What is the philosophical/ideological/political connections to this decision?

In a written response of a MINIMUM of 1000 words, choose a winner between the Public/Private/Charter schools. You should use as much course content as possible to write your response.  Additional research may be necessary and is always appropriate. Address the following: 

  • Why did you choose that winner? 
  • How is it connected to the various ideas of the course? 
  • How would various thinkers respond (Thomas Jefferson, Horace Mann, Booker T. Washington, etc.) to your choice? 
  • What is the philosophical/ideological/political connections to this decision? 
  • Who benefits from this choice? Who suffers? 
  • What will happen if your winner stays the winner?
  • What will happen when/if ideologies change?
  • How does society as a whole benefit from your winner? 
  • How does society as a whole suffer? 
  • And any other issue/idea you deem relevant

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