Archive for June 19th, 2022

Personal Reflection: Problem Solving in the Workplace

It is important for students to understand how their curriculum is applied to real world workplace environments. How what you are studying can or will benefit you in your current, or future, career. For this assignment, you will need to review your programs curriculum and goals and compare that to your current job/internship (if unemployed, reflect on a job/career that you desire to obtain in the future). To complete the assignment, please follow the below instructions:

  1. Review your programs goals and curriculum on the UC Webpage and the UC Graduate Course Catalog:
  • Webpage Links found here:
  • Graduate Catalog:
  1. Reflect on (research, if needed) your current (or future) job duties and responsibilities.

Assignment Details:Part 1 Identify a Problem

  • Problem solving starts by being able to identify existing problems, gaps in service, inefficient systems/processes, flawed policies, or any other areas of our job/career where improvement is needed. Identify a problem or gap at your workplace and explain why/how this problem exists.

Part 2 Solve the Problem

  • Use your knowledge that youve learned in the program (or hope to learn in a future course) to implement a plan to solve the problem.

Grading Expectations:

  •  Fully answer both parts of the assignment.
  • Word requirement: 400-500 words

*Please include your Program details (MSIT, MSISS, MBA, MSPM, PHDIT, etc.) in the reflection and also include your job details (job title and employer, if available).

DB #3 Student Post Reply

The students post and articles are attached. You have to respond to 3 or more students post with a reply. The instructions for the replies are attached as well.

DUE DATE: by 10am (Eastern Time) on Thursday of June 23, 2022. NO LATE WORK!!!!

Biblical principles must be applied.


Scholarly Activity: Sales Management

In this assignment, you are asked to interview a sales manager and summarize what you learned in a paper of at least three pages. Follow the steps below to complete your assignment.

  1. Create      four to six questions for your interview. When creating your questions,      make sure that you include questions that will cover the following issues:
    1. the       difference between management and leadership of a salesforce,
    2. how       situational factors affect sales leadership, and
    3. best       practices that sales managers can follow to create an effective       salesforce.
  2. Find a      sales manager to interview. You may be able to find one where you work or      through your work colleagues, family, or friends (e.g., auto dealers,      radio and television stations, and newspapers have sales managers). A      business you deal with may have a sales manager. Keep in mind that the      sales manager you interview does not necessarily have to be local because      you can conduct your interview in person, on the phone, or using the      Internet (e.g., via e-mail, Skype, FaceTime).
  3. When      you conduct your interview, remember to take notes. Be sure to record the      name and title of the sales manager and where he or she works. Start your      paper by identifying the person you interviewed.
  4. Report      on your interview in a paper of at least three pages in length. As you      prepare your report, list each question and then the sales managers      response to the question.
  5. APA      formatting is not required for this assignment.

Article Review – Production Management

Read the following article from the Automotive Training Centre.

Automotive Training Centre. (2014, April 8). Understanding the automotive assembly process [Blog post].

Pay particular attention to how the industry applies process strategy to its production.

Write at least a two-page review of the article and address the points below.

  • What is      the basic theme of the article?
  • How      has the use of the assembly line by the industry changed over time?
  • What      are some layout impacts of technological breakthroughs?
  • Based      on recent trends, how do you see automotive production evolving?

The purpose of this assignment is for you to explore how process strategy has evolved in a major industry.

Use APA style to format your article review. Support your responses with concepts from the unit readings and at least one other source. Be sure to reference your sources to document your research. 

Quality Improvement and Accreditation

  Read the attached and watch (). Address parts 1 & 2 in 500 to 600 words with a minimum of 2 scholarly sources published within the last 5 years and formatted according to APA style.

Part 1: Continued Quality Improvement 

The United States has had the highest health care costs in the world, but the quality of care has been ranked at the bottom of the industrial countries. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has prompted high quality of care with lower costs. Over the past decade, health care organizations have striven to meet various quality measures. However, there is still a long way to go. 

