Archive for November 15th, 2017

English – Article writing


Creative Visualization Guide:  

Use this if you need help guiding a person through a visualization.


Set up:

Before you start, have a goal in mind, one or two simple statements. Discuss this with the person you will be working with and have them write the goal(s) down.  The goal can be a variety of things such as; to help you relax, give you energy, help you study better, help you overcome a fear, help achieve a specific goal.  Write down how they will feel when you achieve those goals.


Here is an example of 3 goals that could be used:

• When you finish this visualization you will feel relaxed.

• You will also have energy all day long.

• You will sleep very well tonight.


Prepare a journey in advance:

Think of a short journey that you will use in the visualization. It can be a favorite walk or a favorite place through the woods or along a beach, a hot air balloon ride.

You can use a written script of your own or you can adapt a written script from a website.  Remember, this visualization needs to be spoken by you.



• Put yourselves in an environment where you won’t be disturbed by phones, people, etc.

• Make yourself comfortable, lie on your back, do not cross your arms or legs


Relaxation statements:

• Begin to notice your breath.  Take deep relaxing breaths.

• State the goals that want to be achieved.

•   Relax all muscles each time you inhale.

•   Release all tension in your body when you exhale.

•   Countdown from 20 to 1. (State the goals that want to be achieved.)

•   Relax your body from the toes to the top of your head, slowly going through each area of the body.  State the goals again.


Begin your journey: (Example: Imagine you are walking through a grass field.)

• State your goals. Imagine how you will feel when you have accomplished them.

• Continue the journey.

• Imagine how you feel in this environment. Use all five senses. Make it vivid.

o Vision, imagine the colors, light.

o Touch.  Imagine how the wind feels, and other touch senses.

o Hearing. Imagine what you hear.

o Smell. Imagine the wonderful smells you experience.

o Taste.  Imagine something to taste. A drink of cool water.

• Reminder: Visualize relaxing with each breath you take.

• Observe yourself from a distance.

• State your goals again. Imagine how you will feel when you have accomplished them.

• When you are ready, begin the journey back.

• Along the way, state your goals.

• Imagine how you will feel when you have accomplished your goals.

• Countdown your return 20 to 1.  When you return, you will feel _______________

(State goal of how you will feel. Some examples are)

Awake and energized

Relaxed and rested



Once the person has come back to from the guided visualization you may want to do some seated stretches so they can wake up.  Remember to have a conversation with them to share their experience with you.


This assignment is to guide someone else in a visualization. However, this particular guide can be used for either a self-guided visualization or for a guided visualization for someone else. If you are guiding yourself you would say “I” instead of  “you”.



The more you do these relaxation visualizations the better you get it.  Sometimes it takes practice and several times to begin to feel best results.


Final Assignment


400 word (minimum) paper in hard copy format:  28 points


Guide someone you know; a friend or a group of people through 20 minutes of relaxation using the techniques you have learned and experienced in class.

Create an atmosphere that supports relaxation and a sense of ease and well-being.


Write a 400 words paper that describes your experience and the experience of your group or friend. Describe in detail what took place. How did you create the atmosphere. Did you play music, what type of music did you play?  How did you guide your subjects through the process? What specific techniques did you use.  What was it like for you to guide someone through the relaxation process? What did you learn?  What did they say to you about the experience? Be very specific.



The Final Assignment is due week 8.

Written work will not be accepted after your last class of the term.

Written work must be turned in as a hard copy, not by email.

Written work must be turned in as a hard copy, not by email.

Psychology Research Paper

 i have mention some topics you can choose anyone from given or you can choose other 

Identify, depression, drug  use and abuse, interracial relationship, family stability, temperament, nutrition, sex and fertility, parenthood.

 Make sure you will use peer review Research paper

i need 100% original Paper 100% original Scholarly Article references as mention in instruction 

plagiarism free

Must follow each paragraph Instruction as mention in instruction  

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Research Paper

Within Unit VIII you are going to submit a Research Paper based upon a topic related to globalization and/or the current global economic crisis. The Research Paper will need to be at least 10-15 pages long with five scholarly references to support your argument surrounding your topic, answer your research question, or support your points about the need for further research on this topic. The point of this paper is not just to summarize research on this topic, but to integrate your critical thinking and perspective on an aspect of this topic that relates to International Economics, answering a question you may have about it, or making a specific point or argument with the help of the supporting articles that you choose. For your first submission, you need to choose a topic related to this course, and more specifically, globalization and/or the current global economic crisis. With this submission you need to provide your topic, your plans for researching your topic, some basic information on your chosen topic, and how it relates to International Economics. This is a good opportunity for you to provide some more interesting facts about your topic to provide your professor with some brief insight into your research. Your topic submission should be at least one page with appropriate APA style writing and citations. You should include at least one scholarly reference that you plan to include for this paper. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below

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Critical Thinking Assignment

Critical Thinking Assignment 

Please take one of the following emotional intelligence tests. Mindtools is a great leadership site that you may enjoy and find very informative about many topics. After reviewing your personal results, discuss how the findings will impact your personal leadership or team member relationships. Please review the minimum of three academic articles on emotional intelligence, using citations to support your statements.

