Archive for June 19th, 2022


 Each group is to prepare a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 5 slides per student not including the cover slide and the reference slide. Every slide needs to include 100 words in the Notes section. Your slides should be combined as one presentation.  Only one (1) group member needs to upload the presentation. 

Please, ensure every group member’s name is on the cover slide. You must use at least one reference, in addition to your book. You need to use in-text citations. Your in-text citation and your reference (on your reference slide) must be in APA format.

Topic for PowerPoint Presentation

Thoroughly discuss the pro’s and Con’s of internal and external recruiting.

2 Page Paper

 Part One:  What did you like about the book?  What struck you as interesting? Why did the book stimulate positive emotion? Part Two:  What did you not like about the book?  Why did the book stimulate negative emotion? Part Three:  What did you learn?  Summarize your major take-aways and intellectual sound bites.   Bottom Line:  A one sentence synopsis of what you will take away from the lesson regarding what you learned.  

200 Word Discussion

 Managing diversity well provides a distinct advantage in an era when flexibility and creativity are keys to competitiveness. An organization needs to be flexible and adaptable to meet new customer needs.  This week please locate an article and provide a summary on the organization’s practice of diversity and if it does or does not enhance its global strategy.  How could the organization better leverage its diversity practices to improve its global strategy? 

Mom and pop coffee shop

1. you need to describe the organization and indicate how its operation, management, or functioning can benefit from spatial analysis through GIS.

2. What are the sources you recommend of GIS data?

3. How do you recommend that the GIS and its data be organized?

4. What spatial analysis can be done?

5. What are the prospective benefits and costs of the GIS application?

6. How do you justify that the application offers competitive advantages?

7. You are encouraged to bring in some relevant information systems concepts from BUSB 333 (Business Information Systems).

8. One example of such a concept from BUSB 333 is Michael Porters Five Forces framework for competitive IS

marketing assignment


The final marketing plan is a presentation, not a paper.  In this assignment, students will compile the assignments from weeks 2-7 into a marketing plan presentation. Students may have to edit their weekly assignments so that they reflect their final marketing plan in this presentation.


  • Prepare a screencast or Kaltura of your presentation. Standalone PowerPoints, Google Slide, ArcGIS Story Map, or Prezis with embedded speech (little speakers), or any app that requires the audience to click or advance the frame to hear the presentation, are not acceptable presentation formats.  The required presentation format is a voiceover. It must run continuously, like a movie.
  • You may convert the screencast/Kaltura to YouTube if desired.
  • Post the link into the assignment submission portal for grading AND to the 8.1 discussion forum. Both are required to obtain points for this assignment.
  • Test the links to be sure they work — either as a hyperlink or if it is copied/pasted into a browser. 
  • You must post your presentation in both the assignment portal AND as a main post in the week 8 discussion forum.
  • Review four classmates presentations as described in the discussion forum prompt. Note the due dates of this discussion forum.  No late posts, no exceptions.


  • Create up to approximately 10 slides* (can be PowerPoint, Prezi, Google Slides or ArcGIS Story Map) for a max ten-minute presentation. Plan one slide for each assignment plus a cover slide. Create a voiceover presentation in Screencast, Kaltura or another voiceover app.
  • Create a set of slides that list your references and place them at the end of your presentation.  Be sure to show the reference slides in your presentation but do not present them verbally.  The objective is to show that your presentation is grounded in evidence and is data-driven. This may require some formatting magic, so its OK if your font is smaller on the reference slides.  The slide count may increase as a result. 
  • Use APA format.
  • Order the presentation according to the assignment number.
  • Make sure that you use a readable typeface and background.
  • Do not cut and paste the assignments from the class directly into the presentation.  Use the graphics and narratives created as appropriate in the presentation.
  • Include an introduction and conclusion.
  • This is a professional presentation it must be professional in look and feel
  • The “audience” for your presentation is the Chief Marketing Officer.

week 1 discussion


Read and from your assigned reading and consider the various stakeholders in the process of turning raw data into meaningful information for making decisions and ultimately, improving patient care. In your initial response, respond to the following questions:

  • For the stakeholder assigned to you, include the following information:
    • Describe the role the stakeholder plays in data analytics
    • Explain how the stakeholder ensures data quality
    • Describe the stakeholders role in content validity
  • Articulate at least three education and/or experience requirements for a healthcare data analyst.

the steakholder assigned to me is provider of care

Discussion Board

The Fed raised the Fed Funds Rate target by .75% today. This is the largest increase since 1994. The stock market react positively to this move today. Most were predicting this significant increase. To answer the questions below, you can use any articles from any source you wish but your write-up should be in your own words. Please answer the following questions:

1. Do you agree with the large increase in the Fed Funds Rate today? Explain

2. Do you think this will be effective in reducing the inflation rate? Explain

3. Do you think we will have a recession in the next year?

4. How high will the Fed go in the next year with the Fed Funds Rate? Explain

List any articles you have used in your answer. 

examen modulo 4

Luego de leer el documentos sobre el acceso a los medicamentos: las patentes y los medicamentos genericos. Las consecuencias de considerar al medicamento como un bien de mercado y no social, argumente sobre el siguiente caso. Puede recurrir a material complementario.

Aunque se que esta medicina esta en etapa de experimentacion y que las investigaciones son todavia incompletas… creo que hay un numero importante de pacientes — sin alternativas convencionales — a los que deberia aplicarsela. Revelarles detalles tecnicos del medicamento provocaria una desconfianza que atentaria contra la accion misma del remedio. Cualquiera sea el resultado es oportuno recetarlo y observar los efectos : en el futuro tendremos mayores seguridades.

Discusin grupal mdulo 4


La campaa de nuestro partido se va a basar en la defensa absoluta de las libertades pblicas y privadas. La idea es garantizar el respeto a la libertad de los ciudadanos en la sociedad y el absoluto respeto en las cuestiones privadas. En el tema del consumo de drogas somos partidarios del respeto de la privacidad de los individuos : todo individuo puede hacer lo que quiera con tal de que no dae a los dems. Las prohibiciones provocan ms problemas que beneficios…

Discusin grupal abierta mdulo 3

Argumenta a favor o en contra.

Desde hace mucho tiempo mi padre padece una enfermedad terminal. Su dolor es insoportable, injusto, innecesario. Los gastos que esta enfermedad nos demanda van a terminar con nuestra familia. El mdico nos ha sugerido que habra algn mtodo para adelantar el final. Nos pide, simplemente, que nosotros tomemos esa decisin…

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