Archive for June, 2022

4 parts

Part 1: 200 COUNT 

An interesting paradox called the Paradox of Thrift arises when households become concern about their future and attempt to increase their saving.   As a consequence of such action the overall economy will suffer. Explain.  Do you agree with this assessment? 

Part 2: 200 COUNT

What are the basic objectives of monetary policy?  Comment on the cause-effect chain through which monetary policy is made effective. What are the major strengths of monetary policy?

Part 3: 200 COUNT

Find a business example of outsourcing and explain the risks and benefits this company faces by outsourcing its components or finished products.


The attached is formatted according to APA7 and should not be modified other than to enter your “response” to each.  Begin by reading the assigned chapters.  Next, carefully study each case study, then research each assignment context on the internet in order to provide in-depth answers and a minimum of 3 resources.   Remember to provide in-text citations for both paraphrased and quoted testimony from you experts.  When inserting a direct quote, remember to include either a page number or, if a web-based resource, use a paragraph number.  

WEEK 4 REPLY 2 Yenela Diaz


The unpleasant theory can be categorized into three parts: the performance of the outcome, the symptoms, and the factors that influence or result in the symptom. The theory was majorly developed to understand the relationship between symptom experience and multiple symptoms (Lee, Vincent & Finnegan, 2017). In theory, symptoms are defined as subjective to be perceived by patients in the health care system. Symptoms, in general, can be determined to be the heart of nursing care. Most of the activities that nurses on matters affecting the patient perform depend on the symptoms that the patients have on a certain illness. The nurses are responsible for assessing the symptom; develop management strategies, and helping the patients overcome the risk. As per the theory of unpleasant symptoms, symptoms are purposed according to the intensity, the distress faced by the patient, timing, and how the patient feels.

            However, it can be noted that two or more symptoms are likely to occur simultaneously in a patient, which can be identified as a symptom cluster. On occasions where two or more symptoms occur together, the cause is likely to be the same or different (Lenz, 2018). In general, the theory of unpleasant symptoms displays the impacts of symptoms on a patients wellbeing. In other words, the act of the theory dealing with symptoms displays that it is core to matters of health. The assessment tool that I would use in the patients symptoms is the intensity in terms of the pain of the symptom. The intensity of the symptom gives a chance to the nurses to come up with the appropriate management strategy in time. If a patient is in much pain, the nurses have to follow the required procedures to ensure that they treat the patient using the symptoms as first as possible to relieve the patient. It is the responsibility of the nurses to ensure that they have timing on pain of the symptom as the theory requires them.

            In conclusion, the theory of unpleasant symptoms is majorly concerned with dealing with matters of symptoms that affect the patient. As per the theory, the symptom is the core factor in the health care system as nurses or physicians cannot perform their duty without determining the symptoms the patient is suffering from. Moreover, the pain of the symptom determines the duration used for management strategies to be attained.


Lee, S. E., Vincent, C., & Finnegan, L. (2017). An analysis and evaluation of the theory of unpleasant symptoms. Advances in Nursing science, 40(1), E16-E39.

Lenz, E. R. (2018). Application of the theory of unpleasant symptoms in practice: A challenge for nursing. Investigacin en Enfermera: Imagen y Desarrollo, 20(1).

Instructions: reply the assigment on top with minimun 200 words and 2 references. VERY IMPORTANT NEED TO BE PLAGIARISM FREE.


Part 1: Submit an example RFRM for a homeland security or intelligence topic of your choice (Drug Trafficking) Consider the example risk problem from the previous assignment for which you received feedback. Select 3 or 4 phases from RFRM for your example, tailor those phases to fit your problem, simplify and focus your problem as needed. Be thoughtful, but keep it simple!!! You may consider write 1/2-page example for each phase. You may make assumptions and introduce artificialities to make this assignment feasible. (Please document assumptions and artificialities.) You will be asked to review another students RFRM so that you can receive feedback from them on your example. Feel free to openly collaborate.

Discussion leading up to this is below:

Goal: to be able to tailor and apply each phase of the risk filtering, ranking, and management (RFRM) framework to begin with a fuzzy risk problem and build it into a specific risk analysis.

Risk Filtering, Ranking, and Management (RFRM) is a framework, which means that each phase must be tailored to the goals and objectives of the risk analysis.

