Archive for June 5th, 2022

The legal environment of business case study

QUESTION 100 points View RubricWriting Assignment #2

Aram is driving 25 MPH in a 25 MPH zone down a residential road where there are children playing. While driving, Aram responds to some text messages he received. While he is texting, a nine-year-old child runs into the street chasing a soccer ball. Aram looks up from his phone, sees the child and to avoid hitting the child he swerves into oncoming traffic and hits a car driven by Hana who is speeding above the speed limit down the road causing her to suffer broken ribs.An ambulance shows up and takes Hana to the hospital. Unfortunately, on the way to the hospital, a heavy thunderstorm with intense winds causes a tree to fall on the ambulance. As a result, Hana suffers a head injury.While recovering in the hospital, Hana files a lawsuit against Aram for her injuries, specifically the broken ribs and the head injury.

#1 LIST what law(s) apply to:Hana’s lawsuit against Aram for her (A) broken ribs (B) head injury? (20 POINTS) Do not explain, just list the laws in bullet point form. Answer (A) and (B) separately. (20 points)

#2 a) Will Hana win her lawsuit against Aram for her (A) broken ribs, and (B) head injury? Why or Why not? Apply the law(s) to the facts. Explain why the laws you mentioned in #1 apply to the story above. (50 Points) Answer (A) and (B) separately.

#3) What case applies to Hana’s lawsuit and why? Lastly, assume Hana is suing for $100,000 and found to be 40% at fault for running across the street in a contributory negligence jurisdiction. What amount, if any, would she collect? (20 points).

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Small business operations

Business Topic : The business idea chosen is a catering services business. My businesss mission is to provide,prepare and serve high-quality and healthy simple foods made of delicious ingredients at our customer’s demand, with right time delivery and to promote our young catering service providers through consistent training on health ideas. On the other hand, vision entails what a company would wish to achieve. Our vision is to be a company whose employees would never wish to leave, ensuring our customers get the best in terms of products and services offered.

Use the same business idea above to complete this assignment. Write a 46 page paper in which you do the following:

  1. Choose the legal form of organization for the business and support your choice.
  2. Determine the organization structure that is needed initially to get the business operating, including the number of people necessary to get through the first year of operation, their job titles, and short job descriptions.
  3. Propose at least three methods to encourage the employees to work together and build an effective brand.
  4. Evaluate how your business will affect the various goals of the different stakeholders, including investors, employees, customers, and the community
  5. Suggest a way to fund the business. Recommend how to attract equity investors.
  6. Analyze how much of the funding should come from debt and how much from equity. Support your evaluation.
  7. Determine the type of technology that is required to innovate this business to improve the growth and profitability of the organization.
  8. Use the Internet to locate at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
  9. will check for plagiarism. 

Lifestyles Perspective

Provide an example of behavior of someone you know that increases his/her probability of becoming a victim. (No names, please.) Explain what aspects of his/her lifestyle contribute to this. Discuss what ways he/she can reduce this risk

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Answers must be 8-10 sentences . No plagiarism . Please cite all sources . This is not a paper assignment. Please answer in separate paragraphs.

1.Reflect on companies that have conflicting responsibilities to multiple stakeholders. They need to satisfy shareholders, employees, customers, and the community. Analyze the conflict created when managers are paid bonuses that reflect only bottom-line profit. Propose alternative compensation plans and support your proposition.

2. find and share a link to an online research article whose study uses a p-value. First, identify the purpose of the article and what problem it is addressing/trying to solve.Then, explain what the p-value indicates in the context of the article.

3. Planning for exit might be the most important thing an entrepreneur can do. Without an exit strategy, the entrepreneur may have no retirement option or no way to get their investment out of the business. Suggest at least three methods for an entrepreneur to exit. Analyze the difficulties of implementing the methods.

lifespan developmet

You are being tasked with writing 2 sample exam questions for each of the 5 Course Outcomes for this class, and to briefly explain how/why you think the question you constructed aligns with the objective. Your questions must address a topic covered in the chapter readings or lessons up-to-date.  To receive full credit, your multiple-choice question must meet the following criteria:

Your question must be written clearly. And it must specifically state what you want in an answer.
Questions must be accompanied by an explanation of  how/why you think the question you constructed measures the objective.
Answer options must be mutually exclusive. This means that you cant have any questions that have more than one best (or true) answer.
Questions must be no more than 2 complete sentences.
Each question requires an option of A, B, C and D. This means that someone answering your questions must be able to choose from 4 options.

