Archive for June, 2022

Nursing theory

1. Your community is at risk for a specific type of natural disaster (e.g., tornado, flood, hurricane, earthquake). Use Nightingales principles and observations to develop an emergency plan for one of these events. Outline the items you would include in the plan.

 2. Using Nightingales concepts of ventilation, light, noise, and cleanliness, analyze the setting in which you are practicing nursing as an employee or student.

3. You are participating in a quality improvement project in your work setting. Share how you would develop ideas to present to the group based on a Nightingale approach.

APA format, minimum of 150 words, and 2 APA references.

Business plan

BUSINESS PLANOWNERS:Business Name:Address:City, State, ZIP:Telephone:Cell Phone:Fax:Email:I. TABLE OF CONTENTSI. Table of Contents[page 1]II. Executive Summary[page X]III. Business Description[page X]IV. Market Analysis[page X]V. Marketing Plan[page X]VI. Operations and Management Strategy [page X]VII. Competitive Analysis[page X]VIII. Development Plan[page X]IX. Financial Statements[page X]X. Attachments[page X]II. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY{Name of store} will be a retail establishment shop that will sell {whatever products your store will sell, such as electronics, clothing, shoes, etc.}. We will provide our customers with excellent service and quality items. Our customers will be {kind of customer to whom you will market your goods} in {type of environment your store will offer, along with what kind of employees will be there to help}.We are seeking {money amount} for {purposes for the funds}. We believe we will be profitable within {amount of time}because the store will {what you intend to do with the store to ensure the profit}.III. BUSINESS DESCRIPTIONWe are in the retail business, and we will be selling {product}. We know that {our products} are something people will always need, and we will be able to offer those products at an affordable price because {reasons your product can be reasonably priced}.Our goal is to {state your business goal(s)}, and we will do this with {specific ways you will reach those goals}. Our business philosophy is {give your philosophy or mission statement}, and we know that we can honor that philosophy by {state some concrete things that will help you live by the philosophy}.We will be able to compete in this marketplace because {reasons you will stand out from the crowd} and because we will market to a certain kind of customer who wants {what you offer that other stores in the area dont}.We are setting up our store as {legal setup, such as LLC, sole proprietorship, etc.}.IV. MARKET ANALYSIS{Explain here whether there is competition near you. If there isnt, explain that your business will offer something no one else does; if there is competition, explain why you will be better}Our prices will be {more than, less than, equal to} the competition, and we believe they are set up perfectly because {why your prices are what they are}. The employees we {intend to hire or have already hired} are some of the best in the business. {Talk about what your employees offer, such as excellent knowledge of your product, strong sales techniques, etc.}.We are attaching {marketing materials, brochures, etc.} to give you an indication of {something that proves your store will do well}.V. MARKETING PLANWe believe that {name of store} will have the image of {kind of image you expect your store to project}. Because we intend for our customers to be {type of clients you will be seeking}, we will be marketing our new store in the following ways: {here is where you detail your marketing strategy, including a timeline, your advertising budget, and any charts, graphs or information you have to add to your description}.The market for our products is {describe what the market is doing in your area}, and because of that we believe we can {how your store will deal with the good or bad in the market, and any changes that may be coming in the market}. We have set our prices based on the current market, and they are {list of basic prices for your products, with indication that these prices can change in your particular business}. We believe they are competitive because {methodology behind setting your prices; may include solid statistics and figures to further back up your plan}.VI. OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT{Name of store} will be located at {address and/or area of stores location}, because {reasons for being located there}. The parking situation at our location is {describe the parking}. We will sell our product from this location. We {do/do not} or will/will not} have a web-based business. {If you dont, explain if/when you will be starting that}. We will have {number}employees, including {detail the types of employees you will have}.We will also have {describe your management team here}.There are things we will need in the initial startup, including {list of inventory and equipment you will have to purchase, such as your product, displays for the product, cash registers, etc.}{Note here whether you have a location. If you do, state what it will take to get it in working order; if you dont, explain your plan for securing a location}We expect our products to {details about how you expect the product to sell, including research that explains why you believe this}. Our forecast for {amount of time} is {explain your financial forecast} and we will get there by {what you will do to make your forecast a reality}.VII. COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS{Name of store} faces competition from {names of other storesthat will be your direct competitors}.{Here you detail any information you have on the competition, including sales figures and any other statistics that would be relevant to your stores chances.}Customers choose {the competitors} because {reasons why these competitors have business}. We believe {name of store}can offer an alternative because {reasons why your store will be the better choice for customers}.VIII. DEVELOPMENT PLANWe will begin our marketing plan {date} with {type of marketing that you will roll out initially}, with the intention of spending {amount of time} on marketing before officially opening {date}.Prior to opening, we will spend {amount of time} purchasing equipment and setting up our space. Our location is {non-existent, ready, not ready, in need of work} and we will {refurbish, remodel, work on it in some way, etc.} for {amount of time}, spending an estimated {amount of the funds needed to get the location in order}. The equipment will be an estimated {amount of money you will spend on everything that goes inside the location}.We have {amount of money you already have, if any}, and with the money we receive from investors, we will {explain how you will you use the money you receive}.Our goal is to {forecast when you expect to be profitable, and how you will get there}. In {amount of time} we will {indicate where you intend to be in a year, five years, even ten years}.IX. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS{Put all the owners personal financial information here, as well as a list of any investments, loans, or lines of credit you have already received for the business}X. ATTACHMENTS{Attach anything here that you have referenced in the outline. This includes graphs, logos, detailed market and competitive analysis, financial statements, and anything else you think would be important to a potential investor or lender}
You are to create a business plan using this outline for your upcoming business. Here are some details you may use when creating your plan:Name of Store: The SheSo Store (Online based store only)- A women clothing store 

