Archive for June 7th, 2022

Communicate Cyber Risk Persuasively to Enable Appropriate Resource Allocation

 One of the challenges in the cybersecurity profession is the  communication of highly technical material to an audience that may not  come from a technical background. This week’s assignment will explore  that by developing persuasive communication. 

 For this assignment, you will write a paper that communicates cyber risk persuasively to enable appropriate resource allocation. 

 Be sure your assignment includes the following: 

  • Briefly identify specific solutions capable of delivering the core  solutions to enable the protections designed in the previous week.
  • Include no less than a SIEM (or better), vulnerability, IAM  capability, endpoint protection (including IoT), network approach  (including remote offices, telework employees, third-parties, cloud, and  mobile users), and defenses improving user risks.
  • Show evidence of creating an integrated approach.
  • Provide a 6-page persuasive paper to technical IT and Cyber leadership of your significant organization.
  • Include at least one table and one figure beyond the 6-page narrative and created for this paper.

Length: 7-page paper, not including title and reference pages, one table, and one figure 

 References: Include a minimum of 6 scholarly references. Cite at least 2  different peer-reviewed academic research studies relevant to your  approach for this assignment. These specified references should not be  in this course and have been published in the last 2 years. 

 The completed assignment should address all of the assignment  requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate  thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The  writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic  expectations and current APA standards, and provide a plagiarism report.

Week 6 ERD Lab

Week 6- Lab 

Now lets consider designing a database for the a car lot.Consider the following statements ->

  • Our car lot sells many cars every month (we have a big inventory)
  • Our car lot has many customers (everyone loves us!)
  • Our car lot has many sales persons (we are ready to help our customers)
  • Each car sale persons sells many cars a week (our prices are great)
  • Our car lot provides many mechanical services (all our mechanics are experts)
  • Our Service department has many mechanics (any mechanic would love to work here)
  • Our mechanics provide service to our customers (our repeat business is awesome)
  1. Examine the above information and determine the Entities.
  2. With each entity – determine some attributes for each entity. As a note – is there any information in the above statements that is not helpful for our database design?
  3. Now lets consider our Car Lot database design and determine the relationship of our Entities 

Using LucidChart or similar tool (Visio) to construct an ERD based on the above scenario.The approach to take to solve this problem would likely be accomplished using the following steps in your preferred ER diagraming tool

  1. Read the statements and list out the Entities
  2. Determine some attributes that each entity would have
  3. Determine the Data Types for each of the Attributes
  4. Determine and resolve the Relationship cardinality for the Entities. (Hint – there are multiple Many-to-Many relationships above. Please remember that creating an additional table to resolve is needed) You do not need to include the Data Types.

Hint for resolving a many-to-many relationship n our example, we have a Student Entity and a Course Entity. Each Student can take many Courses, and each Course can have many Student. This is a Many-To-Many Relationship.We resolve this by adding an additional table: “StudentCourse”. The table allows us to create the cardinality (relationship) between a Many-To-Many relationship.    In the StudentCourse table, CourseID is a foreign key that references the primary key in the Course table.  In the StudentCourse table, StudentID is a foreign key that references the primary key in the Student table.image6.png

Implementing many-one relationships

  • The foreign key goes in the table on the ‘many’ side of the relationship.
  • The foreign key refers to the primary key on the ‘one’ side.
  • The foreign key name is the primary key name with an optional prefix.

Submit using the PowerPoint template. Place the screenshot in your PowerPoint slide and submit the file.

Plan Risk Response Process


Risk response strategies are the ways in which risks can be handled if they occur. For negative risks, the appropriate strategies are the following: Accept Mitigate Avoid Transfer Escalate For positive risks, the strategies are as follows: Accept Enhance Exploit Share Escalate Respond to the following questions: Describe the Plan Risk Response process and share an example of three tools and techniques used. Why is it critical for project managers to have a risk response strategy in place? Describe one positive and one negative risk for any project scenario and select the proper risk response strategy. Why do you think the strategy you chose is the best fit for the situation? How will you work with the project team to determine the risk response and implementation strategies for each risk in your project?

