Archive for June, 2022

Case Study


Read the case study Yeti in 2020; and answer each of the questions on the attached document. 

Please follow these instructions when completing Case Studies:

  • Each question will have a minimum required number of paragraphs or pages, please meet these requirements to maximize your earned points.
  • If a question requires paragraphs, paragraphs at this level of study are 5+ well-developed sentences.
  • Students must be able to apply chapter concepts from the assigned textbook to demonstrate they understand the chapter learning objectives and how to apply these to real organizational situations.
  • You must be able to apply 3 or more chapter concepts in each one of the answers. This requirement must be met to maximize your earned points.
  • The emphasis of case studies will be on the application of learned chapter concepts to the company’s operations.
  • APA: Please include in-text citations (with p. #) for all content and external sources included.

Unit 5 Assignment – You be the Consultant: The Benefits of Premium Pricing



Find the You Be the Consultant exercise in Chapter 11; The Psychology of  Pricing.

Read the exercise carefully after having read Chapters 10 through 11, and apply what you have learned in answering the questions using no less than 500 words.

Refer to the grading rubric provided below.

YOU BE THE CONSULTANT – The Benefits of Premium Pricing

  • Use the Internet to find examples of businesses that use these or other psychology-based pricing techniques and write a brief description of the company and its pricing strategy.
  • Why do many entrepreneurs underprice their goods and services, especially when they first get into the business? Discuss the connection between the prices a company establishes for its goods and services and the image it creates for the company.

Please ensure you discuss and describe as required, providing a clear understanding of the material! You are graded on your critical thinking skills and understanding of the concepts.

Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected to be correct and professional, and references need to be fully and properly APA formatted. 

Assignment Resource(s)

Scarborough, N. M. (2019). Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. ISBN 13: 9780136879664

Unit 5 discussion

Neurological Deficit

Neurological deficit is a common result of stroke and other neurological injuries. It can result from direct injury or loss of blood flow and oxygenation of brain tissue. This neurological deficit’s symptoms can be different depending on where the damage is located in the brain, largely because of different functional areas of the brain. For example, this image from the learning map of Brodmanns mapping of functionally distinct regions of the cortex.


Pick an area of the brain to focus on for your discussion; you may pick anywhere in the cerebral cortex, diencephalon, cerebellum, or brain stem.

  • Answer the following questions; you may complete additional research as needed:
    • Describe the area you selected, where it is located, and the area’s function. Be specific.
    • If damage to this area occurred, what would the symptoms be, or what would the patient experience based on the structure’s function?
    • What activities of daily living, ADLs, would you assume as affected? Explain your reasoning.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Case study


“64-Year-Old Male Sues Staples for Wrongful Termination and Age Discrimination”

When Bobby Nickel was fired from Staples, he claimed it was because of age discrimination, but Staples claims it was due to Nickels violation of the companys zero-tolerance policy. This activity is important because it examines the sensitive issue of diversity and whether firms manage such issues effectively.

The goal of this exercise is to encourage you to look at whether firms are truly encouraging workplace diversity across all levelsfrom gender to race to age.

Read the case about the 66-year-old Bobby Nickel who claims he was fired from his job at Staples because of his age. Then, using the 3-step problem-solving approach, answer the questions that follow.

Bobby Nickel, a 66-year-old facilities manager for Staples Contract and Commercial, Inc., and Staples, Inc., was fired. He claims the company discriminated against and harassed him and ultimately terminated him due to his age.

From 2002 to 2008 Nickel worked for Corporate Express, which Staples then acquired. He received positive performance evaluations for nine years before his termination.

