Archive for December 29th, 2017

using historical/ or contemporary examples, analyse the culture

using historical/ or contemporary examples, analyse the culture

using historical/ or contemporary examples, analyse the culture of compettition in South Korea

What were the causes of the ferment of theTaisho era

What were the causes of the ferment of theTaisho era

350-500 word posting, what can be seen asthe most distinctive facets of Japanese life during the heady days ofthe so-called Taisho Democracy. What were the causes of the ferment of theTaisho era? What rights did people (ordinary men, women, artisans, peasants)gain during this period, and how widespread, substantial or long-lasting werethese gains? Is it significant that the word “democracy” is written, andpronounced, as a katakana word?

research topic and begin identifying what resources exist

research topic and begin identifying what resources exist

The purpose of this 2 page proposal is to identify a research topic and begin identifying what resources exist for that topic.



What is culture? Pick out quote(s) from 2 different readings

What is culture? Pick out quote(s) from 2 different readings

Hi I want answers for below questions. My subject title is Anthropology (Diversity and Equity in Schools) and for Q-1 you can use reading from(Guthrie & Hall " Introduction P 1-9 only) or Diaz-Rico & Weed's "The Intercultural Educator" chapter or Goodwin (2003) & Hooks (1994) Title of the chapter: Growing up Asian in America: A search for self Author of this chapter: Goodwin, A.L. Editors: In C. C. Park, A. L. Goodwin, S.J. Lee (Eds.) Title of the Book: Asian American Identities, Families, and Schooling Year: 2003 Pp.: 3-25 Author: Hooks, B. Year: 1994 Book: Outlaw culture: Resisting representations Format Requirement: 12pt. font, 1-inch margin all around, double-spaced **I am looking for a minimum of 1.5 pages per question (#1,3, 4). Question #2 should be longer since you will be explaining all 5 tenets. The last question, #5 can be about ½ page. 1. What is culture? Pick out quote(s) from 2 different readings that you read for this course to support your answer. (you CANNOT use NIETO’s reading for this question) 2. Explain what sociocultural theory is. Also, explain the 5 tenets. Use quotes from Nieto’s “Introduction” to answer this question. Your quote(s) must directly address the definition of ‘Sociocultural theory’ and then in your own words, elaborate the definition of Sociocultral theory and the 5 tenets with specific examples. 3. What is ‘Funds of knowledge’? Pick out quote(s) from 2 different readings that you read for this course to support your answer. Your quote(s) must directly address the meaning and/or specific examples of ‘Funds of knowledge’. Make sure to elaborate your answer with specific examples and your own interpretation of the quotes. 4. Explain what ‘intercultural educator’ means based on Diaz-Rico & Weed’s reading. What are the significant characteristics of an ‘intercultural educator’? Choose 2-3 quotes from this reading to support your answer. Make sure to elaborate your answer with specific examples and your own interpretation of the quotes. 5. What does our course title, diversity & equity in schools, mean to you? (No quotes required for this question



The term history comes from the Dutch word for which

The term history comes from the Dutch word for which

The term history comes from the Dutch word for which is …. A. Geschicte B. Geschiedenis C. Syajarotun D. History


The dominant gender and class composition of Stockton

The dominant gender and class composition of Stockton

The dominant gender and class composition of Stockton's Little Manila and Korean California . Explain in terms of the development of California's economy, and the expanding demands of the U.S West as a region.

The dominant gender and class composition of Stockton

The dominant gender and class composition of Stockton

The dominant gender and class composition of Stockton's Little Manila and Korean California . Explain in terms of the development of California's economy, and the expanding demands of the U.S West as a region.

