Archive for June, 2022

public health


Part 1

From the readings and your own research, discuss the evolution of epidemiology in public health. Choose 1 of the following key pioneers in the field, and discuss his influence and contribution to epidemiology in public health:

  • Hippocrates
  • John Graunt
  • Edward Jenner
  • Lemuel Shattuck
  • Edwin Chadwick
  • John Snow
  • Louis Pasteur
  • Robert Koch

Respond to other students who chose a pioneer different from the one you chose, and discuss how the contributions of both relate to each other. Show either how one paved the way or how one built on the work of those before him.

Part 2

Choose a disease or health condition Determine a local jurisdiction on which you would like to concentrate (city, township, county, or state). Examine the epidemiology of the chosen disease, reviewing its history and trend, comparing the national trend to the chosen local jurisdiction. Describe the local jurisdiction (population and demographics). This will be the introduction 

  23 pages in length and APA-formatted with in-text citations and references 

A component of your final project is to complete a needs assessment of your target population pertaining to the disease or health issue for which you are proposing the need for an intervention or prevention program. A component of the needs assessment is to describe the disease or health issue to demonstrate the need.  Using the epidemiologic triad of people, time, and place, provide a descriptive analysis of the health issue and the impacted population.

For data on your chosen disease or health issue, review the following data sources:

  • (You have to register for this one, but it is free.)
  •   (This is good for demographic data.)

Describe the disease in terms of the following:

  • People: Demographics of those impacted (age, race/ethnicity, gender)
  • Time: The time period of the data you are reviewing (510 years, 1 year, etc.)
  • Place: Built environment and other environmental factors

Represent the data in graphs, charts, and tables as relevant, accompanied by a brief explanation.

Describe the morbidity, mortality, incidence, and prevalence rates of the data. Describe differences in terms of age, race/ethnicity, and gender. Which age group, race, or gender seems to be most impacted by the morbidity and mortality data? What were the morbidity and mortality trends for the time period observed (5 or 10 years depending on the data)?

Zika virus infection

Zika virus infection among pregnant women can cause birth defects such as microcephaly in the newborn child. Imagine you are the mayor of a small suburban town in Florida in which mosquitoes are known to carry Zika virus. What would you do to prevent Zika virus infection in your town? If you decide to use an insecticide to kill mosquitoes, what type or class of insecticide would you use? Why?

Term 6 Unit 6 Discussions ( Please open attached document)


Term 6 Unit 6 Discussion

(ENG130 Literature & Composition)

Initial response: Henry and Walker provide stories that include symbols that are life-changing for the protagonist(s). In two or more well-developed paragraphs, answer the following prompts:

  • Choose      a symbol from either “The Gift of the Magi” or      “Everyday Use” and discuss what significance this      symbol had to you as the reader (an example of this would be the      combs Jim gave to Della and a discussion about a precious gift that you      received or gave).  Use text examples in this section.
  • If      someone were to write your life story, what symbol would be present      and why?  How does this symbol represent      you?   You can attach a picture of your symbol (an      example of this might be a baby blanket from your childhood, or a      baseball from your first game). 

(FIN201 Principles of Finance)

In considering what we have learned thus far regarding the importance of determining the cost of capital as well using capital budgeting tools, explain why it is important to understand that capital budgeting is subject to the validity of the forecasted data.  Additionally, explain whether this reduces the reliability of these types of tools.  Are there any other alternatives, or are these tools some of the most reliable that currently exist?

(CIS250 Advanced Excel)

Make sure to review Chapter 7. In this unit, you learned how to use a number of DATE Functions like, YEAR AND YEARFRAC.

  1. Why are these DATE Functions      important in Excel?
  2. Pick one of the DATE Functions used      in this unit or pick one found in Table 7.1 on Page 438. (ON PAGE 2 OF THE      ATTACHED DOCUMENT)
  3. Explain how it is used and when it      could be used in Excel.


Table 7.1 Date Functions  

  Function                                                     Description                                Syntax

DATE function

Displays the date when provided with the numeric year, month,   and date arguments; useful to display a complete date that is built from   individual cells containing the year, month, and day  =DATE(year,month,day) 

DAYS360 function  Calculates the number of days between two dates based on a 360-day year using 30 days per month =DAYS360(start_date, end_date,[method])

EDATE function Displays the serial number representing a date X number of   months in the future or past from a given date; use a minus sign at the   beginning of the months argument to calculate the serial number for a date in the past       =EDATE(start_date, months)

EOMONTH function  Displays the serial number representing the last day of a   month that is X number of months from a given date; use a minus sign at the   beginning of the months argument to calculate the serial number for a date in   the past   =EOMONTH(start_date,months)

