Archive for November 14th, 2017

It is now five years from when you graduated

It is now five years from when you graduated. You have, like most of your peers, been appointed to a management position in your organization "Governmental". Write a one page op-ed for your local newspaper talking about Governmental organization you’d learned in university, and offering a few ideas about what your professors could have taught you that would have been more useful. 


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Eight Elements of Thought and Reasoning

Eight Elements of Thought and Reasoning

There are eight elements of thought in reasoning. We often use more than one element at the same time. For example, your Point of View includes Assumptions. Therefore, we can assume that these elements are two aspects of the same thing.

For your assignment this week, first begin by analyzing eight elements of thought and reasoning and re-organize them into four distinct categories by pairing elements together.

Next, briefly describe each new category you created and present your reasoning for each category. Include the characteristics of the original eight elements in your descriptions and the reasoning behind your pairings


Point of view is …

Assumptions are…



Below is an example of what one category may look like. You are free to pair any elements together if you can define their relationship to one another. Focus on the reasoning behind each pairing. That is what is most important in this exercise!

Example Category:

Category 1: How do I see it?

Point of View: The place from where I see things

Assumption: Information that is taken for granted; Preconceived notions

Explanation: I paired point of view and assumptions together in the same category because assumptions form your point of view. You cannot form a point of view without having assumptions first.

Example: My assumption is that short people are not good at basketball. My younger cousin is 5’ 3’’ and is terrible at the sport. Therefore, my point of view is that no short people can play basketball professionally.

Your completed assignment should be written primarily in the first person and should be 500-750 words in length. If you use sources in your writing, be sure to identify them. If you use any direct language from a source, be sure to place those words in quotation marks.



Grading Criteria Assignments Maximum Points

Meets or exceeds established assignment criteria 40

Demonstrates an understanding of lesson concepts 20

Clearly present well-reasoned ideas and concepts 30

Mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling that affects clarity, and citation of sources as needed 10

Total 100



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W2 Reflection Journal "Why Critical Thinking Is Important"

Strategies for Decision Making

Why Critical Thinking Is Important

Last week, you were asked to consider which stage of critical thinking you felt that you were in. This week, building off last week's assignment and lecture, we know that employers are wanting more critical thinking from their employees. From the perspective of the employer, why is it so important to have employees who can critically think? From your perspective, how have you been critical thinking helped you in the past, or how do you perceive it helping you as an employee in the future? (Consider your dream job!)

Your work should be at least 500 words, but mostly draw from your own personal experience. This should be written in the first person and give examples from your life. Be sure if you are using information from the readings that you properly quote your readings in this, and in all assignments.


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Business Finance – Operations Management

Read the attached case and analyze it according to the methodology. Use the case questions which follow. 

1. What are the short term and long term issues in the case.

2. Does DataClear own a distinctive competitive advantage? Use DataClear's Value Chain to help your thinking.

3. Examine the general and task environment for DataClear. What does it tell you?

4. Performa SWOT analysis on DataClear. Be sure to include Opportunity Analysis Framework for Entrepreneurs in Chapter 8 to help your thinking.

    What does it tell you?

5. What is DataClear's present Business Level Strategy? What is its Corporate Strategy?

6. Assume Susan's A team approach is chosen: do you agree with the choice to open offices in Londan and Tokyo? Why or why not?

7. Assumne team B's approach is taken: do you agree with Benro as a JV partner? Why or why not?

8. What are Geg McNally's alternatives?

9. What criteria whould Geg use to determine his final decision?

10. Use a decision matrix to make a decision for Greg McNally. Explain the decison.

11. How would you implement your choice?

Double Spaced, 7-9 Pages.


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MILT 375

APA Format Paper Instructions

This assignment will prepare you for developing well-written and formatted papers for this course, and others in which you use APA formatting. The paper is to be 4 pages that demonstrate your ability and understanding of APA format and writing style.

The paper will consist of:

1. A Title/Cover Page: This page of the assignment will have your running head and page number, your title of the assignment, your name, and specific information necessary for any APA research paper. Make sure this page and every page is formatted with correct spacing, content positioning, type font, size of font, etc.

2. Abstract Page: Write this abstract as the one you would write for your Needs Assessment paper. It is very important that you read the APA manual to understand what an abstract is supposed to be. Make sure it is in the correct tense and correct format. You will not be able to give your reader your final findings as indicated in number 3 in the instructions for the Needs Assessment paper, yet you can write the rest of the abstract with a fair amount of accuracy. Remember, this paper is an “exercise” to get a head start, demonstrate your ability to develop a good APA formatted paper, and receive feedback on this before you submit the other 2 writing assignments for the course.

