Archive for June, 2022

Social Work

With recent reports of failing school districts, should the government provide school vouchers that allow parents to send their children to any school, public, or private?

Submission Details
You must make an initial post before you are able to view the posts of your peers. The post should be a word count of 250-300 words.

Discussion 4

What do you see as similarities and differences between the research process, the Evidence-Based Practice process, and nursing process? Include rationale to support your response.


Submission Instructions:

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.

Project: Project Part 2

 Already the project one done. Now Project 2 needs to be completed. 



1.  Incident Management  

2. Access Management

  Primary focus should be on these steps.


As a team you may select a different game template or keep the same one from the one your team used in Part 1. 


Each team member should do the research to discover the Objective, Scope, and Value of the selected process and function for their part of the project, part 2.

Objective of  Incident Management  

Objective of Access Management 


Scope of Incident Management  

Scope of Access Management 


Value of Incident Management 

Value of  Access Management 

STEP 9: Game name is “Pair Up” I’m the screenshots, link and sample PPT of this game.


Just like part 1, each member should build the game with their selected knowledge process and function.

Important Note: This assignment needs to be completed in PPT.   In order to get an idea I’m attaching the sample PPT part 1 assignment which we did as team project.

Please go through the word document named “ISEM570_Project_R13” which involves Steps 6 to 9.

Already Step 6 is done. Now the primary focus will be on Step 6, 7 and 9. 

Wk 3 – Apply: Project Metrics

Answer all on attachment. Thanks.

Use the (please open attachment) to:

  • Create at least 3 measurable project objectives for each quadrant of the scorecard based on your analysis.
  • Determine targets, timelines, and metrics for each objective.

Explain the following in 350-525 words on the Balanced Score Card Template:

  • Why these objectives are appropriate for the project.
  • Why these metrics and timelines are appropriate for your strategic plan.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Paper instructions
Respond to the following in a minimum
of 175
How do you define primary
group and secondary group?
Which primary and secondary
groups have most affected your
socialization process? What
values, beliefs, or norms from
each group have influenced you?
In your opinion, which group in
the United States is the most
important or influential to the
most people? (For example,
Congress is a group that makes
decisions that have far-reaching
consequences affecting macro-
level issues as well as everyday
lives.) How is the group you
identified either functional or
dysfunctional in their influence?

Write a summary of the document

Please write one or two pages about payroll fraud in different companies or industries. Disscuss advantages and devetages if:

If the payments are being made properly 

If all employees that are paid actually exist 

If terminated employees are no longer being paid

If excessive overtime is being properly monitored

NSG 550 Diagnostic Reasoning

A 48-year-old white man presents with unremitting right flank pain. He denies dysuria or fever. He does report significant nausea without vomiting. He has never experienced anything like this before.

  • What is the probable diagnosis?
  • What are other possible diagnoses?
  • At this stage of the case study, what diagnostic studies and basic treatments are most appropriate to order and why?

Please be specific and precise with answers. A table format or bullet points would be beneficial in presenting your information with clarity or organization.

Reference for management of the case study:

Post your initial response and respond to one student. Both responses should be a minimum of scholarly written, APA formatted, and referenced.  A minimum of 2 references are required 

week 2 assignment


This week, you were asked to read the classic article by Donabedian on structure, process, and outcomes. This article is fundamental to understanding the evolution of performance improvement in health care and aligns closely with systems thinking. As a current or future health care administration leader, how might Donabedians model impact your health services organization?

For this Assignment, review the resources for this week that are specific to Donabedians model and reflect on the model for health services organizations. Think about how you might apply Donabedians model to a health services organization, including how the model might be important for systems thinking.

The Assignment: (34 pages)

  • Explain how you might apply Donabedians model to your health services organization or one with which you are familiar.
  • Describe the structures, processes, and outcomes of the health services organization you selected.
  • Draw a diagram representing Donabedians model specific for the health services organization you selected.
  • Explain the importance of understanding Donabedians model and how this model links to systems thinking




1. Watch this film (important: Click on the cc on the bottom left corner to read the captions as you watch the film):
Angel Island Immigration Station Video (

Provide specific examples from the film of how Chinese immigrants and Chinese Americans were personally affected by Angel Island immigration experience.

2. Watch this film:
(U.S. Office of War, 1943) (

Answer the following questions

  1. Who is the intended audience for this film?
  2. What central message is the film trying to convey to its audience?
  3. Do you think this film served as an effective propaganda tool for the U.S. Government to gain the support of Americans for the process of Japanese Internment? Why or why not?
  4. What do you think Japanese Americans from that time-period would have thought of this film?



  • Choose a gender stereotype that still exists. Again, it may be a stereotype in any culture or specific country. Briefly describe the stereotype and the culture in which it existed, including the country of origin.
    • Explain the effects that the stereotype has on the individuals of that gender.
    • Explain the effects the stereotype has on society, specifically the impact on family, education, work, health, sexual attitudes and behaviorsand anything else you feel is relevant. Explain what difference there might be, for individuals of that gender and for society as a whole, if the stereotype disappeared today keeping in mind the social areas you discussed in the previous question.
    • Explain what perpetuates the stereotype.
    • Explain whether or not this stereotype has impacted a specific culture from the one or country in which it originated (such as, beliefs of immigrants influencing the views of neighbors in their new homeland).
    • Explain how, if at all, this stereotype has impacted you personally.

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