Archive for December, 2017

Conduct research and write an essay – “Young public leaders struggle with maintaining strict ethical standards

Conduct research and write an essay – "Young public leaders struggle with maintaining strict ethical standards

Conduct research and write an essay that discusses the statement: "Young public leaders struggle with maintaining strict ethical standards because they have little experience." ? Defend your statement (agreement or disagreement), and state your viewpoint. ? Research and justify your position using three references (include complete citations). At least one of your sources must be a peer-reviewed academic source. ? Present alternative viewpoints (analyze contradictory positions) for why some people may have other positions than your own. ? ? Referencing public service, has the perspective of leadership ethics changed over the past 20 years? Using examples, explain why. Your response should be at least 500 words in length (not including the references page) in APA style. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations


Conduct research and write an essay – “Young public leaders struggle with maintaining strict ethical standards

Conduct research and write an essay – "Young public leaders struggle with maintaining strict ethical standards

Conduct research and write an essay that discusses the statement: "Young public leaders struggle with maintaining strict ethical standards because they have little experience."

? Defend your statement (agreement or disagreement), and state your viewpoint.

? Research and justify your position using three references (include complete citations). At least one of your sources must be a peer-reviewed academic source.

? Present alternative viewpoints (analyze contradictory positions) for why some people may have other positions than your own.

? ? Referencing public service, has the perspective of leadership ethics changed over the past 20 years?

Using examples, explain why. Your response should be at least 500 words in length (not including the references page) in APA style. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations

PAD 3004 – In what ways are the philosophies of Sensenbrenner and Neave similar

PAD 3004 – In what ways are the philosophies of Sensenbrenner and Neave similar

Question 1 min 100 words 1. In what ways are the philosophies of Sensenbrenner and Neave similar to that of Woodrow Wilson? Which of Deming's ideas do you think is most significant? Why? Question 2 min 100 words

2. Provide an example of poor or exemplary ethics and leadership in the public sector (Avoid using examples with Politicians/ Elected Officials – that's too easy). Explain why ethics is a critical issue in the field of public administration. Cite sources

In what ways are the philosophies of Sensenbrenner and Neave similar

In what ways are the philosophies of Sensenbrenner and Neave similar

1. In what ways are the philosophies of Sensenbrenner and Neave similar to that of Woodrow Wilson? Which of Deming's ideas do you think is most significant? Why?

2. Provide an example of poor or exemplary ethics and leadership in the public sector (Avoid using examples with Politicians/ Elected Officials – that's too easy). Explain why ethics is a critical issue in the field of public administration. Cite sources.

ORG 579 – What would you do to ensure a culture of compliance

ORG 579 – What would you do to ensure a culture of compliance

What oversight is necessary to ensure that leaders in the organization use power only for good in business? Submit a Tutorial for this Question

You are the hospital administrator for a county hospital, which is funded in a large part

You are the hospital administrator for a county hospital, which is funded in a large part

Legal Dilemma You are the hospital administrator for a county hospital, which is funded in a large part by that county's property taxes. You discover that you have an indigent patient who has been mistakenly admitted as an inpatient to the hospital strictly for dialysis treatment. The hospital does not, as a general practice, provide only dialysis treatment for patients.

This is beyond the scope of the hospital's mandate and is therefore, an inappropriate use of local property tax funding. If the indigent patient is discharged from the hospital and dialysis treatment is terminated, the patient will become toxic and experience severe physical consequences, even death.

However, if the patient is kept in the hospital for purposes of dialysis treatment only, the hospital must assume the burden of the patient's debt, without revenue to cover the associated cost.

Based on your understanding of the above scenario, create a 2- to 3-page report in a Microsoft Word document that includes: Your decision to either keep the patient in hospital or discharge the patient. Provide a rationale for your decision.

By utilizing the classic decision-making model outlined in Week 1, present the steps you will take as well as identify a solution. Support your responses with examples. Cite any sources in APA format.



Research the Luis Jimenez/Martin Memorial Hospital case

Research the Luis Jimenez/Martin Memorial Hospital case

Research the Luis Jimenez/Martin Memorial Hospital case and write a 2-3page essay, in APA format, about the challenges faced by the hospital in this matter.



HRM: Case Study – Happy Valley Hospital is a community-based health care facility

HRM: Case Study – Happy Valley Hospital is a community-based health care facility

Human Resources Management: Case Study Happy Valley Hospital is a community-based health care facility with a reputation for providing quality health care services to the residents of Happy Valley and its surrounding markets. The hospital has a 288-bed acute care facility with a twelve suite family oriented birthing center, a forty four bed long-term care inpatient facility, and a fourteen bed inpatient rehabilitation unit.

Happy Valley has two major competitors, CMC and GH. CMC have four hundred beds and is a tertiary acute care facility. It specializes in women and children's services, serves as the regional trauma center, has a large and active emergency department, and provides cardiac services, including open-heart surgery. GH has two hundred beds, a small cancer center, and a kidney dialysis unit.

Happy Valley Hospital has received numerous recognition awards for excellence in health care during the past five years. Because of its reputation for clinical excellence, it has not had difficulty in retaining its nursing and clinical staff. However, recently there have been changes in leadership at CMC at the levels of CEO and Vice President of nursing.

Employees of Happy Valley Hospital in several key areas have been drawn to work at CMC because of the promises made by new management for better pay and working conditions. They have begun to relocate in large numbers to CMC. Happy Valley now faces a serious employee shortage among registered nurses, radiology technicians, and respiratory therapists.

On the basis of your understanding of the above case study, express your views on the following: How should the management at Happy Valley Hospital retain their existing staff members?

What steps should the management at Happy Valley Hospital take to ensure smooth running of the hospital operations in such a crisis situation? In your opinion, what should the recruitment team at Happy Valley Hospital do to overcome serious employee shortage among registered nurses, radiology technicians, and respiratory therapists?

HSA 320 – Employee Health Plans”

HSA 320 – Employee Health Plans"

Employee Health Plans" Assess two consumer-driven health plans based on the effects they have on human resources and employee benefits. Provide specific examples to support your rationale. Analyze at least two roles that human resources management plays in selecting necessary employee benefits. Next, determine the degree to which employee feedback has impacted the selection of these benefits

HSA 320 – Employee Health Plans”

HSA 320 – Employee Health Plans"

Employee Health Plans" Assess two consumer-driven health plans based on the effects they have on human resources and employee benefits. Provide specific examples to support your rationale. Analyze at least two roles that human resources management plays in selecting necessary employee benefits. Next, determine the degree to which employee feedback has impacted the selection of these benefits Submit a Tutorial for this Question

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