3. Paper Body Page: This page will consist of 2 basic components. The first will be a brief introduction paragraph. Introduce the Needs Assessment Paper. Even though you have not done a lot of reading or research yet, this should be fairly easy to do. The second component is a correctly formatted demonstration of all 5 APA level headings. You will need to use each heading with a single sentence telling your instructor which level it is. See the example of the first heading below.

Level 1 heading

A level 1 heading is bold face font, centered and uses upper and lower case font.

4. Reference Page: Use your page 4 to demonstrate your ability to cite references correctly. You will need to format the page while citing a website/internet article, a research article, book, the Bible, and an eBook. Use care to make sure all spacing, capitals, abbreviations, etc. are done according to APA.


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Business Finance – Economics


Pharma Heal Corporation was founded in 1995 by Akosua Sowa and Isabella Suarez, two PhD program classmates at a world-renowned technology institution.  In their graduate program, Akosua and Isabella researched methods for getting HIV-treating drugs manufactured, distributed, and properly administered in developing world nations. They collaborated intensely on these projects. After receiving their PhD degrees, Akosua and Isabella decided to translate that research and their deep personal commitments into a business enterprise.  Akosua and Isabella approached public health officials and prominent business leaders in their home countries of South Africa and Mexico. With their advice and financial support, they founded Pharma Heal Corporation to realize the practical application of their research to saving lives in developing world nations.

The President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Pharma Heal Corporation is Akousa; the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Director of Technologies of Pharma Heal Corporation is Isabella. They both hold seats on the board of directors, a board which is comprised of an array of leading figures in international medical technology and public health.

Akosua and Isabella have devised a three-part business plan for Pharma Heal Corporation:

1. Partner with pharmaceutical manufacturers located in the developing world to manufacture lower cost drugs for treating HIV and working toward an HIV vaccine.

2. Establish key distribution channels in each developing world country to make the lower costing HIV treatments available efficiently and economically to those in each country needing treatment.

3. In each developing world country, partner with indigenous healthcare personnel as well as representatives of international, religious, and charitable organizations that support medical personnel.

Akosua and Isabella have retained you as their international business consultant to advise them about the growth of their business to achieve these three ambitious goals. They are aware of the many legal regimes and diversity of legal cultures in countries of the developing world where they aspire to achieve their three-part business plan. They are particularly impressed by your business education and are counting on you to give them excellent business advice and provide troubleshooting. 


The government of Sustainia, a developing world country, approached Pharma Heal Corporation about leasing to the company a concession to run pediatric HIV clinics throughout the cities of Sustainia. Akosua and Isabella signed an agreement with Sustainia’s minister of health, granting the concession and containing a stabilization covenant by which both parties agreed that the agreement could not be altered except by their mutual concurrence.

Shortly thereafter, Pharma Heal Corporation established a separate subsidiary company, Pharma Heal-Sustainia, to conduct the business of building, hiring for, and managing the pediatric HIV clinics. Pharma Heal-Sustainia accomplished these tasks very quickly and efficiently, establishing an excellent and effective network of clinics. However, a coup d’etat occurred, installing a fundamentalist theocratic government. The theocratic government condemned any effort to treat HIV sufferers, insisting that HIV was a heaven-sent plague upon earthly demons, and the righteous must refuse to intervene. The theocratic government had the military take over Pharma Heal-Sustainia’s clinics. Medical clinics of other countries, primarily countries that are members of the Red Crescent, were allowed to continue to operate—provided that they did not treat HIV-caused conditions. At the same time, the Sustainia court system was “suspended,” leaving no place for Pharma Heal Corporation to apply for reparations or compensation. Before Pharma Heal-Sustainia personnel could vacate the clinic in Sustain City (the country’s capital), students from a local university who supported the theocratic government captured, gutted, and burned the clinic, destroying hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical equipment and severely injuring half a dozen Pharma Heal-Sustainia doctors and nurses.

The ministry of health has informally stated to Akosua that he is willing to move the government to provide some compensation. However, the ministry has agreed to do so only if Akosua pays him to US $ 500,000 for his intervention with theocratic government.

Assume that it is a party to an international arbitration treaty that requires the government to arbitrate claims filed against it.

Akosua seeks a memorandum from you to the board of directors that outlines your evaluation of the following issues:

Part 1: Is going to arbitration with the Government over the seizure of its clinics worthwhile? What are the odds of Pharma Heal Corporation prevailing?

