, there seems to be an interest in sickness and healing in the Third Gospel.            

•    Question 30
1 out of 1 points
    Matthew originally crafted this Gospel for a group of Christians who needed to become more familiar with the Old Testamen

BIBL104: week 2 quiz


Question 1

1 out of 1 points

The book of _____________ shows how the remnant were motivated to “rise up and build” Jerusalem’s walls.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 2

1 out of 1 points

David obeyed God in purchasing a threshing floor to build “an altar to the Lord.” On this site Solomon would later build the temple.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 3

1 out of 1 points

2 Samuel records only the highlights and positive episodes in King David’s reign.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 4

1 out of 1 points

Through ____________, the miraculous healing of leprous Naaman demonstrates Yahweh’s supremacy and grace to all people, even those outside the covenant community.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 5

1 out of 1 points

In the ________________ campaign, God sent a hailstorm in order to defeat Israel’s enemies.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 6

1 out of 1 points

Solomon’s ________________ turned him away from wholeheartedly following the Lord.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 7

1 out of 1 points

Saul was not the tenth generation of Judah’s son Perez. Thus, he could not be the rightful King of Israel.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 8

1 out of 1 points

In the north, Jeroboam built two sanctuaries (temples or high places) at

Selected Answer:


·         Question 9

1 out of 1 points

The reforms of _______________ categorize him as one of Judah’s best kings.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 10

1 out of 1 points

Joshua’s miraculous water crossing affirmed his leadership to the people of Israel.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 11

1 out of 1 points

Whose bones were buried in the Promised Land at Shechem?

Selected Answer:


·         Question 12

1 out of 1 points

When the nation of Israel divided, the Kingdom to the south was known as

Selected Answer:


·         Question 13

1 out of 1 points

God’s promise to Abraham that He would bless all nations begins to come to fruition through Boaz and Ruth.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 14

1 out of 1 points

References to Joshua’s death and the elders that outlived him indicate that these final notations in Joshua were added by another inspired writer, perhaps ___________.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 15

1 out of 1 points

David’s covenant violations involve adultery, murder, and a host of deceptive acts committed in an attempt to cover up these sins.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 16

1 out of 1 points

In the _______________ campaign, the town of Jericho was captured.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 17

1 out of 1 points

So prosperous was Solomon that God expanded Israel’s borders to the degree originally promised in the Abrahamic covenant and reaffirmed to Joshua.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 18

1 out of 1 points

Under the principle of ___________________, the next of kin of a deceased man was to marry his widow and produce an offspring in order to prevent the deceased man’s lineage and name from dying out.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 19

0 out of 1 points

David captures Jerusalem from the Jebusites and moves the Ark of the Covenant there.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 20

1 out of 1 points

The high point for David is the reception of the Davidic covenant. The covenant’s unconditional nature and conditional blessing set the stage for the rest of 2 Samuel.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 21

1 out of 1 points

According to our textbook, _______________ is obvious throughout the book of Esther.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 22

1 out of 1 points

The second covenant renewal ceremony includes Joshua’s affirmation: “As for me and my family, we will worship the Lord.”

Selected Answer:


·         Question 23

1 out of 1 points

The book of _____________ shows how God providentially acted so that His people could return to their land and rebuild their temple.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 24

1 out of 1 points

Because the temple represented the presence of God among His people, the pinnacle of Solomon’s career was His construction and dedication of the temple.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 25

0 out of 1 points

In the _______________ campaign, the town of Ai was captured.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 26

1 out of 1 points

Each cycle in the book of Judges portrays a downward spiral. This spiral includes Jephthah’s immoral relationship with foreign women.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 27

1 out of 1 points

Elijah’s prophetic successor was Elisha.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 28

1 out of 1 points

According to our textbook, one reason for the northern kingdom’s downfall is that they rejected the covenant itself.

Selected Answer:


·         Question 29

1 out of 1 points

Half of the tribe of Manasseh settled land on the East bank of the Jordan River.

Selected Answer:

Question 30

1 out of 1 points

Ahab and his wife Jezebel were wicked rulers in the Northern Kingdom.

Selected Answer:


HR Assignment

This Assignment has two parts.

1.    You will create an executive summary which includes important information about your organization and its mission.

2.    You will create a list with a minimum of six potential funding sources.

Assignment Guidelines

·      A title page with full name, class name, section number, and date.

·      Body of essay (1 page)

·      References page

·      12 point font (Arial or Times New Roman are acceptable)

·      Use standard margins: 1” on all sides

·      Use left-aligned text, do not right-justify

Submitting Your Assignment

Put your Assignment in a Word document. Save it in a location and with a name that you will remember. When you are ready, submit your file to the Unit 3 Assignment Dropbox.

