Archive for June 21st, 2022




****DUE JUNE 23RD****

 Of the various marriage counseling theories and models that you have studied, which 1 or 2 most resonate with you as a counselor? What specific constructs, techniques, and interventions do you believe are the most effective? How do biblical principles integrate with the theoretical orientation(s) you have selected? 

RCH Discussion Board

Please make sure that it is your own work and copy and paste. Please watch out for Spelling and grammar errors. Please read the study guide and use the APA 7th edition format.

Book Reference: Roberts, C., & Hyatt, L. (2019). The dissertation journey: A practical and comprehensive guide to planning, writing, and defending your dissertation (3rd ed.). Corwin.

Share the specific business problem that your doctoral study/dissertation is based on. Using this business problem, provide a business-related theory or model that you may be able to use for your research study. Be sure to briefly explain the theory or model and its components. Finally, discuss how the theory or model might provide a foundation or lens for your study. When responding to another student’s post, discuss how they might use their theory or model in a way that they may not have considered. Please include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in the subject line. For example, “Tom’s response to Susan’s comment.”




Overview:  Integrating evidence into academic writing is a skill central to success in college.  Integrating evidence requires the statement of a claim, information from a scholarly source to support this claim, and an explanation as to how the claim and evidence are connected.  This exercise is a practice in integrating evidence. When you respond to your classmate, comment on how they connect claims and evidence.


Discussion Prompt:

1.     MAKE A CLAIM.  State your opinion on a current topic.  This should be 1 to 2 sentences.  Examples of claims are below:

  • The Electoral College is an outdated method of deciding elections.
  • The Electoral College is a necessary part of the election process as it aids in ensuring all have an equal voice.
  • Education in Oklahoma is falling behind because teachers are underpaid.
  • Education in Oklahoma is strong because of the growth of charter schools.
  • Playing video games improves eyesight and reflexes.
  • Playing video games can lead to violence in children.
  • Social media helps people stay more connected to their friends and family.
  • Social media leads to depression as everyone only depicts their best self.

2.     INTEGRAT EVIDENCE.  Use EBSCO Host from the OCCC Library website to find a scholarly source that supports your claim.  In 2 to 3 sentences, paraphrase or summarize the information contained in this source.  Be sure to cite the sentences using the author and, if appropriate, page number per MLA conventions.  You will also include the full citation for the source at the end of the discussion post.

Citations within the writing allow the reader to know when you are drawing on the work of others.  The full citation at the end of the writing allows the reader the information required to find the source and read it should they wish to do so.

For this activity, you are practicing paraphrasing.  Paraphrasing is a summary of another work written in your own words.  While the use of quotes from other works is necessary at times, it is often preferred that writers paraphrase the work of others more often than quoting.  Paraphrasing allows the reader to hear your interpretation of the source, rather than only directly from another author. Example (a follow up to the final claim in the list above):

  • Research on depression found that those who engage in activity on social media for at least 2 hours each day have a higher likelihood of experiencing feelings of sadness.  Further, the study findings indicate that Instagram users were less likely than Twitter users to experience depression (Burke 39). 

3.     CONNECT OR ANALYZE.  Write 2 to 3 sentences that explain how the information contained in the source connects to the claim.  This is an opportunity to provide a deeper analysis of the issue.  Example:

  • While the use of social media is a convenient way to maintain contact with friends and family, there can also be drawbacks.  Depression is a real issue with clear connections to social media use.  This research explains that limiting social media use may reduce symptoms of depression. 

4.     REFLECT.  In 3 to 4 sentences, reflect on this exercise.  What part was the most challenging?  Is integrating evidence new to you?  What other information or instruction would you like to receive to help you continue to improve your evidence integration skills?

DUE DATE 22/06/2022 @5PM


 Please answer the below questions in 250 word limit in APA format with 2 in text citations

You were selected to work on your organization’s emergency disaster plan. Outline what you would include in the plan. 

Need to respond to one classmate post. The response should be in 150 word limit (please see attached document for classmate post)



For this final assignment you will address two distinct topics as a single research paper. 