Part 2: Should Pharma Heal Corporation file additional compensation claims with the arbitral tribunal to seek recovery for the equipment losses and the employees' personal injuries caused by the local university students?

Part 3: Is it a better course to obtain some compensation without legal proceedings by paying the minister of health the money you have demanded to act emissary to theocratic government?

Be sure to use your course materials to help with this assignment.


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Project management

Project Scope is one of the most important aspects of project planning and control. In order to be successful with managing scope, Project Managers will create a Work Breakdown Structure to detail out deliverables and work packages. Further they will create a responsibility matrix to relate tasks to resources.


Using either Microsoft Word (Hierarchy SmartArt Graphic is best used for the WBS) or Excel to create the following:

1. Work Breakdown Structure. Create a three level WBS graphic (similar to Figure 5.3 on page 156 in your text) using the following data (include the numbers and description within each box):

2. 1.0 Project: Provide a Banquet

3. 1.1 Plan and Supervise

4. 1.1.1 Create Plan 1.1.2 Make Budget 1.1.3 Prepare Disbursements/Reconciliation 1.1.4 Coordinate Activities

5. 1.2 Dinner

6.4.2 Make Menu 1.2.2 Create Shopping List 1.2.3 Shop 1.2.4 Cook 1.2.5 Serve Dinner

7. 1.3 Room and Equipment

8. 1.3.1 Identify Site / Room 1.3.2 Setup Tables / Chairs 1.3.3 Layout Settings / Utensils 1.3.4 Decorate 1.3.5 Prepare Equipment, Pots, etc.

9. 1.4 Guests

10. 1.4.1 Make Guest List 1.4.2 Create RSVPs 1.4.3 Create Name Tags 1.4.4 Make Guest List

11. Staff

12. 1.5.1 Hire Shoppers 1.5.2 Hire Cooks 1.5.3 Hire Servers 1.5.4 Hire Hosts 1.5.5 Hire Cleanup

13. 1.6 Speakers

14. 1.6.1 Invite 1.6.2 Transport 1.6.3 Coordinate Topics 1.6.4 Backup for No-shows 1.6.5 Send Thank You Notes

15. Project Task Description Form . Create a task description form similar to the below example for work packages 1.2.1, 1.2.2, and 1.2.3. Make assumptions and be creative to complete each of the fields.


17. Responsibility Matrix . Create a simple Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) for this project (using the five work packages for Speakers (1.6.1-1.6.5), identifying at least 4 fictitious project team members. strengths and weaknesses and create a matrix similar to what is provided on page 162 of your Project Management Text.


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Biology – Ecology

For this assignment you are going to practice some of the data analysis that astronomers have to do to look for evidence of extrasolar planets. You are given six example graphs of data that use three different methods: the astrometry method, the “wobble” or spectral method, and the transit method. 

I have provided some notes in the reading section on each of these methods, using the same types of diagrams I provide for the assignment. You will also be able to find a lot online about these methods and the discoveries made with them. 

There are two examples for each of three methods: Astrometry, Spectral, and Transit methods. 

For each example you are to determine if there is sufficient evidence to claim that there is an extrasolar planet orbiting the star. You are going to do this six times, once for each of the graphs. They are not connected to each other. 

Part 1 : For each graph answer (15% each) : 

Is there evidence of a possible extrasolar planet orbiting this star? (Yes or no)If there is not sufficient evidence to say there is an orbiting star, you should include a paragraph explaining why there is insufficient evidence of an extrasolar planet. There is no need to try to explain what could cause the patterns you do see in the data, but you have to explain why they are different than what you might see if there were a planet orbiting the star. (about 100 words)

If there IS evidence of an extrasolar planet, you must include a paragraph about the evidence you used to come to that conclusion as well as the orbital period of the planet (how long it takes to make a complete orbit around the star). (about 100 words)

Part 2 (3 pts): Answer the following question (10%) 

Are any of these graphs likely from the same star? Explain your answer. Remember to think about the orbit and the way we view the star. (about 100 words)

Please submit in PDF or a current version of .docx (MS word) to the DROPBOX area under COURSE ACTIVITIES on the top menu bar. Our TA will grade them and should return them within 2 weeks. If you have trouble submitting, please email a copy of the assignment before the due date to get full credit.