You are already familiar with the phases. This section now focuses on the important aspects and features of RFRM that need to be tailored. Tailoring the process helps to improve the accuracy and defensibility, and also helps to accomplish the goals and objectives of your risk analysis. For each phase, we will examine some tips for tailoring, will give you a challenge question to apply the process, and then will give you some examples continuing the mass-casualty analysis that was initiated. As we go through the phase in more detail, pay special attention to the process of iteration in which you are digging into details and then ranking and filtering and then looking for additional details.

As discussed, every risk analysis begins with scenario structuring trying to answer the question, what can go wrong? This process can fill any time that is allotted. You must begin by timeboxing which means establishing the amount of time that you plan to spend developing structured scenarios. Each other phase of RFRM is a set of concepts and philosophies that must be tailored to create a strong risk management process and strategy.

RFRM Phase    Theory & Objective    Tailoring Needs    Application Example
1    Scenario Identification    You need to establish a foundation of “perils” that provide a granular definition of what risk is being studied. HHM does this by identifying perspectives (head-topics) and dimensions (sub-topics) of the system and from their identifying numerous scenarios, e.g., of the form of [trigger, event, consequence]. PHA (which includes HAZOP and FMEA) does this by decomposing a process into functional pieces, identifying possible failure modes of those functions. DFDs do this in cybersecurity by decomposing your network into “data resources” that store, process, transit data and their connection points, then you use something like STRIDE to produce an attack surface of exploitation scenarios.

Main point of Phase I: we need to break the system down into smaller pieces to understand how failure will happen and the types of damaging outcomes we might observe.   

– timebox (set an amount of time for headtopics, subtopics, then scenarios)

– structural constraining (set a number of headtopics, subtopics, and scenarios)

– iterations (separate rounds of engagement e.g., agree to perspectives/head-topics, then decomposed a subtopic at a time, then generate scenarios, then validate scenario generation)

– threaded ( separate into separate groups, each group does HHM independently, then combine)

2    Scenario Filtering Based on Scope, Time, and Level of Decision    Filtering based on Decision maker purpose, objectives, etc.
You need to filter out all risk scenarios or system features that are out of scope. This means clearly identifying your decision maker or stakeholders and establishing some constraints for what questions the risk study is trying to answer.

Main Point: This phase is used to scope the problem around a decision and a decision maker.   

  – Is it within the control/responsibility of the decision maker?

  – Top X  most important issues to the decision maker?

– Which scenarios (or sub-topics) are relevant to the  time domain of the decision maker?

– Top X least tolerable risks to the decision maker?

– (For example, at sub-topic or scenario-level: eliminate the least important/most tolerable issues by rounds; or, select the most important/least tolerable issues by rounds)

3    Bi-Criteria Filtering and Ranking    This phase is trying to rapidly decrease the risk scenarios to those are are “more likely” and “more damaging.” If you have already done Phases 1 and 2, then you have a better understanding of the problem. You first need to decide on a rubric that is meaningful to evaluate scenario. There should be a rubric for likelihood (e.g., a common understanding of what HIGH, MED, LOW means, or some key words like “hardly ever” “sometimes” “frequently). There should be a rubric for consequences (e.g., common understanding of “mission failure” “operation failure” “life lost” “inconvenient” “negligible”…. or whatever key words help a group to have a common understanding of a relative ranking). Finally, you need a way to decide on what combinations of likelihood and consequence will result in levels of risk and filtering-out. For example, if level of risk is directly connected to patching decision, you might say that some combinations of require you to “patch immediately”, while other combinations lead to “schedule patching”, and still others lead to “can ignore.” Or you might have simple descriptions of HIGH, MED, and LOW risk ratings.

Main Point: this stage is used to rapidly filter out risk scenarios that are both unlikely and inconsequential to focus the problem.

1. Clearly define rubric for likelihood. (For example, consider a cybersecurity example in which you ask questions such as: Can it be done with basic skills? Can it be done without special resources? Can it be done without preconditions (e.g., network access)? Can an adversary easily recognize opportunity?  These questions can be used for a clear categorization of likelihood.)