1. Identify who you are applying theories of personality to and explain why. Your response should be about 3 to 5 sentences in length. 2. Describe how components of a personality theory of your choice relate to your subject. Your response should be about 6 to 10 sentences in length and include the following: A. Components of personality theory, including but not limited to traits, behaviors, motives, or defense mechanisms B. Multiple components from the theory applied to your subject with examples (i.e., behaviors that exemplify the concepts) C. Citations when you are describing the theory 3. Describe how components of a second personality theory of your choice relate to your subject. Your response should be about 6 to 10 sentences in length and include the following: A. Components of personality theory, including but not limited to traits, behaviors, motives, or defense mechanisms B. Multiple components from the theory applied to your subject with examples (i.e., behaviors that exemplify the concepts) C. Citations when you are describing the theory 4. Describe the limitations of each of the two theories you related to your subject. Your response should be about 6 to 10 sentences in length and include at least one limitation for each theory. 5. Explain why taking a holistic approach and applying multiple theories to a subject is better than applying only one. Your response should be about 6 to 10 sentences in length. References

How did Rome, a small settlement in central Italy, expand to conquer and control the entire Mediterranean world of Europe, western Asia, and North Africa? How did the political structure of the Roman empire change as it grew? What were the basic teachings of Jesus, and how did Christianity become the major religion of the empire? What allowed Rome to retain such a large empire for so long, and what caused the loss of the western half of the empire Who was the prophet Muhammad, and what were his main teachings? Between Muhammads death in 632 and the founding of the Abbasid caliphate in 750, what were the different ways that the Islamic community chose the new caliph? Which economic, political, and social forces held the many peoples and territories of the Abbasid caliphate together? After the fragmentation of the Abbasid Empire in 945, which cultural practices, technologies, and customs held Islamic believers in different regions together?

Attached Files:

File (20.396 KB)

  1. Capstone candidates must      select a Capstone topic for their project from Table 1 or 2 and      complete the CAPSTONE TOPIC SELECTION      FORM.
  2. Capstone candidates must      identify a local institutional or a community-based health care      problem related to the topic and develop a proposal for      an intervention that will improve it

Table 2

Community- Based Intervention Topics

More ar  

The problem must be addressed from the perspective of a health care manager. The capstone project is a cumulative project that demonstrates the candidates ability to apply the capabilities and knowledge that you have accrued through the Health Service Management Graduate Program at Mercy College.

Capstone Requirements

To complete the Capstone and graduate candidates must:

  1. Select a Capstone Topic      from one of the tables above and describe a specific problem related to      that topic.
  2. Propose a realistic,      manageable intervention that addresses the problem. The intervention must      be focused on a local facility or community.
  3. Use the Capstone Template      to submit sections of the Capstone as drafts
  4. Make any needed correction      and revisions, based on reviewers feedback before submitting the draft of      the next section.


For the purpose of the Capstone a health care institution includes:

  • hospitals or medical      centers
  • health maintenance      organizations,
  • health care clinics or      outpatient centers,
  • nursing homes, extended      care facility, or other institution devoted to the care of sick, infirm,      or aged person.
  • health care businesses      such as health insurance providers, product manufacturers or others that      provide health care services.
  • alternative or      complimentary care setting
  • Substance abuse      residential or outpatient settings

You must submit the complete as the CAPSTONE TOPIC SELECTION FORM by 6/7/2022 at 11:59 PM.

Candidates will not be allowed to change your topic once it has been approved by the reviewers

Week 5 Assignments 

After completing this weeks study activities, thoughtfully complete the labs detailed below. Submit this completed document by the due date indicated in the syllabus.

MindTap Level 4 Unit 9 & 10 Lab Experiences

Complete labs online and insert a screenshot of the grade earned for each of the Unit 9 Python programming labs in this document and provide your answers to the Unit 10 questions in this template document before submitting.

1. Unit 9: Program Input in C++, all

2. Unit 9: Price Calculator in C++, all

3. Unit 9: Logic Statements in C++, all

4. Unit 9: Input and Output in C++, all

5. Unit 10: HTML, section #1

6. Unit 10: LISP Programming, questions for sections #1 through #4, and #6

Insert Screenshots here for Unit 9 work:

Unit 10 Lab Experience 13 Exercises:

1. Viewing HTML code

a. What is the title of the page?

b. Describe one use of lists on the page.

c. Describe one use of a link on the page.

d. Describe one tag used on the page that was not described in our discussion in the Background section of this lab.

Unit 10 Lab Experience 14 Exercises

Using ( with ), record your responses to the sections #1 through #4, and #6.