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ESSAY OBJECTIVES We often understand our lives as personal and private. When something good or bad happens, we have a tendency to credit or blame ourselves alone. Sociologist C. Wright Mills (1959) challenges us to understand how our private experiences are linked to broader, public issues—the seemingly private can be understood more fully when seen in a public context. This assignment allows you to use your sociological imagination to reflect on your own biography. Your goal is to take something from your own experience and demonstrate how it could be understood as a product of social and historical forces. Pick an issue, incident, decision or circumstance in your life (such as your decision to attend university, or whom you are friendly with, or your leisure interests, or your self-presentation, or a move to a new country), and use Mills’ conceptions of personal troubles and public issues to explain your biographical detail sociologically. MOTIVATING QUESTIONS

• What is the relationship between private troubles and public issues? Between biography and history? Between the individual and society?

• What experience in your life can be better understood by tracing its roots as a public issue? Why did you pick this experience for this paper?

• How is this experience shaped by social and historical context? What sociological concepts or processes help make these connections visible?

• Why does Mills write that the sociological imagination is both “terrible” and “magnificent”?



• A unique paper title (it can change later)

• Your name, student number, the date, the course, the instructor, and your discussion section

• Name the personal experience you would like to analyze

• Identify potential social and historical forces that have shaped this experience

• Note the key ideas from Mills (1959) The Sociological Imagination that you will draw upon

• List and describe the academic sources you will use to develop and support your arguments (In addition to Mills’ work, incorporate one or more course readings and one or more external academic sources, such as a peer-reviewed journal article or data from Statistics Canada).

FORMATTING: 1-2 pages with size 12 Times New Roman font and 1 inch margins. Bullet-points acceptable.


• A cover page with unique paper title, your name, student number, the date, the course, the instructor, and your discussion section

• In-text citations in APA format for all statistics, quotes and ideas from others

• A bibliography in APA format

• In addition to Mills’ work, incorporate one or more course readings and one or more external academic sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal article, data from Statistics Canada)

FORMATTING: 5-6 pages double spaced with size 12 Times New Roman font. Pages numbered and stapled, with 1 inch margins.



Assessment Rubric (Total out of 30)

0 1 2 3 4 5

Sociological imagination

Please see TA.

Insufficient material to


Author defines private troubles and public issues but definition

may be unclear, inaccurate or not

written in their own words. Author's reflection on the

sociological imagination is missing or may be rambling,

imprecise or inaccurate.

Author accurately defines private troubles and public issues in their own words.

Author provides some general reflection on the

relationship between these terms. Writer provides a

vague or unclear reflection on the implications of the sociological imagination.

Author clearly and accurately defines and discusses private troubles and public issues in

their own words. Author reflects on the relationship between

these terms with reference to Mills. Writer demonstrates

reasoned reflection upon the implications of the sociological

imagination for individuals, society and/or the social


Author clearly, accurately and thoughtfully defines and discusses private troubles and public issues in their own words. Author

reflects on the relationship between these terms by engaging directly with Mills' specific arguments in The Sociological

Imagination (1959). At appropriate point(s) in the paper, writer demonstrates

unique, insightful, reasoned reflection upon the implications of the sociological

imagination for individuals, society and the social sciences.

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Personal experience

Please see TA. Insufficient

material to assess.

Author alludes to a personal experience but some details are

missing. The relevance of this experience for

the paper is not established.

Author describes details from a personal experience. The

description may be unclear, rambling or lacking in context.

Author clearly describes most key details from a relevant personal experience with

appropriate context. Writer may or may not fully explain why this is an appropriate experience to

discuss in this paper.

At an appropriate point in the paper, the author clearly and concisely summarizes

key details from a relevant personal experience with useful context needed for

the reader to understand. Writer briefly yet clearly explains why they selected this

experience for this paper.

0 1 2 3 4 5

Social and historical context

Please see TA. Insufficient

material to assess.

Author makes vague or unclear connections

between their personal experience and past social or historical

context. Some elements are lacking in


Author makes some appropriate connections between their personal

experience and its formative social or

historical context. The nature of the connection

could be more fully articulated.

Author makes thoughtful, convincing connections between their personal experience and its formative social and/or historical


Author makes thoughtful, complex, convincing, detailed connections between their personal experience and its relevant

formative social and historical context. The analysis is historically rich, accurate, and



0 1 2 3 4 5

Links to course


Please see TA.

Insufficient material to


The analysis may draw upon course content,

but it does so inaccurately or


The analysis loosely draws upon course content in a way that lacks depth or


The analysis draws upon appropriate course content.

Writer demonstrates very good understanding of course


Relevant concepts and processes discussed in course lecture or readings are used to frame or enhance the analysis in a way that is insightful, specific, and nuanced. Writer demonstrates highly advanced

understanding of course material.

