Archive for June, 2022

are people becoming too dependent on computers

Society is becoming increasingly dependent on computers and technology for functioning in every day life. Every aspect of our lives has been affected by the infiltration of computers and technology. Computers are used to conduct business from home, meet new friends and find old friends, maintain communications with distant family, and to met out some stress relief after a long day at the office. As more and more people rely on computers to succeed each day, it begs the question are people becoming too dependent on computers, your paper should look at either the historical changes that shook up society or future changes being developed now that will shake up society?

Wk 1 – Introduction to the Web, HTTP, and HTML Challenge Activities


Complete Challenge Activities 2.5.1 2.11.9 in zyBooks. You are graded on the accuracy of your performance for these activities and have unlimited attempts. The highlight of the blue chevron will indicate that all steps have been completed accurately. 

  • 2.5 Basic HTML Tags
  • 2.8 Lists
  • 2.9 Tables
  • 2.10 Images
  • 2.11 Links

telling a carefully constructed narrative that makes a point about your literacy experiences

Describe your earliest memory of writing. How do you remember that memory making you feel about writing? How did it make you feel about yourself as a writer?
What comes to mind as your single biggest writing accomplishment? What makes the accomplishment so memorable?
What comes to mind as a most challenging or frustrating experience with writing? What makes the experience memorable?
Imagine someone asking you how you learned to write. What would you say in response?
How would you describe yourself as a writer? And what examples might you give in support of that description?
Possible Prompts for Goal-Setting:

What would you say are your greatest challenges as a writer? What comes to mind as an example of that challenge?
How would you describe your writing? How would you like to describe your writing after completing ENG 101?
What do you think is most important when it comes to writing effectively? How do you see yourself meeting what you would describe as most important to effective writing?
Reflect on the feedback you remember receiving in response to your writing. What do you recall readers suggesting?
What is something youd like to be able to say about your writing?
Format: 3-5 double-spaced pages (roughly 750-1250 words) MLA format with an MLA Header

Answer 3 questions

***At  least 500 words for each question
1)    Considering social media apps like TikTok and games like fortnight does cultural appropriation negatively impact African American communities, and should it be regulated by law? Explain why or why not

2)    If music and dance are forms of love, what about those forms constitute the best of our humanity?

3)    How does community, tradition, heritage, shape and mold our conceptions of who we are as human beings?


Many weeks in our ENG 4010 class require you to write a journal. Think of these journals as your opportunity to show off how well you know the course material. Demonstrate that you have engaged with the textbook readings, thought about the ideas presented and how they will impact the way you communicate. These journals are alternatives to quizzes; writing and self-reflection about these readings are a more appropriate assessment for this course. I look forward to your reflections on the text!

Work to include specific textual examples from the text which are worth 15% of this assignments final grade.

Here is some guidance for you and a suggested outline for each journal:

Paragraph 1: Introductory paragraph. List the three major concepts from the chapters you plan to discuss in the body paragraphs of this journal. (You need at least one major concept from each chapter assigned; if we read only two chapters, select two concepts from one chapter).

Paragraph 2: Discuss the first major concept you selected. Share the name of the concept and the chapter of the book it appeared in. Provide a brief summary of the concept and how it applies to the way you communicate.

Paragraph 3: Discuss the next major concept you selected. Remember to cover all chapters with the ideas you select. As mentioned above, share the name of the concept and the chapter of the book it appeared in. Provide a brief summary of the concept and how it applies to the way you communicate.

Paragraph 4: Discuss the third major concept selected. Share the name of the concept and the chapter of the book it appeared in. Provide a brief summary of the concept and how it applies to the way you communicate.

Paragraph 5: Reflect on what you consider to be the most important idea presented in the reading for the week and how it will impact how you think about communication or how you communicate now.

Women History News Report

Attached is the instructions on completing a News Report. In the instructions is a list of articles in which you can pick one and use that to complete the assignment. Please follow these instructions step by step with in text citations and proper citation. Include quotes and examples to support your discussion as part of your responses to questions 3-7. Remember to include in-text citations and a References list for all references to the article or class learning resources, whether quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

This is due on Tuesday Morning 9am EST.

Also attached is some classroom material that can be used as references.

Jones v Clinton Case

Answer the questions below!

Read the Jones v. Clinton case in Chapter 6 of the textbook, then answer these questions:

Question: The court seems to regard Joness allegations as trivial.  In fact, hasnt she alleged disgusting behavior by her employer?  How can the court regard her claims so lightly?

Question:  What is the judge obligated to decide?

Question:  Does summary judgment mean that there will be no trial?

Question:  How can a judge decide whether there was sexual harassment without holding a trial?  We do not know whether Clinton did these things or not.

Question:  What is missing from Joness allegations?
Case: Jones v. Clinton
Facts: In 1991, Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas. Paula Jones worked for a state agency, the
Arkansas Industrial Development Commission (AIDC). When Clinton became President, Jones sued him,
claiming that he had sexually harassed her. She alleged that, in May 1991, the Governor arranged for her
to meet him in a hotel room in Little Rock, Arkansas. When they were alone, he put his hand on her leg
and slid it toward her pelvis, and later he lowered his trousers, exposed his penis, and told her to kiss it.
Jones claimed that she was horrified, jumped up, and left. Jones remained at AIDC until February 1993,
when she moved to California because of her husbands job transfer. President Clinton denied all of the
allegations. He also filed for summary judgment, claiming that Jones had not alleged facts that justified a
trial. Jones opposed the motion for summary judgment.
Issue: Did Jones make out a claim of sexual harassment?
Holding: Summary judgment for Clinton. Jones had failed to demonstrate any tangible job detriment. She
had never been downgraded in her job, and in fact had been reclassified upward. She received every merit
increase for which she was eligible. A mere change in job responsibilities, with no loss of status or pay, is
not a job detriment. The facts that her work station was changed, that she sometimes had nothing to do,
and that she did not receive flowers on Secretarys Day do not add up to a federal claim of sexual
Note: As Joness appeal of this decision was pending, the parties settled. Without acknowledging any of
the allegations, Clinton agreed to pay Jones $850,000 to drop the suit.

Collaborative Learning

Student collaboration and faculty involvement are considered best practices for online education. This week, we will discuss how to facilitate a collaborative learning environment. There are many ways to encourage collaboration in online courses other than discussions, including group projects, blogs, and synchronous group activities such as webinars/Zoom meetings.  Remember, this is not about discussions.  Think about other types of group/collaborative activities.

What do you think are the most important types of collaboration in an online class?
Is student to student interaction always necessary? Why or why not?  Explain your reasoning.
How important is faculty involvement in these activities and what should that look like?
Find an article on collaborative learning that would be of interest to your peers. Cite the source appropriately.

Collaborative Learning

Student collaboration and faculty involvement are considered best practices for online education. This week, we will discuss how to facilitate a collaborative learning environment. There are many ways to encourage collaboration in online courses other than discussions, including group projects, blogs, and synchronous group activities such as webinars/Zoom meetings.  Remember, this is not about discussions.  Think about other types of group/collaborative activities.

What do you think are the most important types of collaboration in an online class?
Is student to student interaction always necessary? Why or why not?  Explain your reasoning.
How important is faculty involvement in these activities and what should that look like?
Find an article on collaborative learning that would be of interest to your peers. Cite the source appropriately.


Please read the following Case Study and a write a memo. Please ensure you read everything in the attachment, read the rubric and make you add everything that is included below into your hiring plan. Cite in APA format. Requesting a copy of Turnitin report. 

Please use the class material attached as references. 

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