 ISOWEEKNUM function  Returns the number of the week within the year for the specific date


 NETWORKDAYS function  Calculates the number of work days (excluding weekends)   between two dates; can optionally exclude federal and state holidays as well   as other nonwork days


WORKDAY function  Calculates a serial number of a date, given a specified number   of days before or after a date, excluding specified holidays  =WORKDAY(start_day, days,[holidays])


Long-term Assets Discussion (ACCT1105 Financial Accounting)

Top of Form

1. What is Long Term Assets? Explain the characteristics of long term assets.

2. Explain your understanding of the concept of “Lease” and state the parties to a lease contract.

3. Explain your understanding of the concept of “Depreciation”

4. Explain the following concepts.

a. Book Value

b. Initial Cost

c. Expected Useful Life

d. Residual Value

5. Explain your understanding of the following methods of depreciation.

a. Straight-Line Method

b. Units-of- activities Method

c. Double Decline Balance Method.

6. Compare and contrast Revenue Expenditure and Capital Expenditure.

7. What are the characteristics of Natural Resources?

8. Explain your understanding of Intangible assets and give three examples.

Short story essay

I am unsure what kind of essay this would be classified but its to read the story wildwood by junot Diaz.

Directions given by professor.

theAssignments on the specified due date listed below and on the Calendar.Short Story Essay The first essay asks writers to choose one relationship from one short story that the class has readand explain its significance to the story, the writer, the reader, or the context. This may be arelationship that was mentioned in the Discussions, or it may be one that you discovered after asecond reading of the story. You could argue that the relationship provides clues to the outcomeof the story, or that the relationship reveals something about a characters psychological makeup,or even that this relationship is a product of the storys setting or time or place. This essay shouldbe at least 500 words.

Please let me know if anything else is needed.

prevention of communicable diseases

As a health care professional for an international health care network, you plan to visit 7 foreign countries this year as part of a communicable disease prevention program. Before you travel, you need to provide information to your assistants about the health care services in the countries you will be visiting, as well as on the World Health Organization (WHO), the agency that is concerned with international public health.

Research using the Library and other resources to address the following in 400 words :

Provide examples that show how the WHO is involved with global health care assistance.

Explain the role that the WHO plays in the prevention of communicable diseases.

Select 7 foreign countries, and briefly describe the communicable disease situation in the selected countries. Include your statistics in a table format.

What are the possible sources of financing for programs like the one in which you are involved?

Be sure to support your information by citing at least 2 scholarly references using APA format.

Foreign Countries


Select 13 foreign countries, and provide the following information about the access, quality, and cost of health care in 3 pages :

  • Compare a foreign country’s quality of care to the United States’ quality of care.
  • Compare a foreign country’s cost of health care to the United States’ cost of health care.
  • Compare 1 of the foreign countries’ access to medical care to the United States’ access to medical care.
  • Give examples of how the World Health Organization (WHO) helps to provide health care in times of need.

Be sure to support your information by citing at least 2 scholarly references using APA format.

Assignment 1: Evaluation and Management (E/M)


Insurance coding and billing is complex, but it boils down to how to accurately apply a code, or CPT (current procedural terminology), to the service that you provided. The payer then reimburses the service at a certain rate. As a provider, you will have to understand what codes to use and what documentation is necessary to support coding.

For this Assignment, you will review evaluation and management (E/M) documentation for a patient and perform a crosswalk of codes from DSM-5-TR to ICD-10. 

To Prepare

  • Review this weeks Learning Resources on coding, billing, reimbursement.
  • Review the E/M patient case scenario provided.

The Assignment

  • Assign DSM-5-TR and ICD-10 codes to services based upon the patient case scenario. 

Then, in 12 pages address the following. You may add your narrative answers to these questions to the bottom of the case scenario document and submit altogether as one document.

  • Explain what pertinent information, generally, is required in documentation to support DSM-5-TR and ICD-10 coding.
  • Explain what pertinent documentation is missing from the case scenario, and what other information would be helpful to narrow your coding and billing options.
  • Finally, explain how to improve documentation to support coding and billing for maximum reimbursement.   



 1.  A family is gathered around in the ICU waiting room to monitor the status of a 22-year-old male, David, who sustained traumatic injuries in a motorcycle accident. He is in critical unstable condition with many wounds and severe abrasions. Davids mom keeps crying and saying, What did I do to deserve this, God? The family is Roman Catholic.