2. Define a clear rubric for consequence. (For example, minor expenses from a disruption incident, major incident expenses from a disruption, disruption results in interruption of revenue stream with incident expenses, chronic/sustained revenue losses, potential to divest business/product line)

3. Need a clear rubric for risk levels based on combination of likelihood rubric and consequences)

4    Multi-Criteria Evaluation    In this concept there are a set of typical system attributes that lead to robustness, resilience, and redundancy. This provides an opportunity to evaluate scenarios against these defeat measures (such as effects are irreversible, event is undetectable, damages will cascade, etc…). This can be tailored and used in multiple ways. For example, you could map these defeat measures to families of controls (e.g., something like traditional security evaluation), or you could ranking the scenarios based on which ones represent easier defeat of the system and use it as a surrogate for likelihood, or you could select a representative set of scenarios that are representative of fundamentally different defeat paths.

Main point: This phase helps to understand the mechanisms of failure for setting up modeling, identifying management activities, or defensibly focusing on a narrower set of risk scenarios.   

– score defeat paths as a multi-criteria scoring systems (e.g., 5 points to HIGHs, 3 points to MEDs, 1 point to LOWs), rate scenarios, and keep those above a threshold

– rate scenarios and assure that you have a mixture of scenarios that have defeat paths high for each category so that you can get representative scenarios

– rate scenarios and use an orthogonality metric (e.g., Gram-Schmidt) for a selection algorithm (e.g., start with most HIGHs, then select the most orthogonal that has the next most HIGHs, continue until orthogonality of remaining scenarios is too small)

– evaluate which defeat paths are most common to focus risk management (Phase VI) concepts

– establish the defeat patterns for quantitative risk modeling (Phase V)
5    Quantitative Ranking    You begin to introduce objective evidence, modeling, simulation, calculation. If you use experts, you need to calibrate them. You will need to have specific damage measures that are applicable to your problem (e.g., hours lost, lives lost, data lost, people impacted…) This is where you force a shift to verifiable concepts, such as probability, frequency … even if you are not correct it provides a common scale for comparison and forces conversations about justifiability and defensibility. You might also introduce measures of extreme events (for example conditional expected losses or worst case)

Main point: this phase focuses on driving evidence-based, objectively verifiable computation of risk in terms of damage and frequency.   

– make the rubric used in Phase 3 have quantifyable boundaries

– elicit ranges of probabilities (or frequencies) and consequences and plot as wisker-plots on a likelihood consequence scale

– elicit distributions and Monte Carlo simulate the damage measure and plot as a “probability of exceedance curve”

6    Risk Management    This is where you select alternative controls/mitigations/remediations and evaluate the tradeoffs between their application. You might use decision trees that enable you fold probabilistic outcomes onto decisions. You might use simulation and generate Pareto optimal curves. This will most likely be a phase in which you re-engage with the decision maker to understand their tolerance (how much uncertainty of damage is acceptable or tolerable), value (how much of one type of damage, e.g., budget, are they willing to give up for another type of damage, e.g., number of exploits per year in system)

Main point: this phase is about understanding the tradeoffs between alternative risk mitigations to communicate the key aspects of the problem to the decision maker.   

– do a “with and without” analysis (essentially redoing Phase 3, 4, or 5 “with” the risk management technique)

– decision tree analysis

– fault tree analysis with scenarios

– compare exceedance distributions

7    Safeguarding Against Missing Critical Items    Once you select and implement risk management, you have changed your system. There will be secondary and tertiary consequences. You need to run back through your key assumptions and conclusions to understand the sensitivity to things that you ignored, threw-out, or will change.

Main point: Managing risk changes the system and you need to iterate over what you know to assure that you haven’t discarded something that is potentially important   

– Whats changed? (back track to each of the scenarios that were filtered to identify what has changed and see if they escalate across the filter)

– Whats new? (Use the risk management has a head topic, develop subtopics and risk scenarios based on the scenarios and repeat your tailored process)

– What did we miss? (Evaluate filtered items to look for the next best scenario and evaluate whether it changes risk management recommendations)

– Sensitivity (Evaluate how sensitive the risk management recommendation is to various rubrics and assumptions)

8    Operational Feedback    
As you implement management, you have an opportunity to establish mechanism for information gathering, sensoring, evaluating, etc. In some problems, it becomes critical to continuously monitor the solution for effectiveness. In other problems, you want to establish a learning process for risks that were downgraded for lack of evidence to monitor for evidence that might prompt and update or shift in strategy.

