Archive for June, 2022

knee examination

Although an Athletic Trainer may perform many other tests for the Knee, the focus of our activity will be on the following:  Anterior and Posterior Tests and the Valgus/Varus Test.  

The evaluation scheme is divided into four broad categories:  history, observation, palpation and special tests.  (HOPS)

History:  Present Injury, Mechanism of Injury, Injury Location, Pain Characteristics, Joint Responses, Determining chronic vs. acute, history of injury 

Observation:  Is there deformity?  Limp?  Are movements slow, jerky, asynchronous? Is the patient unable to move the body part?  Are there unnatural protrusions or lumps?  Postural malalignment?

Palpation:  Done by a licensed athletic trainer.  Bony palpation, soft tissue palpation, movement assessments, goniometric measurements (done today in class), manual muscle testing, Neurological tests:  sensory, reflex, projected vs. referred pain, motor testing

Joint Stability Testing:  Accessory, Functional Performance, (done in class today) Postural Examination, Anthropometric and Volumetric measurements.

Special Questions (Regionspecific historical examination)

  • Any back or leg pain? (Is pain in a dermatomal region – pain in the knee can be referred from the back)
  • Is there hip or ankle pain? (Knee pain can be referred from the hip or biomechanically affected by the ankle)
  • Did the patient hear a pop/click at time of injury?
  • Does the knee give way? (instability/rupture of ligaments)
  • Does the knee lock? (meniscus, true locking associated with bucket handle tears)
  • Did the knee swell? How quickly? Where is the swelling? (Intra articular/ extra articular; immediate swelling usually indicates trauma within the knee such as ligament damage)
  • Was there bruising? (Immediate bruising indicates significant trauma
  • Cough/sneeze cause pain?
  • Age The following conditions are not exclusive to these age groups but a higher prevalence is noted in these populations (elderly OA?, young osgoods schlatters, middle aged- meniscal).
  • Type of shoes ( wear patterns/age of shoes/proper design)

1.  After reviewing the video (provided above), working with a partner, perform the four special tests demonstrated:  Anterior/Posterior Tests, and the Valgus/Varus Tests.

2.  Discuss your findings with your partner and work collectively to complete your assignment below. 

3.  Type your answers and submit individually.  Describe the technique for each test performed,  when the test is used, the ligament the special test is designed to evaluate and discuss the evidence of the result (positive or negative).  Please submit your answers to these questions for each of the four (4) tests performed.  

Probability & Normal Distribution excel spreadsheet & word document

On a spreadsheet should have 20 “height” values listed below, along with my height of 64 inches as the “x” value. And then remember, you’re going to find the mean and the sample standard deviation. Give us a background. People that you chose maybe come up with an Excel spreadsheet. Where do you have? You don’t have to give names like personal information, but you could do gender, age, location. And then of course, let us know their heights. How did you choose your participants? Was it a systematic sampling method, was a convenience? Was it cluster stratified? And let me clarify one thing. I know that I said in my lecture, the convenience is not always the best, but it’s still, It’s still used very octets. So don’t feel that you’re going to get points taken off just because he used a convenient sample. Okay. But I want you to know what a convenience sample is and make sure that you’re choosing the right sampling method that describes what you did to gather data. Okay, so you’re going to answer these questions. Then you’re going to use the empirical rule. So you’re very comfortable with this now, since we just did it, you’re going to put in the mean and the sample standard deviation. And tell me what these values tell you about the heights of the people in your study posted a screenshot of your work, then you’re going to use the normal distribution, okay, which we’ve used. And you’re going to post a screenshot comparing your height. So you want to make sure to know how tall you are. And so you’re going to put how tall you are in for x (64 inches), the mean, and a standard deviation based off the 20 values. And then tell me what this means, and that’s it.

**These spreadsheets are examples of what should be used for the height data (inches per person)…60, 60, 62, 64, 65, 65, 65, 66, 67, 67, 68, 68, 69, 71, 71, 72, 72, 73, 74, 75

**answer questions about the spreadsheet explanation in a word document with APA references

*use of probability & normal distribution

*use excel spreadsheets & interpret results

Health Care Delivery

On the website:
1.    Enter each of the following terms separately:
A – Medicare
          B – Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
2.    For each term above filter by selecting Health Care Delivery under Policy Topic.

3.    Once the filter has been applied, answer the following questions:

A – How many policy statements are found?
B – Select two policies and describe how the policy will impact health care delivery.

Medicare (2 paragraph Total)
1. Policy A (1 paragraph)
2. Policy B (1 paragraph)

Childrens Health Insurance Program (2 paragraph) Total)
1. Policy A (1 paragraph)
2. Policy B (1 paragraph)

Support your answer with fact and cite resources.

In Text Citations

APA scholar references

Professor MacQueen


Throughout the course, you have examined how historical events impact current events. Historians are often motivated to partly study the past because that knowledge can help us frame, compare, and understand modern problems. However, what responsibilities does an ordinary citizen have to know a particular history (such as different historical perspectives, different historical times, and different geographical regions) or to have the skills to study history effectively?

Discuss what responsibilities, if any, citizens should have related to being historically informed. For example, what historical inquiry skills might be important for a citizen to have to address current global challenges?

Think about a challenge, opportunity, event, or issue that affects your community. How might being more historically informed impact how you understand that issue or how you take action?


Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • What are some benefits of maintaining compliance?
  • How can you make employees and managers care about compliance?
  • Identify a compliance training in your organization and a strategy you can use to engage employees in the training.


