What Makes Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Viable And Successful – Satisfaction

A. Satisfaction Statement (How do you propose to solve/satisfy the need? State as a Policy proposition claim) _________________.

1. Explanation (What, specifically, is your plan to satisfy the need?)

a. Key elements to solve or satisfy the problem


b. Evidence to support your proposed solution


B. Remedy (How will your proposal satisfy the need?)

1. Fit (How does the proposal fit the need?)

2. Satisfaction (How will your proposal satisfy those affected by the need?)

3. Workability (Will your proposal work? Is it feasible?) – 


C. Superiority (Why is your proposal the best alternative? Be sure to address any objections your audience might have toward the subject)

1. Support (What evidence verifies or confirms that your proposal is superior to other alternatives?)

2. Support

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