Main point: this last phase/concept is to establish a rhythm for monitoring and gathering data about the things that are uncertainty. This is separated from risk management, because it is something that should be considered in every risk analysis (since every risk analysis is time-bound).

– Detectability analysis (review Phase IV for those items that are undetectable and evaluate what sensors would improve detectability)

– Cassandra risks (identify risks with long time horizons and develop pre-cursors that would provide early warning in case the risks matter)

– Pythia risks (identify risks with large uncertainty due to abstractions and develop ways to push for future analyses based on future investigations)

– Lean Monitoring (identify key sensitivities, assumptions, etc. and design tests and experiments that will help validate assumptions, reduce uncertainties, etc.)

week 4 reply 1


Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms and Assessment Tools for Patient Symptoms

The theory of unpleasant symptoms suggests that healthcare providers need to find a holistic method of exploring multiple facets of the symptom experiences, including the factors influencing symptoms and the consequences of the symptoms. The theory is widely applied to various populations and symptoms. Notably, the hypothesis was built on the premise that symptoms have a lot in common (Gomes et al., 2019). As a result, the hypothesis is broad enough to be applied to a wide spectrum of symptoms. There are four dimensions to symptoms: timing, intensity, quality, and distress. Each of these qualities is quantifiable. The symptom experience can be influenced by various factors, including physiologic, psychological, and environmental aspects.

Furthermore, symptoms may impact performance outcomes such as seeking medical help or quality of life. Notably, as the hypothesis has evolved, more emphasis has been placed on the possibility that symptoms interact, possibly catalyzing one another (Iragorri & Spackman, 2018). Symptoms may influence influencing factors through feedback, and changes in performance may have a reciprocal effect on symptoms and influencing factors. The theory indicates the complex nature of the symptoms, which involve innumerable potential variables.

A good assessment tool for patient symptoms will assess the patients emotional and physical symptoms (Christalle et al., 2019). It will ensure that pain management includes their social environment and physical symptoms. The causes and symptoms of chronic and acute pain are detailed along with the different assessment tools used, and for the patients, they are suitable (Gomes et al., 2019). Through assessing various factors, other than just the current patient symptoms, the initial assessments will cover a lot of ground since they are used as part of much wider exercises designed to help health professionals understand why the patients are seeking treatment and what treatment and interventions will be suitable for their physical symptoms, social environment, and their emotional issues. The assessment tool needs to provide healthcare providers with a broader understanding of the patients current situation. Pain assessments after this point may focus on a smaller range of pain experiences to monitor treatment, the course of the disease, and the patients recovery process.
The assessment tool should also allow the patients to lead or participate in discussions about their pain. Nurses have to consider patient participation before choosing the most appropriate assessment strategy. The self-reports of pain-guided questions are the best way to assess pain. The assessment tool also needs to consider patients who cannot verbally report pain and provide a range of methods they can use to rate the pain. The tool should assess the patients behavioral signs of pain, including physiological changes (Christalle et al., 2019). It should also assess the psychological aspects of pain. For instance, a patient with cancer may have emotional issues that could intensify their pain. Such a patient has a considerable burden of treatment, leading to other conditions such as depression, which can exacerbate cancer symptoms. The assessment tool should include social and psychological factors that may exacerbate the physiological signs (Melile et al., 2022). For instance, a patient with considerable pain from cancer may demonstrate behavioral signs such as crying out and rocking. The patient may also have panic attacks, which may increase their heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure 


Christalle, E., Zill, J. M., Frerichs, W., Hrter, M., Nestoriuc, Y., Dirmaier, J., & Scholl, I. (2019). Assessment of patient information needs: A systematic review of measures. PloS One14(1), e0209165. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0209165

Gomes, G. L. L., Oliveira, F. M. R. L. D., Barbosa, K. T. F., Medeiros, A. C. T. D., Fernandes, M. D. G. M., & Nbrega, M. M. L. D. (2019). Theory of unpleasant symptoms: critical analysis. Texto & Contexto-Enfermagem28.

Iragorri, N., & Spackman, E. (2018). Assessing the value of screening tools: reviewing the challenges and opportunities of cost-effectiveness analysis. Public Health Reviews39(1), 1-27.