  • ages: all ages 
  • Diverse 
  • All body type and sizes
  • Clubwear, casual look, and lounge sets 
  • Prices range: $25- $60 (prices may change in future) 
  • Accessories: sunglasses (purses and heels, sandals) in the future 
  • Hopefully to profit $5,000-$10,000 in the first year
  • In the state of Mississippi 
  • LLC 
  • remember you need money for inventory and proper equipments such as computer, printer, label printer, label packagingetc
  • plan to expand by selling men clothing in the future 
  • No employees 
  • In next five years plan to have $50-$100,000 profit 
  • Have not received and loans or investors 
  • Online advertising, social media, ads, flyers, business cards, email, billboards, promos 

Security Life Cycle Steps


Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Discuss the differences between the systems development life cycle (SDLC) and the security life cycle.
  • Include in your discussion both management and non-management IT security positions that perform security life cycle steps and briefly describe their role.

Unit II Literature Review

Please make sure that it is your own work. Please read the study guide. Please watch out for Spelling and Grammar errors. Please us the APA 7th edition. Please provide a Level I and Level II header and sub header.

Book Reference:
Roberts, C., & Hyatt, L. (2019). The dissertation journey: A practical and comprehensive guide to planning, writing, and defending your dissertation (3rd ed.). Corwin.

For this assignment, you will develop the beginning stages of a literature review. Using the CSU Online Library, find two scholarly, peer-reviewed articles using empirical research that is similar to the topic of your study. The articles should meet the quality standards discussed in the unit lesson. One article should use a qualitative methodology, and the other should use a quantitative methodology. Recall that these methodologies were discussed in Unit I. Review each scholarly article, and address the prompts below. 

  • Provide a brief summary of the article.
  • Describe how the scholarly articles premise fits into your overall study.
  • Show how the article supports your study.
  • Discuss how the results may influence business decisions.