This Assignment is assessed by the following course level outcomes:

HN400-1: Research funding opportunities

Integrative Case 1.3

Pawinee Changphao (University of Texas at Dallas)

Create a two page case study (outline requirement attached), answering the following questions:

Case Discussion Questions

Does Thailand have a democracy?
As CEO of a multinational that has already invested in and been successfully producing in Thailand (for both Thailand and overseas markets), when you hear the news about the 2006 and 2014 coup that toppled democratically elected governments, should you be concerned?
As CEO of a company that is ready to export to Thailand or that is ready to source from Thailand, would you be concerned about the political risk in Thailand? Would you proceed as planned or look for alternative export markets or alternative countries from which to source products?

Integrative Case 1.1


Mike W. Peng (University of Texas at Dallas), Yanmei Zhu (Tongji University), Pek-Hooi Soh (Simon Fraser University)

Create a two page case study (outline requirement attached), answering the following questions:

Case Discussion Questions

From a resource-based view, what are some of the outstanding capabilities that EV producers in China have? Why is it that their larger competitors (incumbents) in China do not have such capabilities?
From an institution-based view, why are domestic incumbents in China—in collaboration with global heavyweights—interested in leveraging their influence on the Chinese government to heighten entry barriers for EV producers?
Given that some EV producers from China’s BoP can penetrate the U.S. market, what are some of the lessons from indigenous reverse innovation in the era of globalization?

Domestic Abuse


Your research paper must discuss your chosen topic in depth, integrating current research, biblical principles, and application of theoretical concepts. Your paper must be structured according to your previously submitted outline, using the same or similar headers, research, and supporting arguments. Please include scripture and the proper level APA headings for each section. ALSO INCLUDE the original abstract with keywords a total of ten sources is needed use the ones from the outline that you provided and follow the outline step by step as it was written when filling in your information.


Module 2 – Case
Assignment Overview
You are a consultant who works for the Diligent Consulting Group. In this Case, you are engaged on a consulting basis by Loving Organic Foods. In order to get a better idea of what might have motivated customers’ buying habits you are asked to analyze a customer database. You realize the database is still incomplete, so you recontact these customers and collect additional information. The database now includes “Annual Amount Spent on Organic Food,” “Age,” “Annual Income,” “Number of People in the Household,” and “Gender.”
Case Assignment
Using Excel, generate descriptive statistics for these new variables: “Annual Income,” “Number of People in the Household,” and “Gender.”
You have much more information about the customers than you did in the Module 1 Case. After you have reviewed the results generated above, write a report to your boss that briefly describes the results that you obtained. Please include the following in your report:
1. The descriptive statistics you generated.
2. Your interpretation of the descriptive statistics and any visual displays or other tools you used to analyze the data.
3. Your recommendation on how this new data might be used for marketing purposes.
4. Comment on whether this new recommendation is different than the one you provided in the Module 1 case. If so, explain why it is different.
5. Compare your statistical results from the new variables with those of the industry.
6. Lastly, your client argues that the amount of money spent on organic food is the same for females and males. You decide to test this at the α = 0.10 level, using a two-sample hypothesis test. You don’t know the population standard deviation, but you assume they are the same. Run this test in Excel and interpret the results. Can you support your client’s claim? 

Data: Download the Excel-based data file: BUS520 Module 2 Case.
Assignment Expectations
You can again search the professional market research reports from the IBISWorld database to conduct the industry analysis.
IBISWorld Overview (n.d.). IBISWorld, Inc., New York, NY.
IBISWorld Forecast (n.d.). IBISWorld, Inc., New York, NY.
IBISWorld Data and Sources (n.d.). IBISWorld, Inc., New York, NY.
IBISWorld Navigation Tips (n.d.). IBISWorld, Inc., New York, NY.
Written Report
Length requirements: 4–5 pages minimum (not including Cover and Reference pages). NOTE: You must submit 4–5 pages of written discussion and analysis.
Provide a brief introduction to/background of the problem, similar to the introduction/background you provided in Module 1 Case.
Provide a brief description of organic food industry and target market characteristics such as their demographics, lifestyles, and shopping behaviors. This should be similar to the description you provided in Module 1 Case, but now you have more variables that you want to ensure you are able to compare to the industry data.
Provide a written analysis that addresses each of requirements listed under the “Case Assignment” section.
Write clearly, simply, and logically. Use double-spaced, black Verdana or Times Roman font in 12 pt. type size.
Please use keywords as headings to organize the report.
Avoid redundancy and general statements such as “All organizations exist to make a profit.” Make every sentence count.
Paraphrase the facts using your own words and ideas, employing quotes sparingly. Quotes, if absolutely necessary, should rarely exceed five words.
Upload both your written report and Excel file to the Case 2 Dropbox.