1. Composing expressions

a. (+ 3 2):

b. (* 5 (+ 3 2) ):

c. (* 3.14 (* 3 3) ):

d. (sqrt (- 4 2) ):

2. Defining and using functions

a. (square 3):

b. (+ (square 3) (square 4) ):

c. (square (square 3) ):

3. Defining and using predicates or Boolean expressions









i. In-range? copy and paste a screen shot of running the predicate successfully after testing it with several numbers.

4. Making choices with the conditional expression

a. What value is returned?

5. #6 Using symbols and quotation

a. Describe the results of entering the expressions a through e and the difference in results after removing the single quote mark ().

Programming Experience

Create a program to implement the following: 

Used Car Sales program copy and paste your program code into this document and include a screenshot of running your program that displays the output and input.

Paste Screenshot Here:


Text  Description automatically generated

Paste program code here:



This assignment will be graded using the following rubric:



93% – 100%


80% – 92%


70% – 79%


< 69%


Required   components are correctly and substantively addressed.

Required   components are generally addressed in a proficient manner.

Required   components are addressed in a limited or imprecise manner. 

Assignment   is vague in addressing the specified task, is poor in quality, and/or is   missing key components. 

Name : Grade 11/  

Subject : java script Assignment

Q1- Write a program in javascript that enters 2 numbers (x and y) then find the value for this formula z = 4x + 3y +5.

Use absolute values of x and y. (convert any negative values of x or y to positive).

<script language=javascript>


Q2- Write the same program above using form:


<form name=math>

X = <input type=text name=t1  size=5><br>

y = <input type=text name=t2  size=5><p>

// convert negative values of x or y to positive

Z = 4X + 3Y + 5<p>

Z = <input type=text name=t3  size=5><p>

<input type=button value=start onclick=calc()>

<input type=reset>


<script language=javascript>











Application of   Course Knowledge:



Answers the initial   discussion question(s)/topic(s), demonstrating knowledge and understanding of   the concepts for the week.


Engagement in   Meaningful Dialogue With Peers and Faculty



Responds to a   student peer and course faculty furthering the dialogue by   providing more information and clarification, adding depth to the   conversation


Integration of   Evidence



Assigned   readings or online lesson and at least one   outside scholarly source are included. The scholarly source is:

1) evidence-based,   2) scholarly in nature, 3) published within the last 5 years



Total CONTENT   Points= [60 pts]









Grammar and   Communication



Presents information   using clear and concise language in an organized manner


Reference Citation



References have   complete information as required by APA 

In-text citations   included for all references  and references included   for all in-text citation


Total FORMAT Points=   [15 pts]


Q) Hash tables (8 points)

This question looks at the behavior of the hash() method in the hash symbol table classes LinearProbingHashST and SeparateChainingHashST. You are given the following list of twelve strings:

  • Erdos
  • eRdos
  • erDos
  • erdOs
  • erdoS
  • erdos
  • Knuth
  • kNuth
  • knUth
  • knuTh
  • knutH
  • knuth

Note carefully which letters are upper case and which are not.

  1. Applying the hash method in either of the classes named above (it’s the same method in both) and which we often discussed in class, write two lists. The first contains each string and its hash value when the table size is 29 and the second contains each string and its hash value when the table size is 30.
  2. Assuming the strings are inserted into a linear probing hash table in the order given, what is the index where each ends up in each table? Again write two lists. The first contains each string and the index where it ends up in the table of length 29. The second contains each string and the index where it ends up in the table of length 30. Please list the strings in increasing order by index, not in alphabetical order by string.

As an example of what the lists should look like, here are the lists for a table of size 31.

Race and Ethnicity 6.2

 In thinking about our readings and videos this week, research and discuss with the class three negative consequences/stereotypes about the myth of the model minority. In addition, discuss at least two ways society can combat the myth of the model minority. 

Sage 300 ERP Hosting

 Sage users have several options for picking the optimal version based on the suitability of the requested programme. These versions are quite short and excel at structured set programming abilities for the purpose. Now, if you are still unsure and confused about what exactly Sage 300 ERP hosting is, then let us proceed with the following information to gain more knowledge. 

Sage 300 ERP Hosting

Sage 300 ERP Hosting is an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) application deployment solution that utilizes the power of resilient cloud computing to provide a dedicated infrastructure to host the Sage 300 ERP application and its associated database. By delivering a single virtual workplace for optimal team collaboration and productivity, Sage 300 ERP on the cloud has altered the way corporate Resource Planning Tools are utilized. 