Your well-written report should meet the following requirements:

  • Be four to five pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages.
  • Formatted according to APA writing guidelines.
  • For this assignment, the headings "What I Discovered" and "My Personal Leadership Style" may be written in the first person, but only in this case!
  • Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of four scholarly articles. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but two must be external. 
  • Use headings of your choosing to organize the content in your work.
    • Introduction
    • What is Emotional Intelligence
    • What I Discovered
    • My Personal Leadership Style

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Case study

2. Conclusion: Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) summary of findings and recommendations. Ex: Based on my findings, there appears to be enough evidence to suggest that SGT X is responsible for Y. He did X, Y, and Z which shows A, B, and C.

3. Facts:

a. Short, three-four sentence paragraphs

b. Each describing relevant information you discovered during your investigation

c. All information should be objective fact, things that would not be objected to by any party involved.

d. Each fact should be followed by a reference to where the information comes from in the evidence.

Instructors should guide participants through the process of determining relevant facts,

including, although not limited to, the list below:

a. Nazi dehumanization of Jews

b. Lack of partisan activity

c. Institutional army history of brutality against civilians

d. Higher command guidance

e. Presence of SS and a mobile killing unit in the AO

f. Commichau’s direct order, reaffirmed

g. Company commander political membership; Nazi Party vs. SS

h. Leadership style different among company commanders

i. Company culture possibly different j. Mogilev Conference, which encouraged cooperation between SS and Army; and included demonstrations at the tactical level, which showed that for higher command, “partisan” equals “Jew”

j. ROE and implied ROE (Mogilev)

k. Company commanders with different prior military experience

l. Sibille suffering no real repercussion

ANSWER: It is clear that soldiers’ orders came from the superiors and there was no room to dispute the rules even if they conflicted with individual values and beliefs. There were different groups (1st, 2nd, and 3rd company) waiting for the orders to be implemented exclusively. The killings were carried out on innocent Jewish civilians in the name of killing the partisans. Some commanders disputed and even refused to carry out the execution orders, for example, Lieutenant Josef Sibille (pg. 11). Additionally, the military would assume control through increased penetration and this brought establishment of headquarters in different towns such as the Belarusian town of Krugloye (pg. 11).

It is through meetings the German-Soviet Union would resolve the decisions to kill more Jewish civilians. After the Mogilev conference, more than 778,000 people were shot to death in the name of partisans’ elimination, but it was more of an obsession than a mission. The meetings were centered on increasing the military prevalence in the village to conduct a house search to find the enemy. Their code was that they had to act ruthlessly to contain the situation even if it meant killing everyone in the area of operation. But the funny part was that in the report the Jews were not mentioned, and their purpose was misunderstood to catalyze bringing rHGM and Wehrmacht formations in line with Nazi (pg. 14).

4. Findings:

a. What are the relevant facts and circumstances that led to the execution of Civilians by 1st Battalion, 691st Infantry Regiment that took place on or about 6 or 7 October 1941 in Occupied Belarus? By relevant, I mean that I want you to identify those facts that had an impact on what happened.

i) Answer… a written order was placed about the execution of Jews in Krucha through company leadership. These orders were made against the soldiers act when they refused to accept order for killing innocent people. A soldier named Wilhelm Magel, along with other sergeant who was topologist and doctor felt grieved and disobeyed the order. Same thing happened to other soldiers and they were reluctant to kill people. For this the order were made to kill all Jews by the leadership saying that “as long as the Jews are not eliminated, we will not have any peace from the partisans”. The emotional reaction of the soldiers caused this execution as they were against the violent killing and physical revulsion.

b. What standards do you identify as being relevant to the decision making processes of the company commanders and the one company’s first sergeant in determining whether and how they complied with 1st Battalions Commander’s order to execute the Civilians in their respective AOs? By relevant standards, I mean professional ethics, legal requirements, moral and religious or philosophical codes.