Melile, M. B., Moga L. F., & Ena D. L. (2022). Pain assessment practice and associated factors among nurses working at adult care units in public hospitals in Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia, 2021. BMC Nursing21(1), 1-7.

Instructions: write a reply about that presentation, minimium 200 words with 2 references. VERY IMPORTANT PLAGIARIM FREE.

6-2 Module Six Assignment


In this assignment, you will explore how the professional practice of policing changed to address the issue of homelessness in our current time and how community policing helps address the issue of homelessness.


In the past two modules, you have explored how the professional practice of policing has adapted to the needs and demands of the time, along with the value of community policing. You will now apply this information to highlight the relationship between societal needs and professional practice specific to a scenario. This information will help you prepare for submission of Project Three, due in Module Eight, in which you will address the issue of homelessness in Los Angeles.

First, review the Project Three Instructions and Rubric document and familiarize yourself with the elements of this project. Next, review the Project Three Scenario document that ties directly to the project. Then, research the issue of homelessness in Los Angeles. The following resources will assist you as you begin your research:

  • Reading:
  • Reading:

Consider what the Los Angeles Police Department has done in the past to address this issue and what it is doing now. Also, consider how community policing may have affected this. Use the rubric criteria listed below as headings to format your writing.

Community Policing: Principles

  • Describe the principles of community policing.

Community Policing: Valuable Approach

  • Explain how community policing is a valuable approach for todays problems.

Community Policing: Homelessness in LA

  • Explain how community policing concepts and principles can be applied to the issues surrounding homelessness in LA.

Professional Practice of Policing: Tactics

  • Describe specific tactics the LAPD has used in the past to address the issue of homelessness.

Professional Practice of Policing: Strategy

  • Explain what strategy of policing the tactics illustrate.

Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:

  • Describe the principles of community policing.
  • Explain how community policing is a valuable approach for todays problems.
  • Explain how community policing concepts and principles can be applied to the issues surrounding homelessness in LA.
  • Describe specific tactics the LAPD has used in the past to address the issue of homelessness.
  • Explain what strategy of policing the tactics show.

Guidelines for Submission

This assignment must be submitted as a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document. Any references should be cited in APA format. For more information on APA style, review the .

6-2 Module Six Assignment


In this assignment, you will explore how the professional practice of policing changed to address the issue of homelessness in our current time and how community policing helps address the issue of homelessness.


In the past two modules, you have explored how the professional practice of policing has adapted to the needs and demands of the time, along with the value of community policing. You will now apply this information to highlight the relationship between societal needs and professional practice specific to a scenario. This information will help you prepare for submission of Project Three, due in Module Eight, in which you will address the issue of homelessness in Los Angeles.

First, review the Project Three Instructions and Rubric document and familiarize yourself with the elements of this project. Next, review the Project Three Scenario document that ties directly to the project. Then, research the issue of homelessness in Los Angeles. The following resources will assist you as you begin your research:

  • Reading:
  • Reading:

Consider what the Los Angeles Police Department has done in the past to address this issue and what it is doing now. Also, consider how community policing may have affected this. Use the rubric criteria listed below as headings to format your writing.

Community Policing: Principles

  • Describe the principles of community policing.

Community Policing: Valuable Approach

  • Explain how community policing is a valuable approach for todays problems.

Community Policing: Homelessness in LA

  • Explain how community policing concepts and principles can be applied to the issues surrounding homelessness in LA.

Professional Practice of Policing: Tactics

  • Describe specific tactics the LAPD has used in the past to address the issue of homelessness.

Professional Practice of Policing: Strategy

  • Explain what strategy of policing the tactics illustrate.

Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:

  • Describe the principles of community policing.
  • Explain how community policing is a valuable approach for todays problems.
  • Explain how community policing concepts and principles can be applied to the issues surrounding homelessness in LA.
  • Describe specific tactics the LAPD has used in the past to address the issue of homelessness.
  • Explain what strategy of policing the tactics show.

Guidelines for Submission

This assignment must be submitted as a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document. Any references should be cited in APA format. For more information on APA style, review the .

Mini Ethnography

An ethnography is a type of primary research that provides a scientific description of the customs of people and cultures. Ethnographic research is primarily used in the anthropology, sociology, and communication disciplines. To learn more about how you might be able to utilize ethnography in a company or organization, read this article from the Harvard Business Review, Ethnographic Research: A Key to Strategy. (Links to an external site.)

