Archive for June 4th, 2022

Communication (Explain the importance of establishing credibility in business communication)


Part A/1.1 After reading/studying Chapter 1 in your textbook, answer the following questions, then apply what you learned to Part B of the assignment.

  1. Explain the importance of establishing credibility in business communication.
  2. How do the components of credibilitycompetence, caring, and characterinterrelate?
  3. What is business ethics?
  4. Explain the FAIR approach to evaluating ethical business communications.

Part B/1.11        Chapter 1 is about establishing credibility. After reading the chapter, think about two peopleone whom you trust implicitly and another whom you do not trust. Preferably, these are individuals with whom you currently work or have worked in the past.  Identify these individuals only as   Person A, the one you trust, and Person B, the person you do not trust.  Compare them in the following ways: (1) competence, (b) caring, (c) character, and (d) ease of communication.  Your response should be based on your understand of these concepts from Chapter 1 in your textbook.

Write four to five paragraphs (500-word minimum). Conclude with several general statements about the impact of credibility on communication efficiency and effectiveness.  Use correct English/grammar. This is a writing class and your writing style will be gauged in this assignment.  Think carefully about your response and check your work before submitting.

 You are to define or explain A, B, C, and D in Part 1 after reading Chapter 1. Then for Part 2, write a minimum of 500 words in four to five paragraphs about your experience with Persons A and B. As you describe the two individuals, include the four concepts you explained in Part 1 of the assignment.

Part 1 has four parts answered briefly. Part 2 requires four to five paragraphs with a minimum 500 words.

Discussion 6.2


Question 1: What are some benefits of improved sustainability of a supply chain? 

Question 2:  What are some challenges that limit the effort put in by supply chains to improve sustainability?

Question 3:  Discuss some reasons that we do not see more recycling or remanufacturing of products.

Discussion 6.1


Look over the list of the mechanisms that third parties can use to increase surplus .Choose one of the ten mechanisms and give an example of a specific situation where you think it would be effective and state why you think this would be the case.  

Then, look over the list of risks in using a third party, Choose one of the eight risks and give an example of a specific situation where you think a third party should not be used because of this risk and explain why you feel the risk is an obstacle in this situation.

Do not use any of the examples given in your text.  

Title your post with the name of the mechanism you chose and the specific risk you chose to explain; for example, Mechanism: Relationship Aggregation; Risk: Leakage of Sensitive Information

discussion post


Find an online news article involving any kind of juvenile case that you want to discuss. Based on what you have learned so far in this course, address the following:

  • Summarize the article
  • Present your analysis of the case
  • Describe why you agree or disagree with what is reported about in the case

Ensure that your initial post includes a link to the article that you chose.

Week 5

Project 1 Phase 2: Usability Tests Status Report.  Conduct a session with the device using your test created in Phase 1.  Report on the results of the test.

(Project phase 1 file attached below)

You should use a friend or relative to conduct the test but be sure to use an adult in your testing and follow the informed consent guidelines for human research.  The informed consent form is attached and should be uploaded along with your paper.

There should be 5 -7 pages in the body of the paper with a minimum of 10 references.  7th Edition APA formatting required with appropriate headings, title page, table of contents, abstract, body and references.  

week 3


Preschool is an important aspect of the early childhood experience and we must be able to speak about all of the positive elements of attending.  It is vital that we stay up to date on current trends in education.  With the current political and social landscape, educational practices have changed drastically and we must be willing to adjust and stay flexible in our instructional practices. The more we know about children, the more effective we will be at educating them. 

For this week’s assignment, write a proposal for your school district as to why they should offer preschool on the campus. Be sure to discuss cultural norms and societal trends on early childhood development. Recommend activities and best practices for the preschool initiative.

Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 3-5 pages, not including title and reference pages

Examen mdulo 2

Luego de realizar la lectura sobre el tema del genoma y el comienzo de la vida. En una pgina, argumenta sobre el siguiente caso. 

Lo que me tema se ha confirmado. Los estudios que me han acercado los especialistas(diagnstico prenatal) han revelado que el hijo que espero tiene malformaciones severas. Nada pueden decir de su capacidad intelectual y de su esperanza de vida, pero todo hace prever que los riesgos son muchos. Estoy aqu frente a los informes, tratando de resolver, mientras recuerdo las ltimas palabras del mdico que me atiende : Decdanlo Ustedes: continuar con el embarazo hasta las ltimas consecuencias u optar por un aborto eugensico.

Forum 3: Important Medical Concepts (Institutional assessment)

When working in the medical field, it is essential to have a vast knowledge of the guiding concepts and regulations in the field/ In this discussion board, you will address four medical concepts that have molded the medical field to what it is today.

Choose one of the following concepts (you can’t choose the same one as your assignment submission)

  • The Medical Record 
  • AHIMA ( The American Health Information Management Association)
  • Joint Commission
  • HIPPA (The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996)

Write a description of the concept that answers the five wh questions. 



  1. Explain medical concepts
  2.  Use verbs correctly


  •   Communication


  • Your initial response should be 200-300 words in length, reflecting on the prompt above.

Gua de estudio mdulo 3

5.Describe los diferentes trastornos visuales y auditivos.




d.Degeneracin macular relacionada a la edad

e.Miopa, hiperopia y astigmatismo

f.Conjuntivitis, Blefaritis y Keratitis

g.Meniere, otitis externa y otitis media

h.Hiposnia, anosmia, disgusia y ageusia

6.Explica las consideraciones geritricas relacionadas a los sentidos.

7.Menciona los mecanismos de la funcin somatosensorial (tacto y propiocepcin).

Tema: Alteraciones cognitivas, hemodinmica cerebral

1.Explica brevemente la fisiopatologa, manifestaciones clnicas y tratamiento de las siguientes alteraciones (puedes hacer una tabla como esta): 

AlteracinFisiopatologa, Manifestaciones clnicas,Pruebas diagnsticas,Tratamiento

a)Muerte cerebral




e)Edema cerebral



You will submit your word document for Topic 1 Part 1 here. Choose a “real” university or college to use when answering these questions. I suggest you use the same university throughout the class. I will make comments and return the graded assignments to you. You should immediately incorporate the comments in preparation for the Final Portfolio. HED=Higher Education

1. Provide an example of a HED mission statement (in its entirety–no links). Cite the source location. Then using the course content, provide your interpretation of the mission statement.

2. Quote the vision of the same institution as in question #1. Again, cite the source location. Then using the course content, provide your analysis of the differences between the mission statement and the vision statement.

3. From the course content, give 2 external examples (not Carnegie Classification) showing evidence of the quality of a real HED university or college. Cite your source. Analyze these two examples–are they reliable and convincing?

4. Study the Carnegie Classification system. Provide the Carnegie classification of a real HED institution and use its Basic classification. In your own words, what does that classification mean?

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