Because Corporate Express pay scale had been higher than the pay scale for employees hired by Staples, Nickel alleged in his complaint that his managers noted that they needed to get rid of older, higher paid employees. Nickels complaint also explained how he became the regular butt of jokes at staff meetings and was referred to as old coot and old goat,” according to blogger Larry Bodine.1

Further, Nickel claimed that Lionel Marrero, his fulfillment center manager, regularly made harassing statements like, Take a closer look at the older people. They are starting to drag and are slowing down. If they are not top performers, write them up and get rid of them. It was also alleged that Marrero said, We need young, energetic people. Walk around the facility with the older workers and if they cannot keep up, then get rid of them. We need to get rid of old people because they are slow. And we can get younger people to work cheaper.2

Nickel was ultimately pressed by a manager to resign. When he didnt, he experienced increased incidents of harassment from coworkers and a manager. This included being written up and suspended for stealing, after taking a bell pepper valued at 68 cents from the company cafeteria. A receptionist told Nickel she had been instructed by management to provide a false statement about Nickels conduct but she refused to do so,” said blogger Larry Bodine.3

Counsel for Staples contended that the company had cause to suspend Nickel because he violated the companys zero-tolerance policy when it came to dishonesty of any kind, including theft or misappropriation of company property.4

Apply the 3-Step Problem-Solving Approach 

Step 1: Define the problem in this case. 

Step 2: Identify the OB concepts or theories that may be causing the problem. For example, are stereotypes, diversity climate, or frameworks for managing diversity causes of the problem? 

Step 3: Recommend what you would do to correct the situation. Think both short term and long term. 


  1. L. Bodine, 64-Year-Old Man Awarded $26 Million in Age Discrimination Case Against Staples, February 28, 2014, .
  2. VerdictSearch editors, California Verdicts, February 26, 2014, .
  3. L. Bodine, 64-Year-Old Man Awarded $26 Million in Age Discrimination Case Against Staples, February 28, 2014, 
  4. VerdictSearch editors, California Verdicts, February 26, 2014, .

Case Assignments:  Unless otherwise noted in the assignment instructions, these should be between 2-3 FULL pages in 11 or 12 pt font, using APA format.  You should have references and citations for these assignments as well.  No title page is necessary, but DONT FORGET YOUR NAME!!  You can find information on apa format in the 6th edition APA manual, or at  .

Case Assignment Grading Rubric:

      Answer the questions completely                           50%

      Use APA Style                                                              20%

      Writing Style                                                               20%

                    (appropriate grammar, syntax, spelling, mechanics, word usage, etc)

 Length Minimum                                                        10% 

Past due Sunday speech


The goals of an informative speech are to explain a specific subject and to help the audience retain the information for later use. This will be necessary at many different points in your life education, career, parenting, etc. so this will be good practice for your future! This assignment has three parts:  Recording, Self-Critique, and Speaking Outline.

Step 1:  Record and Submit the Informative Speech

Using the informative speech outline created in Unit 3, incorporate the instructor and peer feedback to help create the speaking outline to use for the delivery of the informative speech. Then create a recording of yourself delivering the speech using recording software. Suggestions for recording software are found in the Read Me First Section in the course.

The informative speech should:

  • Include a 5-7 minute in length video recording.
  • Have good audio and video quality in the recording (You NEED to review your recording before submission to ensure good quality).
  • Have a minimum of 1 visual/presentation aid.
  • Address the following:
    • Follow the speech outline you created in Unit 3.
    • Include a minimum of 3 support references.
    • Provide verbal credit to the sources. Identify the references within the speech presentation when you share their content. For example: According to 

Step 2:  Complete and Submit Self-Critique

Watch the video recording of your informative speech video to provide a self-critique of the content and delivery. Answer the following prompts as a form of self-critique in an MS Word Document:

  • What was your process to prepare your speech?
  • What challenges did you have when preparing your speech? How did you overcome them?
  • What challenges did you have recording your speech? How did you overcome them?
  • Do you recognize the following within your speech; please explain:
    • Introduction
    • Body
    • Conclusion
    • Supporting materials with verbal citations
  • What changes would you make to the speech?
  • Provide a critique of your presentation delivery eye contact, vocal tone, and variation, presence, or lack of vocalized pauses and stumbles, etc.

Step 3: Submit Your Speaking Outline

You must submit the speaking outline you created for your delivery.

Analysis of a Persuasive Speech

Analysis of a Persuasive Speech


View the persuasive speech, Graham Hill: Why I Am A Weekday Vegetarian. Based on the video, respond to the following questions in your post:

  • What is the speakers topic?
  • Who is the speakers target audience? How do you know?
  • What is the speakers thesis?
  • How did the speaker use logos?
  • How did the speaker use ethos?
  • How did the speaker use pathos?
  • What other persuasive techniques did the speaker use?
  • Did the speaker use visual aids? If so, how did these help persuade you?
  • What defective persuasion did the speaker use?
  • Did the speaker persuade you to listen to their point? Why or why not?
  • sources are used, be sure to include citations and references in APA format.