Below you will find the Course Outcomes for the class.

Apply principles of developmental theories to explain physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development throughout the lifespan.
Compare normal physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development with abnormal development throughout the lifespan.
Explain the progression of development across the human lifespan and assess options to improve the quality of life throughout the lifespan.
Identify and analyze factors influencing human development.
Evaluate research in lifespan development and link evaluation to personal research and clinical practice.

NIST SP 800-53r4

Examine National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-53r4, . In section 2.1, the SP discusses multitiered risk management.

Create a Microsoft PowerPoint report of at least 10 content slides based on your findings in the NIST SP800-53r4. In the presentation, address the following:

  1. Discuss the various tiers and provide your insights into why it is important to separate a business and its devices into tiers.
  2. Discuss the various steps of the Risk Management Framework.

Ethical Dilemma Criminal Justice

Please complete the following assignment on a Word document and submit it. Your response should be at least 150 words. Please use complete sentences, proper spelling, and grammar.

What would you do if Ethical Dilemma

In our studies we have learned that relative ethics is more complicated than absolute ethics because there are many shades of gray. What is considered ethical behavior by one person may be considered unethical behavior by another person. Consider the following scenario and discuss what your options are, what decision you would make, and why.

It is almost 11pm and you are finishing your shift as a police officer. You are parked in the median of highway and notice a car weaving from lane to lane traveling eastbound. First, ask yourself whether you would follow the car at all since it is so close to the end of your shift. Lets assume you do follow the car and pull it over for erratic driving. You approach the drivers side door and instantly smell the odor of alcohol. The driver slurs the following: I know you and I think you are doing a wonderful job with the department. In fact, I understand you want to be assigned to the detective division. You recognize the driverhe is your police chief. Becoming a detective has always been your dream. How do you handle this situation? Explain your choices.

Theoretical Basis for Promoting Family Health

  1. Families share universal characteristics with every other family. These characteristics provide an important key to understanding each familys uniqueness. What are five of the most important family characteristics that community health nurses must recognize and consider in their practice?
  2. The community health nurse is sitting in a living room talking with a young mother about her new infant. The community nurse finds it is difficult to keep in mind that all the other family members are present by way of their influence. Systems theory offers some insights about how families operate as social systems. Knowing the attributes of living systems or open systems can help strengthen understanding of family structure and function. What are five attributes of open systems that help explain how families function?
  3. The community health nurse is sitting in a living room talking with a young mother about her new infant. There are two broad stages in the family life cycle. What are the two broad stages in the family life cycle and what stage is this young mother with a new infant?
  4. In US society, certain social institutions help perform some aspects of traditional family functions. What are the six functions that are typical of American families today and are essential for the maintenance and promotion of family health?

Evidence-Based Practice and Ethics in Community Health Nursing

  1. The community health nurse asks the student nurse to explain what is involved in evidence-based practice. What are the necessary steps in the process of evidence-based practice that the nurse should include in the discussion with the community health nurse?
  2. What does implementation of evidence-based practice enable the community health nurse to do in the community?
  3. Research has what significant impact on community health and nursing practice?
  4. Values and ethical principles strongly influence community health nursing practice and ethical decision-making. What function do values hold in clinical practice in the community health setting?
  5. What three human values influence client health that the community health nurse must consider?

Discussion 150 words

Locate a facility where you could send one of the following samples for analysis:

  • Animal DNA (Speciation and individual identification)
  • Toxicology (such as anabolic steroid testing or testing for a suspected malicious poisoning)
  • Trace evidence
  • Research and discuss how specific items need to be collected, packaged and shipped. As well as how you will specifically maintain chain of custody.
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