Archive for June, 2022

Capitalism and Socialism: Case Study: Uber

REFLECT (use this info to complete the assignment below): Keep in mind that Uber has presented itself into the market not as a transportation service but as a service that pairs consumers with ride sharing services by means of a unique phone app. But some sourcesincluding the taxi industry and one California court finding (details in the required material), as well as the characterization of Uber presented in Section 2.5 of the textbookseem to challenge this branding. According to these sources, Uber is avoiding laws that apply to the transportation industry and, thereby, usurping a rightful place that the taxi industry has carved for itself. Consumers, on the other hand, have shown their preference for Uber by a high demand for its services in the USA and abroad, including those countries in which Uber has been banned. Compared to taxis, Uber offers consumers an efficient system for procuring a ride even in remote areas where taxis do not frequent, a convenient payment method (no need for cash, and fares can be split among different users on the same ride), and significantly cheaper fares compared to taxis. In many instances, Uber cars come equipped with water, candy, and magazines, all for free. Uber drivers are also better off because they keep the majority of the fares for the rides that they service, which is exactly the opposite case of taxi drivers, and they can choose when they want to work. Clearly, this is a controversial case and thus very apt for the examination for this discussion.
Keep in mind that a nations economic system is shaped by the laws that are in place. Accordingly, laws (including state regulations and local ordinances) will give you a clue for the kind of economic system that exists. Keep in mind also that most nations have mixed economies and there is probably no economic system that purely represents socialism or capitalism. So you will find a different combination of both socialism and capitalism in any nation that you are examining.

ASSIGNMENT: You have four tasks for your initial post. In order to present an organized post, address each one of these tasks in a separate paragraph and in the following order. Your first task is to articulate the economic system (or combination of characteristics of both socialism and capitalism) that such laws depict. Your second task is to examine the laws that either support or limit the operations by Uber. Your third task is to analyze how your findings from your first and second tasks affect Uber. And your fourth task is to present your moral position with regard to Uber. For this latter task, you will need to identify one of the three ethical theories covered in the Week 1 (utilitarianism, deontology, or virtue ethics) as support for the moral position that you are taking. For example, you may hold the moral position that Uber is morally justifiable because it provides a good for consumers that fills in a gap that had not been met by the taxi industry. Or you may take the position that Ubers positioning in the market is morally wrong.

Friedman, M. (1970, September 13). The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits (Links to an external site.). New York Times Magazine. Retrieved from

Friedman presents a two-part clarification of what we may understand as social responsibility. The first part states that the responsibility of business is to its shareholders by using its resources to increase profits. Most stop here and assume that Friedman is advocating an ethics of egoism. But the important second part is that Friedman argues that business must be bound by the law and rules of honesty and decency toward others.
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Smith, J. W. (2015). The Uber-all economy (Links to an external site.). Market News, 49(6), 26. Retrieved from

This article outlines the characteristics of the Uber business model.

Steinmetz, K. (2015, June 17). Why the California ruling on Uber should frighten the sharing economy (Links to an external site.). Time. Retrieved from

This article examines the effects of the ruling on the growing independent contractor sector.
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Healthcare Policy and Delivery System


Health Care Delivery and Financing


  •    Policy approaches to Address Health Disparities
  •    Public Health: Promoting the Health of Populations and Communities
  •    TAKING ACTION: Blazing a Trail and the Bumps Along the Way A Public Health Nurse as a Health Officer
  •    Unfulfilled Promise of Mental Health and Addiction
  •    Improving LGBTQ: Nursing Policy Can Make a Difference
  •    Reproductive Health
  • Public and Population Health: Promoting the health of the Public
  •    The politics and Policy of Disaster Response and Public Health Emergency Preparedness
  •    Advancing New Models of Primary Care
  •   Dual Eligible: Challenges and Innovations in Care

Weekly Objectives

By the end of this lesson, the learner will:

  •    Evaluate policy and politics of disaster response and public health emergency preparedness
  •    Discuss Chronic Care policy 
  •    Medical Homes and Primary Care
  •  How should healthcare professionals proactively plan to update their knowledge and skills to respond to the major public health issues and challenges facing them and their clients? 