In your initial post, 

  • Discuss the evolution of the quality improvement movement from the global perspective.
  • Describe the relationship between health care quality and continuous quality improvement.  

Part 2: Accreditation 

Accreditation is an external review process that allows health care organizations to demonstrate their ability to meet regulatory requirements and predetermined performance standards established by a recognized accreditation entity. Even though accreditation is voluntary and has fees associated with it, there are financial and legal incentives for health care organizations to seek accreditation.

Review the information on   (, and address the following:

  • Describe the organization, including the mission, programs, and services. 
  • Identify benefits to obtain accreditation from Accreditation      Commission for Health Care.
  • Select one accreditation program from Accreditation Commission for Health      Care, and explain why it is important. 

Feasibility Study Topic and Area of Interest- 2 pages- APA- 5 SOURCES


 A detailed feasibility study is an essential element in the process of diligently assessing any new health services business venture. According to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the health care industry is currently one of the fastest growing fields in the United States, and it is projected that the field will grow by 22 percent by 2018. This is compared to an 11 percent average growth rate for all other industries (United States Department of Labor, 2012). Whether you are considering new medical service lines, an expansion of your current operation or any other type of health care business venture, a feasibility study is an essential planning tool for any future health care leader.

 Please chose a topic for feasibility study

In this assignment, you will be taking the first step toward the completion of your final assignment by settling on the topic for your feasibility study. Please read the Leff, et al (2005) article, Hospital at Home: Feasibility and Outcomes of a Program to Provide Hospital-Level Care at Home for Acutely Ill Older Patients. Reflect on the procedures and content found in the article to aid you in choosing and shaping a topic for your feasibility study. The topic you select should be of interest and meaningful to you and your career, and it must be related to health care delivery.

Create a document that includes the following:

  • Title: Proposed title for the feasibility study
  • Topic: Topic of the feasibility study
  • Description: A brief description (250-500 words) of how the proposal will impact the quality, availability, accessibility, and affordability of care
  • List of Resources: A list of five scholarly sources that you plan to use as you complete your feasibility study


  • Must address the topic with critical thought.
  • Must include the listed headings with the content required under each.
  • Must use at least five scholarly sources

Respond to Emily C

Based upon the readings, what police officers need to conduct investigations so that they would not be considered racial profiling are specific descriptions of suspects including physical attributes, such as race. If law enforcement receives information from a witness or victim that identifies a suspect’s race, that would give them probable cause to only look at people of that race, which is not profiling. Additionally, there are circumstances where if there is credible information pertaining to a locale or period of time which connects a person of a certain race to a criminal incident, officers are allowed to use race to investigate (Department of Justice, 2003). 

Lawfulness is when law enforcement complies with constitutional and statutory laws and norms while legitimacy is the public’s belief about the police and their willingness to acknowledge the police’s authority. Police behavior can be lawful, meaning they follow the law and policies as provided in the constitution, but at the same time they can be seen as not being legitimate because the public may feel that their policies or actions are unfair or discriminatory. If they view the police in that light, it will lower the community’s trust in them and therefore be perceived as being illegitimate and as not having authority, even if their actions were lawful.

I don’t think it is constitutional to regulate or utilize racial profiling in law enforcement agencies. Racial profiling violates a person’s fourth and fourteenth amendment rights. The fourth amendment protects citizens from unreasonable search and seizures, which if someone’s race is the sole reason a person gets targeted for a stop and search, traffic stop, or something of that nature, that would be violating their protection under the law. Furthermore, the fourteenth amendment guarantees equal protection of the law, and if an officer stops a person because of their race, that is a violation of the equal protection clause. Likewise, selective enforcement of the law towards people of one race and not people of a different race is prohibited as well for violating the fourteenth amendment (Racial Profiling: Legal and Constitutional Issues, 2012).