  1. Provide an evaluation of the impact of the internet and social media has had on homegrown extremism in North America. In particular, address the impact on recruitment and radicalization of extremists.
  2. Conduct an analysis of current efforts to counter homegrown violent extremists in North America. Specifically, compare and contrast various initiatives to counter extremism and de-radicalize extremists. Suggest at least one program or activity that you think could be done (or should be done more) to best counter or prevent radicalization. In making a recommendation you are not limited to the CVE activities from the readings, but you are welcome to suggest your own ideas as well (as long as they are legal and ethical).

This Midterm addresses the following course objectives:

CO-4: Describe the impact of social media on extremist recruiting and radicalization efforts

CO-5: Compare and contrast initiatives to counter homegrown violent extremism and de-radicalization efforts. 

Technical Requirements

  • Your paper must be at a minimum of 4-6 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
  • Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.
  • Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
  • Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework. 
  • Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.

RQ 3


This paper will require you to apply organizational theories, concepts, and perspectives (rational, natural, and open systems of organizations). 

Define your approved organization (STARBUCKS) as you wish in terms of the whole or of the part that is most relevant.  In 1-2 pages, provide a description of two to three problems identified. Your description need not be elaborate but should provide enough information to enable someone unfamiliar with the organizational issues to understand the essentials. This portion should be just the facts, a description, not an analysis of the key events.

After you have set the foundation, apply theories for example, (administrative theory, scientific management theory, Weick’s organizing model, contingency theory, , The Hawthorne Effect, and Elton Mayo Management Theories) learned from the course to analyze your chosen organization and its identified problems. Utilizing the three perspectives, ensure clarity is evident on areas of which system, organizational environment, and changes as part of your analysis. 

Lastly, provide a personal perspective that discusses what you would implement to address the problems to move the organization forward as part of the evolving changes for organizations today. 


The following is required for your completed research paper assignment: 

The paper must be written using the current APA format and must include a title page, an abstract, and a reference list. These are not included in the word count.

The paper must have a minimum of 10 pages 

The paper must be submitted as a Word document (.doc). Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

First-person narrative is not permitted.

Do not use bullets or listing anywhere in the paper.

The reference page must include a minimum of the following references in the current APA format (all sources must be evident within the paper):

Course textbook

Scripture and Merida text

7 peer-reviewed scholarly sources 

application assignment

You will be researching one publically traded company throughout the semester. The publicly
traded companies to choose from are:
Nike, Amazon, Starbucks, Apple, Netflix, Google, Disney World, GM, Ford, JC Penney, Kohls,
and United Airlines.
The following are the instructions for the Application Assignment:
Your paper must be a minimum of 250 words, double spaced.
Your Application Assignments will be in APA format and include writing a narrative or
abstract, at least 1 reference and sources will be cited within the paper
Find an article (or Articles) that relates your company to any two concepts, topics
and/or terms that we are studying each week.
Example of a concept, topic and term:
Topic: Motivational Theories (this is the overarching subject matter of a section of your reading)
Concept: Maslows Hierarchy of Needs (this is one of the areas being discussed that relates to
the overarching subject matter of that same section of reading)
Term: Physiological Needs (This is a very specific term that is used within the concept)
When you are finding an article, then look for something that addresses any of the above or any
combination of the above.
You may find that there are incidences when you need to find two articles to complete the
Application Assignment.
The Annual Report for your company may also be used instead of an article
Please go into specific details about your chosen concepts, topics or terms to
demonstrate an understanding of how they relate to your company
You must bold and underline those two concepts, topics and/or terms
Application Assignment Total: 10 points

Development in Flood Plains and Fire Zones

 With the above in mind, discuss the continued development in flood plains and fire zones.  Are you for or against? In you HVA, did you find that our fictitious city is at risk for a fire or flood event? Support your position with materials provided in the module or others that you have come across in your research. 

Tocqueville and Mill both offer theories about the kind of despotism or tyranny


Pt care

post with a minimum of 250 words and must contain at least (2) professional references, and cited correctly in the current APA format.

consider your last clinical experience.

  1. Identify strategies to increase the section of the circle that represents the amount of influence that scientific research has on the patient care clinical experience that you selected for the critical thinking exercise? Strategy examples might include: find and read nursing research studies, peer-reviewed journal sources, and practice guidelines from specialty nursing/medical organizations, etc.
  2. How will that scientific research affect your patient care?
  3. How do you plan to share information with classmates and staff nurses?
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