The beginning of the outbreak of World War II in the Asia Pacific

The beginning of the outbreak of World War II in the Asia Pacific

The beginning of the outbreak of World War II in the Asia Pacific region is characterized by ….. a. Italian invasion to Abessynia and Egypt b. killing Frans Ferdinand in Sarajevo c. German attack to Russia in violation Pact Nonagresi d. Japanese attack bases to the US fleet in Pearl Harbour

Which of the following best describes the division of labor tasks found in Paleolithic

Which of the following best describes the division of labor tasks found in Paleolithic

QUESTION 1 Which of the following best describes the division of labor tasks found in Paleolithic societies? a. Specialists produced stone tools and weapons that were traded for food. b. Chiefs performed religious rituals for their communities. c. There were no divisions of labor tasks because everyone pitched in equally. d. Male and female tasks in these societies often differed sharply. 2 points QUESTION 2 Which of the following statements about the Agricultural Revolution is true? a. It occurred in several regions of Eurasia, but agriculture only reached the Americas when travelers brought the new techniques with them. b. It occurred in the Fertile Crescent and spread gradually as travelers took the newly developed agricultural techniques to other regions. c. It occurred independently in many widely scattered parts of the world. d. It occurred in sub-Saharan Africa and spread gradually as humans migrated to other parts of the earth. 2 points QUESTION 3 In what part of the world did Clovis culture flourish about 13,000 years ago? a. Europe b. North America c. Middle East d. South America 2 points QUESTION 4 Which of the following statements best describes the early political history of Egypt? a. Around 3100 B.C.E., several earlier states merged into a unified territory ruled by a single monarch. b. It included a dozen or more independent city-states with republican governments. c. Around 2350 B.C.E., several earlier states merged. d. It included a dozen or more independent city-states ruled by kings. 2 points QUESTION 5 Which of the following is true of slavery in the First Civilizations? a. While many slaves suffered under miserable conditions, no slaves were used as human sacrifices. b. The Indus Valley initially had fewer slaves than Mesopotamia. c. Ancient slavery was very similar to slavery in the Americas during recent centuries. d. Only Mesopotamia and Egypt had slaves. 2 points QUESTION 6 Which of the following statements best compares patriarchy in Egypt and Mesopotamia? a. While two very different patriarchal systems in practice, they were about equally restrictive. b. Mesopotamia afforded women far greater opportunities than Egypt. c. Egypt and Mesopotamia were very similar in their patriarchal systems, which were equally restrictive. d. Egypt afforded women far greater opportunities than Mesopotamia. 2 points QUESTION 7 Which of the following statements is true of Paleolithic societies’ relationship with the environment? a. Paleolithic societies utterly transformed the environment in which they lived. b. Paleolithic agriculture caused significant soil erosion. c. Paleolithic societies had a significant impact on the environment. d. Their numbers were so small and their needs so few that they had very little impact on the environment. 2 points QUESTION 8 Which human migration was the first to use boats to cross open waters? a. To North America b. To Australia c. To the Pacific Islands d. Humans did not use boats in their migrations. 2 points QUESTION 9 Which of the following statements best reflects the relationship between the state and literacy? a. Rulers of the First Civilizations attempted but failed to suppress literacy in tehri kingdoms. b. Rulers were able to strictly control its uses, which limited it during the period to administrative accounting purposes. c. While generally useful, on occasion it could prove threatening rather than support rulers. d. While useful for administrative accounting, states found few other uses for writing. 2 points QUESTION 10 Which of the following did archaeologists discover at the very early agricultural village in southern Turkey called Catal Huyuk? a. It was a remarkably large settlement with nearly 10,000 inhabitants at its height. b. The village revealed the presence of many specialized crafts and inherited social inequality. c. They buried their dead in their houses and built new ones on top of them. d. A female chief lived in an elaborate ceremonial house at its center. 2 points QUESTION 11 Which was the latest of the seven First Civilizations? a. Central Asian b. Sumer c. Olmec d. Indus Valley 2 points QUESTION 12 Who was Hatshepsut in Egyptian history? a. A powerful queen who ruled Egypt, sometimes portrayed in statues as a man. b. The pharaoh who granted women equal legal status to men. c. A slave who rose to be the Pharaoh’s wife. d. The female goddess who created the world. 