Department of Justice. (2003, June 17). Justice Department Issues Policy Guidance to Ban Racial Profiling. Justice.Gov. Retrieved June 16, 2022, from

Racial Profiling: Legal and Constitutional Issues. (2012, April 16). CRS Reports. Retrieved June 16, 2022, from

Respond to Shaye post

Good morning class, 

When reading this article when an officer is conducting any type of investigation.  Any specific crime that is conducted in law enforcement is not allowed to generalize any type of racial or ethnic stereotyping. On Febuary 27,2001 General John Ashcroft, were under review so that federal law enforcement agencies and basically the race card and the specific guidance to end racial profiling. Doing just that on March 1st of the same year racial profiling was determinded on the extent of racial profiling by those agencies. Personally I feel that when the community can trust law enforcement everything will fall into place. 

Unfortunately racial profiling happens all the time. Law enforcement are targeting people that have different color they are stereotyping just to himiliate that person(s). A lot of the time they threaten to take the person of color to a detention center, interrogations, and even illegal searches. These are just a few things that can be linked to stereotyping. On a daily basis we rely on the officers of that community to protect the community of crime that may occur. A lot of people however are living more in fear because law enforcement target minorities. Unfortunately this is nothing new because slavery has been around for many years (240 years).

To prevent any racial profiling the law enforcement need to make sure that they have a probable cause for why they are searching you or the premisis. They need to make sure that your search has nothing to do with the color of their skin or where they originated from. My children are mixed and it’s like no matter where we go there has always been an officer that has looked at them differently people always commenting saying that they dont belong with me and that I should have laid down with someone of my race. I have had my daughters old school tell me that she was going to be kicked out of school for having a bad day. There were not many colored people in that school. I have had officers accuse my children of things they didn’t do. My youngest father is from Congo and when me and him were together I would watch how harsh they treated him and they always threatened to send him back to Africa. Unfortunately this has caused a lot of problems with trusting law enforcement. Unfortunately if you want a community that trusts you, then you need to treat everyone in the community as a person. You need to not judge someone because of where they come from or what color of skin they have. We are almost done. 


Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). (2018, September 18). Racial profiling in Louisiana: Unconstitutional and counterproductive. Retrieved from

Physics Lab

Spring Constant – A Virtual PhET Lab After completing this lab activity, the students should be able to:

  • Conduct an experiment to determine the spring constant
  • Calculate the spring constant
  • Write a lab report

Lab ReportThe lab report must include the following:

  • Title
  • Introduction
  • Experimental Details or Theoretical Analysis
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions and Summary
  • References

Please visit the following website to learn more about lab reports:An example of a lab report is given on the following website:Lab ActivityPlease follow the steps given below to conduct the experiment:

  • This lab requires you to produce a lab report to determine  The Spring Constant of a Spring. This is the Title of your lab report.
  • Read the relevant chapter on spring constant and Hooke’s law and add an Introduction.

You conduct this lab by connecting to the PhET website by clicking on the link given below (or where applicable through the embedded simulation on the lab page):Attribution: University of Colorado Boulder  (If you cannot use the above simulation or cannot get to the website by clicking on the link, please copy and paste the link into your browser. If the simulation is not running, please check if you have the latest Java, Adobe Flash, or HTML5 software [depending on the simulated lab]. If you download the relevant software and attempt to run the simulation and it is still not working, please call the IT helpdesk. It also could be that your computer does not have sufficient space to run the simulation. Please check all the possibilities).

