Archive for June 13th, 2022

interpersonal communication

What have you discovered about perception and perception checking?

Once you have read sections 3.1 Perceiving and Presenting the Self and 3.2 Improving Self-perception and the Perception of Others, you’ll be ready to view the video “The Dangers of a Single Story”.

Pay close attention to the following while you watch the video, as you will be basing your reflective writing on:

1. What does a “single story” mean to you?

2. What are the impacts to us and others when we live in a “single story” world? (Think “perception of others” here.)

3. What 4 techniques can we follow to eliminate the mindset of a “single story” in our lives (and improve our perception of others)?

As you develop your responses remember to incorporate your personal perspective with what you have discovered in both the reading and the video.

Spend time on this. Remember, reflective writing gives you the opportunity to think deeply about your learning. You’ll want to refer back to portions of the text which have influenced you most, but remember you are not simply restating what the text or video has said. You want to dig deeper…. to wonder…. and to reflect on what you have realized…. what you have “figured out” so far.

This is your opportunity to connect and share your insights. Focus on providing substance and specifics through a minimum of 15 to 20 sentences for this assignment.

(Remember to review the rubric to see how this assignment will be evaluated.)

Cold War


  • Anti-Communist Freedom Fighters
  • Strategic Defense Initiative (nicknamed “Star Wars”)
  • Vietnam (conflict) War


  • Explain how each of your choices was an effective policy to thwart international communist expansion.
  • Based on your selections, analyze if the United States should have feared international communist subversion during the Cold War era (1945-1991).

Medicaid Expansion 8- to 10-page document. NO PLAGRISM


Read the following article:                        

Complete a detailed case study analysis of the given case, using the process described in  in your course textbook Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations.

Your completed case study analysis report will include the following sections:

  • Executive summary
  • Key issues                        
  • Situational analysis
  • Strategy formulation
  • Recommendation
  • Implementation strategies
  • Benchmarks for success and contingency plans

Dream Of KING


Using the Internet, locate and read Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream” speech given in Washington D.C., August 1963. Copy and paste the following keywords into your Google search bar: “I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King, Jr.” Feel free also to locate and incorporate additional scholarly sources to respond to this case study, including information on the Civil Rights Movement.

Construct the case study by responding to the following prompts:

  • Explain if the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s effectively changed the nation.
  • What effect would the Civil Rights Acts have across the continent on minority groups?
  • Do you think that the tactics and strategies that civil rights activists used in the 1960s would apply to today’s racial and ethnic conflicts? Why or why not?
  • Do the ideas of the 1960s still have relevance today? If so how? If not, why not?
  • Analyze how the Civil Rights Movement would impact diversity in America today.


  • Length: 4-5 pages (not including title page and references page)

Affordable Care Act (ACA) 300-500 words. no plagiarism


  • Select an actual hospital and explain why uncompensated care (UC) is such a large problem for this type of facility.
  • Why do some experts worry that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) may not mitigate the problem of UC at these facilities?


Beherec, S. (2015). Uncompensated care: Weighing private option boost, medicare cuts. Arkansas Business, 32(31), 1.

NewsCAP: Medicaid expansion may reduce uncompensated care costs for hospitals. (2016). AJN, American Journal of Nursing, 116(9), 15-15. doi:10.1097/01.NAJ.0000494677.92970.ce

 provide references for the citations in APA format.

Your initial posting should be addressed at 300-500 words.

Investing in My Future Assignment

Finance is exciting! In this course, we learned how money can grow through the use of compounding and interest rates and your growth strategies may now be different. For this assignment, develop a summary and a 23 page paper.

This summary will help you develop your paper. Begin writing your summary by responding to the following questions and prompts:

  1. Develop a one-paragraph summary using the . A section for your summary has been provided within the template.
    • Note: Do not use this summary as the introduction to your paper. 
  2. Think about what you learned in this course. What are your new financial goals?
  3. Would you like to become more liquid, to save more for your retirement, or to start a new business?
  4. Whatever your goals, finance is right at the core. Think about what you learned in this course regarding investing to complete this assignment.


Write a two to three-page paper in which you:

  1. Write an introduction in your own words, based on the content of your paper.
  2. Describe three ways you will invest in your future based on the principles of finance discussed in this course. Include terminology from the course and use citations as necessary to support your explanation of the terminology.
  3. Discuss one of the three ways you feel most confident as a way to invest in your future. Explain your level of confidence.
  4. Of the three ways that you will invest in your future, discuss the one that you perceive might be the most challenging. Then, discuss how you might overcome some of those challenges.
  5. Use the to provide additional help with organizing your assignment.
  6. Submit your summary and paper by uploading them together to the assignment submission area.

For a literature review of a capstone project I need to find 45 original articles / journals related to my capstone. Articles have to be original and less than 3 years old.


What I need for this task: For the literature review of the project, I need to find 45 original articles/journals related to my capstone project. Articles to be obtained from databases like Cinhal, Pubmed, Cochrane, Eric, Gale, Medline, Embase, ETC. Articles have to be original and less than 3 years old.

I need either the PDF of the article, or the full title and database found so I can retrieve them. 

Im guessing for the keyword search: 

(older adults OR elderly OR seniors OR geriatrics OR aged) AND (Quality of life OR well-being OR wellbeing OR HRQoL OR HRQL OR qol)  AND (oral health OR oral hygiene OR dental health OR oral health education OR oral health promotion OR oral health behavior OR oral exercise OR mouth exercise OR oral selfcare OR toothbrushing). 

Or Secondary searches using the mouth hygiene, health program, and dental health and oral health as free text terms, respectively. 

Some of the background on the project I will be working on:

My field of study is nursing.

Im working on a Capstone /practice change project focusing on improving oral health in older adults. Quality oral health improves overall health among the elder. TITLE MOST LIKELY BE Oral health promotion to improve the quality of life in older adults living independently. As a reference, the theoretical framework to be used in this project will be the health belief model.

The purpose of this practice change project is to evaluate the effect on the oral health of a four weeks oral health education program among older adults living independently in an adult living facility in Miami, Florida.

The Possible PICOT that I will be using:  What is the effect on oral health(O), before and after, (C) a four weeks (T) oral health education program (I) among older adults living independently in an adult living facility in Miami, Florida (P)?

Week 11 Assignment 11.1: Community Health Promotion Programs Start Assignment Due

In this writing assignment, you will research the health-promotion resources available in your community.

Step 1 Research the top 5 causes of mortality for adults or children in your state.

  • Select one of the top 5 causes that is partially or fully preventable (heart disease, car crashes, homicide etc. )



1. After reviewing all of the motivational theories of this chapter, select the one you believe to be the most accurate in describing human behavior. Justify your selection and describe how the motivational theory would explain the actions you have taken in your own life. 

This is to be in narrative form. Bullet points should not to be used. The paper should be at least 2 pages in length, Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins and utilizing at least one outside scholarly or professional source related to organizational behavior. This does not mean blogs or websites. This source should be a published article in a scholarly journal. This source should provide substance and not just be mentioned briefly to fulfill this criteria. The textbook should also be utilized. Do not use quotes. Do not insert excess line spacing. APA formatting and citation should be used.

Week 11 Discussion: Shifting Nursing Practice to Health Promotion and PartnershiPs

Step 1 In your initial post, due Wednesday at 11:59 pm Mountain Time, answer the following prompts:

  • Describe an example from your practice or your own healthcare experiences in which there has been a shift from the medical model of disease prevention to health promotion in health care.
  • Describe the shift from the individual to the community setting.
  • Explain the role that the nurse assumes in this transition to merge partnerships in the transition from individual health promotion to the community model of health promotion.
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