2 points QUESTION 13 What name is given to Paleolithic figurines that depic the female form, often with exaggerated sexual features? a. Athena figurines b. Venus figurines c. Ishtar figurines d. Aphrodite figurines 2 points QUESTION 14 When did humans begin working with metals? a. In the Iron Age b. After the Agricultural Revolution was over and large towns had begun to grow c. In the Paleolithic Era d. At the time of the Agricultural Revolution 2 points QUESTION 15 What distinguished the lives of elite women from those of commoner women? a. Elite women were not defined through their relationship to a man. b. Commoner women were more able to participate in public life. c. Elite women were better able to participate in public life. d. Commoner women were not defined through their relationship to a man. 2 points QUESTION 16 In China under the Western Zhou (1046-771 B.C.E.) what could cause the an emperor to lose his Mandate from Heaven which legitimated his rule? a. Defeat in war b. Natural disasters c. Immoral behavior by his subjects d. Bad behavior by the emperor 2 points QUESTION 17 Which of the First Civilizations provided the most opportunities to women? a. Egypt b. Mesopotamia c. Norte Chico d. China 2 points QUESTION 18 A shift to which new technology occurred around 25,000 years ago? a. Compound tools made up of more than one part b. Iron smelting c. Miniaturization of stone tools d. Fishing hooks and nets 2 points QUESTION 19 Which of the following best reflects the situation in the Americas following the collapse of the Clovis culture around 13,000 years ago? a. Humans disappeared from the Americas for several centuries before another wave of migration across the Bering Strait. b. A new Polynesian people became the dominant culture in the archaeological record. c. A much greater diversity of cultures emerged. d. Humans disappeared from deserts and the Great Plains for a time. 2 points QUESTION 20 Which region of the western Indian Ocean was settled by Austronesians sailing from Indonesia? a. Siam b. Sri Lanka c. Madagascar d. Yemen 2 points QUESTION 21 Which of the following most accurately describes current scholarship on the migration of humans into the Americas? a. There is much debate over the number of separate migrations that took place and whether the Clovis peoples were among the migrants. b. There is agreement as to the land route taken, but not the timing of the migration. c. There is much debate over when and how the migration took place. d. There is agreement that the peopling occurred through two separate migrations, but not on the timing of these migrations. 2 points QUESTION 22 Which First Civilization rulers were thought to be the stewards for their city’s patron gods? a. Egyptian pharaohs b. Norte Chico rulers c. Chinese emperors d. Mesopotamian kings 2 points QUESTION 23 Which of the following is true of free commoners in the First Civilizations? a. Becoming a soldier removed you from commoner status and made you an elite. b. It was their work that supported the lifestyles of the upper classes. c. Everywhere, they were aware of how the elites exploited them but accepted it as divinely ordained. d. In some civilizations they were outnumbered by slaves in society. 2 points QUESTION 24 What is the “Old Kingdom”? a. Shang dynasty in China b. Earliest Sumerian state, based on the city of Ur c. Period of Egyptian history between 2663 and 2195 B.C.E. d. Babylonian First Civilization 2 points QUESTION 25 Which of the following statements best reflects the transition from gathering and hunting to agriculture? a. This was a process dominated by men, with little role for women. b. Some gatherers and hunters had developed the ability to actively manage the environment before settling down. c. Humans transitioned rapidly, having to develop from scratch techniques to raise food and technologies to harvest and process crops. d. The transition was disastrous, with most gatherers and hunters lacking any of the skills required to carry on agriculture.

when they encountered to Western societies and customs

when they encountered to Western societies and customs

I need a 350-500 word posting about the reactions early Meiji leaders had when they encountered to Western societies and customs? How did the Meiji leaders attempt to save their country from possible invasion by the Western Powers? What significant reforms were made within Japan? What were some different responses of the Japanese people to these reforms? What were the significant achievements of the Meiji Constitution? please concentrate on the Meiji years, after 1868, and not the earlier reactions of the bakumatsu era.



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