Emotional Triggers in the Workplace

B. If you did not experience emotional triggers with moments of anger or being upset:

  • Describe how you might advise someone who was having trouble controlling his/her feelings related to specific cases and circumstances discussed in the course.

  • At this point in your studies, how do you foresee triggers in the workplace affecting your work as a human resource professional?

BA 3350, Disc 1

FYI: Mandatory Attendance Check 

Learning Objectives (LO/s) : After studying Chapter 1, you should be able to do the LO/s: 1.1, 1.2,1.3 and 1.4 – listed in the course textbook.  

Discussion: Most first-day documents for the semester are routine, however, there are some documents (students/Business Professionals) should carefully read before signing/agreeing to terms. For example, modeling workplace contracts/practices, some professors ask (Business Professionals) to sign a Student Contract before performing coursework. Although the contract, generally, repeat terms outlined in the Course Syllabus, Business Professionals are encouraged to  carefully read the document and discuss any concerns with their instructor before signing the contract. 

Why Does This Matter? Think about the above discussion within the scope of establishing credibility (academic and workplace settings). Assume that you quickly scanned the Student Contract and signed the document instead of carefully reading detailed terms. 

Question: Do you think not carefully reading information can affect your credibility?  If so, how? If not, why?

Instructions: You are expected to post your initial postresponding to the question presented for discussion. After submitting your initial post – You are required to post your reflections on 2 other classmates posts.  

Remember to add or revise your subject line to help participants follow the discussion.

Posts and responses should be thorough and thoughtful. Be brief – Posts should be ONE Paragraphs (minimum/20 words/maximum/30 words-Do NOT exceed 30 words). Use Short Sentences (10 words or fewer). *See Chapter 6/LO6.1 pages 177- 178.  

Please do NOT just post (I agree or jargon/chat or instant messaging). Your postings should make a connection between concepts from e.g. course readings, business references, prior knowledge or experiences (academic or work). 

Some other ways you can further the discussion include: commenting on or asking for clarification of another student’s statement, synthesizing other students’ responses, or posing a question aimed at furthering participants understanding.

Speech #2

Persuasive Full-Speech Outline Draft


Prepare the persuasive full-speech outline. (Please view the sample outline for more guidance.) The outline should have enough content to deliver an 8-10 minute persuasive speech. The outline should include the following:

  • Specific Purpose
  • Central Idea(aka Thesis Statement or Preview Statement)
  • Introduction capture attention, establish YOUR speaker credibility, preview the speech
  • Body key points (minimum of 3), transitions between main points, supporting materials from at least three (3) sources, including in-text references to the sources.
  • Conclusion  signal the end, summarize main points
  • Researched supporting material references (minimum 3) include a References list at the end of your outline formatted to meet the requirements of APA style.
  • Identification of a presentation aid(visual)
  • Use persuasive techniques and language

Estimated time to complete: 2 hours

This topic is valued at 40 points. 

Peer Response: Unit 6, Due Sunday by 11:59 pm CT

Persuasive Speech Outline Draft Peer Review


Respond meaningfully to at least one of your peers. In the response post, critique the outline by providing strengths and areas of improvement based on the quality of the following:

  • Introduction
  • Body w/ transitions
  • Conclusion
  • Supporting materials in-text references and APA citations
  • Were you persuaded? How was it, or was it not effective?
  • Other suggestions for improvement


Watch the video, then evaluate the speech by addressing the following: 

  • Audience: What was the speaker’s target audience? How do you know?
  • Introduction: Identify the speaker’s attention-getter, topic, and thesis. Did the attention-getter grab your interest? Why or why not? What was the speaker’s thesis or central idea? 
  • Body: How did the speaker support her claim (thesis)?
  • Conclusion: Did the speaker end strongly? Why or why not?  
  • Presentation Aids: Describe the presentation aids used by the speaker. Were they effective? Why or why not?
  • Delivery: Evaluate the delivery of the speech. What was done particularly well?
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