i) Answer…moral and religious codes were codes were taken during the decision making process of the company commanders. Morally the first sergeant of 1st company was not obliged to execute Jews. They felt is wrong ethically for legitimate targeting of innocent people. Some of the soldiers felt ashamed of their act and other denied the order of the company. Company took legal actions against those soldiers but in whole these events got against people and they were executed to legally disobeying orders.

c. Applying the relevant standards to the relevant facts, what are your findings? Were any standards not met by the commanders and the one company’s first sergeant? Do you identify any conflicts in positive values in these leaders’ decision-making, such as loyalty to the chain of command versus loyalty to the troops?

i) Answer… these standards are applied in case of all but the military actions are done against all odds. Empirical thinking demands to execute those who are ready to execute your race. In this the military orders were legal but in case of innocence people the words goes against company and the first sergeant is true in his perceptions. As far as military command is concerned it is more relevant in obeying orders rather thinking against action. Leadership is true about making peace after sweeping terrorist activities. They are ethically positive in making a chain in order acceptance. During war it is said to kill the enemy before he kill you in group. But loyalty is something different from orders. Loyalty is emotion whereas orders are without any emotion. Orders are to be accepted in any case while loyalty depends. As in case of the execution Jew killed Jews and after killing their people they haphazardly conceal their sin by burying them in same grave. Loyalty is essential for same creed but not for other. Orders are kept as orders by others. There is no loyalty when the distinction and discrimination is ethically proven.

Instructors should assist participants in applying the standards to the facts to develop

the findings:

a. Military Necessity: No evidence existed of a partisan threat in general or that Jews in 1st Battalion AO were partisans or had been helping partisans. Shootings of Jews, therefore, occurred without military necessity.

b. Distinction: Jews were targeted as so-called “racial” enemies, were not taking a direct part in hostilities, and were not displaying hostile intent or hostile acts.

c. Unnecessary Suffering: Jews who were rounded up in the square heard the

screams of those being executed, and the marksmanship at the killing site was poor, requiring additional shots from executioners.

d. Proportionality: Because no military necessity existed, no direct and concrete

military advantage would be gained; therefore, killing even one civilian would have been excessive.

e. Command Responsibility: Commichau, Kuhls, Nöll, and Zimber knew or should

have known that killing the Jewish civilians was unlawful.

f. Obedience to Orders: Each of these four leaders should have also known that the order was illegal. Sibille sought clarification, received reaffirmation of the order, and refused to comply. Nöll hoped to ignore the order, but once the written order was received, he directed Zimber to carry it out.

5. Recommendations:

a. Recommendations of policy changes or unit trainings to avoid similar problems in the future.

a. Mentorship

(1) Leadership vs. followership

(2) With whom do you form this bond? On what basis?

(3) What are the elements of mentorship?

(4) What are your core values? How do your actions reflect your core values?

(5) How can the best unit learn from noncommissioned officers (NCOs)?

B. Education

(1) Good vs. Good bad role models – who do you study, and why? Does the mix work best?

(2) Holism-can you integrate ethics, morals, leadership, law, and history?

w. Discipline

(1) How is discipline enforced? What is tolerated?

(2) Legal discipline vs. moral discipline

d. Training

(1) Who conducts the training?

(2) Are you, as a commander, conducting the training, or are you defaulting to judge advocate?

and. Exercises

(1) How are they structured?

(2) Do you use role players? How good are they?

(3) Do situational training exercises push the edge in developing judgment in complex situations?

f. Command Climate

(1) How well do you understand the life experiences of your NCOs?

(2) How does your commander interact with you and your peers?

(3) How do your soldiers perceive what you really care about and what is not as great a priority ("expect what you inspect")?

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PSY Journal 1-2 Pages

You will need to read a psy report, then write a 1-2 pages journal which basically just ask you to answer  6 questions in details. 

Questions are: 

1. What is the question the authors are asking? 

2. Why do the authors believe this question is important?  

3.  How do they try to answer this question? 

4.  What did they find?

5.  How did the authors interpret what they found? 

6. Briefly discuss two original critiques of the study and/or relevant research questions 

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Option 3: Traditional Paper Research and discuss what organizational change is and why being able to manage it is important. Also, list and discuss some ways managers can help their employees deal with change. The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded: • Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word. • Use APA style. • Use font size 12 and 1” margins. • Include cover page and reference page. • At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing. • No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references. • Use at least two references from outside the course material, preferably from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the two reference requirement. Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must be identified in the paper and listed on a reference page.Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, online newspapers such as The Wall Street  

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