Lakota Tipi cover


Assigned length: Essay to be 5 typewritten, double-spaced pages plus References Cited; plus 
an image as an example of the object you are discussing. Font: Times New Roman, size 12 This assignment asks you to examine a Native American object within the context of the culture in which it was made and/or used. You must use at least 2 scholarly article in your work; You may not rely on Wikipedia or Khan Academy unless it is for an image, and that must have a full citation. A scholarly article is one written by an expert and reviewed by a panel of experts before being published in a specialized journal. The Art Journal and Art Bulletin are examples of scholarly journals published by the College Art Association. People Magazine is not a scholarly journal. paper should address at the following questions: 1) Who belongs to the intended audience for the selected topic/object/motif/activity you are examining? 2) What kinds of aesthetic and/or semantic information are involved in the topic you are examining? 3) What does this information do in the society you are examining? And you should make a comparison of this object to the object in the first paper.(Lakota Tipi model and Blackfoot Tipi)Remember, if you must use someone else’s words, put them in quotes and cite the source; a quotation should be no more than 2-3 sentences long. Please include a list of References Cited with your paper. If you wish to see other examples of the object you have chosen, I recommend these online and face-to-face collections. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia Virginia: Virginia Museum of Art, Richmond within the American Collection Washington, DC: National Museum of the American Indian; National Museum of Natural History

Final Paper


Answer in fully the following questions with a minimum of 550 words per answer. 
1) A common theme addressed by many of the authors in this course is the role of human nature in politics. Two thinkers from different time periods who have distinct views on the role of human nature are Aristotle and Machiavelli. Explain their thoughts on human nature and how it influences the political realm. How should leaders/states manage the natural impulses and desires of man?
2) Compare and contrast the Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman conceptions of the state. How do Plato and Cicero define key terms, such as citizenship, virtue, and state? And how do these affect their notions of an ideal form of government?
3) Justice is a difficult term to define and thinkers from various time periods have different conceptions of the term. Choose at least two thinkers we have read this semester and explain in detail how they define what justice is and the role of the state in administering justice. Are these ancient/medieval ideas obsolete or do you think their conceptions of the term are useful in modern times as well?

Short answers Augustine, Anselm, Aberlard


Texts – 
Augustine, On Free Choice of the Will, trans. T. Williams (Hackett, 1993)
Anselm, Three Philosophical Dialogues, trans. T. Williams (Hackett, 2002)
Peter Abelard, Ethical Writings, trans. P. Spade (Hackett, 1995)
Write to the point explain if necessary. Give examples from text or experience.
1. Aquinas distinguishes between (a) God, (b) angels, and (c) human beings in terms of the composition that these different beings have (or lack). Explain the different kinds of composition. Relate your answer to Aquinas’s thesis that there cannot be several angels of the same species.
2. What kind of “passions” does Aquinas attribute to angels? Why does he consider them passions only in a metaphorical sense, not in the strict sense? Relate your answer to the different powers (or “parts”) of the soul.
3. What does Aquinas mean by a “demon”? Discuss two reasons why he thinks that demons are “obstinate in evil.”
4. Aquinas claims that no human action can be indifferent. What does he mean by “human action” and “indifferent”? Briefly explain the argument he gives for his position.
5. According to Aquinas, “One sin added to another makes more sins, but it does not always make a sin greater. . . .” Explain what he means by this and give an example to clarify his position.
6. Discuss two reasons why, according to Aquinas, ignorance does not completely excuse from sin.
7. A person might know “habitually” that it is wrong to commit adultery and yet end up doing so, under the influence of passion. How does Aquinas think this can happen? Discuss three effects that passion can have on a person’s mental state.
8. Explain Aquinas’s distinction between antecedent and consequent passion. Which kind of passion does he think increases a sin, and why? Which kind does he think diminishes a sin, and why?
9. In what way(s) does Aquinas think that weakness of the soul is like weakness of the body? Does he think that we are completely excused for sins of weakness? If so, why? If not, why not?
10. Explain what Aquinas means by sinning “through certain malice,” two different ways in which this kind of sin can come about, and how it differs from sinning through passion.
11. Aquinas describes two ways in which Adam sinned by “coveting God’s likeness.” Explain what they are and how they differ.
12. In what way does Aquinas consider pride the most grievous sin? Explain how he interprets the biblical saying that “Pride is the beginning of all sin.” Does he think that every sin originates from pride?

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