For this assignment, you will conduct a Mini Ethnography of a place. Visit a cultural center you have never visited before. Keep in mind that almost anything can serve as a site of cultural activity including restaurants, places of worship outside of your faith community, parks, or stores catering to specific cultural communities (i.e., specializing in crafts or a specific kind of sport). Draft a document of 400-500 words reflecting on your experience.

Using techniques from ethnographic research, be sure to include the following in your reflection:

What did you notice first and why?
Describe the cultural center itself as well as the people frequenting the site.
Describe one unique element of the cultural center. Why was this element unique to you?
Describe one element you have in common with those who frequented the cultural site during your visit.
Did you feel uncomfortable or out of place? If so, why? If not, why not?

Game Theory & Strategy

Imagine that you own a pharmacy in your area. One of your competitors launches a We will not be undersold campaign, which promises consumers 150 % of any difference between its prices and the advertised prices of other pharmacies. In 300 to 400 words address the following:

-Evaluate the social issues in your community as well as the economic culture that is influencing this type of pricing competition. 

-Develop and describe a microeconomic model that is responsive to the service demands of your market. 

-Based on your conclusions, how would you react to this situation, and with what business strategy would you approach this? 

-How might you apply game theory to the creation of your strategy?

Must use at least two scholarly sources formatted according to APA style.

6-1 Discussion: Policing on American Indian Reservations Communications for Different Audiences

Policing in Indian Country is different than the typical policing we see on an everyday basis. The culture, geography, and economy affect how law enforcement officers do their job. For this discussion, you will identify the problems and challenges law enforcement officers face in Indian Country and explain how community policing may be applied to remedy these issues.

First, ensure that you have read the required resources for this module, specifically, the article .

In your initial post, you will discuss the American Indian reservation. In one paragraph, address the following:

  • Identify the problems and challenges that are prevalent on American Indian reservations.
  • Explain how the strategy of community policing may be applied to law enforcement on reservations. How may community policing address the problems and challenges? Are there any downfalls to utilizing community policing in Indian Country?

Forced Migration

It is a high-level political sicence course, the course subject is forced migration so the assignment is also with the same subject intention.

I need a 5 slide presentation (with specifications exactly as below) + 750 word max  presentation note as if the document is the presentation and walking the audience through the slid.


It is vital that the presentation and accompanying notes reference the sources from which the information is derived.

A) Presentation Slides to be submitted as a PowerPoint document or PDF
Design a set of presentation slides per the template list given below.


The slides must be structured as follows:

1.Title page
Title of the presentation
Name of the presentation author
Date on which the presentation is made (this can be the assignment submission date)
2.Background to the organization
Name of the organization
When the organization was founded
Other relevant background
Maximum 10 bullet points
3.What the organization does
Mission of the organization
Core activities of the organization
Other relevant information about the organization’s work
Maximum 10 bullet points
4.Example of a recent project
Name of the project
When the project took place
What the project did
Other relevant information about the project
Maximum 10 bullet points
5.List of references used for the presentation
To be given as a bibliography

The presentation must be easily readable, and the style must be fully consistent throughout.
The presentation must not include any images; only text can go on the slides.
There is no word limit for the presentation (but note the maximum bullet points per slide).

B) Presentation Notes to be submitted as a Word document or PDF
To accompany the Presentation Slides, include Presentation Notes of up to 750 words. The bibliography is not included in the word count, but everything else is included.

The Presentation Notes must elaborate upon the Presentation Slides, following the same format as the presentation. The Presentation Notes must therefore include the following subheadings:

Title page
Background to the organization
What the organization does
Example of a recent project
List of references used for the presentation (bibliography)
Under each subheading, the notes must include full sentences, in paragraph form, which talk the reader through the slides, as if the author were talking through the presentation.


Your presentation notes must conform to the following formatting requirements:

The page header must include your name and student number.
Referencing must be consistent throughout and must follow the APA citation style (see: to an external site.).
Margins must be set to Microsoft Words Normal setting (2.54cm on all sides).
Pages must be numbered in the bottom footer.
The presentation notes must be no longer than 750 words (not including the bibliography).

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