Imagine you work for a manufacturing company. The executives are concerned that the latest safety report shows a 20% increase in accidents. Theyve asked you to take immediate action and do additional safety training for all employees. The director of HR expressed concern and wants to conduct a needs analysis first.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

  • Do you agree with the executives or the HR director? Justify your perspective and provide at least 1 specific example to support your view. 

Deliverable 2 – Gender Diversity Training Guide Section

Assignment Content

  1. Competency
    Formulate strategies for conducting business and managing employees in a global society.
    Student Success Criteria
    View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.
    You are the hiring manager for a large tech company. You are in the process of recruiting new employees for a global expansion project and seeing a large percentage of females entering the tech industry over the past few years. Because of this, the CEO has asked you to put together a part of the new training guide on the rights and responsibilities relating to gender diversity in the workplace.
    Develop a section of the training guide that:
    • Provides an introduction of gender diversity in the workforce.
    • Describes any existing legal protections for gender diversity in the workforce.
    • What do these policies cover, and what are their limitations?
    • Discusses the EEOC- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission what is it?
    • What is its role in protecting gender diversity in the workforce?
    • Explains how a company’s global expansion might affect its gender diversity strategy with example.
    • Illustrates why effective diversity planning is so important to a global company and what role ethics play in planning and implementation.
    • Provide examples of strategies for conducting business and managing a diverse global workforce.
    • Be sure the 2-3-page training guide section displays proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and credible sources cited in APA format.

Exercise Therapy

Explain the differences between muscular strength and muscular endurance in your own words. When is it best to engage in each?

List the PNF exercises you include in a rehabilitation exercise program. Describe the following for each:
How to properly perform the exercise
The benefits of including the exercise in a rehabilitation exercise program

Pros and Cons of Sexual Reproduction Presentation

There are two general modes of reproduction: sexual and asexual. Some organisms can reproduce using just one method, while others have the option to reproduce either sexually or asexually. Given the choice, which one should an organism perform? Most organisms reproduce sexually. Are there advantages to this? Are there disadvantages to this?

For this assignment, you will prepare a slide presentation detailing the major advantages and disadvantages of sexual reproduction. Imagine that this is a presentation for a middle school class, and the terminology you use must be easily understood.

For this slide presentation, you should include

Advantages of sexual reproduction.
A specific example (including the organism) where sexual reproduction has been beneficial.
Disadvantages of sexual reproduction.
A specific example (including the organism) where sexual reproduction has been detrimental.
A list of the references used.
You will produce a series of slides that address the pros and cons of sexual reproduction. You should prepare these slides as though you would use them as a visual companion to an oral presentation. Be sure to proofread your slides and ensure that they are visually appealing (clear, easy to read, appropriate colors, etc.).

To create your presentation, you use either MS Powerpoint or Google Slides. You should include a minimum of 10 slides (not counting an introduction and reference slide). Your submission will be a presentation file that you have created.

Keep in mind that these slides are meant as a prop for an oral presentation. This means, they do not need to include all the words that the presenter would be speakin

Economic Forces of Healthcare

  1. Complete the  prior to working on this assignment. Document your thoughts as you read. 
  2. Conduct additional research for the following issues. Use the resources at the to obtain at least three relevant, scholarly sources.
    • in Understanding the U.S. Health Services System (4th ed.) by P. L. Barton indicates that sources of funds for select personal health expenditures vary considerably.
      • What services are supported in large part by private health insurance? By the federal government? By out-of-pocket expenditures?
      • What do these funding sources suggest about the population utilizing these services? What might they suggest about other populations or system factors?
    • Total expenditures for health care in 2007 were 83 times the total expenditures for 1960, increasing from $26.9 billion to $2.2 trillion.
      • What factors contributed to this increase?
      • How much did each factor contribute to this increase?
  3. Write a three- to four-page paper, in which you address each of the items that you researched. Incorporate your notes from the readings as well.
    • You must incorporate research into your paper from at least three relevant, scholarly resources.
    • Follow all applicable regarding in-text citations, list of cited references, and document formatting for this paper. Failure to properly cite and reference sources constitutes plagiarism.
    • The title page and reference list are not included in the page count for this paper.
  4. Copy the  for this assignment and append it to the end of your paper before you submit it for grading.

Week9 jr

Reading Life Stories of Recent MBAs: Leadership Purpose (JGR100 ebook) will help you get into the minds of recent MBA graduates and learn from their individual experiences pursuing purpose. After reading the article, answer the following questions:

1. Do you see a common thread among the stories?

2. What can you learn from these stories as you are creating your own game plan?

Healthcare Stats


Pageof 2ZOOM

Correlation Assignment
MOHA 570
Part One Instructions:  A healthcare researcher would like to answer the following research question: Is
there a correlation between occupancy rate and percent of residents with catheters?  Using what youve
read about correlations in Field, a null and alternate hypothesis for this research question.  Using the
SPSS-generated output box provided below, compose an APA-formatted results interpretation paragraph.
OccRate cathedres
OccRate Pearson Correlation 1 -.100*
Sig. (2-tailed) .046
N 400 400
cathedres Pearson Correlation -.100* 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .046
N 400 400
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Results and Interpretation:
Part Two Instructions: Use the Excel file provided in Canvas to calculate the correlation
coefficient between total hospital expenditures and obesity rate.  Paste the coefficient and
interpretation here.  (formulas > more functions > statistical > correl OR data > data analysis
(may be an add in) > correlation).

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