Choose 3 of the following questions and answer

Theme Three: Children’s “Voices” in Early Childhood Contexts

Reflect on the following questions as you complete the required readings for this week. 



1.How important do you think it is to include your students’ values, perspectives, and interests in the early childhood classroom?

2.Can you recall a time as a child where you believed the teacher did or did not value your voice?

3.Young children are proficient in expressing themselves in multiple ways. In what ways can we learn about children’s interests and passions as demonstrated by their actions and ideas?

4.How would you ‘set up’ an environment that supports young children to express their ideas in diverse ways?

5.In what ways do we include voices of individuals often silenced in our classrooms, for example Indigenous perspectives or children who do not express their ideas verbally?

Discussion 300 words


Web servers are compromised for a number of reasons which may include any of the following: Improper file or directory permissions, installing the server with default settings, unnecessary services enabled, security conflicts, a lack of proper security policies, improper authorization with external systems, default accounts with default or no passwords, unnecessary default, backup, or sample files, misconfigurations, bugs in server software, OS, or web applications, misconfigured SSL certificates and encryption settings, administrative or debugging functions that are enabled or accessible on web servers or the use of self-signed certificates and/or default certificates.

Select one of these compromises and explain how it could be avoided.

Ted Talk Discussion: Michelle Kuo The healing power of reading


Ted Talk Discussion: Michelle Kuo The healing power of reading

I. Own Post

Watch the video to learn about a student’s journey through literacy, as seen through the eyes of a teacher. Talk about how reading has changed your life, and what were the limits of that change. Develop your ideas by writing at least two (2) well-developed paragraphs. 

II. Feedback to a Classmate

Provide meaningful feedback of at least one paragraph to a classmate’s post. 

Note 1: Each paragraph should have at least five (5) well-developed sentences. 

Note 2: MRU shows zero tolerance for plagiarism; plagiarized work will receive an automatic zero grade.

Biological Response


 Respond to this discussion post by providing an additional scholarly resource that supports or challenges their position, along with a brief explanation of the resource. 

Biological Basis for Psychotherapy

         Our approach, comprehension, treatment modalities, research, as well as avenues in which we seek to improve upon current findings, in relation to psychotherapy, have evolved. In the words of Dr. Lara Boyd, “It is an amazing time to be a Brain Researcher studying Neuroplasticity,” (Boyd, 2017 ). By definition, a psycho is defined as a crazy or mentally unstable person; therapy is defined as a treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder. Therefore, psychotherapy is a method used to treat or heal mentally unstable people. During my learning journey/education, I have begun to realize how complex this term is. There are several Paradigms used to explain the origin and function/process of psychotherapy. I may be considered biased due to having a science background. I can honestly say that I look for a biological basis in everything. “Some of the goals of psychotherapy include the reduction of symptoms, improvement of functioning, relapse prevention, increased empowerment, and achievement of the specific collaborative goals set with the patient,”  (Wheeler, 2020, p. 12). The Biomedical/Allopathic model explains that a patient’s problems are greatly attributed to symptoms exhibited (Wheeler, 2020 ). Symptoms this model believes should be treated with psychotropic medications which are designed to “target specific symptoms in an effort to eliminate or reduce the symptoms,” (Wheeler, 2020, p.12 ).  “Psychotherapy mediates the reintegration and connection of neural networks that have become maladaptively linked to overwhelming events,” (Wheeler, 2020, p.57). Chapter two in Wheeler provides us with detailed descriptions, explanations, and evidence-based data that goes into great detail about mental illness, different treatments, and how the brain is affected.  Therefore, it is extremely difficult to argue when discovering ways to conduct and improve psychotherapy, a biological basis is not considered. I believe Dr. Siegel said it best when he offered a contemporary explanation based on the perspective of symptoms (Wheeler, 2020).  Siegel states “mental health emerges from integration in the brain /body in relationships (Wheeler, 2020, p.19 ). The biophysiological model further explains that psychotherapists should keep in mind that mental illness is a chemical imbalance and should be treated as such (Wheeler, 2020 ). This model further explains that mental illness is an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain (Wheeler, 2020). This further supports the theory that psychotherapy has a biological basis. 