To secure sensitive data from unwanted internet assaults, the centralized cloud platform utilizes cutting-edge electronic, physical, and digital security technologies. To further explain Sage 300 ERP cloud, the technique comprises constructing a remote infrastructure for the application and data with the support of a hosting provider, which ultimately saves them the challenges and costs involved with owning and maintaining an in-house IT setup.

Sage 300 ERP Cloud Hosting enables businesses to maintain the aesthetic appeal of their powerful management software while saving money. This multi-user, simultaneous access is crucial for businesses with many locations and/or remote employees who wish to promote more efficient communication at all levels of the organization.

Sage 300 ERP Cloud Hosting features ensure the security of mission-critical data and sensitive files like never before. Software data and hosted files are automatically backed up nightly using a rolling 7-day backup schedule. If something goes wrong with your local IT systems, Sage 300 ERP Cloud Hosting is designed for the needs of businesses. It provides the security and peace of mind that is critical in these times.

A reputable Sage 300 application hosting provider covers all technical aspects of cloud adoption, from account setup and data migration to providing 24×7 technical support to guarantee that the application is constantly available and functional.

What does Sage 300 ERP Cloud Hosting comprises?

Let us take a look to know what all Sage 300 ERP Hosting further includes. The following are 

The ones that are included in Sage 300 ERP Hosting:

  1. Integration of a Third-party Application. 
  2. Upkeep of information technology.
  3. Network uptime of 99.999 per cent.
  4. Unrestricted bandwidth. 
  5. Setup and onboarding expert.
  6. Backup every night (rolling 7 days).
  7. 50GB of storage space.
  8. Assistance with data transmission.
  9. A page for logging in/portal.
  10. Custom ports on a managed firewall.
  11. PC, Mac OS, iOS, Android, and internet access.
  12. Support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week in the United States. 

Now, you might be wondering why one moves to Sage 300 ERP for Hosting. Well, without wasting any more time, lets get right into the answer to this: why? Question. 

Reasons for a business to adapt to Sage 300 ERP Hosting

There are several compelling reasons why a company should use Hosting Sage 300 ERP. a few are as follows:

  1. To help in the reduction of cost.
  2. You can access it from anywhere 
  3. Also, it can be accessed anytime. 
  4. To implement top-notch security requirements. 
  5. Easy use is another important reason h=which cannot be overlooked. 
  6. Also, to have 24×7 hour support. 

All the above-mentioned things are included in Sage 300 ERP Hosting. 

Special Considerations Required for Sage 300 ERP Hosting to Run Smoothly

Even if stringent security measures are in place, if you as a user are uninformed of the numerous methods of secure computer usage, you will always be concerned about a threat. Here are some things to keep in mind while you enjoy your hosting experience:

  1. The most important one of all is, to not indulge in installing anything on the cloud without the vendor’s permission.
  2. Also, Do not obtain resources from unknown sources.
  3. There is a need to Conduct frequent compliance testing.
  4. Restrict admin privileges to technically qualified individuals exclusively.
  5. For optimal sync, use minor assisting gadgets.
  6. Contact the seller as soon as you notice any changes.
  7. Teach all users how to utilize Sage.

Things to keep in mind before hosting Sage 300 ERP Hosting 

The following are some points to focus on and keep in mind before proceeding with the hosting process. Take a look closely: 

1. Data encryption is the most important item to know before beginning the procedure.

2. It is also recommended and urged to keep the two-factor authentication element and its necessity in mind.

3.  The most crucial of all is a dependable anti-malware tool, which will assist in the removal of any superfluous viruses and barriers during the operating process.

4. A high-quality, round-the-clock network monitoring solution is necessary.

5. Automatic data backup is a vital aspect and requirement.

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How to migrate from sage 300 ERP Hosting?

The following steps must be taken in order to host the application on a remote cloud server:

Step A: To Compile all of your needs, such as

  1. The list of Applications. 
  2. The names of users.
  3. The numbers of users as well.
  4. All their license details. 
  5. Permission rights also need to be gathered. 
  6. Personal information. 

