Student’s Name:


Topic: Title that suggests the topic of your speech



I. Introduction (to your speech; must include the following components).

A. Attention Getter: Something that grabs the attention of the audience.


B. Thesis Statement: (broad statement that gives a general idea of your speech…..only 1 sentence.


C. Preview of Main Points:

(This is just an EXAMP:E, you can use other verbiage)

1. First, I will describe …

2. Second, I will examine …

3. Third, I will discuss…


II. Body (of the speech; this is where you expand on the points you are making)


A. Statement of the first main point

1. Support for the first main point

(ex: statistics, quotation, etc.- cite source)

2. More development or support

3. More development if needed


Transition: (Required) Statement of movement that looks back (internal summary)

and looks forward (preview).


B. Statement of second main point.

1. Support for the first main point

(ex: statistics, quotation, etc.- cite source)

2. More development or support

3. More development if needed


Transition: (Required) Statement of movement that looks back (internal summary)

and looks forward (preview).


C. Statement of third main point.

1. Support for the first main point

(ex: statistics, quotation, etc.- cite source)

2. More development or support

3. More development if needed


Transition: (Required) Statement that leads into your conclusion



III. Conclusion (This is where you wrap of your speech)


A. General statement that indicates you are concluding your speech

B. . Review of Main Points:

1. Restate your first main point.

2. Restate your second main point.

3. Restate you third main point.

C. Closure: Develop a creative closing that will give the speech a sense of ending. This point may be more than one sentence.



1. References – minimum of 3, maximum of 5

YOU MUST put your references in the text of your speech.

Include a reference list at the end of this outline in MLA or APA format.


· Electronic sources must be authoritative and credible. Sources from the .com domain are not to be used unless authorship is verifiable and authoritative. ( .edu, .gov, or .org domains are acceptable.)

· Be sure to make sure that the references are in Alphabetical order.

· Double-Spaced; all references should be double-spaced and indented.

· Three source minimum: You must have at least three sources


2. Time Limits

Your speech must be a least 3 minutes but not over 6 minutes. Every minute that you are short or over will result in a deduction of 2 points.


3. Visual Aid

You must use a visual aid that enhances your speech. It should substantiate some point you are making in your speech.


4. Notecards

You MUST use notecards when presenting.


5. Appearance

You must dress appropriately (nice, clean shirt, pants, dress, etc; no flip flops, no caps no shorts)………….You know how to dress!!!!!!

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