  • a.   What information should you ask the family regarding their culture, beliefs, and coping mechanisms?
  • b. The family wants to be at the bedside with David and requests to be present if he has a code blue or becomes asystolic.
  • c. What is your best response to their request?

2.  A 45-year-old divorced Filipino man with end-stage Alzheimers disease was found dead from hanging. While preparing the body for the morgue, the mother tells the nurse that he has disgraced the family and he will go to hell.

  • a.   What religious or spiritual beliefs influenced the mothers reaction?
  • b. How should the nurse respond to the mother?



Please answer the following Discussion Question. Please be certain to answer the three questions on this week DQ and to provide a well-developed and complete answer to receive credit. Your main discussion answer needs to be at least 3 paragraphs in length with 3 references to justify your answer. Use APA format.

Also, please ensure to have read the assigned chapters for the current week. 

  1. Do you believe nurses should belong to professional organizations?
  2. Describe your ideal health care system of the future.

organization background


The team project offers a context in which you can practice and develop teamwork skills through experiential learning. Your team will choose a specific company organization and choose a specific task to accomplish.  The project is organized around three main parts, namely background, discussion, and leadership decisions:

Background: You and your team members search for, gather, and organize important information in relation to your team project. Examples can include political, economic and cultural environment of the world and a nation-state, and trends in a specific industry.

Discussion: You and your team members analyze the collected background information, and identify at least three critical issues that need leaders attention and possible leadership decisions. Then your team takes perspectives on these critical issues and prioritizes one as the niche that your team project aims to address.

Leadership Decisions: You and your team members design two possible leadership decisions for the niche identified in discussion, and recommend one leadership decision over the other. Your team also proposes an action plan so that the recommended leadership decision can become reality.

Each team will present their project on June 8, 2022  Each team also needs to write a leadership decision brief for the project (1,200-1400 words), which is due at 11:00pm (PDT) Wednesday June 8, 2022. THIS IS ONE PAPER per team (not individual papers)


Background (9 points)

Emerging (1 – 4)

Developing (5 – 7)

Mastering (8 – 9)

Student describes background mainly by quoting information from the case description. Some aspects are incorrect or confused.

Student describes background mainly in his/her own words, and explores relevant

information and assumptions although in a limited way. Most aspects are accurate.

Student summarizes relevant background information accurately and interprets the information with consideration of assumptions and

their implications. This may include additional research and identification of potential biases.

Discussion (12 points)

Emerging (1 – 6)

Developing (7 – 9)

Mastering (10 – 12)

Student does not attempt to or fails to identify and summarize critical issues accurately.

Student does not analyze a critical issue from the perspective of a chosen theory and engages ideas that are obvious or agreeable.

Student does not attempt to or fails to integrate his/her world-view in the process of perspective taking.

Student shows little evidence of reflection on his/her own assumptions.

Priority set by students is unclear or simplistic with little consideration of the organizations goals. 

Student identifies and summarizes critical issues with most aspects accurate.

Nuances and key details are missing or glossed over.

Student clearly analyzes a critical issue from the perspectives of a chosen theory and engages challenging ideas tentatively although he/she may dismiss alternative views hastily.

Student integrates his/her world-view in the process of perspective taking although in a limited way. 

Student shows some evidence of reflection on his/her own assumptions.

Priority set by student is generally clear based on accurate understanding of the organizations goals.

Student clearly and accurately identifies and summarizes subsidiary, embedded, or implicit aspects of the critical issues.

Student clearly analyzes a critical issue from the perspectives of a variety of theories and engages integrating his/her own ideas with others ideas. 

Student clearly connects his/her worldview and his/her perspectives on the case in a precise meaningful way.

Student shows strong evidence of reflection on his/her own assumptions.

Priority set by student demonstrates sophisticated, integrative thoughts in line with accurate understanding of the organizations goals.

Leadership decisions (9 points)

Emerging (1 – 4)

Developing (5 – 7)

Mastering (8 – 9)

Student does not attempt to or fails to put forward two possible leadership decisions.

Student presents two possible leadership decisions although in a limited way. For instance, one option is not really viable.

Student recommends one leadership decisions without addressing the other one, or does so superficially.

Student presents an action plan although some objectives are unclear.

Student presents two viable leadership decisions with clear integration of the analysis conducted in the discussion.

Student recommends and justifies one leadership decisions over the other even with support from information not available from the assigned case.

Student presents an action plan with clear and specific objectives.

old testament


Final. Take home. Each student shall write a 4 page paper in which they critically interact with the following questions: 

1. What were the three most valuable lessons you learned in the class?

2. Why were they the most valuable?

3. How have they affected your character? 

4. How will they influence your future life? 

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