Archive for June 19th, 2022


Each of the following problems is a case problem that you may face as a health care manager. Write a clear response (one page minimum for each question) as if you were responding to a memo that was presented to you.  Make sure that you utilize excellent writing skills, and that your thoughts are complete.  The answers must be typed.

There will be Note that there are four (4) questions to answer and each question is worth 50 points. T Spelling, grammar, and/or typographical errors may cause you to lose points. 

Case Problem #1

You are the CEO of Lakeshore Regional Medical Center and are reviewing the planning and budgeting process for the next fiscal year, with the Finance Committee of the Board of Directors. They want to change the process and are considering options.  They have requested that you review the following options and provide them with a written response in the form of a memo. Write this memo as if you were writing to individuals that were new to these concepts.

a.    Should the budget be zero-based or conventional?

b.    Are you in favor of a top-down or bottom-up process?

c.    Should the budget be fixed or flexible?

d.    Explain the purpose of variance analysis to the Board members.

e.    Explain to the Board members how planning and budgeting are linked.

Case Problem #2





DATE:        xx/xx/xxxx


I need your assistance in preparing the capital budget for the hospital. It is my understanding that the CAT scanner needs replacement during the next fiscal year. Please explain, via a return memo, the financial analysis that you have conducted to determine the viability of the replacement project. Be sure, to explain how cash flow analysis and breakeven analysis affect this decision.

Case Problem #3

You are the Administrator of the Community Medicine Group. You and your CPA have decided to implement a planning and budgeting program for the group practice. Please explain the process you would use and the type or types of budgets that you would develop and why.

Case Problem #4

You are attending a meeting with the Board of Directors of the Community Medicine Group. The doctors are concerned about the large amount of cash that accumulates in the practice checkbook for long periods. Explain to them cash management and how you think they might approach putting this money to work earning interest.

Wk 2, MHA 506: DQ

APA format

Cite at least one (1) peer-reviewed reference

175 – 250 words

Respond to the following:


  • Is there a relationship between ethics and financial performance in the health care industry? 

  • What challenges might a relationship between ethics and financial performance play in terms of health care marketing strategy development? 

  • How do these challenges impact your organization? 

Discussion board

 Review the safety and effectiveness of  for the treatment of specific illnesses such as cancer 

 Words limit is 400 words. Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA format) for your work.  

  Include your opinion about holistic and allopathic care.

  1. See this    
  2. See this for .  


 How is the regulation of security and trustworthiness on the Internet likely to develop? Will the private sector improve trust online? Will governments have to step in more? Will public confidence in the Internet decline to such a great extent that other infrastructures will become more popular 

Ted Talk Discussion: Amy Cuddy Your body language may shape who you are


I. Own Post

Watch the video provided below. Then, identify two signs of body language (one that supports positive interaction and one that supports negative interaction) that you commonly use. Explain how those body gestures affect your interaction with others. Develop your ideas by writing at least two well-developed paragraphs. 

Social Psychology

Aggression Textbook: Social Psychology 11th Edition-Saul Kassin, Markus, & Fein. (Chapter 11) Chadee Theories in Social Psychology 1st Edition (Chapter 11)

Parenting Behavior and the Risk of Becoming a Victim and a Bully/Victim: A Meta-Analysis Study

Subjective Socioeconomic Status Causes Aggression: A Test of the Theory of Social Deprivation

Content Summary: Aggression

Personal Reflection: Problem Solving in the Workplace – 500 words/ zero plagiarism/ 3 hours

 Part 1 Identify a Problem

  • Problem solving starts by being able to identify existing problems, gaps in service, inefficient systems/processes, flawed policies, or any other areas of our job/career where improvement is needed. Identify a problem or gap at your workplace and explain why/how this problem exists.

Part 2 Solve the Problem

  • Use your knowledge that youve learned in the program (or hope to learn in a future course) to implement a plan to solve the problem.