Step B: Locate the best hosting company, along the lines of the based criteria:

  1. Their information security system.
  2. Their safety precautions.
  3. A service level agreement is in place. 
  4. Their Technical Support hours are as follows:
  • Their data center’s location
  • Their entire experience

Step C: The following are the final measures to be taken:

  1. First, Provide the hosting provider with all pertinent information.
  2. Second, now, Wait for them to set up your cloud.
  3. Revert if need of any queries. 
  4. Also, Designate a point of contact.
  5. After the details are ready, collect and analyze them.
  6. Finally, Request a demonstration of the cloud.

After all the above-listed insightful information. Now let us look at the difference between Sage 300 Online and Sage 300 ERP Hosting. 

What is the difference between Sage 300 ERP Online and Sage 300 Hosting?

The main difference between Sage 300 hosting and Sage 300 ERP online appears to be the limits and complexity of use when dealing with a variety of apps and data. The hosted Sage 300 application is a comprehensive platform that can handle any additional apps and data to give a fully functional online office. While Sage 300 ERP online is a stand-alone tool with limited capability, it may not suit all of your business’s requirements.

The main differences between Sage 300 Hosting and Sage 300 ERP Online

Sage 300 Hosting

Sage 300 ERP Online

1. There are no limitations in Sage 300 Hosting.

1. This Comes with a number of limitations.

2. Sage 300 Hosting can be considered to be a complete platform.

2. Sage 300 ERP Online, is a standalone application.

3. It also, Provides unlimited support.

3. There are also Charges for support and nothing is free. 

5. You get complete control over the platform. 

5. Here, you have zero control over the application itself. 

You are now fully aware of Sage 300 ERP Hosting and the necessity of the same. 


The above-presented information has effectively guided you through the entire concept of Sage 300 ERP Hosting. All the optimum advantages and their unique and individual features are listed in this article. 

All required actions are supplied, as well as the whole step-by-step approach guide. The article covers all the required information for a detailed deeply involved information outlook. Follow this article Image of Article icon pngto avoid any unnecessary errors.

If you are still facing any issues or have any doubts concerning the above-listed information you can connect with our customer helpdesk ???? .


1. How can one set up a Multi-user in Sage 300 Hosting?

There are several ways to do so. The best method to get it done quickly is to attempt troubleshooting once. Heres how to do it:

  • For the first step, Open the Sage 300 file and select the ‘File’ option.
  • Once you have selected the file option. Now, Create additional login information by selecting the ‘Add User’ option.
  • Next, choose ‘OK’ and then ‘Modify.’
  • After the subsequent step, proceed to Enter and re-enter the admin’s user information.
  • Now, Return to ‘Setup,’ and then click ‘Setup Users.’
  • Finally now, By selecting the ‘File’ option, the user can now enter multi-user mode. 

Find Also-:

Prisoner Right 6.2

 If an inmate has an issue with something that happens while locked up and want to be compensated for it. They would need to sue the state and the employee involved. Compared to the outside world, the inmate must get permission to sue the state, under normal circumstances, due to sovereign and qualified immunity. Do you believe that this is fair and just? Should there be a way that inmates can sue that does not require permission from the government? Give examples of your solutions to this issue. 


OWL 6-3a

OWL 6-3b

OWL 6-3c

This is the website where you can find the :

Family Purchase Decisions – Buyer and Consumer Behavior

 Using the topic Resources, discuss the factors that drive family purchase decisions. Explain why this information is important to marketers and discuss how they use it when marketing products. Illustrate your ideas with specific reasons, facts, and examples. In replies to peers, indicate whether you agree or disagree with their assessment and justify your response using the topic Resources. 

BUS/475 Signature Assignment: SWOT Analysis week 2

Using the organization you selected in Week 1, review its corporate website and at least 2 other sources of information on the organization, including information on market trends.

Note: Review your chosen organization in the Case Studies folder on the main course page in Blackboard.

Complete a SWOT analysis for your chosen company using the provided SWOT Analysis Template.

Write a 525- to 700-word summary of your findings on the template. Use information from the SWOT analysis as well as what you have learned about your businesss structure, culture, and interrelationships to write the summary. Your summary should:

  • Explain how you would match the businesss strengths to its opportunities.
  • Analyze how you would convert the businesss weaknesses into strengths.
  • Explain the actions the business needs to take to advance its goals and/or expand its competitive advantage.
  • Analyze interrelationships among distinct functional areas of the organization and how it may affect your SWOT analysis.

Cite any sources according to APA guidelines.  

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