Culture, Religion, and Socioeconomic Influences    

        Throughout this program we have been asked to identify and address cultural biases we may have that “will” interfere with our ability to be empathetic,  productive, and successful therapists. Anyone who states they have no biases is in serious denial. Unconsciously/consciously we are taught to be biased via family, the media, social media, friends, teachers, pastors, etc. As we mature and have our own experiences, relationships, and interactions with others we begin to form our own opinions. If we are not careful we will allow what we have been taught to precede any independent thought we may have ourselves. I believe it takes someone who is not afraid to be critical of themself, asks and answers tough questions honestly, is a critical thinker, is not afraid to have family/friends disagree, and is not afraid of how they will be viewed by others as long as they are doing what they believe is right. I believe we, PMHNP Students, possess most if not all of these qualities. I do not, cannot, believe that we would have been placed on this path if we did not. “The challenge for a practitioner is twofold: learning to respect diversity and developing sensitivity to some of the issues faced by members of other cultures,” (Nichols & Davis, 2020, p.32). Nichols & Davis, 2020 suggest making connections after working hours to develop cultural sensitivity. Therapists should be aware of and prepared to address the unique subcultures within family units (Nicols & Davis, 2020). 

      Taking a client’s religious background into consideration is among the duties/guidelines of a therapist’s ethical practice (Trusty, et al., 2021).  Results from a religious study, Religious Microaggressions in Psychotherapy, report at least 39% of their participants experienced religious microaggression during psychotherapy (Trusty, et al., 2021 ). The most frequent listed was minimization and/or avoidance of religious issues (Trusty, et al., 2021).  The religious groups represented in this study were Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Christian, and Jewish (Trusty, et al., 2021). Muslims and Buddhists experienced the highest religious microaggression among the group (Trusty, et al., 2021).  Religious microaggressions make the working alliance weak, which results in poor outcomes. This goes back to being aware of one’s biases.  

    Socioeconomic status measures a person’s ability to obtain resources/prestige compared in relation to others and is usually measured by wealth, a marker measured on a social hierarchy, and level of education and/or occupation (Finegan, et al., 2018). It is obvious that those with limited resources are more likely to view psychotherapy as an option, not a necessity.  People who are worried about how they are going to pay their rent/mortgage, feed and clothe their family, pay their household bills, provide transportation, health care, etc., are less likely concerned about seeking psychotherapy. “Fryers, Melzer, and Jenkins demonstrated that the prevalence of anxiety and depression problems is higher in socially disadvantaged populations. Wilkinson and Pickett reported a strong correlation between inequality of income and mental illness rates across developed countries worldwide,” (Finegan, et al., 2018, p.1). Knowing this, a scary thought emerged. Those who desperately need psychotherapy will probably never have the opportunity to step foot in an office due to socioeconomic barriers. This is heartbreaking and I pray that I will be able to witness a change in my lifetime.

        Legal and Ethical Considerations

 Nichols & Davis, 2020, pose two very important questions for therapists to assist with staying within the guidelines of legal and ethical dimensions; “What would happen if the client or important others out about my actions? Can you talk to someone you respect about what you are doing (or considering)?” (Nichols & Davis, 2020, p. 34). I can imagine the level of difficulty it must take for novice therapists to stay abreast of legal and ethical guidelines. I would definitely seek mentors, current literature with guidelines ( i.e., The Ethics Code of the American Psychological Association), and other viable resources to assist me with my transition from Novice to Advanced Beginner, Competent, Proficient, and finally Expert PMHNP. I have read literature as well as asked Professionals about the time frame for this transition. The responses were generally the same; it takes 10-15 years to complete this cycle. 