0 1 2 3 4 5

Supporting evidence

Please see TA.

No evidence provided to

support claims.

Minimal evidence is provided. The evidence is vague, extraneous or


Some evidence is provided to support the analysis but

it may not be directly relevant or scholarly and


Relevant, scholarly evidence is provided that directly supports

the analysis (e.g., peer-reviewed journal article, data from

Statistics Canada).

Ample relevant, specific, scholarly evidence is provided that strongly and

directly supports and bolsters the analysis (e.g., peer-reviewed journal article, data

from Statistics Canada). No claims are made without appropriate evidence.

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Citation/ reference

accuracy and APA style

Possible Plagiarism! Please see


No references/


Inconsistently uses APA. Many errors.

Citations/ references missing.

Consistently uses APA for citations/references. Only

3 or 4 slight errors.

Consistently uses APA for citations/ references. Only 1 or 2

slight errors.

Consistently uses proper APA formatting for citations/references. No errors.

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5


Please see TA.

Insufficient material to


Writing lacks purpose, information is weak in terms of organization, and ideas are poorly


The purpose of the writing is somewhat clear,

information is mostly organized and ideas are

adequately grouped together somewhat


Writing has a clear purpose, information is organized

adequately, and ideas are relatively well-grouped in a way

that makes sense.

Writing has a clear purpose, information is well-organized and ideas are well-grouped in a way that makes sense for a 5-6 page

paper and enhances the reader’s experience. Tone is appropriate for an

academic paper.

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5


Please see TA.

There are significant formatting


Substantial information is missing. Several

requirements have not been followed.

Some of the formatting requirements have been


Most of the formatting requirements have been


The cover page includes a unique title and all student/course information. Pages are

numbered. All writing is size 12 Times New Roman font. Page limit has been followed (excluding bibliography and cover page).


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Week 1 Assignment Leadership Competency Models


A competency model is a set of knowledge, skills, behaviors, or attributes, which defines what is needed by a person to be effective in a particular leadership position. The two articles this week titled; A leadership competency model: Guiding the NAON process and Leadership Competencies from the SHRM website, introduce the concept of competency models and provides an example of a leadership competency model. Study the practice of competency modeling and existing leadership competency models. Using the Ashford University Library, search for a minimum of three scholarly sources on competency models and develop a competency model for a particular leadership position, such as college president, mayor, college athletic coach, or chief executive officer. In your paper 

•    Provide an overview of your competency model. 

•    List three to five specific skills, abilities, behaviors, attitudes, and/or knowledge areas you believe are important for success in the position. Clearly define and provide examples of each. 

•    Illustrate how you would go about evaluating leaders in a specific leadership position using your model. 

•    Discuss how your model of leadership assists in the development of leaders. Your paper should be two to three pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages). Your paper must be formatted according to APA style, and it must include citations and references from the text and at least three scholarly sources.  



McWilliams, Margaret A., .(2007, Jul-Aug). A leadership competency model: Guiding the NAON process . Orthopaedic Nursing . 26:4, 211-213. Retrieved from the EbscoHost database. 

SHRM . (2008). Leadership competencies (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Retrieved from 

Schippmann, J. S., Ash, R. A., Battista, M., Carr, L., Eyde, L. D., Hesketh, B., Kehow, J., Pearlman, K., Prien, E. P. & Sanchez, J. I. (2000). The practice of competency modeling. Personnel Psychology, 53(3), 703−740. Retrieved from the EBSCOhost database. 


Goldberg, J. (Producer). (1997). A report from the Harvard Business School: Leadership (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.[Video file].  Retrieved from the Films On Demand database. 

INTELECOM (Producer). Elements of leadership (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [Video file].  Retrieved from 


Changing minds. (2013). Leadership theories (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Retrieved from  

Grading Rubric:

Distinguished – Provides a thorough overview of a competency model. Distinguished – Lists and clearly and thoroughly defines three to five specific skills, abilities, behaviors, attitudes, and/or knowledge areas for success and provides appropriate examples of each. 

Distinguished – Comprehensively and accurately illustrates how to evaluate leaders using a model and discusses how the model assists in leadership development. 

Distinguished – Clearly and comprehensively explains the issue to be considered, delivering all relevant information necessary for a full understanding


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Regarding Project Management Case Study Help


·  Please read the following case study article and answer the 3 questions below.

· Content length should be of 350 words please.

· Plagiarism free document please.

· On-time submission please  


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