Grading Expectations:

  •  Fully answer both parts of the assignment.
  • Word requirement: 500 words

 in the reflection and also include your job details (job title and employer, 

Work – Software developer in UN(United nation)

Course – phd in Information technology

annotated bib

I have 3 sources already written
Dubicka, Bernadka, et al. Editorial: Screen Time, Social Media and Developing Brains: a Cause for Good or Corrupting Young Minds? Shibboleth Authentication Request, The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 18 Aug. 2019,
The editorial written by Bernadka Dubicka, Jennifer Martin, Joseph Firth explores how screen time and social media are affecting our generation. These authors all have expierence writing on mental health, but specifically mental health for adolescents. Joseph Firth is a researcher from The University Of Manchester. Firth specializes in youth mental health, and digital heatlh. Jenifer Martin is an author and speaker, with many of her books being quite successful.
This editorial goes into depth on the affects that the digital lifestyle has had on our youth. In one instance a young man states: this is my heroin it’s the heroin of our generation This young man was saying this while holding up a cellphone, calling it the heroin of his generation. The article then begins to mention the digital divide, a divide amongst people who are so ingested in their online prescense they forget about their real life prescense.
I plan to use this editorial to back my argument with quotes. The quotes in this editorial made for a great argument and they had a lot of useful evidence.

Swingle, Mari. i-Minds : How Cell Phones, Computers, Gaming, and Social Media are Changing our Brains, our Behavior, and the Evolution of our Species, New Society Publishers, 2016. ProQuest Ebook Central,

    I Minds: How Cell Phones, Computers, Gaming, and Social Media are Changing our Brains, our Behavior, and the Evolution of our Species is written by Mari Swingle, who has a  PhD in clinical Physcology. Swingle is also a practicing clinician, and a certified neurotherapist.
    In this book, Swindle advocates for a reduction on children using electronic devices. She uses several case studies to prove her point, and these studies state that these children were normal, but after prolonged use of electronic devices they became anxious or depressed. In the book, she constantly refers to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and how this has been misdiagnosed for so long. She claims that most of these diagnoses are incorrect, and that all these kids need is to go outside or get off the electronics. I personally am diagnosed with this disorder, but it makes me think if I was properly diagnosed.
    This book was extremely interesting to read, but it was quite long. I have read this book before this project, as one of my parents made me. I do remember quite a lot, but I did go back over it to refresh my knowledge. This book makes a plethora of great points, and each point is backed with more research. I will use this book in my final essay to evaluate and argue using the evidence from this book.

Azemi K, Shehni Yailagh M, Garavand Y. Challenges of Smart Life: The Role of Psychological Well-being and Mental Health in Predicting Cell Phone Addiction of Adolescents. Depiction of Health 2019; 10(3): 197-207

I just need 5 non academic sources, cited and given an annotated bibliography on how CELL PHONES AFFECT MENTAL HEALTH

Week 6 discussion

What is your perspective on key elements of family assessment, based on your text readings? Develop and post the family interview guide
you plan on using for the family interview. What underlying framework supports your interview guide (Calgary Family Assessment Model
(CFAM), described in Wright and Leahey A Guide to Family Assessment and Intervention, Family System Strengths Stressors Inventory
(FS3I)? See PDF attachment on D2L
2. Discuss family assessment in your groups. Discussion may include why family assessment is important or how assessment approaches and
structure may differ across settings. Discuss barriers, personal or institutional, to engaging in family assessment.
3. Create and upload the Family Nursing Tools: Genogram, Ecomap, Circular Conversation, and Attachment Diagram. {Make sure the name
of your family members are changed to protect their identity

Congestive Heart Failure Nurse Care Plan

good morning, I need you to make me a congestive heart failure care plan with all the documents that I leave below and to fill out the care plan model with the information that appears in the paragraph and to be guided by the Apa style , I also need 5 references that are from 2015 onwards

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