         During group therapy, the therapist must establish who his/her clients are and conduct therapy sessions as such. Reiterate to everyone involved that although you would like everyone to benefit from the sessions, your ultimate goal/obligation lies within ensuring that your clients benefit from the sessions and their lives improve (Nichols & Davis, 2020, pp. 24-25 ).  During group therapy, it is easy to lose awareness of this. The therapist must exhibit control of the room, navigate the order of conversations, ensure each speaker is shown respect, and ask anyone disrupting therapy to the point of stagnation, hostility, etc., to leave the room (Nichols & Davis, p.24). You may need to address the individual separately to determine how to assist the individual with expressing his/her feelings in a healthy manner. This way they will benefit from therapy and sessions will be productive. If it is impossible to reason with this individual, you may need to ask that he/she not return or refer the group to someone with more experience. Therapists must also keep in mind the Oath taken to uphold the privacy, confidentiality, and privileged communication of the client ( Sori & Hecker, 2015, p. 451). Similar rules apply to individual therapy. There is no chance of a session being interrupted by family members. Therapists being in control of the room still applies. Sessions will be counterproductive if respect, trust, guidelines, progress, and direction are not implemented. Privacy, confidentiality, and privileged communication should be practiced with individual therapy as well.

Therapists choose different approaches to therapy for several reasons.  Family/Group therapy members offer and receive additional support. Therapeutic alliances are broadened and collectively there are shared goals that yield improvement (Sori & Hecker, 2015).  “Being in a group fosters the development of communication abilities, social skills, and results in individuals being able to accept criticism from others,” (Sori & Hecker, 2015, p. 452 ). Clients may be less reluctant to indulge in dialogue about personal feelings and experiences during individual therapy. Scheduling follow-ups, referrals, and appointments are less complex. It is possible that therapists have the ability to measure the success/progress of sessions with more ease. The challenge is remaining ethically and legally loyal to each individual. If you find this difficult you should refer the client(s) to someone else. My goal is to choose a path that will be productive/beneficial for each client. This will not always be possible, therefore my goal is to accept my limitations, welcome corrective criticism, and critique myself when possible. 

Capstone Project


  • The Product/website: 
    1. What good and/or service does the organization offer? 
    2. What consumer need does the product solve?
    3. What promotional mix, channels of distribution, and pricing strategies are being       used by the organization?
    4. What competitive advantage does the marketing strategy offer?

– Length: 3-4 pgs

– Sources: 4 scholarly sources and 4 sources of business data. You can include diagrams, figures, tables or charts

– Format: APA 

diagnostic, symtomps and illness management


Soap Note 2 Acute or Chronic Conditions (15 Points)

Pick any Chronic Disease from Weeks 6-10 (See Syllabus)

Must use the sample template for your soap note, keep this template for when you start clinicals.

Follow the MRU Soap Note Rubric as a guide

Use APA format and must include a minimum of 2 Scholarly Citations.

Soap notes will be uploaded to Moodle and put through TURN-It-In (anti-Plagiarism program)

Turn it in Score must be less than 25 % or will not be accepted for credit, must be your own work and in your own words. You can resubmit, Final submission will be accepted if less than 25%. Copy-paste from websites or textbooks will not be accepted or tolerated. Please see College Handbook with reference to Academic Misconduct Statement.

The use of the templates is ok with regards to Turn it in, but the Patient History, CC, HPI, Assessment, and Plan should be of your own work and individualized to your made-up patient.  

Music – Messiah Handel

Please read the PDF and the attachment (there are mp3 files attached just double click to download them/listen). Then please follow the instructions below:

A major theme has been how a musician considers the expectations of their audience. In composing Messiah, Handel faced the challenging task of impressing different groups of listeners, most importantly critics who looked for innovation and sophistication, and an audience comprised of individuals with varied musical backgrounds and differing expectations about what a musical performance should be (entertaining? memorable? touching on an important religious or political theme?). This balancing act is familiar to any artist working in a market economy. They must balance their own personal artistic goals with audience expectations, the expectations of critics, and the expectations of institutions (e.g. performance venues, record labels, etc.). Think about this balancing act and:
Choose a specific piece from Messiah and describe how Handel composed with his audience in mind. You should cite specific musical features as well as the social/cultural background of his original listeners in Dublin.

The writer choice

  Please write a report of a biography period of study (1877-2022.)  OR autobiography of a person who lived and impacted our U.S. period of study (1877-2022.)
  The length of the book report should be 3-5 pages,  double-spaced book and in your own words.

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