This assignment should be at least two pages in length and contain headings to separate the sections of your assignment. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

Nutritional Principal in Nursing


In this video a 12 year old girl, Briana, is struggling with morbid obesity. She weighs over 300 pounds. She has been told that being this overweight will affect her health. She also feels very self-conscious about her weight and is bullied by her classmates. Briana’s parents express concern about her health as well. When her mother is interviewed about what food she serves the family she appears to be very interested in making any necessary changes. A trip to the market to find out what she purchases for family meals reveals that she does not seem to know what would be best to prepare for Briana so she can lose weight. Briana’s mother appears to be “stuck” on buying what she thinks are healthy foods which includes canned vegetables and very little fresh fruit and vegetables.

Here is the link to the video, “”

Describe how Briana’s mother should change meal preparations to be healthier. Describe strategies that might engage Briana in the process of preparing the meals.

Week 5 Article Critique

 Week 5 Article Critique

Use the Campbellsville University Library databases to do research on peer-reviewed journal articles on the topic of Current and Emerging Technology (do not use Google or Wikipedia). Choose an article that includes all parts listed in the Article Critique Rubric located on the Moodle course page. Download the file in the attachment below to type in your responses, then upload the completed file.*After downloading the word document below, type your responses directly into the word file. 

Week2 Assignment Research and Critique an Experimental Study

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, be sure to have read all the required resources for the week.

Find an experimental research study on the topic chosen in Week One for your Final Research Proposal. You may choose to include an experimental study which was included in the literature review you used in the Week One assignment by searching the reference list for experimental research studies on the topic. However, it is also acceptable to find and include an experimental research study on the topic that is not included in that literature review.

Identify the specific experimental research design used in the study. Summarize the main points of the experimental research study including information on the hypothesis, sampling strategy, research design, statistical analysis, results, and conclusion(s). Evaluate the published experimental research study focusing on and identifying the specific threats to validity that apply to the chosen study. Explain whether or not these threats were adequately addressed by the researchers. Describe how the researchers applied ethical principles in the research study.

Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

Research a current and emerging technology. Discuss possible uses or benefits of one finding.

 QUESTION: Research a current and emerging technology. Discuss possible uses or benefits of one finding. 


– The initial post must include at least one (1) scholarly source for support. You can use your textbook or current research articles (published within the past 5 years).  Cite and reference in APA.  (at least 250 words)

–  Reply to one of your classmates at least 125 words. Add to the discussion. Do not just say, good job, way to go, etc.  Your discussion question responses should reflect an understanding of the situation and the reading materials.  


Please answer the below questions in 300 word limit in APA format with 2 in text citations

1. Civility is an organizational citizenship behavior that can really impact the workplace.
2. Discuss your thoughts on “How Rudeness Stops People From Working Together.”
3. Have you had personal experience with rudeness in the workplace? Discuss.

Need to respond to one classmate post. The response should be in 150 word limit (please see attached document for classmate post)

Global Strategy and Policies

SECONDARY  REPORTS  (2  @  5%  each  =  10%):  This  is  a  two-page  overview  that includes (1) An identification of 3 key challenges, problems, and/or issues facing the focal company/industry;   (2)   a   discussion/   demonstration   of   how   concepts   from   the text/readings  can  help  us  solve/understand  each  issue  at  hand;  (3)  your  strategic recommendation  as  to  how  the  focal  company  should  proceed.  No  cover  sheet,  title information (name, date, course, etc.) is required. All that should be on your submission is your answers.

Secondary reports have two specific goals. First, it requires you to understand the case well enough to identify 3 major issues facing the firm. Second, it requires you to understand how course concepts can be used/applied to the case to make informed managerial decisions.

Secondary reports will be graded on a 10-point fish scale, based on the following weights: 0 pts. (indicating a no report), 100 pts. (Excellent), 80 pts. (Very Good), 60 pts (Good), 40 pts. (Fair), or 20 pts (Poor).

FORMAT:  2  pages  max  with  one  inch  margins,  Times  12  font,  1.5  line  spacing;  SUBMIT: through Canvas>Assignments:


Use these sources and the one which I already provided you. 




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