  • For this experiment, you use the Lab section of the simulation. After you click the lab section of the simulation, select “Displacement/Natural Length,” “Mass Equilibrium,” and “Movable Line” boxes (upper right-hand corner). Then, select “Earth” and the correct gravity value will appear. Move the Damping scale to Lots extreme. This will stop the spring bouncing up and down. Now, select the Spring Constant scale to the middle (middle of the simulation).  Now you can change the Mass values as you desired, but you must have at least three different mass values and conduct the experiment that will enable you to find the spring constant by plotting a graph. Once you find the spring constant from the graph, find the masses of the two unknown objects Red and Blue. You find these masses without changing the spring constant scale, since you will use the spring constant value you found from the graph to find the unknown mass. This information constitutes the Experimental Details section of the lab report. You must keep a record of all the values appearing on the screen as experimental values for the scenario. These values also form part of the Results section of the lab report. Now, complete the theoretical calculations including the plotting of the graph. These calculated values and the graph form the Results section of the lab report.
  • Now, you can complete the Discussion section of your lab report by comparing the values and discussing any differences in the theoretical and experimental values and any other information relevant to the experiment.
  • Complete the lab report by adding a summary to the Conclusion section of your lab report.
  • Submit the lab report to the relevant Canvas Dropbox

Please watch the following video to learn more about Newton’s Second Law and Momentum:Lab Scenario

  1. Calculate the spring constant of the spring by graph method.
  2. Calculate the masses of red and blue objects.

Physics Lab

Kinetic Energies and Momentum – A Virtual PhET Lab After completing this lab activity, the students should be able to:

  • Calculate kinetic energies
  • Calculate momentum and final velocities
  • Write a lab report

Lab ReportThe lab report must include the following:

  • Title
  • Introduction
  • Experimental Details or Theoretical Analysis
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions and Summary
  • References

Please visit the following website to learn more about lab reports:An example of a lab report is given on the following website:Lab ActivityPlease follow the steps given below to conduct the experiment:

  • This lab requires you to produce a lab report to, determine “Momentum, Final Velocities, and Kinetic Energy. This is the Title of your lab report.
  • Read the relevant chapter on momentum and kinetic energy and add an Introduction.

You conduct this lab by connecting to the PhET website by clicking on the link given below (or where applicable through the embedded simulation on the lab page): Attribution:PhET Interactive Simulations University of Colorado Boulder you cannot use the above simulation or cannot get to the website by clicking on the link, please copy and paste the link into your browser. If the simulation is not running, please check if you have the latest Java, Adobe Flash, or HTML5 software [depending on the simulated lab]. If you download the relevant software and attempt to run the simulation and it is still not working, please call the IT helpdesk. It also could be that your computer does not have sufficient space to run the simulation. Please check all the possibilities).

  • For this experiment, you use the Intro section of the lab. After you click the intro section of the lab, select “Velocity,” “Kinetic Energy,” and “Values” boxes (upper right-hand corner). Then, move the “Elasticity” scale to 100% elastic. Then check the box “More Data” (bottom left-hand side). Now all the values will appear on the screen.  Now you can change the mass values and the initial velocity values as per the scenario given below, and kinetic energy, momenta, and velocity values will appear on the screen. This information constitutes the Experimental Details section of the lab report. You must keep a record of all the values appearing on the screen as experimental values for the scenario. These values form part of the Results section of the lab report. Now, complete the theoretical calculations of kinetic energy, final velocities, and momenta for each scenario using relevant equations. These calculated values also form the Results section of the lab report.
  • Now, you can complete the Discussion section of your lab report by comparing the values and discussing any differences in the theoretical and experimental values and any other information relevant to the experiment.
  • Complete the lab report by adding a summary to the Conclusion section of your lab report.
  • Submit the lab report to the relevant Canvas Dropbox

Please watch the following video to learn more about Newton’s Second Law and Momentum:Lab ScenarioSet the pink ball mass as 2 kg mass and the blue ball mass as 3kg. The position of blue ball could be -1 and pink ball could be +1. Set the initial velocity of pink ball as -1.5 m/s and that of the blue ball as +3 m/s. Run the experiment and note all the relevant experimental values. 

  1. Calculate the initial and final kinetic energy values for both balls separately and then the total.
  2. Calculate the momenta before and after the collision for each ball.
  3. Calculate the final velocity values for each ball.
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