CASE STUDY: Mr. Smith is having a great deal of hip and back pain. He used to run a lot and still plays basketball, which he does not want to give up. His private medical doctor has told him that the MRI showed a pinch nerve from a herniated disc. The doctor has suggested that Mr. Smith have back surgery to remove the disc and stabilize the vertebrae. He is very concerned about having this done. A friend suggested that Mr. Smith should try other means Complementary Alternative Medicine to treat his condition. 1. Read the case study above. 2. Use the Internet to further explore manual therapy and answer the following questions: a. Describe which of the manual therapies will benefit Mr. Smith. b. Where would Mr. Smith find a trained professional to treat his condition? c. List one action you can take to safe-guard a patient’s right to manual therapy. d. Describe the role of the nurse, educators, counselors, and change agents in manual therapy. 3. This assignment should be 1-2 pages, APA format.
Archive for June 18th, 2022
Create a Power Point presentation that demonstrates a connection between Texas governmental systems/structure/politics/culture and creating policy to address real problems.
Describe the problem: Create context for understanding the cultural, social, structural demographic and/or economic influences that is relevant to the issue.
Describe a policy solution: What entity is responsible for forming policy to address the issue or problem? (Exs. legislature, agency, nonprofit, citizens organization, court, city council, mayor, etc.) How is this policy intended to address the problem?
Analysis: Critically assess the efficacy of the policy. (Exs. feasibility, political or ideological conflict, costs/benefits, civil liberties or civil rights conflicts, etc.)
Presentation must include:
* a statistical measure in the form of graphs and/or tables depicting relevant data regarding the place, problem, politics and/or policy (providing a single statistic (ex. Population — 360,000) will not meet this requirement)
*an image depicting some aspect of your case study that you wish to emphasize. (Your statistical chart will not count for this requirement.
*Sources citations : You may cite your source on the slide where the reference is used, or you may create a separate source page. There are no format requirements other than that they include enough information for me to find them. Your sources must be reputable and reliable.
Create User Access Policies
You are a security professional for a large, private health care organization. Users have access to file and application servers, as well as data storage facilities that contain customer health information and personally identifiable information (PII). Your organization needs to create user access policies and provide them to its employees.
Sean, your manager, asks you to write a report detailing relevant user access policies. He needs you to research a generic template and use that as a starting point from which to move forward.
For this assignment:
- Research existing policy templates and examples from organizations of a similar type.
- Write a report detailing at least three relevant user access policies based on your research.
- Create a table for the policies.
- Include a short summary explaining why you chose the policies.
- Include an introduction and conclusion.
- Provide citations for your sources.
Multimedia activity: Business Organization
Visit the section of the U.S. Small Business Administrations website.
If you were to start your own business, which business entity structure would you choose? Justify why your chosen structure is the best organizational form.
Explain the following business structures: sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, and a corporation. In your analysis address the following for each business structure:
- Steps to form
- Personal liability for owners
- Taxation
- Advantages and disadvantages
Your paper must be three to five pages (excluding title and reference pages), and it must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center. You must cite at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook. Cite your sources in-text and on the reference page.
Week 3 Reflection
Use these answers to these questions to better help you.
Also, please use the week 3 example uploaded below/
- Identify the level of education in which you wish to serve (early childhood, elementary, middle school, and high school, adult).
Answer – Early childhood
- Elaborate on your feelings about how the discussions in this course thus far matches your qualities and characteristics to serve in the education field.
Answer – The discussions have somewhat helped me to better understand what areas of communication I need to work on.
- Has your desire to become an educator increased or decreased since the beginning of this course and what has sparked that change?
Answer- I think they have increased some it has always been a passion to teach in early childhood.
Texas Teachers of Tomorrow TNT700.1
This project has three tasks, each representing a different facet of the role of the professional educator. Task 1 evaluates your ability to recognize and respond to violations of the Texas Educator Code of Ethics. Task 2 evaluates your ability to communicate professionally and appropriately with parents. Task 3 evaluates your ability to respond appropriately to your colleagues.
Make a argument
Using the short answer format provided, make an argument for or against a specific the policy you will use in your final project. Include links to the source for your information. Sources must be reliable.
- Your responses should demonstrate an understanding of the course material covered as well as the application of critical thinking and communication skills and be factual. Short Answer Format:
Topic Sentence/Claim/Premise (answer the question in one sentence)
Explanation (provide context for your answer, explain what you mean)
Evidence (provide a specific example)
Explanation of the Evidence (explain what the evidence)
nursing diagnosis interventions
This is my nursing diagnosis:
ineffective health maintenance r/t insufficient financial resources aeb unable to buy food necessary to meet daily recommended dietary requirements.
For the above diagnosis, I need 3 interventions that are primary, secondary and tertiary for the community as a whole AND 3 strengths of the community as a whole
Careers in Education (Packback Question)
These are things that DO NOT belong in Packback:
- Questions that are phrased as a statement, not a question
- Questions that are closed-ended (only one “right” answer)
- Posts that are plagiarized or contain mostly quoted content
- Questions or responses that contain profanity or offensive language
- Questions about “class logistics” (tests, homework, schedule)
- Questions or responses that are not related to the subject matter of the community
- Duplicates of other questions or responses already posted
- Questions or responses that are intended for cheating
How to ask a great question on Packback
The goal of Packback is to create a community where everyone is sharing questions that foster valuable discussion, challenge existing ways of looking at the world, and uncover brilliant new ideas for applying class learning to the real world.
These are the 3 components of a GREAT question to post on Packback:
- It is OPEN for discussion, and can’t just be “Googled”
That means it has more than 1 possible valuable response, so that many people can share ideas and discuss. - It SHARES interesting knowledge, source or ideas
Great questions share interesting information, sources or ideas from other thinkers, and take them one step further to create a new idea or perspective. - It BUILDS connection between the class and the real world
Great questions apply and connect class information to real world problems or concepts from other classes. Some of the most creative new ideas come from combining two unrelated ideas, a technique known as “Combinatory Thinking”.